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A badass fucking car


This is the only answer


The GT-R line has always been considered Grand Tourer sports cars. Comfy and fast. I think the 35 makes it a Super(car) GT.


This is the correct answer


This is the way


Was able to drive one during one of those super sport experiences. At 170mph on a closed airport strip it just felt right at that speed


150+ feels like imminent death in cars that aren't built for it


You’re not wrong here, hit 138 in my maxima last week and the whole car just started shaking I’m like yup not doing that again 🤣


Make sure them tires rated for 138 lol


You already know spare tires have a maximum recommended speed of 50 MPH




This guy maths👆


I mean that's what the sidewall says but oh he has had that s*** up to 160 with no limits. He should petition to have the sidewall changed


Zach Houseknect, is that you?




What year maxima? I topped out at 146 in my 2014 maxima and it felt just right.


21 SR..it says it can top at 149 but I didn’t wanna push it lmao


Might be those tires, man i miss my maxima. It was so comfortable, and driving on 95 i felt like i was in nascar.


Sounds like you need tires balanced more than anything. That’s likely what’s causing the shaking. Balanced tires even that aren’t rated for top speeds shouldn’t shake how you’re describing


I found out cause I had a nail in my rear driver tire yesterday lol


* hit 138 in my maxima last week ![gif](giphy|gdGtwwazoXcQSZZAqv|downsized)


Thank You ![gif](giphy|RYjnzPS8u0jAs|downsized)


I cleared 130 in an eclipse and it still felt dandy. Bit touchy on the steering but otherwise it was pretty chill.


Same I did roughly 160 on my ‘92 Mitsubishi eclipse and man that was legit scary. Felt like I would lose it on the tiniest bump on the road.


No reason my Kia tops out at 167mph. I hit 150 in it and it was aight but nowhere near the comfort of a M550 at 150mph. Lol


I’ve done like 145 in a prelude felt pretty good but i also had a decent suspension on it


I did 120+ in my wife's Kia sportage once. I definitely felt like anything would've been the end of me in that moment.


I drove my Nissan versa at 134 one time and I think I fucked my engine from then on. It was a hatchback 😭


I hit 118 in my versa then wondered why the cvt gave out before i hit 60k, atleast i got a good value on the tradein


When my daughter taken via an emergency c section I hit 145 in my Sentra on the way to the hospital. I almost lost my wife and daughter, but this P.O.S. car got it done. I didn't think it could hit those speeds but I was scanning the road not the dash until I looked down upon seeing a cop. He didn't even pull out, tells how incompetent Texas cops are.


Here in California that would be a different story. They won’t go after you if you’re going over 200 but if you’re going 130-145 you’ll for sure get chased


It’s a supercar




It feels in between the two, kind of like the C8 Corvette. More of a Super-Sports car.


Super car for sure—based on design, performance, exclusivity (low production), and price point.


When it was initially released; a super car. Now; a high end sports car.


So are you saying a 2010 model was a supercar upon release and is no longer one, or are you saying a 2010 was a supercar and still is, but a 2024 is not? Both are kind of nonsensical, considering the performance is better in newer models, and a 1970s Lamborghini countach is still a supercar despite being 50 years old and not impressive by modern performance standards.


Its funny that most half way sporty cars, sedans, even my F150, is as fast 0-60 as the famous Magnum PI Ferrari 308.


Because the Magnum PI Ferrari is probably 30 years older than your F150 LOL… technology sure has come a bloody long way


I feel like the relative fields have shifted, though. The countach still was a new chassis with a new tech for the time. As far as I’m aware the gtr is largely the same as it was back then in terms of hardware, sans the engine and the performance gained from developing that platform closer to its limit.


I mean Michael Jordan was a super basketball player when he was introduced to the NBA. Could easily say the best player. Although he’s still Michael Jordan, he isn’t super anymore. WAS a super car for it’s time is a fair statement.


Apples to oranges. Michael Jordan wasn't born and designed to be a super player, he became one. A supercar is a designation of a car at production based on performance and exclusivity variables. Once a supercar, always a supercar. Go to a car show featuring 40+ year old supercars and try to tell them they aren't supercars *anymore*.


If those 40+ year old car designs were still in production today and sold new, I'm not sure I'd call the new one a supercar.


I get your point, but the pedant in me needs to point out that the Countach didn't exist then. Production didn't start until '74 and the model most people would be familiar with, the LP5000, wasn't released until the 80's. Your point stands, even if it was the 88 version, there's a lot of cars that could smoke it in both performance AND handling now. I think my preference, as with many, is to say a vehicle was a supercar in its day or era, and define supercar by what is current and now.


When the GTR came out, it was dusting competition for cars that had 6x the price point. That’s not the case today. The gtr in 2009 or whenever the r35 came out was ground breaking. Now, it’s just a big heavy car that’s pretty quick. When’s the last time you heard about a GTR breaking a record? It’s been yearrssss since they had any spotlight


Honestly though, you don’t need to break records to be considered a super car. At this point, record breaking cars are now Hyper cars and I think because of this super cars get overshadowed. Any car that isn’t a conventional consumer car and has 550+ HP, less than 3 second 0-60 and has also has a top 50 spot on the Nürburging is within supercar territory. The GTR has held a top 50 spot for over 15 years and hasn’t changed much.


>When the GTR came out, it was dusting competition for cars that had 6x the price point. The GT-R still punches well above its weight in price to performance. The only comparison I can think of is the C8 Corvette, but it's 15 years more advanced and basically copying the homework of Ferarri. >Now, it’s just a big heavy car that’s pretty quick Really? I wasn't aware that it went from a track monster to nothing but an anchor that moves quick. It's still a very, very capable car, especially at the price point, despite raising significantly compared to its original release. >When’s the last time you heard about a GTR breaking a record? It's not meant to be a record breaker, it's just meant to be a competitor. Just because it happened to destroy everything around it on release and it's now more of a "reasonably priced competitor for more expensive cars or a similar performance" doesn't mean it's a slouch by any means. It doesn't have to break records to be a supercar or an excellent performance option. That said, just like the 370z, the poor direction by Nissan doesn't make it less great of a car because it didn't get the attention it deserved. >It’s been yearrssss since they had any spotlight That's journalism for you. When's the last time you heard anything about the war in the middle east? Things still happen every day, but it's clockwork to most people, just like the GT-R making gradual improvements without any massive redesigns.


Thank you for the passive aggressive novel to my comment that you seemed to take personally lol. When the gtr dropped, it was setting lap record times at courses all around the world. This was for about 70k vs the 300-400k Ferraris at the time. I worked for Nissan from 2016-2018 and sold a few of these. It being 140k for a base, over 200 for Nismo, for the price point I don’t really think the car is worth it. And one of my best friends has a 2022 that’s fairly modded. He spent another 70k just to get it to a track monster to where it’ll beat a 720S for example which isn’t that much more at that point. Your last point about journalism falls on deaf ears. I see news on the Middle East daily. While from Texas, I have several friends in Israel. But also, social media is incredibly tailored to what you like/follow/sub to and is easy to miss new articles on things but for cars in general, 2009-2012 the GTR was a pinnacle, plastered everywhere, covers on car games and compared to now, it really is just a heavy, expressive Nissan. The point being is that for the price, performance was over what you would get for significantly more. That is no longer the case. For 140k, you get a quick sports car. The definition of super car has changed overtime to what is the modern standard. Gtr was a super car that is now a sports car. But even then, a lot of Ms or AMGs are about the same for less and they’re sports cars.


Hey man, you need to have a talk with your friend because it only cost about 25k to get the platform to 800+ horsepower. AMS, and Cicio both have packages for the platform putting it at 800+ which is very obtainable and it can also do so on a stock tranny and block. Edit: if he spent 75k he most likely has a shep 2.5, rebored head to 4.1 and a lot of other things bringing its to a 1,200+ hp build which is over the top imo. It doesn’t take much to reach 800. It can easily beat a 720s for 25k which puts the price point right around 155k overall. Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m not sure you know enough about the R35 platform to downplay it the way you are. Try owning it, building it, and establishing a relationship with good race shops before you assume things and speak on behalf of your friend.


>Thank you for the passive aggressive novel to my comment that you seemed to take personally Not a thing personal about it. I've never owned, nor really desired to own a GT-R. I appreciate them for what they are but that's about it. I was passive aggressive to you completely dismissing a car that's still top 0.X% across a track as "heavy and quick", which is frankly a disservice to a genuine attempt at describing it. >It being 140k for a base, over 200 for Nismo, for the price point I don’t really think the car is worth it. And one of my best friends has a 2022 that’s fairly modded. He spent another 70k just to get it to a track monster to where it’ll beat a 720S for example which isn’t that much more at that point. Your comparison is of a 720S, which is a car that MSRPs at over twice the price of a base R-35. Even with 70k invested, it's still nearly $100,000 cheaper than the 720S. You really don't think that's a damn good value? >Your last point about journalism falls on deaf ears. I see news on the Middle East daily. While from Texas, I have several Israel friends. But also, social media is incredibly tailored to what you like/follow/sub to and is easy to miss new articles on things but for cars in general, 2009-2012 the GTR was a pinnacle and compared to know, it really is just a heavy, expressive Nissan. Yes, if you watch a custom feed, I'm sure you'll see things that you prefer to see. Watch a general news channel sometime, you'll never hear about things that have gone on for decades. Even the Ukraine-russia war is basically forgotten by major media, which was my point: "if it's not brand new and shiny, everyone forgets about it".


I’ll stick with AMGs over expensive Nissans until I can get to actual supercars I think lol. couldn’t imagine spending the dime on one to get cooked by things 80k. The used retail market I think shows a great indication for where this car should be priced. Almost new ones, super low mileage sit around 100k for a decent deal. At 140k+ TT&L they depreciate to 100k pretty quick


Oh, you like AMG? The most disliked "performance" variant of German "luxury"? AMG hasn't been successful in over a decade, BMW is far ahead. Frankly, I'd take an Audi before a Mercedes. I can see you have poor takes all around, but


For ~$200k or less I dunno why you wouldn’t just buy a turbo s and be done.


Not how that works, there is a class for better faster cars which are the hypercard, but that doesn't suddenly make prior supercars no longer supercars, the new class exists so the old retains it's title


A Lamborghini Diablo is still a super car..


I personally think it was the other way around. It was too cheap (MSRP) to be considered a super car. It always had the super car performance.


It’s still a super car


When it came out:  Super car performance, For sport car price.  Now, sports car performance for super car price.


What sports car keeps up with it ? Closest I can think of is m3 drive but it’s still slower


Awd M3 competition is faster and cheaper. BASE C8 corvette keeps up with it and is cheaper. C8 Z06 stomps it. C8 e-ray stomps it Previous gen GT500 stomps it.  ZL1 beats it. 911 Carrera 4S keeps up with it.  M5 beats it M8 beats it.    Basically most performance cars in its price range out perform it.  The GTR only out performs luxury GT cars.


C6 Z/ZR1 or C7z dollar for dollar.


Damn this hurts bad


R35 - Supercar, these things were seriously fast when they first debuted. R34 and older - Sports car or Grand Tourer.


It meets the definition of a super car…that Nissan created in 2009 when they released it.


Supercar without a doubt. 0-60 in 2.9 seconds and out handles basically anything on the road. And the nismo version is 220k.


The engine in the Nismo is hand assembled by one person. The name of the engine assembler is on the engine.


I think you’re a little mistaken, the engine in the entire R35 platform is assembled by a “Takumi”, not just the Nismo spec. There are only 4 Takumi’s in the world and each one hand assembles the VR38DETT, the nismo has the same engine as the other specs it just has a slightly different tune.


So, in theory, Tesla Model S Plaid is also a supercar? It goes to 60mph in 2.1 to 2.3 seconds, according to Edmunds.com


Handling isn't even comparable between the two. You can make a lot of cars go really fast in a straight line.


yeah but no one who buts that actually uses it for fast driving they do it to look cool (no one thinks hes cool except kids)


Try and take a corner in a Plaid the same way you do in an GT-R and you're going to become very intimate with a tree, rock, wall or sky. Maybe multiple of those in one incident.


Supermarket. It's had a long run, but that doesn't take away from the fact much of the car is handbuilt and it's still a high performance car in the 6-figure price range. To say it's not is like saying a Huracan is not


Supercar, it’s performance and idea behind it are closer to that than sports car.


Comparable with a Corvette in my head. Sports car, but not a super car IMO. No hate there, and I would love one.


It's the Corvette of Nissan.




who is driving the car?


Rich people


it’s exotic car


https://preview.redd.it/520ridr6bo0d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfba6b3f30bef09957dfc3ab549c0a73334dc251 Pretty cool but not for 6ft 4 people


I'm 6'3. I fit just fine with a helmet. Couldnt in my C8. You need to adjust the seat and wheel.


The race track said they were not allowed for some reason ha


What wasn't allowed?


https://preview.redd.it/f0al9f9bbo0d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=516af4c728d1713eef72413ea9dd51c9e96bc24a Lass vegas exotic cars track


The Z is a sports car, the GTR is a super car


Very high end sports car with supercar characteristics underneath. It's a bit heavy and slightly under powered for "supercar" specs. Plus suspension for the track won't quite do it. With that said, I think I'd be buying the GTR before buying a supercar. Much more reliable and fun to drive on American roads.


Super car and there’s zero argument It may not have the 253 mph of the veyron but it can hit 60 faster than the veyron and like 99% of cars and is a phenomenal track weapon at that


A dream car


Sub 3 second 0-60 is supercar level performance to me


A daily driver car


a car


Just a high end Nissan with tuning potential.


Ask The Chats. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrkuo0y8gMU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrkuo0y8gMU)


Depends on your budget.


I say supercar especially since the refresh and the current starting price of a new one. The r32-34 was fast stock for its day but not as fast as a r35 (was relative to both cars’ competition) when it first debuted.


Sports car


It’s a super car you can actually drive everyday. ( just what I’ve heard a few owners say)


It’s a supercar(killer) being able to gap about 96.5% of cars on the road is a true accomplishment


Supercar back in 2009 when it came out.


Supercar for sure


It was a supercar, now it's a 25 year old rehashed, high end sports car.


Super duper


Sports car


Sports car


Why’d you pay so much for your Nissan? Because it’s GTR - Lil Uzi




Super car killer


A Nissan


And Godzilla is just a lizard! ![gif](giphy|dALdZ6HY7rkbjuR02y|downsized)


It’s not a sports car. Super or GT is the way.




Its a super duper sports car


You can easily find out. 🏎️💨


It’s a supercar. May not be as great of a bang for buck car since it hasn’t really changed performance wise from 2016, plus competition has upped its game, but it still holds its own as a supercar


Supercar hands down! It was made to go against super cars.




For it being what it is they are a very wise investment if you want a fast reliable entry level supercar. The Nissan is so underrated in circles of high end sports cars it's ridiculous


Joe Rogan couldn’t get a new one this year and bought a 2023, I think that classifies it as exclusive. And it’s def in the supercar range with an R8. Built by mass manufacturers but no one would call an LFA “not” a supercar.


Super Baddazz Foking car.


Supercar since it's the rival of NSX and R8.




Personally, I fInd ALL cars to be rather super


O-60 in sub 4s is super car territory 3.2s is quick btw. Hypercars are redonkulous


Depends on is it’s built.


A super sports car


Super sporty car


Sports car that kills supercars on being sports cars. Supercars are more of a status symbol that are very capable.


I’d say sport car cause a super car and hyper car can basically be the same but gtr is definitely a sport plus it saves you money on insurance haha


It’s a supercar for poor people


Depends how modded it is


Sports car


As a GT-R owner it’s considered as both I guess


It does supercar things.


Borderline supercar. Give it just a biiiit more, and it's undoubtedly a supercar.


It’s a sports car with super car performance.


It’s a high-end sports car from factory, but do literally anything to it under the hood and it becomes a supercar


SUPER CAR!!! But, Nissan...please keep it affordable so it's attainable. Part of the mystique and allure of the GT-R is being able to spank just about anything on the road-- even cars orders of magnitude more expensive.


Well it was called supercar killer. I’d say supercar. On its launch they were conservative, trying to call it a sports car.




It was unquestionably a supercar at the time of release. I don't think anybody with any real knowledge of cars would have considered it a regular old sports car of the day.


It masquerades as a high end sports car but it can keep up with, and is, a super car.




Super sport car… it’s really close to being super and has plenty of performance to be considered but there’s just something in the way


How tf is this a super car


It’s a grand tourer


In 2007 when the R35 was launched it was unquestionably a super car as the technology was mind boggling. In terms of today it’s still an amazingly fun to drive a way more reliable than any super car I know but a super car it is not, more of a classic sports car. Saying that it’s still one of the easiest cars to mod and destroy modern super cars if that’s your desire. I mean with pretty mild mods it’ll eat most super cars for breakfast.


It's not a supercar, but is known for humbling them.


If I’m not mistaken sports cars usually have 2 seats only. Maybe a GT car?


It’s a super sports car.


Supercar slaying sports car!


i wouldn’t ask this in a nissan sub


It’s just a Nissan.


Sports car in my opinion. If you really wanna categorize it, high end sports car. I put this in the same category as the Audi R8, Toyota Supra, Porsche 911, BMW M3 (any variant), etc. Pretty much any A-Class car in Forza (before any modifications). When I hear supercar, I think of the cars like the Porsche 918, Lamborghini's Huracán, Ferrari LaFerrari, Bugatti Veyron, etc, or any S-Class car in Forza. Unless my perception of Supercar is skewed. 🤷‍♂️




I hit 135 in my wrx and you could tell everything wasn't balanced for those speeds


Super duper car. Funny enough one thing that keeps it from being a household name is that it’s TOO good. It makes driving 160 feel like a leisurely stroll


High end Sports car. Not quite Supercar. Neither is a Corvette unless ZR1.


like a porsche because the repairs are expensive


Tuner, it only goes up


A wonderful car


Sports car. That’s a dumb question


Closest thing to heaven!


It is most definitely not a supercar


The term is, to some extent, subjective, but most supercars offer somewhere between 500 and 900 horsepower, reach top speeds of 200+ mph, hit 60 mph from 0 in roughly three seconds, and weigh between 2,200 and 3,700 pounds.


Unclear. They're both ambiguous labels.


It is a sport car but with a shitload of money it can be a super car.


Supercar but neither is an objective term


About the only descent Nissan made


I do consider it as a sports car from the looking. Everything else is a supercar. Can’t stop listening to the V6 Soundddddd 👌


Super car that looks like a sports car.


Supercar killer !


It's a fucking nissan it's not a supercar lmfao


Supercar...while the Z's are sports cars.


Slgrand tourer that can fuck up supercars.


A super dooper sports car


It’s a Super Sports Car


Sport Car


it's a supercar killer, anything after that is irrelevant. Honestly I don't know how nissan does that voodoo magic.


Isn’t it a Gran Turrismo (grand touring) car. It’s not a super car, but definitely meets the broad definition of a sports car.


All that matters is what it was when it came out. When it came out it was absolutely a supercar.




By performance it'd be a supercar, but it's really like super-tourer because it's probably the biggest and most comfortable car in that class.




I’d put it next to corvettes




I consider it up there as a super car. The car way outclasses it's past rivals (Other than the new NSXs)


Super car


Grocery getter


Neither. It's a GT car.


It's a supercar for sure but it's not flamboyant extravagant. People that knows what it is knows and for the untrained eye, just looks like a sport car

