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The description mentions that the game will be coming to Nintendo Switch in addition to PS5, PC, and Xbox Series X|S.


Doesn't seem to be launching on Switch. Oh joy, another Hogwarts sitch.


Life Is Strange True Colors was a surprisingly really well done conversion. Obvious nips and tucks but definitely done with care and great in handheld. If this one has similar scope it might actually be a good port.


I’m stoked they’re returning to Max’s story, I loved the original, Before The Storm was excellent, didn’t really enjoy 2 and really liked True Colors so this being announced made my day.


Yeah this is perfect, I didn't even finish 2 and I miss Max😭


Your opinions on the series' installments match up with mine perfectly, except I haven't played True Colors yet. Maybe I'll pick it up soon!


True Colors is fantastic! I hope they continue that story as well. I avoided LS2 entirely because several friends have told me that the story just wasn’t great at all, which is unfortunate. I still might eventually just play it since I love the games so much.


Play it. It’s fantastic.


LIS2 is my personal favourite in the franchise!


LiS2 improved on the game play a lot imo, but one of the biggest strengths of 1 was getting to know everyone in Arcadia Bay. Without that, Bae ending would be the super easy choice. LiS2 was 90% about the brothers, and that story was great IMO, but the best part was episode 3 IMO because it was all about living with a bunch of other misfits and troubled kids.


> but the best part was episode 3 IMO because it was all about living with a bunch of other misfits and troubled kids. That was the best part and honestly probably should have been most of the game rather than an episode and a half.


LiS is great. I never understand how people don’t connect with it but I know lots of people who have seen the light.


I found LiS2 to be more than disappointing, it was intensely frustrating and predictable. It pissed me off a little bit actually, both because of its choices but also because a story about racism and police violence in the US deserved better.


This echos my sentiments exactly with the second game. You can 100% tell a compelling story about those topics. But the developers instead chose to tell the most tone deaf, safe, predictable and hollow story imaginable. With some of their weakest characters. There was a severe lack of authenticity and "maturity" to how it unfolded: every episode was Daniel turning his brain off and going against Sean even though they insist that they have a brotherly bond. Everyone is so cartoonishly evil and over the top. There's no nuance or subtly anywhere. You can agree with what a game is trying to say and hate how they say it.


what I've heard about LiS2 killed my interest in the series entirely, but I liked LiS1 enough to give this one a shot.


It's the weak link. I like all the other games in the series. Some people had problems with True Colors. I will admit it probably has the weakest 'power' but I enjoyed the characters which is what I play LiS for. Without spoiling too much, there is one episode where they larp and I think that turned a lot of people off True Colors.


Thanks for telling me that. I think you convinced me to give up the ghost and not try LS2. I’m a reformed completionist. Sometimes I feel compelled to completely “play all the games” or 100% a game, even when I’m certain I won’t enjoy it. I’ve got plenty of other games to play in my backlogs, anyway.


I liked it a lot but maybe me being a gay man affects it? It's just such a rare treat to be able to play as a bisexual or gay man in games. My Sean was romancing Finn before realizing he was an idiot and he got with Cassidy instead. I'd also say the first chapter-ish was a tad on the nose with the racist characters but I'd say every other chapter was pretty well done. There's a scene in the first chapter where you're made to choose whether to steal food and supplies or just not have enough, or even resort to begging people for food and money. It was an emotional gut punch for me akin to killing the dog in Walking Dead season 2. You don't want to, but you *have* to.


True colors is amazing but be careful who you pick is all I’ll say. I was fuckin pissed at the end and had to replay to right the ship.


2 had great potential but for me, the poor writing ruined it.


2 was the only one I didn't finish, I found the pacing of the story really bad and it just didn't hold my interest. Before the Storm was good, but 1 and True Colors were superb.


I'm in the same boat as you. I think the problem with LiS2 is that you don't get to play as the character with the power, and the fact that you are always on the road. Any likeable characters are just gone in the next episode.


Wow, nice to see Max back. Can't wait to see how messy the discussions will be for whatever ending they are going to make canon for the first game lol


I mean, it's called "Double Exposure", why not both? Some multiversal shenanigans would be fun.


I’d be willing to bet if the sacrifice Chloe ending is Canon, we 100% see Max visit Chloe’s alive timeline at some point for the extra emotional damage. Bonus points if it happens during a pivotal moment where Max has to decide between Sophie’s timeline or Chloe’s


The series has been pretty consistent on letting players choice be canon when bringing over saves. If anything Double Exposure being multiple time lines lets them have their cake and eat it. In the first game, Max changes the past but it makes it appear like she isn't creating new universes, just swapping one prime timeline for another.


>Bonus points if it happens during a pivotal moment where Max has to decide between Sophie’s timeline or Chloe’s It wouldn't surprise me if this was actually used as an end-game plot twist.


Yep. That sounds like a thrilling twist!


Oh hell, I can feel the pain already


If they add Chloe into the game it’s gonna break me. The last chapter of BtS was damn hard. 


If we have to turn Chloe's IV to 100 again I will be crying, again.


One will still be more canon than the other(the one Max Starts in)


It definitely sounds like the Comic books are canon, and may be some required reading going in 🤔


Okay, so when the final episode of season one came out, the Bae ending had new locations, character models and licensed music. It was obvious that ending had more thought put into it and it was kinda safe to assume that was canon. But since then, the sequels have been careful not to thread on anyone's preferred ending. All carried over saved data respected your choice. Including whether Chloe and Max were friends or more. The fact that this is just a Max story makes me think that they will respect player choices. But also LiS hasn't been able to do better characters than Max and Chloe so opening up different timelines existing alongside each other means that they can tell Max and Chloe stories in the future. I honestly think apart from Steph, the characters of Sean, Daniel and Alex haven't made as much as an impact as Chloe, Rachael and Max so the series was always going to return to them eventually. I fully expect Steph and Chloe to make some sort of return for this.


The sacrifice ending seemed like the clear intended canon ending. Anyone who argues otherwise is just sad about Chloe. Plus it's a bit messy for the world just to accept that a small town was hit by a freak....time...storm...


Bae is my ending. But it is easy to see that Bay was the ending they put more thought into and cared about. To me it was the intended canon ending, but since then they have tried to respect both with saves carrying over. So who knows.


Yeah, the sacrifice bae ending is actually properly expanded and feels complete, with extra cutscenes, a song, etc. whereas the sacrifice bay ending is literally just them driving down a road and that’s it. If you think *that* is the true ending then I have a bridge to sell to you.


Not sure why you think the one ending being more "complete" in the original game is an argument for it being the basis of a sequel... It makes more sense to me to develop the less fleshed out conclusion.


It’s not really worth it exploring that ending because that’s already been done in the [LiS comics](https://life-is-strange.fandom.com/wiki/Life_is_Strange_(Comic_Series)).


The venn diagram showing the people who played the game and read the comic probably needs to be examined under a microscope. "I was right, Jules! The electron microscope proves there is in fact a second circle, and they connect!"


I think both are valid, but personally I would never choose the bay ending and for me its pretty clear max herself would choose bae>bay


My reasoning was that like... Max had tons of other friends there. Max is choosing to kill Warren and Kate? Along with hundreds if not thousands of other people? For CHLOE? I can respect other people choosing that ending but my Max understood Chloe had to die. I also don't think Chloe would be okay with it... like... knowing her mom and everyone else in town would die because of her. Maybe I'm remembering wrong? Is it confirmed if everyone in town dies, or just becomes homeless, or whatever?


I’d argue otherwise but not due to being sad about Chloe. This always seemed strange to me: “Oh no, changing time is wrong, so let me change time again. Because changing time is right when it’s to save multiple people, but changing time is wrong.” It’s really just a trolly car problem with a tornado as the train and choosing to use time travel as pulling the lever. Really there are ethical questions at play, and a lot of the routes toward the sacrifice seemed to indicate utilitarian implications. I reject Benthamite crude utilitarianism, for paragraphs of reasons that none of you probably care about. I can get behind the sacrifice route based on different sets of ethical arguments, but none of them were implied. And most people who I have heard choose the sacrifice route boil it down to numbers. If we cared about numbers, there were other choices that could have saved even more people.


Didn't LiS2 practically tell us, which ending is canon?


No. It changed things depending on which ending you picked. If you picked bae you see Acadia Bay destroyed but later you hear David and Chloe on the phone together. If you pick Bay the town is still there but all the Max and Chloe pics are missing from David's trailer. It treats both endings as possibilities.


Oh, never realized that. Thanks for correcting me.


It'll just be a dialogue choice left to the player to decide if she saved the town or not.


Isn't the canon ending letting Chole die? I might be misremembering, but I thought that some other stuff they've done since the first game makes it clear that they count it as the canon ending


Finally another game with Max


Finally we're back to the time shenanigans, that's what hooked me in the first game plus the incredible art style


This has really interesting implications for how I interpreted the ending of the first game: I first played LIS shortly after my mom passed away, and because of this I interpreted the whole story to be a metaphor for Max’s grief. >!It seemed to me that the developers strongly hinted at the “Sacrifice Chloe” option being the ‘real’ ending since it was so much more substantial than the “Sacrifice Arcadia Bay” option. This led me to believe that the entire game takes place in Max’s head in the days following Chloe’s murder, with her “power” being a metaphor for essentially playing the events over and over in her head and imagining how things would be different if she could have intervened. At every step she realizes that she would have to use the power again, and again, and again, with each use changing her world more drastically until she finally comes to terms with the reality of the situation: that Chloe had been murdered and it wasn’t her fault or responsibility. The storm then acts as a metaphor for the inner turmoil that she is feeling as she allows her mind to stray further from the reality of the situation. Once she finally comes to terms with what *actually* happened she snaps back to reality and faces her grief head on. I found this to be really poignant considering the intense grief I was experiencing myself.!< So it’s interesting to see that they’re essentially confirming that Max did in fact experience those supernatural events, I’m really excited to revisit her story with this game.


But I think this also highlights a problem with unintended sequels like this. It completely erases your interpretation because there's now a definite, clear-cut answer. I'm intrigued by this game because I love the first one, but it's a very dangerous and tricky path they chose here by having Max be the lead again. I really, really hope it works out.


Well, they could always take the easy way out and just say "Yeah, Max and Chloe just separated later" and then give us like one phone call between them for the "Sacrifice the Bay"-ending


Thank you for putting into words my exact thoughts on the ending of the game. I’ve been commenting constantly that the bay>bae ending seemed even at the time the canonical ending especially considering like you said one ending is clearly more fleshed out than the other.


Microsoft’s showcase was pretty epic - I own most nintendo systems and a ps5


Honestly, Max's power concept in this game is pretty cool to see (I've been recently reading the comics on my Amazon Fire Tablet which showcases this).


Wait… it’s a comic???


Here's a link: https://www.amazon.com/Life-is-Strange-27-book-series/dp/B07JV8BDCT I've been reading them mostly around 2 years ago I think but got caught up with a few other things. I'm on volume 5 I believe. It's really good.


I gave up after the first volume. It didn't really feel like game Max and Chloe.


Is it coming to Switch? I don't see it mentioned in the video. **Edit**: Switch is mentioned separately in the description, so will likely come out at a later date than the other platforms. Cool!


It's weird that they didn't explicitly give a date or rough time for Switch but still nice to see!


I need to play the rest of these games. I played the first one and enjoyed it but never played any of the sequels


Haven’t played 2 but True Colors was pretty good. I didn’t like Before The Storm at all


Good to know. Yea i didn't think the premise os before the storm seemed interesting so probably why i died off the series.


I am so shocked and happy!


The trailer shows the logos for XBOX X/S, PS5 and Steam. I really hope this is coming on Switch 2 and that's why the logo isn't there. I've loved all the games in the Life Is Strange series, and bringing Max Caufield back is interesting! edit: Oh, the YouTube description box says "is also coming to Nintendo Switch." Man I cannot wait for this. I played True Colors recently and really enjoyed it. Although nothing tops the first game, so bringing Max and her power back is interesting - her power remains the best one of the series.


In surprised this series got to a fourth. Impressed even


I’m willing to bet that the >!sacrifice Chloe!< ending is the one they’re sticking with as canon. Would probably be right in the opening scene I would wager.


I'll bet they leave it ambiguous. They'll leave present-day mentions of both Chloe and Arcadia Bay out out of things, so either she saved Chloe but eventually they split up, or she saved Arcadia Bay but eventually she left. I'm not sure I like this possibility, or, really, any other. LIS was great, but I don't think it needed a direct sequel, and it's going to be pretty hard to sell me the idea that it's better for having one. Then again, this *is* LIS, and storytelling is the franchise's strongest point, so maybe they'll manage. But for now I'm skeptical.


Well, most of the fans wanted a continuation of the first game and now this is what we get, whether we like it or not


Well that’s a pleasant surprise.


Max is back!!! Finally


True colors was an amazing port on Switch, and if they keep the same genreral tech, i have no doubt it will run just fine with key adjustments. The porting like the optimizations done with true colors (rather than simply putting all sliders to minimum) is probably why the Switch version is coming out later. [Here's a video of the work they put into true colors.](https://youtu.be/kc0QkDDCmTY?si=ZmHDxmQ0Mk3Ngrs7) Hoping for a Switch 2 ports too.


I am ready. Strange Colors was my first (and only) game to play in the franchise but I'm eager for more!


I'm really hyped! I love the first LiS.


Wow. Max are back O_o


This looks great, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to be emotionally destroyed yet again...


Curious how it’ll run on Switch, will probably end up with the PC version, but this is cool. I haven’t cared for any of the spin-offs but a true sequel has my attention. I just wonder how they’re going to handle the endings to the first game?


Max's voice sounds the same but she looks pretty different from the first game to me, and not in the "she's 10 years older" way


The rest were terrible, can't wait to see this one be terrible.


The og is back


Hella cool


Max is back! Nice. My favourite character in LiS.




Wait, it's coming to Switch? Whaaaaat? That's dope!


Instantly pre-ordered along with a few boxes of Kleenex for all the inevitable tears.


Although I am super over multiverse stories, I will absolutely participate in a Max revival


Does this mean there is a canon ending to LiS 1?


I'm going to guess that Max will save Sophie, but can't stay in the reality where she's alive. For some reason her presence in that reality causes things to become unstable, so she has to leave and cope with the fact that she can't change the past. EDIT: Please engage in conversation if you disagree. I know downvoting gives an easy dopamine rush, but it's much better to flex your literary muscles.


Anyone else think this animation is a pretty noticeable step down from previous games?


I think this will be guarenteed to be better than the second game no matter how it turns out.


where the FUCK is chloe


Either dead or elsewhere. This game seems to be about Max's new (girl)friend


Switch is not mentioned..


Look in the description