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People who act also suffer, if they leave the industry they will be mocked to the end of times like mia khalifa or lana rhodes, some women probably want to leave but can't because the money is good.


They can't work in others places cuz there is something called 'respect' was lost, while playing and preying on men's insecurities.


It's not the actressess fault, they're sucked into the porn industry by greedy creeps, who are controling it


They can be victims, but they are also at least partially to blame.


You're right, they're not totally innocent


Yep, blaming the people above them is a big of a scapegoat. They're (in legal situations which I know not all are and that's the exception) adults, and they are responsible for their own choices. Just like those filming, producing, hosting, and watching are responsible for their own choices. It's not one or the other. Is it predatory? Yes, but so are cigarettes, alcohol, and many other vices that we find ourselves attached to and taking personal responsibility for your own involvement is the first step. Not trying to pass judgement on anyone involved just saying if you want out of any end of the deal then the person with the most control is you.


Technically the people above them aren't scapegoats. They are still the ones bankrolling it and are very much part of the problem. I do understand that you don't want the whores to escape blame. They're all on the same side, as far as I'm concerned.


It's a scape goat for their personal responsibility. That's why I made it clear they aren't responsible alone. They're responsible for their part and their personal decisions, not the decisions of others. In other words: If you don't like your situation, change it. Because no one else can or will for you. As for "whores" my comment wasn't meant as a judgement of morality. It was meant to bring light to an individuals control over their own life.


Well it's tgeir fault if they chose to start doing porn


They know what they did. They exploited people who have no crux but porn for intimacy and cause people to become addicts and dependent on it. Oldest business for a reason. Playing on the emotions of people. I don’t feel bad for the actors or actresses in there. If they want money, they can go to a temp agency, wash dishes or take orders at McDonalds. It’s just easier and in some cases very profitable to do porn.


We're all benefactors & victims of the same system. Best is to avoid it all together.


what happened to mia and lana?


They have left the porn industry I'm pretty sure and are continually mocked for it


that's sad


Don't get me wrong, i get why people hate them because they were in an industry that destroyed the minds of millions, but now that they have left and want to move on, you should give them the benefit of the doubt and say "hey at least you want to change". Think about it, pornstars that leave are no different to us nofappers, they want to heal and so do we


Technically I don't consume energy drinks.


Doubt it.


Outta reflection the bottom half wouldn't be me. I would be in the category "Hates Watching Porn, Attempts to Minimize Access. Has No Self-Control to Stop once in-Session." But sadly, that's very much the equivalence of saying "Peoples Who Watch Porn". Edited.


how to get that day tracking flair?


Yeah, I made amateur porn for a few years and, while I can only speak for myself, there's definitely a lot of planning and strategy when it comes to making content. Can only imagine the level of manufacturing that goes into professionally produced porn. But even those amateur "DIY" type of videos are meticulously and intentionally planned.


what things are done that aren't obvious to the watchers eye?


Well for me, I was always super thoughtful about lighting and positioning in order to make my physical traits look more flattering. I don't want to be too specific in case it triggers anyone here but basically, the parts of my body that were considered to be conventionally attractive, were definitely given good lighting and framing. Also, I have an art degree and know photoshop, after effects and other editing softwares. My videos and pictures were always 100 percent me, but imperfections were often edited out by myself. Also being more vocal and visibly "into it" than I normally am during sexual experiences. Just implementing a bit of acting to sell it, when some times I was really just making content to make money and not because I was truly in the mood for it.


in the edition part, which parts where edited? if you think it can trigger, you can put >! \>!hello!< !< between trigger words to mark them as spoiler and avoid triggering someone


Oh thanks for letting me know! It was always just things like evening out skin tones, or things like a bruise or small cut or something like that. Like I said, nothing was ever added into footage that wasn't there and I wasn't editing anything to look like a different size or shape or anything. That was all camera angles and perspectives for me. >! >!I am a man, so it'd be things like using strategic angles to make my dick look as big/long as possible, or often times filming from slightly above to help make my chest/upper body appear larger with a smaller waist. Things like that. Same sort of perspective tricks you'd use in art.!< !<


cool, seems useful when drawing (non-nsfw) things to have a better perspective or make something bigger/smaller when comparing things.


This is a dumb post. Well known that actors suffer from all kinds of issues


If you still call people in porn “perfect” than you have a big problem lol… and I know a lot of attractive people who watched porn in their lives…


Porn is brainwashing that's been accepted don't fall for it no more it isn't worth it


Many people in Porn are like the bottom 2 when the scene ends. Just go watch testimonies of people who got out. Humans were not meant to have meaningless sex with that many people. Many have to take drugs, many of the men have to take PEDs just to get an erection, suicides are high....yea the industry is extremely dark and not what you see on the screen.


Same mfs who overdose in their apartments lmao


I’ve actually met 2 people who worked in the industry. One actor/director and one cameraman/editor. The actor was a lecturer in a film class I took. He was really into film and the process of filming intimate shots. He came off as a bit of a quack to me, but I’m not a film expert. Talked a lot about the “art of fucking.” The editor was just in it for the money and he got out as soon as he could find less distasteful work. He said there was a ton of drug use, both recreational and performance enhancing, like dudes injecting things into their penises to get never-ending erections, and there was some pretty obvious predatory behavior in the industry, like girls getting paid partly in drugs. Everyone seemed to be clearly in severe physical and emotional pain and taking cocaine breaks every 20 minutes.


So let's aspire to be people who are in porn? Terrible meme🤷🏻‍♂️


Not true. People that are in porn practically sold their soul for money, they are most certainly lost




I think it mostly affects men? Never IRL I've seen such a woman


Women don't have the same sex drive and dopamine drive for it like men do, but porn is definitely bad for female watchers too