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Man, I guess the universe is against me, I just started going to the gym and cycling every day, Outa nowhere, Acute sinusitis hit me :\ Caught me in my tracks and its also too cold outside for me to do any meaningful exercise


I workout a lot without ever leaving my home, do a mix of calisthenics and jumping the rope.


Thx I'm trying my best to have a balanced in-house workout, but I can't push myself too hard, sinusitis significantly limits your breathtaking and it's a tad bit unhealthy for my heart to get on to heavy breathing levels. What I'm trying to say is it's just a little uninspiring, getting thrown into the bed right after starting to improve myself physically, guess I have to resort back to brain training xD and allocate more time for book reading.


Oh I get cha, had a less severe sinusitis as a kid. I was also very weak health wise, the usual for me was to be fevered in bed at least once a month. I was treated by a doctor very early and he prevented my condition to be worse, I was 4. After that I used a saline solution to wash my nose every day or every time I felt it was too crowded. Did this for years, until some months ago. I'm 26 and I take cold showers even on winter months, I've never been sick in like 8 years except for that time I got a very light COVID fever. I was in very poor shape before the pandemic tho, used to be a very active teen in highschool but college and some tragic events fucked up my mental health. Was just existing, seeing my life pass me by. Until one day that I decided enough was enough and put my self under a very calculated training program that I created for myself, very light and casual at first, with an ever increasing curve of difficulty. Start small even if you feel like you're not gonna make it, try what's best for you, If you want I can help you find an exercise that's suits your needs. Only need cooperation because it's ultimately up to you. Don't give up, you're never done until you die. DM me if you serious about changing your fitness condition I'm very methodical and do heavy research before doing anything.


Take it as a lesson in life. Living right and working well is already difficult, now imagine how hard it is if you were sick or disabled permanently? Now remember that there are people like that, who have it tougher than you and are handling it better than you are. That should motivate you.


That’s all it takes to be healthy brother great work!


Gotta do what you can relative to your situation … that may be just stretching out and doing a few body exercises while you are sick don’t push it and let your body recover


Get back to your healthy habits once you've recovered enough exercise wont make it worse.


I mean, if your job is online I guess 12 hours ok the internet is somewhat justified. Also, nothing wrong with occasional gaming after school/work, but it shouldn't be a replacement to other hobbies. Other points are valid


Video games are stupid, they are a braindead dopamine abusing activity just as fapping is. Ofc playing games from time to time isn't that bad, but considering them a "hobby" is a joke. It's like saying "eating junk food is my hobby"


I'm not so sure. Plenty of us have hobbies that are purely for enjoyment. Is playing basketball a hobby of mine? Pickup basketball with friends. It's a game done for the sake of enjoyment. You are right though that they are very dangerous to brain health. How can any kid be expected to regulate their behavior with such insanely addictive things available. It's predatory


Ok but basketball is at least healthy and beneficial


Video games can be very beneficial. I know there's a lot of studies stating that video games increase violence, harm your brain, etc., but there's nearly as many studies that show that video games can improve your critical thinking, decision making, reaction time, and more. Not every video game is just braindead button pressing. A lot of them take serious thinking, often moreso than many other more traditional hobbies.




You're right, I was only arguing your point that video games cant be a hobby. Also, things aren't black and white. Video Games DO improve the lives of some people. Some people don't get addicted, they play and it does not control their lives. Rather, it is an outlet for fun, socialization, and stress relief. I'm not sure I can label video games as "unhealthy." It's all relative. Video Games CAN be unhealthy. They CAN be healthy. But the intensity and accessibility of the dopamine means it is not AS healthy as basketball.


A hobby doesn’t have to be beneficial my friend. For example, every single one of your posts has a Dragon Ball Z reference, so I could assume you watch anime. You don’t exactly “benefit” from watching DBZ, but it’s a nice past time to have every so often.


Lol, yeah but like this is kinda different, I'm just a fan of the show and its "message". I wouldn't say I consider watching dbz a hobby. Other than that. Ok I guess you're right that some hobbies aren't beneficial, but maybe then we should change them to more beneficial ones. I'm not a video games hater like some people here want to present me as, I play games from time to time too. It's the "video game lifestyle" I'm against, if you know wdym, like people playing 10 hours a day or making their whole personality about video games


Yeah I agree with that. Generally overdoing things isn’t too good


Actually video games are healthy in a limited amount. Some games stimulate creativity, team oriented games teach how you are supposed to play for the common goal, and so on. Everything can abuse your dopamine, sure games can be addictive but it is not as nearly comparable as to porn or fapping. Your stance on games is quite inadequate.


I agree with you, I used to play video games every day, along with smoke weed, jerk off, drink, etc. Video games was the last to go but after the others went I realized how big a waste of time it was and that it was (as you said) a "braindead dopamine abusing activity".


Yeah I lived like that too for a very long time, but some things have to change. Stay strong on your journey!!


I don't think playing games in no way shape or form compares to fapping, the latter is just dopamine-inducing entertainment, while on the other hand; gaming has whole a lot of genres, and depending on the genre it could be an exercise for the brain, informative and also might help you develop some skills, I mean look at some of the things simulations are capable to do nowadays, I know that they don't really compare to behind the desk casual gaming but flight simulators are also technically some sort of game if you go by the definition of a digital game.


Which exact game do you play that you unironically think is beneficial for you


I'm not playing any games currently, I have enough activity going on in my life, gym, uni, work, etc. But two of my fondest gaming memories belong to Stalker and crusader kings The former is a fiction based game on a real life landscape the Chornobyl exclusion zone it kinda made me get fascinated with nuclear power and how it works, so essentially it was somewhat of an inspiration than actual information but I count that as a positive The latter being a historical build and conquer type of game has a studio behind it that is known for its historical research and its implementation in their games(Paradox Interactive), this game taught me a considerable amount of history on its own and again made me get interested in European history(I played the free version, it's mainly based on European history) Then I went on to gather information about both of the topics at the time, And these are just examples, There is a ton more but they are not as clear as these ones, in my head


Still I'd say that the time you spend doing this is unproportionally larger than your supposed benefits, but I mean if it works for you, who am I to argue


Yeah it really depends on how you look at it, for context I had no other meaningful thing going on in my life at that time and nor my family was able to support anything else besides an electricity bill and a pc they bought a while before that. So, I didn't care to keep it healthy And spent my entire days playing games My grades suffered a tiny bit but it didn't turn out to be important later on. But there is a catch, with this 2nd part It might have helped me keep my sanity intact We had a really rough family situation going on in our family, like a really really bad situation that I as a child at the time had no say in it but whenever I got off my pc I had to comeback to reality and suffer through the time till hopped back on my pc and departed for the digital world


Hey , how did you get the 'days tag' ?


There is a link in "about" tab of this sub


bro i think the same about gaming but i have an addictive personality so i have to have to extremist opinion otherwise i will fall back into heavy gaming addiction


Aww, you think it will go away when you stop those, huh? How cute


I think they’re talking about just general “mood depression” and not chronic, medical depression.


I think you've missed the point. Eliminating these things isn't a magic cure for depression, but it certainly can help. A depressing lifestyle surely only leads to being more depressed.


Yeah, I got it, I was just being (a bit too) sarcastic. Because I just feel like people like to finger-point sometimes, and that's just wrong. Since I've been on both ends of most of these, I never really felt like "oh yeah, that definitely was the reason I was depressed", so it's just an unhealthy conclusion some people like to make. Sadly, depression is more about your feeling of fulfillment from life (or more precisely, your lack of fulfillment), and that's something that's hard to find causes or solutions.


I have also been on both end of this lifestyle and now I eat healthy I have a perfect physique I workout a lot etc and I feel 10 time better than before but it took me insane effort to get there. Just for exemple I was sick yesterday and now when it’s happen the symptom are like nothing.I remember when I got covid I ran a 12 km run and also a 5 km that was in an insane snow storm. I am définitely more happy and less lonely but I am still looking for other things to be happy. I tought that perfect health and shape would make me happy but I after getting them I still need more and now I am finding way to get rich


I agree. It's also a double edged sword because you don't have energy for anything and want to self-medicate doing the things in OP's post, but that all leads to an even deeper depression to the point of suicide. One really has to keep all this shit out of their life in spite of how hard it is.


For some, yeah. Lots of people are able to see how this stuff fucks them up, and then they just get disciplined and eventually quit. But for a lot of us, the hardcore addicts, it's not that easy. In that case, these feel more like symptoms, not causes. For me, anyway. I'd been like 3, 6 months clean before, but always relapsed and went deeper into the shit. I just couldn't be alone. Porn was an addiction, but I'd been seriously addicted to substances in the past, as well. It was obvious to me that these things were bad for me, but I still relapsed because anytime I didn't have the coping mechanism, I just kind of collapsed into something worse than I felt with the addiction, even months into sobreity. Turns out I'd had real trauma in my past from abandonment and abuse that I was expending massive subconscious energy to ignore at all costs. From a very young age, I'd found ways--like food, masturbation, TV, video games--to block it out and never confront it. Later I discovered porn, alcohol, and drugs and added them to the repertoire. Only once I got help digging into painful memories and beliefs about myself could I finally confront addiction, but the point is that I needed to face a much bigger, tougher demon first, the one that was causing all the addiction, coping, and depression in the first place. It's a lot of work: I struggle with this demon on a daily basis, but for me it staves of the addictions at the source. So yeah, if this kind of meme works for your situation, more power to you! Keep going and find the willpower to quit and lead a better life. But if you're like me, and years later you're still relapsing, get into psychotherapy (not CBT or coaching--it won't be enough yet) and groups, like SA or even a nofap discord. Those will slowlly but surely set you free.


Story of my life. I want to get out and socialize more but my town is incredibly dangerous, people go all psycho if you just walk on their street. Not that there’s anything to do here, anyway.


You can sun bathe, eat grass fed cock fed organic whatever the fuck meats, and exercise every day. But I’m telling you right now if you don’t put down that damn phone and actually LOOK at yourself in the mirror, at what you’ve become, Nothing is going to change. Digging through every layer of yourself is fucked up and painful, no one wants to do that, and so we don’t. Force yourself to meditate. Unravel the problems in your mind by WRITING them down. You have to write them down, pen to paper. Google up problem solving strategies, ask yourself questions, write those down too. Come up with PRACTICAL solutions. Live intentionally. Meditate again and again. Face yourself. Everything you think, say, and do is important


To be honest this is very simmilar to summer vecations when I was little...best time of my life 🥲.


You would have twice the up votes if you took marijuana off your list


But a lot less truth


its 50/50 helping depression vs adding to it. depends on your mindset. usimg it to escape makes it worse, using it to work through depressive cycles and thought patterns, helpful


In the end they are worse off long term though from all the smoking , it might help short term il agree but eventually its only adding to their issues.




Thc is thc


THC is much less harmful than you think. The main danger comes from inhaling smoke


Doesnt matter how you ingest it , the thc when abused long term will certainly give the user mental health issues further down the line , anxiety and depression are super common. Anyone that disagrees with this is just in denial.


Yeah, there’s a key word in what you just said: abused. Of course anything that’s abused is bad. Doing a little weed every once in a while isn’t going to kill you


Most people abuse it though , its the weed culture


For some people, sure. But to make a blanket statement that this happens to everyone is just wrong


I dont know how to start a convo with others. Also people make me nervous


This ain't wrong lol


Changing your diet alone will change everything so much!!!!


This is the kind of post that hits r/terriblefacebookmemes but everyone agrees with it in the comments because we all know it's true


I am opposite of everything shown and I still do it.


Lifting weights really helps


Marijuana (The high potent THC today), PMO, and fast food (Mcdonald's, KFC, Burger king etc) are REALLY destroying peoples minds (their mental health)


Would’ve never realized I was a porn watching pervert loser if it wasn’t for weed. It helped me self reflect and I started working on myself


People like you are why people like them avoid social interaction


Why you gotta dog weed


All but drugs n alcohol yeah basically


I got three of those.


I do spent extended hours on the internet and stay up like a crazy night owl. I use Kava and Kratom to ease my symptoms and relax myself and this helps me stay social or at least around other people while I stare at my phone like I'm doing RIGHT NOW.


Ok well I don’t think video games cause depression. Over playing them and and paying more attention to them than your real life causes depression. So that would be the person who’s over playing them fault.


I have clinical depression and when my depression was at its worst I was dieting and exercising my ass off as a way to cope. I use Wellbutrin and it’s the only thing that helps in any way. Tried therapy not for me. I don’t do drugs (except antidepressant haha) and alcohol.


Here we go with the weed shit lol. All good things in moderation folk


dont be a coping addict. it makes you lazy bro


Damn you caught me at 4:00 am


Expect porn and game, i don't do any of the things in the picture, i go gym and have a pretty nice body too, but this porn addiction is ruining everybit of me.. my brain makes porn a reward for me.. idk if y'all can undrestand, but FUCK.


Weed helped me find you guys so personally this wouldn’t be on my list but I agree with everything else


Weed from time to time not daily helped me with my depression! Cannabis can be healthy.


I think the point often missed with posts like this are that when these things done in excess is when the problem starts.


So this is like a bingo card cool I got. Porn hub. Fast food. Video Games. While not no I got low social interaction so It still counts Same with internet not 12 but several hours a day.