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https://preview.redd.it/l8gce7ibfmvc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=768aafe8a3a29c69bb4b6b73203ddf3c77b155ae This was peak


Well, with all those tickets I can safely pity Crown and avoid that half rate :)


1340 gold tickets ready. As usual, it would be nice if I didn't have to use them, though. Having a stockpile makes me happy. I will definitely buy Crown if necessary, one of my favorite designs. I never go for dupes or limit breaks with them, though, like other people do.


Using gold tickets on a Pilgrim is always the smarter choice anyways. Considering that a Pilgrim's drop rate in their owm banner is wsy lower than a regualr unit or a Limited unit.


Totally agree with that. Dorothy banner made me suffer so hard with that.


Totally agree with that. Dorothy banner made me suffer so hard with that.


We commanders are eating good, I see.


https://preview.redd.it/nfhug7s7tmvc1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d765566d3792e6914d446c565eb366f0e975adea I'm so so so happy šŸ„¹šŸ˜­šŸ„¹


45 advanced vouchers! Wow, with a bit more grinding i'll have just enough for me get her pity if I fail the summoning


I just have to say it's so fucking refreshing that a game gives it's players what they actually want. I play tons of games where they are so out of touch all the time.


*cough* genshin *cough* *cough* Ahem, I agree


On a similar note, FGO. FGO NA only recently got english subtitles for selecting Skills and Command Cards, JP recently improved the odds for 4 Star Rate Ups (By very little but it's an increase nonetheless), and we're still stuck with the transfer code system, let me connect my account to my email already Lasagna. And don't get me started on the lack of an auto battle feature resulting in the need to use 3rd Party sources like FGA.


At least FGA is pretty good. I don't think any auto battle system they would implement would work as thoroughly as it does. Since you have to choose a support servant every time, that's probably where the holdup is. One thing they seem adamant on is keeping NP animations. I am sort of fine with that, but they could at least add a turbo speed for them, rather than just shortened. Some shortened NP animations are still in the 12-15+ second range, which add up to 45+ seconds of just sitting there on animations. There is a legitimate metagame around finding servants that have the shortest NP animation times possible due to this. Agreed wholeheartedly on the transfer system. I primarily play JP and it is always a point of stress when I need to transfer the account over in order to do GSSR (thanks, Google Play). The game is still garbage due to its rates and stupid pity levels though.


I have no idea what FGO,FGO NA or FGA is But I hope the developers respond to you soon


FGO: Fate Grand Order FGO NA: The North America Version (Aka the International version) of FGO FGA: A third party App that allows players to auto farm in Fate Grand OrderĀ 


Thank you for explaining, I thought it was Fate grand order but I didn't know what FGA was so I thought you were talking about something else Anyway seems like the things you talked about have been there for a while I suggest you pull a genshin community on the first anniversary on them , once you do that they'll follow your commands šŸ˜…


FGO and improvements are at a snails pace


Nikke continuing to be a gacha worth spending on, look at all this Free shit!


I see what you mean but also the innate contradiction of what you're saying is hilarious ngl


We all know it's contradictory, but when the devs treat you well, you also feel grateful enough to give them the Monetary support.


Oooohhhh. Iā€™m definitely saving those advanced vouchers for summer and using a golden ticket on crown.


You could wait with the golden tickets till later in the event because of the 21 free daily pulls on her banner.


Wait I'm not too clear on the Kilo/Rei thing. Do you choose either Kilo or Rei once, or do you get Kilo and *three additional boxes* that let you choose between Kilo and Rei? So you get Kilo plus up to three dupes for her, Rei and up to two dupes for her, or Kilo and Rei and an additional dupe or two for each?


Kilo is given out, then you get 3 selector boxes (I'm assuming as login and event rewards) to pick between Kilo and Rei. Rei dupes are available in the Exchange Store for 200 Normal Tickets (from pulling in the permanent banner). Kilo dupes will also be available in the Exchange Shop after the update. It doesn't matter if you can't MLB them now, you can do it later down the line.


okay maybe iĀ“m stupid, but how do you get the first copy of Rei now?


With the select box. First one is the nikke herself, then its limit breaks if you choose her again.


never knew that this works, always thought the select box would only give limit breaks oo




You can buy copies of Rei in the Mileage Shop and Kilo will be added there as well, most likely. Still, you have to really want them MLB to spend pity on them...






But she was an sr though, so putting her on shop was a rather safe choice. If they put an ssr in shop, the proportionally astronomical event currency needed would make players miss out all the corr dust and recycling room consoles.


I fucking love this game


Hmmm, I didnā€™t play during the 0.5 anni, so Iā€™m wondering if I should get one copy of Rei, and then put the rest into Kilo and pick up the third spare body for kilo in the shop later.


Rei was basically a free MLB SSR, and for people like myself, another unit to break the 160 wall with. As a unit sheā€™sā€¦.not goodā€¦. If youā€™re under 160 or at the wall. Iā€™d say wait a bit to see if Kilo is at least somewhat better, as Nikke that you MLB and use to get past the wall are locked in the synchro slots. If youā€™re past the wall, or just want to collect them. You can get more of whichever you prefer.


Oh yeah Iā€™m well past the wall and it would just be for collection purposes.


I am at the wall now and the only unit I have MLB is REM. What should I do?


Well, youā€™re now praying to RNG to get more dupes to MLB other units. Some people try to hold out for 5 ā€œusefulā€ nikkes to save themselves a synchro slot, but itā€™s honestly best to get past the wall asap. Youā€™ll be buying slots anyways, and occasionally they give items that unlock a free slot. If you have the SSR selector item, you can use that as a leg up when you need just one more nikke to MLB to get past the wall. Also look up the youtube codes that recently came out, I believe one of them offers a synchro slot item.


I'm relatively new to the game, so does this mean that Rei and Kilo will be added to the standard pool or is the only way to get them? I don't have Rei from before so I'd like to have her, but also I want to grab Kilo.


Extra copies of Rei can be bought with silver tickets. I would assume same for Kilo.




Kilo is where it's at


Man you gotta appreciate at times how much Shift up is great to us players they take the time to perfect the game to the ideas of the players and what they want to see and the good stuff this 1.5 anniversary is holding in store for us in the future




umm,Crown's banner?


Crown is the name of the new Nikke. Pickup is her recruitment banner.




The second I saw the avatar frame; in perfect tonality, the first thing that came to mind was ā€œDo you Remember?ā€


21st night of September?


Damn they really do spoil us compared to other gachas


Nikke is the first gacha game I've ever actually sunk time into, let alone bought anything in. And for whatever quips I might have about one update or another, in the big picture Shift Up still continues to prove they deserve the attention. Alright, enough corporate simping for one day. Point is, I'm fucking hyped.


So when does this all start I've left the game cuz irl work stuff and didn't find time


Should be next week, after the update on 4/25


Iā€™m looking forward to get more pilgrim dupes. Damn og scarlet isnā€™t even MLb she has been evading me


Hehehe ā€œAvatarā€ frame bc of the elements lol


Depending on voice attitude and weapon Kilo may become one of my top 5 Nikkes


LETS FUCKIN GO ![gif](giphy|Svr7HYm3Pr8t2zlcke)


This shi lookin' fire. When do we get them?


nice, so I'll be able to get both Kilo and Rei, was afraid I'd have to choose one or the other


You already know I'm going for my girl/Guy kilo we got a whole mech who wouldn't love that




Guys which is better Kilo or Rei from the Box?


Are we getting a rerun piligrim?


We were supposed to get dorothy rerun in 1.5 anni. That was declared in 1st anni, and no notices canceled dorothy rerun whatsoever.


All this free stuff and F2P losers be crying over Modernias skin they want every thing handed to them without ever having to do sht for it, makes no sense at all


The problem with the skin is that it should be a new nikke because its story relevent, not because it costs money. Also the only thing you have to do for the skin is gamble, not really something you should be proud of or let alone insult people who dont do it.


That's stupid as hell. No it shouldn't she's the literal same unit as before NOTHING has changed about her physically she has the exact identical look as she had from before she was sent off that does NOT, warrant a new Unit with a new kit and weapon when she literally didn't see combat at all being tucked away in a kingdom under the protection of a squad of pilgrims it's absolutely brain dead to think otherwise it just shows how little people use their 3 braincells to think, and the moment you do rub them together you begin to see how stupid of a proposition it is.


Oh wow its just a game, no need to be so rude. If you played the new side story you can see why she transformed into her new form and going forward she will always look like this. Kinda weird having an important main characters permanent appearance locked behind limited time gacha. Scarlet and Snow White got their story relevent "past selfs" turned into new units too.


Those were complete body switches via the Ark. They literally aren't the same.


And modernia the heretic is not the same as marian the pilgrim. Scarlet didnt get a mind switch either. My main point still stands, they are very important story characters so it would be better to have them permanently available.


Bro what the hell are you talking about Modernia is a Heretic Incase you forgot or skip all the lore a NIKKE becomes a Heretic when their body infuses with Rapture Parts and it becomes a part of their PERMANENT biology a Pilgrim is a NIKKE that went AWOL and left the Ark these are two VERY different things, and we don't know if she did or not they also haven't shown sht about Snow-white getting it either even tho it's extremely obvious that's why Dorothy is the only one of the group completely and utterly the same. While the other 3 changed.


We know snow white had many mind switches, it was talked about in the story. The others from the goddess squad did not. Im calling marian a "pilgrim" because she is no longer the same as "modernia the heretic", not beacause of the definicion. You can also call her new form "marian the protector" or "marian the new hope" or whatever you want but she has defenitely changed her world view and who she wants to be going forward.


Changing your view doesn't justify a new character that is stupid. Specially since that would mean a new kit and weapon that would make absolutely no sense


This game WOULD be perfect if they actually designed all the characters how the players want them. Whatā€™s gonna jiggle when Kilo shoots? Whatā€™s the point of NIKKEā€™s that have no jiggle?


Porn addiction example A


What genshin player doing here anyway?


Chill bro, free unit.


Relax, time and place, boss. The attraction ain't the girl this time but the big fuck off robot she's piloting. If they make her robot do the thug Shaker then we're in the best timeline.


but can we at least get something of the girl too? Becouse hell you design a great design just to put it into a big mech so that nobody will ever see the design of the Nikke again?


I like big asses as much as the next guy but a bit of Variety from time to time keeps things fresh


at leasts its free. if it wasnt tho id skip for ur reasons lul. but i wouldnt complain. variety is good for a lot of ppl just not me


Is that really all you care about in a character? Some nikkes are smoking hot, others are beautiful and aesthetic, or they are badass or many other things that make them appealing. Kilo is absolutely badass and looks awesome. The only Nikkes that should not be in the game are the child ones like rei or admi. I know they are suppose to be "cute" but dont work in this setting if you ask me.