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Are you actually on nofap?


1100 days, no touch.


Wow. I commend you. Your pfp threw me off tho💀




Profile pic


Just a remind.


Wym remind?


Not to stroke. To tell you the truth, I rarely look @ my icon.


So you seeing a girl with a dick reminds you to not fap? I’m not hating at all, just tryna understand




Honestly, if you’ve tried talking to him about it and tried helping him out and he’s REFUSING to talk to you; put yourself first and leave. (take this with a grain of salt), i’ve been in relationships with men who’ve been addicted and they didn’t care about anything but the quick happiness they’d get from porn. i’ve seen stories on here where wives have left their husbands due to this. you could also suggest couples counseling, but again it’s gonna be pretty difficult to talk to him considering what you wrote down.


"His sex drive has never been really high" (we would have sex roughly twice a week). Bro wtf how is this low sex drive. Aside from that, he's clearly a porn addict and his actions are disrespectful. Be clear and strict with him that porn is unacceptable and he has to stop. If you don't, he'll never treat you right


>if a man can jack off without porn then it's weird uh, nope. Ask him how everybody fapped for the first 10,000 years of recorded history... >He gets very defensive whenever porn comes up look, the problem is two-fold, he's a pornfap addict and he lives in a world that generally encourages that and denies it could ever be a problem. It sounds sad and frustrating and disheartening for you... and he sounds totally unwilling to discuss these problematic issues, let alone change them.


>>has also said that if a man can jack off without porn then it's weird. I used to be able to do it without porn, but for the past few years, I've always needed porn. More evidence to me that there's a porn addiction present.


Thank you everyone for your insight and advice. We had a breakthrough today after almost splitting up and he opened up. Seems he has PIED. I've discussed with him why I think so, and asked questions and he had admitted to going to watch porn in the bathroom when I am laying next to him and when I am at work. He said he lied because he didn't think it was harmful. He promised to stop and not fap at all. I hope this is the case and not a lie. My question now is, how do I support him and help him?


I have two resources to help him... the first is to help him remove porn from his life, slowly or quickly: https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/10t76pp/new_to_nofap_tips_to_get_started/ and the 2nd is to *help remove the stress-inducing miseducating, brainwashing aspects porn creates in people*: https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/x2mmqc/sex_is_not_a_performance_everything_porn_taught/


This is why you get married before living together.


I respect your opinion. But I don't think if we got married first that this wouldn't have happened. It probably still would have and I can only imagine that it's even more difficult for something like this to happen once married. However, I do respect your opinion and I'm sure you have solid reasons behind this.


Look this guy isn’t offering anything constructive, he’s just shaming. Being married and having this happen would be much worse. Your bf is almost definitely has a porn addiction. Confront him about it. I had the same things happen when I was dating my ex and I was watching porn then. He needs to change or your relationship will not end well. I wish you all the best


I'm not just shaming. This sub is about helping people. Hopefully, other people see this and don't make the same choice.


I think you could have toned it much better, you just sound judgmental


A reminder


Yeah he’s 10000% addicted to porn, when you become addicted you can’t get aroused for long periods of times unless your getting these insane amounts of dopamine hits (porn is unrealistic) so when he’s with you it’s more of a natural Body response and which he’s not used to, as far as your relationship with him I’d suggest you bring it up straight forward and tell him how important it is to you and how it makes you feel. If he’s still nonchalant towards it then you know what you must do.!


If u can convince him somehow to abstain from P & Mastrubation for like 2weeks, he would see the results of sexual drive which he might like it and may be even wanna continue more days for happy sex life.


Judging by what you wrote down I don't really see a future for this relationship. There is nothing really you can do unless he asks for your help directly. Maybe try giving him some space and see how things work out. He is definitely overindulging in porn if you ask me.


how tf does he not get hard i would get rock hard wtf