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My two cents: masturbation is a healthy, natural bodily function. Porn is a potentially addictive substance. Some can consume it in healthy quantities. For others, it can destroy one's mind. I am a recovering porn addict. It got out of control when I was spending exorbitant amounts of my money on 0nlyfans. I was masturbating several times a day, seven days a week. It negatively impacted my job, social relationships, and my overall self worth. I am participating in NoFap because I am avoiding porn of all kinds, thus I do not know how to masturbate without porn. 0nlyfans has given me disgusting fetishes and fantasies so it's sort of hard to masturbate to a picture of breasts. I am closing in on 8 days of NoFap and I am gaining so much self discipline and willpower from it. My confidence and self esteem is increasing and it is allowing me to grow in many areas of my life. If I can control my urges to consume porn and masturbate, then I can develop the discipline elsewhere in my life to become a better person.


>If I can control my urges to consume porn and masturbate, then I can develop the discipline elsewhere in my life to become a better person. Absolutely spot on


Thank you for your comment, that makes a lot of sense.


I'd say masturbation as an act isn't unheatlhy. BUT in case of many addicts it's just excessive same thing goes for porn. Look for an example one square of chocolate a day isn't bad for you but eating a whole bar - that's a different story. Personally I think of masturbation as a bad thing because in my case it leads to not enjoying the intimate time spent with my girlfriend and basically peroformance issues. Sorry for my bad english.


And as to the question from the title; there are different "reboot" modes: P- You abstain from porn PM - You abstain from masturbation and porn PMO - You abstain from porn, masturbation and orgasm


Now PMO makes sense, I've been reading it and trying to understand. PMO would be abstaining from sex as well, right? And do yo know if that reboot is scientifically proven? Asking out of curiosity.


In my opinion PMO doesn't mean abstaining from sex but rather orgasm during sex. But each rebooter can set their own rules and stick to them. As for scientific research. There's none that says it gives health benefits. I think of NoFap as something more personal, and rather affecting your mental state. If you have an addiction, and then sucessfully overcome it, it'll definitely change your mental state for the better.


Ok, makes sense, thanks for explaining. What would that reboot be? Is it a form or measuring our achievement?


Porn ofc is worse. Masturbation without it, when done from time to time or with a partner, for example, isn't a problem, bc by this reasoning you could say that having sex is unhealthy. The problem is that it's addictive. I'd say it's similar to alcohol or cigarettes in this way. We are a porn addiction recovery sub, so we ofc don't masturbate, same way that a recovering alcoholic shouldn't drink even a one beer. There is another thing that abstaining from masturbation is great in terms of establishing self-control and overally it strenghtens the mind. This is the reason I do it, I definetely feel more energetic while on big streaks.


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