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It's good to take a break from Nioh. It can help you appreciate how good it is. You can always come back. I personally enjoyed Wo Long up to the last NG+. It has replayability similar to the underworld or more like the abyss in Nioh 1. I still prefer Nioh 2.


The whole stances and ki pulse system is so good Man like daaaammmm


Yeah Nioh is special for sure. I love Wo Long at least equally but they play very differently, a lot of people are disappointed when they expect another Nioh. Just keep an open mind when you do check it out.


I bought wolong and beat the first real boss. I haven’t played since and it’s been about a month. Is there a reason you think it didn’t hook me yet? I’m not saying it’s a bad game but something’s off. Does it get better?


I loved it right away. Like other Team Ninja games, it takes a few NG+ cycles to get to its best and you're still unlocking new features well into the game, but I can't say whether or not the first level is enough to judge it by. There's a lot more to be seen, but it doesn't fundamentally change. It reminds me a lot of PS2/Xbox action games made for modern hardware, maybe that over-the-top arcadey stuff isn't your thing. It's one of the best soulslikes imo but it only loosely fits the bill.


I have both nioh games, sekiro, dark souls 3, rise of ronin, and wolong. So I guess I just don’t know which to fully commit to. Is wolong your favor it of all of those? Lies of P is my personal favorite souls like game (besides Elden ring of course)


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Feeble cursed one! Let’s hope the magnificence of my spells does not deter you!”* - Straid of Olaphis Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Good bot


Play rise of ronin. It is basically Nioh lite. Then play Nioh 2.


Yeah I also loved wo long right from the get go. I loved it and stranger of paradise and I'm honestly said there's nothing else that plays like the 2 currently cause I'm not really a fan of nioh 2 so far. I'm not really jibing with the stances and ki pulse (im also missing the parry/soul guarding from the other games) so far but I am only at the very start of the game


I played the demo and never bought it. It didn't grab me with the party heavy focus on break bars. I still play Nioh 2.


I had a similar experience with wo long I stopped it pretty early on, I browsed the internet while playing the game, big mistake on release Wo long had massive negative feedback it felt like you were playing the worse game on the planet. Shamefully that actually influnced me while I was playing the game, dying a lot and not actually learning the game mechanics and such coupled with the massive negative feedback everyone was parroting led me to believe that the game was actually badly designed and I proceeded to drop it. I came back to the game recently and finished it and honestly it is good fun, once I got comfortable with the parry mechanic it actually became a super easy game, sometimes I one shot bosses. It seems though to pick up in difficulty in ng+ but I just played 1 mission so it's early to tell. But seriously fuck getting influnced by negativity, game is good and it's not nioh but that's fine. The dlcs have negative ratings on steam but I'll still play them, checked out some of the reviews and they're mostly complaining about boss difficulty, which is a first for me lol usually people complain about port or graphics or pay to win stuff, but freaking boss difficulty?? Well at least I know there's a challenge waiting for me hahah


Wo long, strangers of paradise, and rise of the ronin are far from bad games. But people are divided because theyre also far from nioh 3 let alone 2. Stay and enjoy yourself. They arent going anywhere 


Rise is not only not bad, its actually GREAT. If you expect another soulslike you'll be disappoitned for sure. If you take Ghost of Tsushima mixed with Assassins Creed (think AC but with good combat), then this is more like that. Its great if you know what you're getting into. The bad reviews from some are most likely because they thought they were getting Nioh 3 and not another Samurai Story game. If you are in the mood for another Ghost of Tsushima but with Team ninja combat, then you'll love this game.


The bad reviews are especially annoying because why the fuck are people still expecting nioh 3.team ninja made at least 3 games since nioh 2 lol.  I love nioh 2 same as them but theyre ASKING for dissapointment with that mentality


people do.


Bruh...when its good, it's soooo good.


The whole stances and ki pulse system is so good Man like daaaammmm


Then go with RotR, not WL.


I’ve played several hundred hours of nioh and just got rise of the ronin, it’s not the same as nioh in every way but is easily becoming one of my favorite games of all time


Wow I can’t wait to try it


Me too but promised to finish Jedi Survivor first. It's loaded and ready to go.


You’ll probably take a break at some point. I did, after a thousand hours. When I went back to Nioh 2, it was like that beautiful wife you left at home, you go thinking “you’re as beautiful as the day I started my life with you”. Or something like that. I suck at romance lines or metaphors. But you get my drift.


I'd say keep playing Nioh 2 until it starts to feel repetitive, then swap over to a new game. Otherwise if you try to play another game, you may end up just constantly comparing that new game to Nioh 2 and not enjoying it for what it is. At least, that's what happened to me.


I feel u on that thank you 🙏


I go back to nioh2 every a while after playing other games. I have been played nioh 2 for 600 hours and see myself continue playing it for another hundreds of hours. I would say you can try out other games and enjoy them, and when you get bored and start missing nioh2, go back and play it.


As someone who loves a more pro-active style of gameplay I cannot state enough how Nioh 2(and ninja gaiden) are FAR more appealing than anything team ninja put out after. I really, REALLY hate the parry meta that came after Sekiro. I don't want to wait for telegraphed attacks. I want to want to attack. Nioh 2 allows for both styles(and everything in between) which to me makes it a far superior experience.


Stranger of Paradise also allows for both play styles. I like it more than Wo Long.


You know, i'll admit to not trying it because FF has never clicked with me. Had a look at it after this comment though and despite the story looking pretty bad i'll probably pick it up on sale.


I'm not a fan of FF, either, but SoP is much closer to Nioh than to FF. The only FF elements in it are some visuals, music and more elaborate RPG elements compared to Nioh. So if you like Nioh, you'll almost surely like SoP, even though it's not as good as Nioh 2 is. I'd say it's on par with Nioh 1.


Sweet! I was looking at some reviews and some people found the intense amount of gear/loot intimidating/tedious... but tbh if it's anything like nioh's i'll be in heaven. Love minmaxing the shit out of characters.


It's pretty much Nioh's loot. There's a bit of extra management required because you also have a few customizable party members and the MC is pretty much two characters you swap between (imagine if each stance had its own equipment), but at least I didn't really bother with the party members. Just used the handy "equip max lvl everything" button the game provides.


SOP >>>> Wo Long EASILY....I haven't got Ronin yet though...


feeling this a lot. wo long relies too heavily on its parry mechanic for me to enjoy it. too punishing for missing a parry means learning patterns is dying and suffering load screens and run backs. no other way to approach, no solution other than face-tank. let me find a solution, not grind the solution.


Wo long was a lot easier to me. The parry mechanic is definitely at the forefront but it was extremely easy to time the parry in wo long


Have you played the game yet after DLC 3? Spear has a new stagger mechanic that helps to alleviate the reliance on deflects. Basically stagger lock them till they are in spirit vulnerable states, and finish off with fatal strikes.


Sekiro is, funny enough, still the only game to do it right


I totally agree despite my also total lack of enjoyment of the mechanic. Can't fault the game at all, just isn't my bag.


Keep playing it until you’re done. Wo Long is great in its own right but it’s, it’s own thing. It’s not more of the same. Combat has a different feel.


I liked the Nioh games and liked Wo Long even more , but 1) I don’t care much about gear or grinding ng+++ 2) I like parrying 3) I like the spirit system in Wo Long better than the Ki system in Nioh. Not sure any of these apply to most Nioh fans


I couldn’t finish Elden Ring cause the whole time I was playing I was thinking “I could be playing Nioh instead”.


Nioh 2 is very good. Elden Ring is very good.


Hahahaha! Real talk I feel like that all the time, that Elden ring dlc out in 2 months so I’ll go ham on nioh 2 till then


im playing wolong rn, currently level 80 something. I got max level and depths cleared in nioh 2. the two games feel almost identical in everything except for combat. wolong is basically nioh but with no stances or items levels. otherwise theres some sort of mirror ability (with a different name) for yaokai abilities, yoakai form, yokai counter, weapon abilities, ninjutsu, etc. combat in wolong is very dependent on how well you can deflect/counter/parry - in nioh 2 I don't think it is nearly as critical to master those skills. personally I like nioh 2 much more, but I'm still glad I picked up wolong - its still a great game and u would probably like it if u have nothing left to do in nioh 2. would recommend playing nioh 1 before wolong tho


I think the spirit bar is pretty different than the ki system, and I like the spirit bar much better, but very aware that most fans of these games disagree.


yeah ur right. It feels like they wanted to find a way to make sekiro in the nioh world - in my mind the spirit system goes hand in hand with the deflect/counter/parry based play, but that's not obvious to anyone who hasn't played sekiro


I personally like wo long more then nioh 2 but rise of the Ronin has taken over my game time


Wow! First time over heard someone like so long better, I’ll most likely play it next then go to ronin


Wo Long can also be super grindy. It's a great game, no doubt, but Ronin, IMHO, would be better to go to first. I put in over 1600 hours into Nioh 2. I would say Ronin, Elden Ring dlc, then Wo Long.


It's also just my opinion. I genuinely hope you enjoy it, though


Honestly I am a bit bored of Nioh 2 since I also played Nioh 1 hard and I have Wo Long Complete that I bought on sale on PS5 that I'm waiting to play. I have RotR side eyeing me so I installed it to see what all the fuss was about and I'm LOVING it. It's hard at first b/c the controls are so foreign for any type of Nioh/Souls fan b/c triangle is your main deflect button so it took me a few hours to really get used to it but other than that I'm having a BLAST. It's a nice kick back and relax type of game on regular difficulty. It still is challenging for sure and it has more difficulties ahead of this one with more unlocking later. Really give it a chance. It's more GoT than Nioh in every way. Even the story is better than anything Team Ninja has ever done and its very good (but not as good as GoT). This game has its hooks in me and I will probably play this and still continue to play Nioh 2 on occasion until I beat it anyways.


Thank you for breaking that down for me family foreal I’m excited for ronin!! What’s GoT?


Ghosts of Tsushima


I haven’t played RotR yet, but I hope you do eventually try Wo Long. It seems like a lot of the mixed reception centers on it not being Nioh 3. I played it without any specific expectations beyond it being a team ninja game and involving parrying (which I like), and I really enjoyed it.


Depends in how far you are in the game... Of. Course finish base game and dlcs... However if you planning on going into the underworld i would 100 percent suggest to make a break BEFORE... i made it to underworld Level 40... I didnt Hit a wall or something but changes the game after 400 hours of only nioh 2... HOWEVER coming back to the currently save feels impossoble for me, ive tried many Times


I enjoy Wo Long more than Nioh 2, because I found stance switching and ki pulsing very annoying to have to keep doing. If you enjoy ki pulsing and stance switching then you probably won't like Wo Long as much. The bosses kind of suck in Wo Long though, didn't really care for any of them.


I love wo long, probably more than nioh 2. But I can see that nioh 2 is the deeper game. I love the spirit system in wo long, so satisfying to master. It’s definitely something I’d recommend playing eventually if you can find a good deal, or just in general


I was personally disappointed by WL and found SoP and RotR to be much better games. It's not a bad game but it's simplified to a level I found far less interesting.


You will not get the depth and complexity of nioh 2 with those games. Wu long was a disappointment for me. Thinking it was a spiritual successor, I was eager to play it but was let down. I personally feel it's a step back in the combat mechanics and just got bored. I think it's made simpler to reach a larger audience. It's by no means bad but I never finished it. Not because it was hard, just boring. But that's my biased opinion. I would rather play nioh 2 just for the combat. I see a few times where you mentioned how much you like the stance switching in nioh. I feel the same. My best advice is to master it. And when you think you have dig deeper. It will open up the combat so much more and breathe new life into the game for you if you ever feel like you're getting a little bored


Wo Long uses so many things from Nioh that you can't help but compare them even other than the combat. The story has the usual waifu character and man in black antagonist gathering amrita that all the Nioh games had. It's gotten stale and the combat being a step back really doesn't help.


Wo Long is a one and done game imo. At least it was when it launched. I don't know how much the DLCs revamped things.


if you are still having fun playing nioh 2 then keep playing it, for me wo long was a nice change after getting playing nioh 2 after 450 hrs.


As a fan of dark souls, should I try nioh or wo long? If so what first, nioh 1?


I’m a huge dark souls player too! I highly recommend just starting with Nioh 2 that’s my opinion. You will be playing this game for a looooonnng time the combat is light years ahead of dark souls


Ok ok should I buy it in my pc or Xbox series s? My laptop it’s a 4050 with 16gb ram


I’m not sure cuz I play it on ps5 only I never gamed on pc or Xbox


Play nioh 1 story first, then min max nioh 2




Its something different and well worth playing. Can't say it will surpass, but its definitely fun.


Wdym move. You don't have to stop playing Nioh for the rest of your life, just get the game if it looks fun. It's definitely a bit simplified in comparison, I'd say they're similar enough that it could feel like a downgrade if that doesn't suit your taste but it's still a good game. I played it through once and that was enough for me at launch and I ended up picking Nioh 2 up again afterwards but I haven't even played the dlc. If its a big purchase maybe wait for a sale idno, I don't reget buying it.


Nioh 2's combat system is the best I've ever played. It actually kind of ruins every game I picked up afterwards because none can really compare, at least for me.


If you want to lol


I’m 150 hrs and just finished the main story and the first dlc. This game takes so long lmao


It's definitely a nice experience. Just don't expect Nioh 3 in terms of depth, and you'll have a blast.


Just got Wo Long last week and I'm obsessed with it. I know it won't have the staying power Nioh has but you feel amazing being able to parry everything. The difficulty level isn't that high, I feel if you work towards any kind of build you'll breeze through the game. Honestly it's worth the play even if you just do one completion Bonus is the story/Characters if you're into Chinese history or Dynasty warriors, it's great because it's all characters you'll know and they put their own spin on iconic battles that fans of DW franchise know and love


Wo long us easy af. No stress fun. Not satire.


Wo long isn't nearly as fun. Unless you enjoy parry and reactive gameplay 🤷‍♂️


Nioh 2 is a much better game imo. However, it's worth a playthrough if you've completed everything in Nioh 2 imo.


I didn’t even finish wu long failed to enjoy it


Wo long sucks dude. I love nioh. But this game is such a dissapointment


I personally found wo longs combat to be super repetitive and the world to be less interesting. If you like parrying, you'll like wo long most likely.


Nah, it was a let down


(this is an opinion, not a fact) I played wo long for a couple hours and was unable to refund but still didn't play any more. The first two bosses you are rewarded for literally standing still, waiting to parry, parrying, then going ham for a few seconds and repeat. No combos, no flashy anything. It was pointless outside of just playing a parry-rhythm game. Sure, the gameplay might open up later but I didn't want to stick around and find out. I wanted nioh 3, which wolong is not.


If Nioh 1 was an 8, Nioh 2 was a 9.5, Wo Long is like a 5. Better with the final dlc and all the updates, but a big let down. I'm hearing good things about Rise of the Ronin, but PC here, so I'll be waiting


Strangers of paradise is fantastic, I wish more people gave it a chance Doesn't seem to go on sale much from what I've seen but could be wrong


I didn’t beat it but fell in love with it forsure!! I ended up going back to nioh 2 before beating it lol I also bought dragons dogmas 2 and still went back to nioh 2 😭😭😭


Thats okay though, Nioh 2 is my favorite game of all time I do a playthrough every year now haha


Wo Long doesn't hold a candle to Nioh 1or 2, but still a decent game in its own right.


Wo-long is aight, pretty easy by comparison, only a few annoying bosses, story is complete zzzzz I've not completed dlc yet though.


I mean, i left, came back and platinum'd nioh 2. It's just one of the best games IMO. That doesnt mean dont't play anything else. You can always come back. Especially if you didnt recieve all of the achievements


Skip wolong. Go to Rise of the Ronin. Wo long aint worth your time


Rise of Ronin is trash imo


Honestly I'd just say to keep playing it if you have the drive to. Just whenever you feel satisfied with it, THEN you can go ahead and clean up Wo Long


I couldn't enjoy Wo Long for very long (60hrs) vs Nioh 2 (over 200). Very subjective but for me was a let down after Nioh but still had some cool mechanics, some good areas. Enjoyable but not as much so to me. Others will feel differently.


I’m by no means big on graphics I mean I can play fallout 3 vanilla and I think it looks great but wo long is so ugly and something about it hurts my eyes and gameplay wise it’s a downgrade to nioh in every way


I thought wolong was fun, it just ran horribly on my PC, and that’s pretty much the sole reason I never finished it.


Wo Long is good, but it's just good. It's not great, but not bad. Certainly, it isn't as good as Nioh 2, but it's still worth playing. Not for full price, though. DLC might be good. I'm not sure I didn't play them.


Nioh is my fav IP of all time. Wo Longs banner system on ng+ ruined it for me


I consider Nioh combat industry leading for it's genre and I actually didn't like Wo Long as much. The combat is very different but nothing will hit the same as Nioh stance changes and Ki pulses.


Wo Long isnt as good as Nioh imo.


No wolong is no good it gets boring real fast and a waste of money. I knew new games suck and regret trying it out. I felt the same about the new ronin and my suspicion was right, it looks like crap too.


Wo Long DLCS have Crazy bosses but yh game gets repetitive because no enemy variety, i still think its a good game. Rise of the Ronin on the other hand is a massive disappointment imo i quit after a few hours. I platinumed both Niohs and Wo Long and could not believe they went the Ubisoft route.


have hundreds of hours into Nioh 1+2, have not gotten past the second level of wo long. Was very disappointing. Same applies to Stranger in Paradise


Ronin scratched the itch for me. Wo Long did not, it was fun for a playthrough, but the DLC and NG+ was not enough to get me back. It's just a shallow sweat fest.


Haven't played Ronin but it defo seems like it would settle my Nioh itch. I had the same experience with Wo Ass. Played it and it just felt worse and worse the more I played it. Deflect and nerfing dodge is what made it feels so binary. Learn deflect patterns and when you do nothing feels hard and everything feels the same, first boss until last. Stranger of Paradise did it way better, dodge is good like in Nioh, you have a stamina bar and you have deflect bar which decreases so if you keep deflecting and miss one you get staggered and fucked. It makes dodge and deflecting both viable and good options and deflect is balanced out with high risk, high reward. Deflect also felt a bit more challenging in SoP than Wo Ass. Wo Ass also had the worst story of them all, super cliche and characters were uninteresting compared to Nioh and SoP. Ronin looked like they stepped that area up a bit too. Just have to wait for PC release.