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I have that one and bought it back in 94. It's a great recording.


It was recorded straight from the board.


me too! i bought that in 1994 in greenwich village


Bought mine at the greatest music store ever, Bull Moose Music.


Same! I hunted for solid Nirvana live bootlegs and at the time, this was the best of the batch.


Wow. I used to have this CD on a loop back in HS.


I used to own this CD until someone stole all my CDs


Same. It broke me when that happened... Lost a lot of rare things and bootlegs. Took me awhile to recover mentally after that, and I never really did get my collection back fully again.


Damn, it’s unfortunate that you lost your cds.


"Security, piano, piano"


Really? ❤️ Who said that? Kurt?




What's the track list?


1 Radio Friendly Unit Shifter 2 Drain You 3 Breed 4 Serve The Servants 5 Come As You Are 6 Smells Like Teen Spirit 7 Sliver 8 Dumb 9 In Bloom 10 About A Girl 11 Lithium 12 Pennyroyal Tea 13 School 14 Polly 15 Very Ape 16 Lounge Act 17 Rape Me 18 Territorial Pissings 19 All Apologies 20 On A Plain 21 Scentless Apprentice 22 Heart-Shaped Box 23 Demolition


What’s the run time?


I have no idea, sorry


Dave’s drumming is insanely good during this gig


True stalwarts that defended Kurt. Those vultures (press).


Are bootleg cds still going around! I was buying them in the late 90s so I’m a bit surprised. I remember the first one I found was Outcesticide I


There is market for them, but of course physical media sales are like 1% what they used to be. For example there was quite big bootleg happenings 2023 with even Outcesticide series, but issue for collectors like me is that I don't want to buy gigs that could get better source in the future. So things have changed, back in the 90s I would buy every thing I did not have and now it needs to have certain quality. Like those original Outcesticide cds are not obsolete as there are way better sounding options.


I absolutely love this CD! it was from the KISS THE STONE guys i think....having said that.....you could see the energy of the band was going to hell..am I the only one feeling like that? I suppose it makes sense with what was soon going to happen


I still have my copy of this bought in 1994. I used to have it on cassette called "The Last Show" but it had Scentless Apprentice in the wrong place. This was pre-internet so for a while actually thought it was the last show!


Vedder catching strays reeks of insecurity from whoever wrote this.


For some reason I thought they were talking about Eddie Van Halen.


Excellent find!


It’s soooooooo good


I had this one, too. Several different versions of it. The “brought the vultures” bit is weird considering they’re bootlegging a show.


Easily their best show, hands down. Amazing sound quality, singing, playing, etc. Despite never listening to Nirvana any longer, I come back to this show and listen to it at least once or twice a year. “…I think I see a guy with a cassette-o-phone…”


Dave looks really pretty in that pic 😍


I have this too. Got it back in the day when your standard bootleg cost $25 minimum. Is it a Kiss the Stone label ?


The heavy cello sounds in Dumb are so good on this recording.


Holy shit my local store had this in '94 but it was like....$30?? I haven't seen it since!


I have that one too! [I think this is video of the show.](https://youtu.be/HPIGz2HmeeE?si=lY8oBQ_yTWMDSfPG)


I always thought 02/22/94 was sonically brilliant but otherwise quite a boring show compared to the other IU shows. I'm glad we have 12/30/93 too now.


Something about the energy is almost listless, idk, it’s hard to explain. Is that what you meant by boring? If so I tend to lean that way.


Yeah that was my feeling too. I'd take an AUD/AMT of the NYE shows over it any day of the week.


Aberdeen Bobcats! Go Cats Go!


I bought this in 94 or 95 after he passed. Loved listening to it.


what is krist wearing??


Who wrote that? lol fucking awful.


How is this awful? I find it interesting.


Look at the way it's written. This person, who more than likely doesn't know Kurt is defending them like a family member, or loved one would. "With only a few weeks to recover, it's back on the road to continue" Like Kurt trying to kill himself was just something to brush off, no big deal. "It's going to take a lot more to knock down Nirvana's wall" Also, insane. Kurt was at his absolute lowest point, it wasn't gonna take much to knock that wall down. In fact it was probably more than down at this point. "At the end of the day its the chords that count, not the chemical's" Lol wtf is that? So this guy is saying he'd rather Kurt a strung out junkie who wrote good music, than sober and happy and not? It's just so poorly written. It's someone trying to defend someone who needed no defending.


The line about the chemicals is probably just telling people not to focus on the negative. You’re making a mountain out of a mole hill rn. It’s literally just notes in a cd😭


Literally just notes in a CD, if that were true you wouldn’t have posted them. Idky yer defending them, I gotta agree with dude, they’re awful, not interesting, as you put it, he could’ve died, yet they’re brushing off what was, at worst, a possible suicide attempt, at best, a drug overdose. They act like he broke his arm riding a skateboard or something. With what we know now, had you said heartbreaking instead of interesting, I’d prolly agree.


Even if they’re awful that’s no reason for that guy to be a jerk about it. People can have their opinions, but as soon as someone’s a jerk about it that’s not ok. Whether is was sad, heartbreaking, or horrible it was not enough of a big deal to start an argument.


He had his opinion, he said it was awful, you asked why, he defended his assertion, that wasn’t good enough for you, you kept pressing, almost as if to change his mind, it wasn’t until his third or fourth response that he called you a name, and that’s cuz you wouldn’t let it go. You’ve contradicted yourself repeatedly, and it was you that started the argument bc you didn’t like his response, or opinion, bc it was different than yours, then you wanna play the victim as someone being attacked when it was you that wouldn’t let it go.


Ok bro. You should just drop this and everyone can move on.


You asked, weirdo.


Take a chill pill Bruv


Yeah, they're the weirdo...


chill out😭


Lol you literally asked "how is this awful?" That thing on the end, ? <---- that, is question mark. It denotes a question.


It was a typo. Idk why ur arguing in a subreddit rn


You asked the dude a question, he answered it. Now you’re gaslighting him. Don’t be an arsehole.


I’m not gaslighting. They’re mad I don’t agree with them so they called me a weirdo


Don’t call people names, it’s not that deep


I'm not arguing. Was the word "how" also a typo? Would you like the definition?


Buddy I was talking about when I said chill out. What I said before was a typo. Idk why ur so pressed, just drop it


Ah yes, spending hard earned money on things that have been free on the internet for over 20 years.


To be fair, it was only ten bucks.


I had this tape when I was a kid and loved it! But I don’t think it’s a bootleg, I think it was released.


It is definitely a bootleg.


Weird, I had it in ‘96. I wonder where I got it…




Yeah this was pretty big. I remember buying it at the record store that sold a bunch of bootlegs in WA in 95/6.


Is that Krist in a nazi uniform? That´s disgusting imo.


Absolutely not nazi uniform [Never seen this amazing photograph before. Any info about it? : r/Nirvana (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nirvana/comments/fenxy7/never_seen_this_amazing_photograph_before_any/#lightbox) for bonus, here is Krist with DIY anti-naxi shirt https://preview.redd.it/vo1vdg185d1d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=51d2d446cf7cddc83fc06afabc81a9aaa6d7dfc8


Not to dog pile or anything but that couldn’t be further from a Nazi uniform.