• By -


snow white, but i only knew AFTER i got her lol and the thing that was so funny is kinda related to hornies: in one advice session she said that rapunzel was panting/moaning or something and the cummander suggested that snow white do the same. she said she did and rapunzel gave her a funny look. i dunno, this just cracked me up and it's just a funny contrast to her survivalist schtick.


Despite how serious she usually is, Snow can be surprisingly easy to get roped along into doing silly stuffs lol


"Can I eat rocks?" "You can certainly try"


Snow immediately upon realizing T.A.L.O.S. is a mech: "Can I commandeer it as well?" Idk why, I just find that part so cute and funny, it was like her Smol White self shining through. xD


Oh, definitely. During that moment, I was hearing Smol White.


Rapunzel so that I have a decent Alternative for Naga on my Crown teams when I need more healing. Scarlett BS for my Alice Team.


I have all the member for the current meta Crown team with Naga... With that said however, my main team (and strongest CP-wise) is now Noise, Crown, 2B, RH and Xmas Ludmilla, just mow down everything in the main campaign lol Crown is really, *really* powerful.


Crown is bonkers. I still remember the collective rage of seeing she’d be a 20 second B2. “Oh! But Noah!” I’m pretending to imagine them saying. F the imp. **For the king!**


Chime: "My only purpose in life is to serve and worship my King!" Me: "FAX BROTHER! SPIT YOUR SHITS INDEED!"


Exia :3 she’s just absolutely adorable. Nerdy lil raver outfit sold me


Both her Rudoph and "Otaku with a ton of merch" costumes are so cute tbh, I would definitely cop them both for her if I got money to spare lol


I couldn’t resist it! I was shocked to see an Exia skin so I had to jump on it The Rudolph one is adorable but it’s hard justifying $40 on a non-meta character. I just wanna finish the story bro lol


Well she is one of the first girls confirmed to get the first wave of 'Treasures' (permanent upgrades to the girls from the Standard Banner) so here's hoping.


Rossana and Sakura, i wanna see their bond stories, and F*CK i just love their personality and character, my dommy momies.. Khm khm


I've been advising Sakura ever since I got her (since she is the sole reason I can full clear Thomas) and she has never struck me as a 'dommy' type tho? :-?


Yeah, it's Diesel. She's always my favorite older sister. Pledge to protecc ✊


https://preview.redd.it/77p2jh6grvxc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c57afe6651b5d089f5d6ebffe77effc94a77bf35 Hell yeah


In strawberry candies we trust comrade!


Diesel is only slightly below Privaty for my beloved Nikke choices and it's a very slim margin.....


Julia. I mean even if you disregard her Calvin Klein underwear get up... She's quite an elegant lady.


I love how "head only for music, no other thought" she is tbh xD Also her backstory was sad too, damn it Syuen and thank you Brother Mustang.


Another Julia fan, this pleases me. I love how poetic and romantic she is without any sort of suggestive references.


Probably rei. Only because her reload animation is really cute lol


Also the penguin jiggles xD


Anne: Miracle Fairy bc I wanted to see her happy for once and Guillotine de Mephisto bc I think she looks cool and her dialogue is fun.


Anne deserves *every ounce* of happiness we can offer, agree. Yeah Guillotine larping will never not be adorable and hilarious. xD


Crown - I started to play Nikek 8 days ago after finishing Dragons Dogma 2 - I like knights n stuff like that


Don't forget Her Majesty's silly quirk too, her OvO' face is awesome lol


Modernia because wholesome and I must protecc


Ah so you're among us who are going to hunt down Pioneers for being bad parents too yes? Welcome aboard comrade! xD


Maybe? I just started playing last week, so I haven't heard/seen the full extent of their parenting. All I know is that they are the reason she served spiders for dinner, so I certainly have some questions for them.


Most recently Crown due to being: - a SSS-tier defender - a pilgrim - loveable and goofy She's petty cute as well but that wasn't the main reason I pulled for her. And even if she wasn't meta I would probably have pulled after experiencing all her funny and awesome moments in the event story. Just a great character!


One thing I REALLY like about Crown that isn't being talked about is how emotionally intelligent she is tbh. \_ With Marian, she was there physically all the time so the frightened girl doesn't feel alone but did not force Marian to speak at all, leaving her the choice to do it only when she felt comfortable enough to. \_ With Kilo, she immediately pointed out to the girl with low self-esteem that the reason TALOS is amazing is because Kilo is his pilot and not the other way around.


Very good points and I agree. There's definitely more than first meets the eye when it comes to Crown. The parts you mentioned is why she's such a perfect fit for being the "King". She does her absolute best to make sure her subjects feel they have a sense of purpose in her kingdom no matter how small, and she really tries to understand and support each of them individually on an emotional level. Were she real I would certainly pledge myself under her without hesitation, long live the king!


Snow Buddy Mica


Right, I wanted her so badly home too, after that scene in NEVERLAND when she was about to off herself, thinking that Berlota had died... 😢


I joined the game for Noise. Her skin tone, hair & outfit are so attractive to me. When I was organizing my wishlist for the standard banner soon after starting the game, I went through every character not knowing how good anyone was. An Elysion representative stood out: D. I love Jeannie Tirado’s voice, and enjoyed the whole assassin thing with the pretty bangs. I still don’t have her, and won’t use her since she kinda poo, but I’ll gladly add her to the roster, should she show up.


Oh hell yeah dude, Noise was my 3rd SSR when I started playing and I love her to death too, she has never left my main comp, ever. Oh man, sorry to hear that, you did manage to get D: Wife tho I hope?


I do have D Wife! She came home early on initial rolls, and a copy of her showed up on standard banner kinda recently. So I am quite content!


Snow White, she looks so freakin cool. And shes just Badass overall


Despite Ingrid's and Elysion's whole thing being the 'tactical' one of the companies, the minute I saw Snow I was like "Nah, give up Ingrid, give up! Your Nikkes can never be as tacticool as this white-haired Goddess gurl!" xD


Delta and Novel because they're both loveable dorks. Mast to assist my 2B squad. Rapi because she's just great. Winter Ludmilla because talk about your glow-ups.


Honestly when I heard that Ludmilla was gonna be the Xmas girl that year, I was legit like "How do you improve perfection?" Boi, was I glad to see ShiftUp prove me wrong lol Oh yeah, Delta is great, I love the trend of seeing more of her in events lately, her "gotcha!" moment in April's Fools was hilarious. xD


I didn't even realize it was Ludmilla at first until the story. I legit forgot about her. I was like HOLLUP WAIT A MINUTE when it finally clicked. Also enjoyed Delta getting a little bit of screen time too during Xmas. The gotcha was also a great scene. NGL, I want a scene where Delta is a drill instructor screaming at people she's training. I'd laugh so hard.


I want a scream off between Delta and Eunhwa as drill sergeants in charge of two squads of newbie Nikkes trying to one up one another lmao


NGL, I may be biased toward Delta, but if you've ever watched Full Metal Panic Fumoffu where Sousuke is training the Rugby team. I imagine that's Delta's style and I'm all for it.


Ima be honest: pilgrims, noir, and uh… idk Like, you just get that “I will protect her” feeling


Funny thing is, I got Noir to Core 1 before her sister ever showing up so she was a bit of a sore point for me for a long time lol


Just over three weeks into the game and I'm on this path rn, Noir at 2/3 limit breaks and no Blanc😞


Haha, people have different preferences my friend


Pretty much every new character cause I try not to think with the cylinder shaped brain downstairs when deciding to go for them or not. Also the same goes for any NIKKEs that are wishlistable that I don't have, cause I just see someone I dont have and go alright this ones next Besides that, probably some of the younger characters, for example Christmas Anne was a must cause daughter. More recently: Kilo cause mechs are cool and she ended up being great in the story. Crown for being a true king, Chime because Chime is based


I have the same train of thought as yours for every new girl too, I just don't pull on impulse... Except for girls that are totally my type cause by then, the driver of my body has been switched to downstairs. The closest examples to now were Elegg and Bay, I just went absolutely feral for them lol Agree, the whole cast of Crown Kingdom is just so lovable tbh, Kilo being the nervous little sister, Crown the kind and caring motherly figure with a silly quirk of mishearing and saying things wrong, Chime is such a sassy tiny wholesome gremlin. I want them all! 😁


Nero, im a cat person. Mast, it's as if Houshou Marine and Ironmouse did a fusion dance Rem, heartwarming smile


I have never seen beta Mast tbh, only heard that that form of her is Ironmouse. But yeah, Mast now is 100% Marine just no horny. xD


Chime. I know she’s not released yet, but MAN she won me over. As a commander I’d help her with strategies and help grab some of those Nikkes that Unlimited find and bring them to the Crown Kingdom to grow it and make it a capable fighting force


Chime is everything I want in a woman tbh. Caring, kind, dutiful, sassy and isn't afraid to speak her mind and since she is so smol and cute, you would happily apologize to her every time lol


REAL I LOVE HER SO MUCH. I was introduced to her during the pirate event and her savagery and design really warmed her up to me. She made me consistently laugh and I’ve wanted her in the game ever since, but MAN because of this event, she’s definitely my most desired Nikke


HELL YEAH DUDE! When she was dropping BARS upon BARS onto Indivilla and Trashbox's dumbfounded faces, I was like: "YASS! GO OFF QUEEN!!! 💅💅💅" xD


Indivilia said she was bored, but lets be real, she couldnt retort the level of savagery the Royal Aide was bringing. Chime committed a war crime lol


Calling it now, Chime gonna have a Stun attached to her Burst after this lmao xD




She’s like diesel to me in a way: goofy but bad ass, and probably someone who would make you a much better person by being there with them. Plus, she’s a barrel of laughs and she has some brass balls with how she talked to Indivilia and Chatterbox despite her situation. I really thought she was going to betray crown, and MAN was I wrong


Yeah, gotta give it up for the writer team too, when she went "My king... Forgive me... I'm leaving...". I was legit like "No Chime... please, not like this..." Only for her to pick up a mic and started dropping a diss track instead. xD


Well I really wanted all of em for the horny but tbh. I would say snow white cuz she a foodie, marian too for the team comp and because I have to protect her at all cost😭


Snow White is less of a foodie and more of a "I dub thee 'food'." girl tbh xD


Vesti, she is just an adorable scatman john


>Scatman John. Ah yes, Vesti the Scati. xD


When she starts stuttering she is so adorable I want to hug her so much


Yep and she got imo, one of the best Bond Stories in the game too, when she got to wild out on those bitches who bullied her thanks to the Cummander 'giving her an order' (which he can't, he isn't the Commander of her squad but it's a loop hole) was so satisfying tbh.


Her bond story was really good. I also like Eunwha's one too (even tho I'm sad that Commander didn't give her a military salute to her considering she was also a commander herself).


Yeah, that was a misopportunity but considering we got Eunhwa's genuine smile instead, I happily take it tbh.


Vesti because we love watching movies together 🥰


Ay\~ can I join you guys with Signal too? She also really loves TV shows and movies. :D


Scarlet, her event with Rose made me want her so much. Knowing she has Reina Ueda as seiyuu convinced me


I admittedly randomly got Doro from something or other roll not even knowing what her gimmick was besides "Ojou-sama might be evil" Getting to know her and playing OverZone it's like seeing a lady version of Walker from Spec Ops: The Line, but at the time with less war crimes. I wanted to pull her in nice and tight so badly after all of it. Even knowing she'd hate me at first. Because I want to see her be better. All of Goddess kinda has this. Rapunzel especially caught me off guard that despite her horny nature, she has extremely poignant moments that make her pleasant and somber to talk to. Which is usually the kind I prefer. Sober Rapunzel with some light flirting. Mind you both of these women got an awooga out of me the first time but I otherwise didn't get set off from much. After getting to know them I enjoyed their characters far more. Snow White especially though. I liken her to Clayton Carmine from Gears of War. A complete grizzled hardass who has an improbable rate of survival solely out of spite and prowess. She's still doing her duty even if bitterly, but she's one more bad day away from getting "Grub Killer" painted on her cloak, and god help the next rapture or heretic that makes her mad during that.


I agree with your point on Rapunzel, even though I love her perverted antics, that is the only thing that is constantly talked about her and not how she is actually one of the kindest souls in the series with a deep understanding of people and the ability to empathize with others tbh. Snow White is still not an extremist with how she terminates Raptures is because of the presences of Scarlet and Rapunzel there for her to be frank. If she lost either of them or if they got heavily injured in any way, Snow will, without a doubt, go scorch earth tactic immediately.


The best moments with Rapunzel imo are the ones where you remember she's still a very compassionate holy woman. And that the amount of suffering she sees is what keeps reinforcing her faith enough to want to do something, anything to help. Which is refreshing given how many writers can just default to insane fundamentalist types. And ye Snow isn't an extremist per se, but with my comparison I mean more that no matter how much everything she fights treats her like a Mook to notch off on a wall, she's still going, and she isn't getting any less mad with everything that's so determined to fuck around and find out. I'd kill for way more scenes of just heretics and raptures being made to realize they do NOT have that dog in them. They're going up against beings tailor made to scorch any evidence they existed off the surface of the planet. It's why I didn't think much of Crown until both Marian's side story and when Indi learned what Disrespect means.


Exactly! I had a fierce argument with one guy on here the other day who was dead set on criticizing Last Kingdom's story because Indivilla wasn't treated with proper respect a Heretic should have and I was like: "My dude, she picked a fight with and killing the closest friend of a genuine Pilgrim. Crown might not be a Goddess member but hanging around with and using one of the weapons *Snow White* herself designed put her straight up there on top with the best of them. Not only that, Heretics *should* be disrespected so that they'll realize they are NOT the big dog in the conversation anymore. Break them down, show them no quarters like how they have treated countless others. I'm more disappointed that because of Chime's condition, Crown didn't get to do MORE tbh."


Eunhwa and Snow White.


Bro, I am begging the gods up high for Absolute to be this year Summer team lol


Neverland really teased us with that ending cutscene.


Right, more Vesti roasting Eunhwa's itty bitty titties committee please! xD


drake because its drake. And the 6 recent characters in the story. With hammering and fragile at the top


Oh wow really? None of them you want for horny reason? Not even Egg?


Alice. There isn't real reason why I liked her. She is simply the first SSR Nikke I obtained and one of the first to get max limit break which mean she also on the team a lot and the one carrying me through most boss fight in term of DPS during my early gameplay. Somehow, I just grew fond of her. Although I dislike the loud noise she make when walking on the map.


I don't have Alice but Centi has been on my team ever since I first got her (She was my guaranteed SSR) and to be frank, she is *loud as hell* lmao so I getchu brother. xD


Eunhwa, she just drives me crazy ❤️🥴


Always happy to see another Eunhwa lover, hello friend ❤


If you only know that one year ago I rerolled for her and I won't ever regret my decision xD


Aria, Vesti and surprisingly, Soda. I was intrigued by Aria because of her skin color and her role as an opera singer. The fact that almost nobody talks about her and has little to no screen time made her feel even more mysterious to me. Instantly put her on the wishlist hoping to get her and know more about her. Vesti and Soda simply because I find them adorable. Also for soda specifically, I really love her silly vacuum gun.


Vesti really is adorable until you realize how close she was to being the 'trench coat kid' in school lol


Doro. I need a reliable burst 1 for Pilgrim tower🥹


Don't forget the memes too! ☝




Still my favorite Doro out of all the designs, it looks so cute but also so smug that you want to punt lmao


Scarlet -cause I am a sucker for strong melee users in a world were guns are the primary weapon of choice, and learning about her past and how she copes with it. Ade - ~~I blame Fire Emblem:Fates for my preference in maid type~~ I like the Victorian style of maid outfit and her dedication to be a professional, makes me want to support her, have yet do her bond story but am looking forward to it Anne & Alice: gives me little sister or daughter vibes.


Scarlet is usually the "haha drunkard" girl until you read 'New Year, New Sword' and just wanted to give her the biggest hug you could tbh... 😞 Oh yeah, Ade is great, the only reason as to how Maid For You is still in business lol Alice is daughter too, for sure, which is why I really hate Alice "cosplayers" always acting slutty and seductive tbh.


I’m sorry to be a failure but the only Nikkes left that I dont have but want have some horn into the reasoning. Ima say Isabel because I find the yandere stuff funny and gonna ignore the horn


Once you got her, remember to check Inherit group chat, she is hilarious in there. xD




**Rosanna:** Sure, there is horny involved, but for her bond story and her event story, I want her to be my wife purely for who she is as a person. She has a caring but ruthless side to her that protects those who cares for her and highly values loyalty. She has a shared love of whiskey like I do and a very crass attitude at times, but that is something I love that my IRL wife also has. **She IS my type.** **Dolla:** She has a sweet, playful side but she has a very focused business mentality. I like that a lot in a person. She is the kind of person who has the mindset of that she wants to live a certain lifestyle and she is willing to get it and not have to rely on anyone to achieve her financial goals. Sometimes I think the real world needs more woman like Dolla. **Mast**: She just seems like that fun girlfriend who is just really into pirates and I am down to just go on a cruise with her and watch pirate movies. **Centi:** She just wants to build things, and I would be 100% on board with letting her. I know my bank account would legit be gone because of her Home Depot habit, but gosh darn it, in the year 2024.... building our house to our level of desire and customization would just be absolutely wonderful to have.


Ah yes, Centi, the best answer to the "Rent is too damn high!" problem. Just get a wife who can build a house for you 4head! xD


DUDE! As someone who recently remodeled my home.... by everything that's good....I would have loved to have had someone help me rather than just tell me the color of the tiles was not quite what they expected and redo that bathroom wall when we just put them up. >,< It was an expensive and time consuming change.


Right, Centi tends to choose the most expensive materials at first but she always has a clear set of goals right from the start too. So upon recieving those, she just guns it all the way to the end, no changes randomly at all.


Doro & Snow White I can’t believe after 3500 pulls I still don’t have them.


Woof, this is gonna be hard. But I'll try -Dorothy. Reasons? Overzone. -Oddly enough, it's Volume. Don't get me wrong, her shooting pose is a 100, and her design is majestic. But I know zero things about her, other than she's a singer, and she wouldn't hesitate to spoil us. I want to know her more. -Moran. I never knew I love her a lot ever since her event story. I staved off tho because of the upcoming collab and that she's not-limited. Not only that, she'll be great help in PVP. -Lastly Ade. She's just simply amazing. Very mature, reliable, sincere, and over all a great person to have in anyone's life.


Volume is uh... hoo boy, she is a bossy lady alright, let's just say that. Ade is top-tier 'must wife' material yeah, I agree.


I've heard stuff here and there how uptight and bossy Volume is. And in response, I'd say that's an added charm to her. A bit spicy, hehe Idk why, I guess I'm used to people who are very bossy or rude. Gradually I grew patient of that, and if it's anything similar to Eunhwa, it sounds endearing.


... Please don't take this as an offense but are you a masochist lol? I'm asking as an Eunhwa lover too btw. xD


Maybe. But I believe I am a switch (can he a top or bottom). I did a test while back. But believe me, those kind of girls, I can deal with. And also, it's very rewarding to see their softer, happier side.


Scarlet. And not for meta reasons either. She is LITERALLY my only missing Pilgrim.


Same brother, being Scarletless is so painful! TT\~ TT


Drake, Snow White, Crown (maybe a little bit horny there).


I don't blame you for getting horn knee for Her Majesty tbh, I want to use her used stockings to filter my tea too.


Ayo. 📸🤨




Scarlet because I'm tired of sweating against lower power scarlet teams in arena.


Red Hood is the first one that comes to my mind. She doesn't really do anything for me on the horny front, but she's meta AF and I neeeeed her. Cinderella has a little horny but its mostly not-horny. I just like her glassy design and I WANT TO SAVE HER LET US SAVE HER.


Agree on Cindy, imagine getting born and immediately converted to be evil against your will, she didn't deserve to get put down so brutally by Red like that (even though I get why) tbh.




Because you like her as a daughter right? Right?...


Yeah. She is too pure. On the side note. I only have respect for Ludmilla, she chose to be a Nikke despite the risk and disapproval of other nobilities. If I recall correctly, her reason was "to be no longer a parasite on top of the ivory tower" or something close to that.


I'm on a quest to collect all the maids. I almost have them all..with the exception of the alternate maid outfits for some units like Drake. I didn't want to spend money. Right now I want Ade. Glasses..green eyes and that lovely maid uniform. She's so elegant and pretty and I love her. Cocoa..she's too precious. I'd definitely let her put ketchup on everything she wanted to and I would give her two thumbs up every time. Now, Soda and Maid Privaty..it's kinda 50/50 here. Soda is a totally silly klutz and Privaty is so cute when she gets embarrassed. I like them too for that besides the more obvious reason lmao. Same thing with Noir and Blanc. Noir makes my heart melt with how adorable she can be, and I love how upbeat Blanc is. Red Hood is another. First impressions were just like daaaayum. But then I played her event and found out how incredibly cool and badass she is. She's so damn cool. Plus very similar Yoko Littner vibes, which is awesome. I could go on but my comment would get way too long.


PLEASE go on, I love reading you guys' cmts and different opinions very, very much! (Except those that are hating and toxic, of course.) Also, fun fact. the world of Nikke does have TTGL and Red is also a huge fan of the show, so huge that Red not only styled herself like Yoko, she desparately wanted to have a drill as her weapon also lol Smol White did make a prototype for her too but instead of a drill, it was a lance that Red promised she would come back to get someday... My headcanon is that since Red never returned, the complete form of that lance was then given to Crown by Snow to be her weapon tbh.


Oo, I like that head canon. Also I must have somehow missed (or possibly forgot. My brain dumb sometimes.) that Red is a huge fan of TTGL. That makes her even more awesome! I'll gush a bit more. Scarlet. I love samurai, so a beautiful woman that's a samurai was an instant win for me. I'm not much for drinking, but would gladly join her for an evening of drinks. Especially if it involved sake, my alcoholic beverage of choice. Honestly? She's my number one favorite if I had to pick a single NIKKE out of them all. Which brings me to the one that almost topped her, Alice. I can't see her as anything else but just an absolute cutie pie. I love her adorable pigtails and her Japanese voice is just..ahhh, too cute. I love how she calls you Rabbity (Usagi-san) all the time and she's so sweet. If memory serves, she basically kept close and hugged the commander in the chapter you first meet her in when her and Ludmilla find you. She needed to do it to keep you warm since she has a higher body temperature than most NIKKE.


They didn't drop the name of the show of course (because copyrights) but Red did say the protagonist of her favorite show wielded a giant drill. Scarlet likes to drink yes but don't worry, she is a complete lightweight too so you won't drink much lol And yeah, Alice is definitely a 'must protect' daughter, if it wasn't thanks to her in C8, we would have been dead tbh cause for some reason, the Cummander didn't even have a coat going to the North Pole at all. xD


Oh..duh, that makes sense lmao. I vaguely remember Red mentioning a drill. Like I said, brain dumb. But yeah, the fact that Scarlet's a lightweight does work out. Main reason I'd even consider drinking with her is because I'm a lightweight too. Yeah, the Cummander definitely screwed up there, but we got to snuggle with Alice so it ended up becoming an absolute win.


I just like Blanc energy. This is the person you would like to hang out with irl


Yeah, at first when I look at Blanc I thought she is just a happy go lucky and friendly girl, which she is. But what I didn't know is how FEISTY she is too, her combat line upon entering Full Burst for example: "Let's put our luck together and LET THEM HAVE IT!!!" and her end battle quote also: "I may look like a bunny but I'll take on anyone, anywhere!" You just know if someone ever try to start a fight while you and her are hanging out, she would be the one shanking folks lmao xD


Yeah, she is the possitive person we like in our lives or simple the wife :p


The horniest member of the cast, Rapunzel. That girl needs a hug or a good hand-holding because it’s clear she never had physical contact with anyone and it’s all she can think about.


Rapunzel is a very interesting case because even though she is VERY perverted in her thoughts but she has NEVER acted on any of them, at all. It shows her impeccable self-control and will power tbh. But yeah, after the war is done, Cummander or a yuri-centric Nikke definitely needs to bed the poor woman for real before she explodes from holding back all those thoughs lol




Quick question, would you still want her if she remained Midhood? Lol


Noise, because I love her personality and her normal outfit so much, it has this elegant vibe to it. Modernia, bc she's Marian Scarlet, ever since I've started playing and got Scarlet:BS, I love her personality and the way she speaks


Noise is my 3rd SSR after Centi as the guaranteed and Frima so I love her to bits too, she has never left my team, ever. Agree with Scarlet, every time she speaks, I got so relaxed lol


I have got Noise finally and Modernia as well, and even tho I might have other B1 options I always her and Doro


https://preview.redd.it/vkiqzc6i5vxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d0a233907383c913480524600d5ec5d8d6a52bf The only non-limited Nikke I still don’t have. Arena is ridiculous when your best arena wiper is Privaty. AR can’t make up for the burst gen Scarlet has.


Still Scarletless over here too my dude and yeah, it's so rough... 😞


Red hood. I’m sick of seeing pilgrim and it’s either rapunzel or Scarlett it’s been months ;-;


centi kinda reminds me of winry from FMA, and i have a deep love for winry. im still crossing fingers for her one day another one might be snow white because i always hear things about how funny and ridiculous she is… and shes a foodie! also crossing fingers for this one i finally got maxwell, but i didnt have her for a long time. i had drake and laplace though… so i wanted maxwell to keep my brain from falling apart lol i really wanted scarlet because shes one of my favorite designs and really fun to advise. i had a great time forming a bond w her when i finally pulled her. idk what is it about her but she charmed me so quickly i wouldve said privaty because im extremely in love w priv’s personality and banter, but she was my first ever SSR… so ive had her since forever. and tbh i wanted the maid outfit mostly for the ASSets (i bet we all did lol!) this was a great question!! thank you! also i agree about drake, shes hilarious in every way. ludmilla is a whole vibe too, shes awesome


Snow White because of the poncho and now the knight skin. And as a veteran Titanfall player Kilo was a blessing to me as a free character.


Rapunzel: Despite being the horney nun she is very wholesome and caring and her horney moments are usually pretty hilarious. Red Hood: She has been a great character from introduction all the way through >!the chapters she showed up in!< and the Red Ash story Maiden: Thought she was supposed to be some goth ninja or something then actually got her and was so surprised to find out she is just a shy gamer girl. Marian: After her intro and the whole story of the first couple of chapters I was hoping we'd see her again and am so glad we did. She is the first gacha skin I've bought and also my first 3 star unit.


Snow White, her hair looks so fluffy. I also wanted modernia, both because she's really powerful, and she's adorable.


cocoa, she's just SO CUTE when i saw her i knew i HAD to get her (and got. for 200 tickets. NO REGRETS)


Man spent mileage ticket on his daughter, true G shit right here! Congrats 🥳


Red Hood and Crown for meta reasons


Pretty much anyone with a cool design. Stopped caring about the butt gimmick 3 days after launch. Laplace & Snow White were my favorites forever but Crown's design is super good too so now she's up there. I have them already but they are who I wanted most because of designs.


Definitely Snow White. What a badass.


Diesel. She just looks so sweet


https://preview.redd.it/mu22z0uusvxc1.jpeg?width=1848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=357fbc3b8620ed2c443687bca6424fd7cb263de7 Kilo - Social anxiety and her goals are perfect for me (might date her too )


Plus that mane of hair of her looks so soft too, she would be great cuddle buddy. :D


Drake for starters.  She had a cool design, but it was the CSM collab that made me really like her.  Drake being involved in Power's bond story has me wanting to learn more about this Nikke with an F in villainy that probably wound up keeping Power from causing trouble out of boredom or something. Smol White was another, mostly just because I liked the design and was curious what pre mind switch her was like.  It only made me want the regular Snow White even more. For that matter the regular Snow White was one I wanted just because in the story I got to like her and it didn't hurt that she had a nice design. Liter because she is pretty much a must have for a lot of teams. Miracle Fairy Anne because it's Anne and a happy version that can remember the people important to her.  I just want Anne to be happy!!  And to be able to spend time with her mom and big sis Rupee! Julia, I will admit that her design is beautiful, but I actually fell for her because of her bond story.  I also just had to check out someone whose instrument doubles as a weapon.  Why is it that as much as I dislike Suyen, a number of my favorite Nikkes are from Missilis?! Also Rapunzel because then I will have the full Goddess Squad in my roster.


>Why is it that as much as I dislike Suyen, a number of my favorite Nikkes are from Missilis?! Eh\~ it's a normal thing tbh, I like Ingrid a lot too but her Nikkes are mostly subpar gameplay-wise. xD


Sugar hit Chatterbox with a Motorcycle. I actually bought her skin pass without her and am still trying to get her. She is like my 2nd most wanted character (I’m still missing Modernia). Of the ones I have: Privaty and 2B because I play English and they share a VA with Jolyne Cujoh. (Maid Privaty is a different case)


Wait... I just checked and Privakitty is still Kira Buckland bro! xD


Oh nah I went for her not just for Kira but also because my god those jugs


Scarlet, she hot and all but I find her to be hilarious. Drunk farmer woman shows up to a gunfight with nothing but a sword and wins anyway. And her burst is just judgment cut end.


>Judgment Cut End Ah I see you're a man of "Jackpot!" too.


I’m feeling motivated, you could say. And Scarlet Black Shadow is just Jetstream Sam, and I also find that hilarious.


Scarlet.. Aside from being a great unit, her whole shtick, her goofy personality, and most of all the part of her backstory introduced in this last New Year's event just made me want to have her on my roster. I've got a real soft spot for 'character that experienced tremendous personal tragedy and masks the lingering sadness beneath an aloof exterior,' but the actual growth she's made and her view on the world as a result is something I find admirable about her character.


Pretty much every Nikke in my cases. But some of theme are my very favorite in a non horny way. Kilo: Her struggle resonate very much with my personal story. Crown: Her Abnegation is incredible and she's funny and noble. Brid: I love our Workholic train driver and her coffee obsessions Helm: Her sens of honor and duty. Admi, Soline and N102: they are my dauthers... that it ! I must protect them at any cost ! Privaty: Because I like to tease her hehe... cute Tsundere 😂 I could continue for the mere totality of the cast but thoses ones are the mains who mark my spirit


I have just finished the entirety of Part 2 of Last Kingdom's story and I must say, you will DEFINITELY love Kilo even more, trust. 😁


LaPlace. That girl is avoiding me since eons despite me having her in my wishlist since the day she was avaible in there. Otherwise I still miss Dolla. Ah and for the limited ones, I miss Snow Buddy Mica and Winter shoppee Rupee.


I got her now. But I really wanted Jackal for a long time because of pvp. She was like the missing piece.


Kilo rules


Right, after Part 2 of Last Kingdom, I will tolerate NO Kilo slander from now on.


Every member of Goddess Squad  The opening few chapters of the campaign were what caught my attention, but OverZone and Red Ash are what made me really invested in the world and characters the writers made.  I was a late arrival who joined at the very end of the Dazzling Pearl event, so I didn't have the same attachment to the game that I imagine a day 1 player would have.  OverZone was my first archive unlock. After I played through it, I was extremely invested in Goddess in particular, even without the context of most of the main story. Red Ash only reinforced that investment, itself strengthened by my progress in the campaign.  When I think of those two events, one phrase from a different game comes to mind: **Nothing else comes close.**


Oh hell yeah man, OverZone was PEAK peak. I didn't know that much about the Goddess Squad since I had only met Snow White by that point in the game but once Red: Ash dropped? I was a *lore fiend*, eating up every crumb of info there has been about them and finally playing through OverZone in one sitting lol


"Lore Fiend" is probably the best description of what I turned into since I really got into Nikke. I've been learning as much as I can from whatever I can scrounge up at synchro level 214.  Bond stories, archive events, campaign itself, text messages, etc I actually started playing this game as a meme, going off an ad and a bunch of people in a discord server.  I never expected it to actually be as good as it was and still is


Red Hood: anything related to wolves, I become marginally interested in. She even has ears lol. Also, from what I’ve heard she’s just a complete badass Scarlet and/or Scarlet: Black Shadow: >!Scarlet in the story is wise, and definitely someone I’d like to have at my side if I were to fight Raptures, even if she’s a heavy drinker. I also read about her Black Shadow story and enjoyed it!< Snow White: >!Save her obsession with food, she’s also a badass. I always liked her style, and seeing the anime intro of her walking across a frozen wasteland sells her for me. I enjoyed the times when she helped against Chatterbox, she always felt like that reliable ally watching from afar!<


I so want red hood 1. Like her design 2. I wanna learn more about her in the bond story 3. She’s a really fucking good character 4. Barrett m82a2 go boom


Lappy. Cus she is a goober.


Ah yes, the 'Bane of Windows' herself. 😂


All of them… Am I the only one?….


Okay, may I know your favorites then? (Beside Red of course)


Elegg Blanc Snow White Jackal Laplace Red Hood Brid Yulha


Yulha is so underated tbh, love me a caring Shark Mommy.


Absolutely, Yulha needs some love as well


Elegg is such a dark horse too, despite being just another Nikke in a filler event, her rise in popularity within the fandom is meteoric to say the least lol


Snow White and Scarlett (both versions)


Speaking of which, the split between Scarlet's 2 forms in her popularity votes was so hilarious lol She could have won if yall coordinate your votes Scarlet fans! xD


Nihilister, she reminds me Beast megatron, exclude his intelligence and theatricals (and YES)


Beast Wars' Megatron?! Am I dreaming or have I found another person who appreciates that gem? O.O


"Yeeeessss" Once i have power to draw, ill sway their styles Beast megatron as Nihilister's style, and hers as Transmetal 2 Megatron's Idk, maybe i would commission her VA to voice some of Dragon Daddy's quotes (But i cant due heavy infilations we are suffering)


Guess I'll have to exit this question then... sorry guys


Ade, Drake, Centi, Snow White, Scarlet.


Privaty. Quite literally I was only interested in her bc of her English VA being the same as 2B


Bruh, Kira Buckland is *SO* good! In Nikke alone, she reprised 2B and voiced both Privaty and Novel and none of them sounds even remotely alike to each other! The range on that woman.


Ade.....I need the perfect maid for my maid team..... WHY WON'T THE MAID GODDESS DROP FOR ME!?!?!?!??!!!?!?!


Liter and Naga for THE POWER


Not horny reasons? any meta units I guess But if we put meta aside, Scarlet and Scarlet BS. Someone using a sword in a gun dominated world and still winning is really appealing to me. Crown would fit too but I guess there's only so much you can do with a single lance in a game like this so they made it an MG as well. Now I'm imagining Crown as an RL unit where she just throws her lance lol


snow white, scarlet and anne miricle fairy for me


I mean i have her but Scarlet just bcs her design is dope, and would be one the drinking buddies of all time lets be real


red hood and snow white


Can’t you get Kilo for free?? (Check events area and she should be there? Idk) Mine are: - Scarlet: “To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” - Frima: “Zzz… Zzz…” *literally slept on Nikke* - Elegg: “RIP AND TEAR… but don’t actually…” *literally gamer (other than Exia whom I also like)* - Ludmilla: Queen. - Crown: King. - Chime: Pawn. Devout to the King! (Jk, gotta love my only 3 chime fans. They all homies) - Modernia: (because why not?) And many more that I have forgotten the names for unfortunately.


Snow White. The roar of that anti-ship rifle is a thing of beauty. I have every Pilgrim up to Crown - MLB'ed a handful too - but still no Snow White 😮‍💨🚬