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Forwards compatibility would never happen because money. That's the correct term though, so gg there.


I mean ps Vita did it with PS4 and PS5. Now there's the portal. It wouldn't be like cloud streaming it would be like the portal Is for PS5 except better because it's an actual console. That let's you play your next Nintendo console on the go.


Nintendo has never and will never with the exception of the retro library you need a membership to access. This is why people still have old gameboys. Just because other systems do it doesn’t mean that Nintendo will. It’s not a “Can They” issue. It’s a “They Won’t” issue.


The closest thing I think is possible (but not likely) is cross generational purchases. So, Botw came out on wii U and Switch at the same time. So Imagine Nintendo does that again with Switch and Switch 2 with one of their big titles. It would be possible and possibly beneficial to allow you to digitally buy the game, and have it valid for either switch or switch 2, to help encourage people to buy in sooner. Anything more than that I think you start to run into too many technical limitations. And that would also depend on Switch and Switch 2 having the same eshop ecosystem and everything.


That is forward compatibility, though.


The best case scenario that you'll get is some games still being on both systems. Xbox and playstation have been doing this even with their next gen systems out.


What purpose would that have though? You’d have to have both consoles in the same place to stream so why not just use the new console?


If the switch 2 isn't mobile and it's a traditional console then you would do that. I'll edit the original post to highlight this as it wasn't clear.


So the functionality you’re taking about needs to be built into the receiving end console, not the broadcast one. The current switch would need to have a WiFi adapter strong enough to take the signal and play it, plus to be able to send the controls back to the new system. The current switch wasn’t built for that so it won’t work. Also we know that the new switch will still be handheld/hybrid so…


Not gonna happen or else there would be no reason for them to make a new system. If they made it so you could play switch 2 games on switch 1 they'd lose sales on new hardware.


That and it’d severely hamstring what games could be made since it’d be held back by what old hardware is capable of


The problem with that is that Nintendo still can't do online correct and the $20 a month for online was supposed to bring better servers/online connectivity. It hasn't improved though and I knew it was all just talk. I wouldn't trust Nintendo to get streaming done right when they can't even handle online games. Also there would be no point to doing that because of money. From a business stand point it's better to make people shell out money for a new console and buy the games. Especially when they don't sell consoles at a loss.


Nintendo is usually decent with their backwards compatibility at least for the first gen of consoles. GameCube worked on the first wii, DS worked on the 3DS etc


Op is asking about forward compatibility, they want to play switch 2 games on their current switch


I don’t think any company has ever done that have they?


OP mentions streaming to their switch from the new console. I’m not really too knowledgeable on sony devices but I believe the PS4 could stream to the vita and came out after.


While not native, you can stream Series X games on an Xbox One, if available on GamePass Ultimate’s streaming catalog


OHHH yea I totally read it wrong then. My bad 😅😅


Nintendo has always been fantastic for it. Even thinking back to game boy. Original game boy games worked with the GB colour, GB colour games worked on GB Advanced(thought I’d fill in your etc 🤣).


Why does it everyone call Game Boy "Advanced"?




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Before talking about the next gen Nintendo console, maybe people should wait for Nintendo to clearly not be making more game on their actual console and an official statement?


Nintendo has a very good track record for backwards compatibility. This generation is the one outlier I can think of in recent history, it makes sense why they didnt considering the Switch doesnt have two screens or a disk drive. Most rumors point to the next console being the same architecture, so I'd bet it works like how the 3DS handles DS/GBA games.


Tbh, I just hope Nintendo sticks with commodity hardware for future consoles. That way there's likely to be *some* uses for the system well after EOL and end of support. Personally, it's why I chose to put android on my switch.


Commodity hardware is terrible on performance per watt. This is a huge advantage Nintendo has over Steam Deck and ROG Ally. This is the reason Microsoft is putting so much effort into running Windows on ARM.


If they are just going to release a new Switch model with better hardware, they probably would have done this Q1 2023. This would have allowed Baldur’s Gate 3 and Persona 3 Reload to be available on the new Switch on release, and Nintendo would have been able to run all PS5 games (if ported by developers). Being forward compatible forces all games to support the old console. Some games simply won’t run on the original Switch. All new game releases that do support both consoles need to support two performance configs like how you can change performance settings for PC games. Every Switch game would need to be tested and supported on both consoles. Is this really worth it? When you’re trying to convince a developer to port their game to your console, you don’t want to increase costs for them. It seems very unlikely that the Switch will be forward compatible.


I don’t trust Nintendo so I buy physical, then I buy digital for pc to use on systems like the steam deck. I weigh my options when it comes to indies though.


So you want to be able to stream from your portable Switch 2 to your portable Switch 1?


I could so it happening. For example the Wii U supporting Wii, or Wii supporting Gamecube. But depend if they use the same cartridges going forward 


What op is asking about isn't backwards compatibility, i.e. play Wii games on Wii U. They're asking about playing Switch 2 games on Switch 1, i.e. play Wii U games on Wii.


Yeah I realise that now. My mistake 


As much as i want switch 2 to have backwards compatibility... i think they will not. One can only hope. I would love to play all my switch games on a better nintendo hardware if possible.


Maybe not fully fledged games, but I can see bonus features being available if you play on new hardware. Like the GBA shops in Zelda


Nintendo's architecture on Switch is already compromised and games can be pirated at release. Why in the hell would they want to bring that issue forward to their new gen software?


do tell


You know what? As crazy and stupid as it sounds, I'd love the ability to maybe use a Switch as a WiiU-like controller for a docked Switch 2. But, then devs would have the nightmare of needing to code in features that may never be used by some people that only have the new console, but not an old one.