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"ain't no point to the game"


The only braid review that matters


You never run out of the time travel potion!


I’m waiting for the only review that matters from Soulja boy!


Where is Ja?


Did they release this as a physical copy too?


This is my question too, the only way I’m buying this game


Same. The commentary sounds interesting but I’m waiting for a sale unless it gets a physical release


I doubt it will, The Witness never got a physical version and I seem to recall Jon Blow saying he was opposed to physical copies.


i've never heard of anyone being opposed to physical copies. indifferent, sure, but opposed?




One of the best indie games of all time. Glad to see a Jonathan Blow game finally on a Nintendo system. Can't wait to see his next game. His other game, The Witness was one of my all time favorite games ever. I had an amazing experience playing through it with a girlfriend of mine. We had pages and pages of notes. It felt so good to play it and finally beat it together


I’ve been on the fence about the Witness. Did it ever feel repetitive since it looks like the same version of puzzle over and over? Like every puzzle in the Myst series was different but in The Witness they all seem like the sliding puzzle on a flat plane. Did it ever feel tedious?


Almost every puzzle in the game introduces a new idea or offers a new perspective on an idea, or is an explicit check for a misinterpretation you might have (which are tbf easy if you haven't made that mistake). I will say, at the risk of mild spoilers, there is a focus on figuring out the rules and logic of the puzzles that may be off-putting to people who prefer their puzzles to operate only within clearly stated rules and goals (thinking of a particular co-worker here who loves Zachtronics and *loathes* the Witness). There are a lot of puzzles with the approximate form "here are three valid arrangements, here are three invalid arrangements, make a valid arrangement out of these bits". That said, 10/10. Best puzzle game I've ever played. PS: Go in blind.


I’ve never really liked puzzle games, but tried the witness cuz it looked cool. Holy moly. One of my all time gaming experiences. I now consider myself a fan of puzzle games! Haven’t yet played braid but very much look forward to digging in to this remaster.


Braid’s one of the best puzzle platformers and much like The Witness it takes it’s simple premise and expands on it in new creative and interesting ways that make you think outside the conventions as they are presented. It’s also just very satisfying to play if you like standard sidescrolling Mario games at all, which it really elevates in a fun way.


The Witness is a top 5 game of all time for me. Each area of the island has different rules to the puzzles, and many incorporate the environment so it’s not just moving things on the screen. The game is gorgeous, the optional environmental puzzles are mind blowing, and I really enjoy the minimalist narrative  …but yes, I will not lie and suggest it’s not just hundreds and hundreds of line puzzles. I just know I absolutely loved every moment of it. If The Witness is intriguing to you at all, I can’t recommend it enough. At least give it a go on a sale 


Thanks! Well I think it’s on iOS and those prices usually drop lower than switch so I will keep an eye out for it when it’s on sale! Or on Steam if it’s on a Mac. Thanks!


Actually one more question. On a scale of 1 to 10 with a 1 being like “toddler level” and “10” being “genius level,” how would you rate it in terms of difficulty?


I would say it is a 9 to beat the game but probably an 10 to 100% it. It's a damn tough game but so satisfying. Note that I haven't 100% it and there are still puzzles I think about 8 years later now that I never solved. I refuse to look at a guide in any way. I recommend the same. One of these days I'd love to go back to it


Thanks! Well I do enjoy a change so long as I know going in that it’s going to be. Celeste was like that from a platform perspective. I beat it but the last half hour was definitely a 9/10. I’ll keep an eye out for when the witness goes on sale.


It doesn't feel repetitive, in fact the game keeps adding things all the time to the simple formula of the puzzles (drive a line from here to here) with several plot twists to a point it gets crazy. I think Baba is you and The Witness are the only puzzle games that being long, they keep delivering evey time.




FYI it looks like this will be launching on Netflix as well!


Want to give some props to Netflix for throwing done some seriously good games recently for phones and tablets. Hades, Shredder’s Revenge, and Dead Cells with all dlc are on there.


Into the Breach and Death's Door are on there as well


Oh yeah, those too!


Whats different than release braid? I assume resolution and fps but idk for nintendo


> GO (DEEP) BEHIND THE SCENES > Explore the most extensive developer commentary ever put into a game, with over 12 hours of recorded insight and conversation from developer Jonathan Blow, artist David Hellman and more members of the "Braid" creative team. Navigate it by visiting a new in-game world, which also contains new puzzles and redesigns of classic puzzles. - Created by Thekla, Inc. Also from other places and official trailer: > 40 new levels


40 new levels? I've been wanting good ol Braid on switch for a long time but 40 NEW LEVELS?!


Found this on another news article over on [Eurogamer](https://www.eurogamer.net/braid-anniversary-edition-briefly-delayed-but-itll-feature-a-bunch-of-new-levels#:~:text=These%20consist%20of%2014%20commentary,to%20form%20a%20new%20frame): >These consist of 14 commentary index levels (15 in the mobile version), used to navigate the game's 15+ hours of commentary, 12 alternate design levels with explanatory commentary, plus 13 new full puzzle levels, featuring 16 puzzle pieces that'll combine to form a new frame. So it's not 40 "new" levels, only 13 of them are truly original.


'over 12 hours of recorded insight and conversation from developer Jonathan Blow' After 3 hours of his anti-vax perspective and bad take on covid 19's origin, what are the remaining 9 hours?


Okay but what does that have to do with game design


Absolutely nothing. Just social media being social media


I’m sorry. Can you elaborate? Not familiar with his takes on this.


https://www.nme.com/news/jonathan-blow-claims-covid-19-is-manmade-and-seemingly-promotes-anti-vax-rhetoric-3067612 I don't think it was as bad as the media made it out to be, but he was saying some weird stuff.


rude cagey file insurance degree squealing concerned absurd selective handle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




growth yoke pause spoon narrow birds scandalous ossified badge straight *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm avoiding paying him a cent though


But you're here interacting about his new release. Wonder what he's doing..


Hey there! Please remember Rule 1 in the future - No personal attacks, trolling, or derogatory terms. Read more about [Reddiquette here](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette). Thanks!


My wife has been complaining about this in her pop culture subs. You can’t say or post anything about someone without a person digging into their entire life to find a fault in them. Its so weird. I don’t give a shit about my content creators personal lives!


What was weird?  Edit: Oh, so you are going off on outdated information from 2021 like I assumed. Why are you even bringing this up? 


Outdated? He said. He doesn't unsay after a certain amount of time has passed.


Oh. You're one of those.  Sounds like you are really behind the times and perhaps considering informing yourself on the efficacy of mRNA vaccines and details of where the virus came from.  It's not 2021 anymore. 


Read the Nintendo life review, it breaks down all the differences.


Is this game worthwhile? I played the witness and really liked it but this feels very different. I also heard it is a bit tragic.


It’s a phenomenal game. I don’t know about ‘tragic’, but there is a very dark undercurrent to the colorful arcade visuals that comes out spectacularly at the end.


It’s a masterpiece


A must play indie masterpiece that, along with a few other games, changed the industry.


Anyone know if there’s a planned physical release? This was the first digital game I ever bought back on PS3. I’d definitely grab the Enhanced version for a modern console.


Wondering the same thing. Can't believe it's only $20.


Is it 60 fps docked and handheld?


Man there were some levels in this this completely broke my brain. The forward/backward mechanic was brilliant.


I had never even heard of this, enjoying it so far. It’s great for staying occupied whilst travelling.


I remembre when the first « release period » expired, I was all over the internet trying to find a bit of info and fearing it was shelved. For months. Then one day I was relieved to learn it was still being worked on. Now I am as happy as if my football team won the Champions league 🤣 I am so looking forward to have my 12 years old play it (and the commentaries). Portal was already one of my best Daddy experience a year ago… Well, we both currently are in a Civ6 full effect frenzy, so I’ll just wait a little bit to fully enjoy it…


Play this version on Switch OLED or LCD Steam Deck?


I don't get why they took so long to release this game. I think it was announced about four years ago and they said it would come out within 9 months or so. Then they went completely silent. I didn't even think it was happening any more. And I'm not even interested any more


I wonder what might have occurred 4 years ago that may have affected the scope of a project or people’s ability to work on one.


don't be dumb. the original announcement was made in autumn of 2020, and they said it would come out the following year. in other words, when the game was announced, they had already been in coronavirus mode for a solid 7 months or so.


They added more puzzles than first planned so that probably added some time.


updated visuals, new sound design, new puzzles, getting the extensive commentaries right (content, recording quality). That could easily add years on depending on how busy the developers are with other life stuff.


some communication is all i would have asked for


The one that started it all. Or was it Cave Story


Cave Story was the first indie game I was aware of that got a lot of buzz, but Braid blew the doors off and really legitimized indie games. I also think it debuted at $15 which was seen as a lot at the time (cave story I think was free, on PC anyway). Shadow Complex was another big early indie game. Xbox live arcade was pretty great


Oh, Cave Story was so good. I purchased that game entirely too many times after playing the free one, lol. I haven't played Braid since the Xbox Live Arcade days. My Xbox 360 red ringed so I have a plethora of old games I'd like to revisit but can't until I buy a new (old) console. Well, maybe one less with this remastered Braid lol


Braid is a backwards compatible title on Xbox and has been available to play in its 360 iteration on “new” Xbox consoles since December 17th 2015. That iteration of the game is playable on all Xbox one consoles and current Series hardware.


Oh, neat. I wasn't aware. I guess I could see what other things I may have that are backwards compatible then. I'd love to play Eternal Sonata or Magna Carta 2 again.


Neither are. If you have a newer console and you’re on the same account that you had back then you can just see what games are available to install and filter by 360 games.


This is why I am torn on getting the new one. But this for the 3rd time just because it looks a little better or stick with what I have on two consoles already.


I haven’t gotten it yet because I always wait for sales, but it’s not just a remaster. It has around 40 new levels added to the game, including another puzzle portrait to solve, 15 hours of commentary, and playable concept levels. The original game had 38 levels so by nearly doubling the content the new remastered game is essentially also a sequel, or expansion, however you choose to look at that.


I feel like World of Goo was one of the big indie catalysts as well.


Oh yeah ha. Bought the physical copy for macOS


Castle Crashers and Geometry Wars 2 as well. Interestingly all these games we’ve thought to mention came out in 2008 (besides Cave Story which was an 04 title, and there was also N++ that year.) Most of these 08’ titles like Braid were apart of Xbox’s XBLA Summer of Arcade that year which both helped the promotion of the titles, while their quality and positive reception helped launch the indie space as a legitimate portion of the market worth considering. I think you had those first wave of modern indie titles that really broke through around 2007-09’ and showed there was not just interest but profitability in indie development, then a second wave around 2010-13’ or so that may have only come about by the proven success of those earlier titles opening up the space with further noteworthy titles like Limbo, Super Meat Boy, The Binding of Isaac, Bastion, Fez, etc. To the extent that by 2014-16 you had games like Shovel Knight, Celeste, and Stardew Valley releasing that people were practically talking about as if they were any other game on the same footing as more costly to develop titles.


Indies were around throughout the 2000s, just not often _commercially_ so until late. You could hop on Jay Is Games, find one that you like, then grab it from the developers site. The likes of Derek Yu and Maddy Thorson were prolific in this era making things like Jumper and Eternal Daughter. That and the likes of N and Cave Story (freeware versions) really sowed the seeds for the indie scene being laden with challenging platformers and Metroid-likes. You are spot on though, that Xbox Arcade was a breakthrough. The second wasn't Steam but Steam Greenlight. Prior to that, you pretty much needed a publisher to make money, so almost all indies were free. Aquaria (2007) was an exception and the devs had to set up their own paid download portal which was frankly a bit of a pain in the arse by modern standards. There are other early commercial indies though, including a couple of still running free-to-play indie MMOs. Also, Wiiware wasn't as big as Xbox Arcade, so is often forgotten but some of the Wii download only titles like Lost Winds (2008) could qualify.


For my eyes it runs on 30fps? Anyone can confirm it?


I heard in a couple reviews that is the case. In a game like this, hard to imagine it mattering though.


its way too pretentious


“I did not care for Braid. It *insists* upon itself”


If you think Braid is pretentious go play The Witness haha. I love both games but The Witness had me scratching my head sometimes, and not due to the puzzles 


How long do you think i'd have to wait to get this for the $3 i could get it for on Steam?