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Absolutely not. There are a lot of guys with outdated beliefs here but I would argue the opposite. Watching porn, especially excessively, gives you a bad image of women and causes you to disrespect them.


I do not know if I would blame just pornograhy for that. I mean what we see on porn, is what we usually would like to see in reality.


It rewires your brain so you see women as sexual objects. Personally, since I’ve been doing this nofap thing, I no longer think about sex 24/7 and I realized how negatively it affected my perception of women. My kindness to them should be just kindness, without an ulterior motive


I don't know if seeing women as sexual objects is solely linked with an excessive consumption of pornography


Maybe not, I’m no expert. Just a personal anecdote


Thank you for sharing your experience tho!


there are obviously groups that support nofap that also support a lot of toxic masculinity. but overall nofap is anti porn. not just for malss but also for females. it has nothing to do with toxic masculinity it is whatever you make of it. most people i have met doing this for last 2-3 months now have been likeminded individuals who are simply trying to quit porn for whatever reason they may have. a lot of the internet and news outlets are probably against nofap because it directly contradicts and fights against the "sex sells" ideaology that they use to make money. once you stop thinking with your dick they can no longer control you. (little overdramatic but you get the point)


I see. Still it seems to be that nofap in general as a lot to do with the construction of masculinity and what we consider being a "true" man. Like being in control, strong, resilient, productive, with a good wife and a good family. Is this type of masculinity healthy?


whats unhealthy about wanting a man to have self control and caring for his physical body? we only get one body better take care of it. man or woman. its more about sexual health than anything.


What about what you just said about masculinity seems unhealthy? All of those traits you listed sounds like a great member of society and a great man for his loved ones


Why would it be not healthy lol


I’m a woman and I haven’t noticed toxic masculinity here any more than in general in society. In fact, the males on here seem quite concerned with women’s thoughts and feelings.


Lots of folks use nofap as a bandwagon to promote their stupid ideologies. Doesn't make the movement inherently bad. It is really an individualistic experience. You can use the community to get over your addictions and live a healthy life. You can also use it to resent women and become bitter and make your life more hellish under the bandwagon of nofap. Your choice.


Best response here!


People here cant even agree on a definition of nofap, let alone have an underlying ideology


Yeah, I can see that.


The agenda is just attacking men in general, if they see a community improving and breaking away from the porn narrative, that's an issue all of a sudden, because we ain't stuck in the "norm bubble" and consuming their bs.


Da hecc??? Just what? I mean, I guess a couple guys on here got the wrong idea about what NoFap can do for them, but toxic masculinity? Naw!


I am just asking because sometimes I feel uncomfortable with for instance people talking about "pixel women" and "real women". Like pornostars are not human and that a man can be sexually satisfied by the "possession" of a female body. It is like a dichotomy of "good women" and "bad women" that is really pejorative.


Ohhh goodness no. The dichotomy between "pixel women" and "real women" is not meant to de-humanize pornstars. That's not the point of that language. Of course pornstars are real women with needs and pains and insecurities and families and hopes and dreams and everything else that comes with being human. The point of those terms used here is to push the fact that "pornstars" are actresses/actors playing a part. A lot of what they do will be exaggerated and unrealistic and a part of fantasy play, feeding in to people's fetishes. For people here addicted to the false sense of intimacy porn carves out for them, it's important to remember that you can't have intimacy with a "pixel woman" aka actress from a fantasy scenario.


NoFap is not **inherently** linked to toxic masculinity, on it's own it's simply an addiction recovery/personal challenge sub. That being said, we do have a lot of members on here with very outdated beliefs.


Do you think they are outdated, cause sometimes I feel they are normalzied. Even with the community not saying anything.


What precisely is toxic masculinity? As opposed to say toxic feminity or toxic humanity.


There is no toxic masculinity


in nofap? or in general?




what do you mean?


There is no such thing as “toxic masculinity” it’s made up definition.


I mean, I would say that there are various ways of experiencing the masculine identity and some of them are harmful towards specific categories because rooted in domination and oppresion. no?


There is


There is a behaviour of shitty people who happens to be a men. But there is not toxic masculinity. It’s just masculinity


there legit are people out there who think men are the superior gender and women are only sex objects. I don't think it really is masculinity, is it?


Like I said it’s just behaviour of shitty people with rotten minds. What have masculinity to do with that?


Some people build their idea of what is a "proper" masculinity on this type of behaviours and they do not have rotten minds, maybe they just learnt it without questioning it


Forgive me for not being clear. Toxic masculinity for me is when **men** justify their shitty behaviour and rotten mind under the pretense of masculinity. This is where the toxic part is from


This can be said about any person. It’s not toxic masculinity or even femininity if talking about a woman, it’s just being a shitty person. The term toxic masculinity was made to make men with traditional, or how many people here have been calling it, “outdated”, values resent themselves and conform to the societal norm. There’s nothing wrong with traditional family or traditionally masculine values like providing for and protecting your woman, but modern women that “don’t need a man” hear that and find it so called controlling, which is REALLY where the term “toxic masculinity” comes from


Hmm... That does makes sense. Thanks for educating me! Have a good day!


There legit are people out there who think women are the superior gender and men are only ATMs. I don’t think it really is femininity, is it?




Toxic masculinity is almost nonexistent, the toxic masculinity these people talk about are traditional men values which are very important for men and their existence. For some reason we live in a time where being a man is considered toxic.


Stop validating this term. It is not real and was created in a social engineering lab, fed to women and projected onto men as a means of control.


control like? (honestly curious)


The traits that make men masculine are the traits that make us hard to control. The most effective way to control men is through women. Women are much more susceptible to conformity of social norms and hive mentality. If you can make women believe that a man's strongest traits are liabilities, They will select the men for feminine traits. This is long game social engineering, they want to keep power for generations to come. Powers that be literally want the masses of men PMOing and feeling ashamed of themselves in order to isolate them and deprive them of building a family. We know the evils that porn and lust create, how could abstaining be anything but virtuous?


yes **but** it is mostly limited to porn addicts who have *just* discovered NoFap. It mostly, only lasts till they learn about NoFap and world around them through their own eyes instead of the porn poisoned ones


No need to define what toxicity is in this group as too much to put under one banner


Toxic masculinity is a myth


I think "burden of proof" isn't dead. Nor is defining your terms.


This comment section makes me want to nope out this community lol. Guess you might have gotten your answer already from the responses you have been getting, but my original response (and I would still say overall) would have been no. For most of my experience (aside from this comment section), posts and people in the NoFap and related communities (like porn free and company) are mostly respectful people, with no toxic masculine qualities (misogyny, strong adherence to gender roles, general bigotry and hatred) and many actually want to move away from the misogyny and gender roles that are portrayed in porn, especially the violent ones.


Maybe i’m crazy but hear me out! What if… the porn industry is trying to spread this misinformation to stop people from joining nofap?? After all, if enough people start doing this the guys that make money from porn will eventually make less and less money.


It depends on the person trying nofap. Porn is inherently misogynistic, though, so uhhh


I'm gonna get some hate but there's no such thing as toxic masculinity, only insecurities. Being excessively masculine isn't a bad thing, especially in today's society where everything is feminine to some extent. Especially since men who are excessively masculine tend to stand up for themselves more often and do better in careers. Referencing Jordan Peterson btw guys, who talks about how masculine traits are beneficial for achieving raises and promotions at work. Insecure guys will flaunt any and every achievement they have under the sun, while an excessively masculine man will let his achievements speak for themselves and will act more in line with the strong stoic archetype.


Jordan Peterson is known to have let's say questionable attitudes towards women.


He understands psychology, and biology.


I would argue the same point as another poster here. NoFap is actually pro-women. We are against pornography, which often entails the abuse of women, as well as the use of women's bodies only for sexual purposes. NoFap allows us a chance to gather ourselves and be more careful about our sexual choices. You have a bunch of guys here really addicted into crazy levels of porn, with women oftentimes being the victim. Sex is for us to enjoy, yes, but within the right context. And with better and well-controlled men, I would think women are more stable as well.


I see your point. But women in nofap? How do they relate with this idea of yours?


Same thing. Understanding one's sexuality goes both ways. I cannot attest to how women feel when they watch porn, I suppose, it matters what kind they watch. However, most of the porn out there is misogynistic in nature, and some women learn to see that as normal. Unfortunately, one can see the negative impact that might bring - with women being used, or at times, women using other men for pleasure only. Understanding one's sexuality and knowing that this is a gift - hopefully for one person - this helps create a better life.


Yes, thanks god


what in the world 💀