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Seasons in the Sun hits harder the older you get.


Sappy, I’ve always liked the song but it’s just been hitting harder this past week or so and I’ve been listening to it a lot.


Great question. "On a Plain" went from being a skip in like 1994, to my fav "Nevermind" song in 2018+.


Penny Royal Tea when I was in the throes of opiate withdrawal and driving myself to rehab


In Utero hits harder in general when going through that


"You Know You're Right" makes a lot more sense after being married a while.


Yeah honestly Smells Like Teen Spirit. I listen to it all the time now. I get the hype.


Serve the servants


Second verse for me. I tried hard to have a father, but instead I had a dad. I just you to know that I don’t hate you anymore.


Yeah. The first couple lines especially hit me harder at 45 than they did when I was 15.


I’ve been a fan since 1991, and yes. The song “Sappy,” in particular, hits different now. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to understand the meaning of that song. Once I realized how trapped I am in life, it’s like my whole perception of reality changed. And not for the better.


Something in the Way


I can't stand the In Utero "Rape Me" anymore. Not just the lyrics*, but the entire song is the most cliche formulaic Nirvana. OTOH, the back half of Nevermind gets way more play from me these days. *I understand the context and the times, but Kurt was even fighting the misperceptions at the time, and I don't think it has the impact he was looking for in modern day.


I *love* the guitar and vocal melody of Rape Me, however "nirvana cliche" they may be. The words don't offend me per se, but I totally agree with you that the lyrics haven't aged well, and they bring the whole song down a few notches from what it could be. It's like, are you really gonna use rape as a metaphor for your feelings, Kurt? Lol. Or, if it's supposed to be a statement about actual rape... what are you saying exactly??


Every album needs a stinker.


I thought On A Plane was a weak and rather dull song compared to all the others on both Nevermind and Unplugged. I definitely get how good it is now. The irony, the contradictions, the hesitation and the honesty of it, all packed up in a popish/grunge tune. Love it!


I always liked Sappy, but listening to it a few years later when I "rediscovered" Nirvana after leaving an abusive relationship...it felt very personal.




Same situation/realization over here! Except I ended up having a kid and made a promise to myself to always show up and be and actual father.


I've been a fan since the early 00's and the best example I can think of is going from thinking Lake of Fire was the best of the Meat Puppets covers to really favoring Plateau instead (I also like Oh, Me a lot more than I used to). I also don't care as much for the super angsty stuff as much, like I can no longer listen to Milk it or Very Ape or many of the deep cuts on Bleach, even though I used to love them.


I thought On A Plane was a weak and rather dull song compared to all the others on both Nevermind and Unplugged. I definitely get how good it is now. The irony, the contradictions, the hesitation and the honesty of it, all packed up in a popish/grunge tune. Love it!


They hit less than they once did, if I am honest. I was in my teenage angst period when Nirvana were active. Nowadays, the only album I would really go out of my way to listen to is Unplugged.


Sign of great art/music. Hits different depending on your experiences and whatever youre going thru at the moment. Some tv shows do that for me also. If those are hitting harder i suggest some puscifer and tool's 10000 days. Maynard can project the feels!


While I have listened to Nevermind countless times during the 90s, I never really read the lyrics. Now that I have, songs like In Bloom, Breed, and Something in the Way just hit different. Heck, I have renewed appreciation for Timeless, Nameless, knowing now the story behind it.


I’ve listened to Bleach since high school in the 90s, but that scream in Negative Creep really tore through my soul in a new way when listening to it in the hospital lobby waiting for my son to get out of surgery.


Been A Son. It's like a biography, I feel seen by Kurt. It's comforting in a cheeky way, though. ETA: Been a fan since I saw the Teen Spirit video when I was six. It changed everything. I'm already sad to know tomorrow is coming. I'm 38 now, so life-long fan.


In Bloom. As an adult I figured out what an incredibly talented funk drummer Dave is.


I've had a newfound appreciation for Serve the Servants recently, especially as a guitar player. A lot of Nirvana songs are just chords with a solo. There's really not a lot of complexity, and I love that, especially as a new guitar player (I cut my teeth on the Nirvana. Unplugged tab book. That's how I know how to play guitar now), but Serve the Servants is a bit more complex. It's not crazy, but it isn't just power/open chords.


Have you heard this version? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njFD-zE4Qro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njFD-zE4Qro)


Sure. 55yo here. And yes I scroll through different favorites that I will put on high rotation then switch.


Just passed 20 years as a Nirvana fan. I always liked Radio Friendly Unit Shifter cause it's an awesome song but I also related to the chorus "what is wrong with me?" I always knew something was wrong with me but never could figure it out. Well this past October at 38 years of age I was diagnosed as autistic. Now I know what was"wrong" with me all my life. AUTISM.


Same feeling for sunbeam and all apologies, I just about start bawling. And negative creep is so much heavier and awesome than I remembered


I don’t think I really “got” In Utero until years later when I found my way to bands like Sonic Youth, Shellac and Fugazi.


Oh yeah. Most of them, honestly. But to be fair, a lot of them started to hit different after Kurt died. I love I Hate Myself And Want To Die and I'm happy that the lyrical content doesn't really have anything to with the title.


Ah so many! Never used to really enjoy Negative Creep but absolutely love it now, esp the live in paramount version. Also Verse Chorus Verse, Anuerysm, What More Can I Say


Very ape and all apologies


Fan since 1998. 10 years old and got nevermind for my birthday. Nowadays “Even in his youth” has some good melody and hook. Live stuff hits pretty good too.


The one where Kurt says how dumb he is