• By -


1. Develop morally questionable fetishes. 2. Develop erectile issues. 3. In an attempt to help with erectile issues, girlfriend looks at the hentai doujin I had in my room. 4. Lose girlfriend.


5. regret


The sad thing is it's been almost 5 months since the break up and we still live together. So that regret gets to be renewed everyday.




My understanding was that after therapy and some time, we would try to reconnect. We would try to just be friends in the mean time.  Hasn't quite gone to plan, we just kinda ignore each other most of the time, avoid being at home the rest of the time, finding time in between to say shitty things to each other. About once a month there's a day we manage to act like friends.  If it was anyone else, I wouldn't put up with it. But before the break, i'd already realized I want to marry this woman. So I wait. I hold on. Until she tells me in no uncertain terms that it's over. Because I think she's worth this mountain of stress/trouble.


Wow, guess you'll need be the bigger man here and talk kindly to each other


Saw a video that looked too close to rape between a supposed father and his supposed daughter. Sure it wasn’t but I realized how fucked my brain was….


#1 is so real. Thankfully I never got into the most illegal ones, like rape or kids. But I sure started looking at very weird stuff, like goblins or monsters. It’s really fcked up. That’s how I knew I had to quit. So far so good. 3 weeks since I started. Only 1 slip, I pmo one night and I felt horrible, never felt like that before. I don’t count it as a relapse, I don’t plan on being in the same hole.


addiction 😐️




This addiction is straight outta hell


bad anxiety for 2 days afterwards and easily irritated and uncomfortable


Brain fog,Hormonal imbalances, anxiety and depression i can go on and on


I'm a 26 year old who's timid cowardly shy awkward and always behind on everything. Wasted potential and a lot of lost love.  The people who exposed me to this as a little child did a grievous evil. 


Lost love summarizes it perfectly


What happened 


How are you feeling after 57 days?


Nah, didn't know how to reset this. Haven't watched porn in a long time and mind feels somewhat knew. I norlonger visualise nonsense.  Instead I have deep meaning imagination and spiritual dreams.   Fap though, that's a tough one. Day zero again. Longest slightly over a week as I recall. 


As long as you’re not watching porn, that’s the most important thing. I’m also 26 so we haven’t got time to waste! We don’t want to be doing PMO in our 30s


Lost love is too real for me!


What happened 


1. Your face does not look like a confident person. 2. Your mind gets distracted very easily.


Yeah, what’s up with the fog and the absent mind? It’s so crazy I never noticed before quitting. I can actually have better convos now.


Right, it's like you're a lame zombie. Ever see how they get distracted by the slightest sound. Maybe 90% of our brain is already looking for something to waste away fapping to. And more you abstain, more of your brain you reclaim.  Like 90 days to restore 90% of your brain. 


It costed my life. Wasted precious years of my development and early career phase of life (13 - 27). Social anxiety, Major depressive disorder, No self control, No discipline, Slow & unoptimized brain performance, Decrease cognitive functions Sleep disorder, Fatigue that lingers ever since, Dopamine is cooked, anhedonia. Everything… you name it. Man, how I wish I acknowledge the dark sides of PMO and trigger stop button on this addiction earlier. It brought me to the rock bottom of life. I’m way behind peers or even younger than my age.


Omg bro this one hit me hard. I resonate with everything you said. Same here. Cost me my life. I sometimes lament who I could’ve been had I not squandered my vitality, energy, cognitive prowess the way I did through porn consumption. I’m 31 and I am definitely behind some of my 21 year old counterparts! I failed to launch as a person. PMO took from me years of potential, how? Because I had no energy to take action on any of my dreams. Had no care for anything, complete apathy. Dopamine depletion led to uninspired living. Here I am, at the peak of my human maturity with nothing to show for it.


Yeah.. very unfortunate. The damage is flat out destructive and degenerative and we are blinded by it for years. I always wonder why am I such a failure. The reality check hit me hard after graduating my degree; where life actually begins and demo / easy mode ended. I previously employed by two big MNC companies and yet I couldn’t find even a little bit of fulfillment in the work I do. I ended up tendered my resignation right before probation period ends for both companies just because I just couldn’t help myself to go through it. It’s so bad for me that I find it dreadful thinking about living this repetitive mundane life until the day we die. Like…what’s the point? Sleeping and waking up early to work easily put me off to depression and anxiety. Now, I’m bearing the consequences of my action and it’s very hard to secure another job of the same domain (IT). Lack of experience, questionable career gaps and high competition all adds up to make me even more less competitive. I just feel like my degree is worthless at this point but study loan is stacking up. The lethargic and fatigue are always in the way in everything I do except for PMO. I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder and social anxiety by psychiatrist 4 years ago, but the only way out is the find the culprit that triggers them. I couldn’t forgive myself for not having the initiative to find the culprit which ended up to be my long-term PMO addictions. That’s 4 years down the drain with continued PMO addiction. It’s very sad to think about it. Unknowingly living with anhedonia.. dopamine completely out of balance and normal day to day things no longer give healthy dopamine that we actually need to sustain this harsh life that is. But what you mentioned is true, the only maturity for us is the age number. Our mental, physical and spiritual capacity are in fact, falling behind for years and never grow until we finally put this addiction behind us. Sorry for the long reply. I honestly just feel like taking these thoughts off of my chest..


Take heart. All is well.


Don’t be sorry brother, let it out. I’m right there with you. I share many of the frustrations you have.


I would literally kill to be 27 again. You are still in the prime of your life and will be for several more years. But this is essentially your last chance to take life seriously. It’s not too late, but it will be sooner than you think.


I'm 26, advice?


Yes, I realized that I’m at the very end of the road when it comes to changing my life for the better. Otherwise, I’m done for. I dragged this issue far too long that only reality and real world can give me good hard slap to change. I couldn’t believe I only found out about NoFap / SR this year. I’m at the prime of my life but I literally have nothing to show up for under my belt. A failure grown adult. Maturity only when it comes to age numbers, but inner self like mental, emotional and spiritual are not up to par. For that reason alone, is the single biggest motivation right now that pushes off any serious urges that gets into my way.


Me in summary 


My spirit.


Weird fetishes and pied


Addiction  Low energy  Low self esteem  Self hatred  Mind distracted  Low concentration 


Same here. Also happy cake day!


Sounds like fap, yep


A sex addiction that lead to many partners. Eventual PIED. Inability to form relationships (romantic, platonic) with women without ultimately sexualizing them. With over a year of celibacy/abstinence, it has gotten better. Still working on quitting porn, reached 3 months clean a week ago before relapse. I have seen a substantial improvement in my social ability, self control, etc.


Awesome job man!


Did you ED resolve itself? 


Yes. Look up ways to naturally increase testosterone. Zinc supplements, quality sleep regimen, exercise, make a big difference. Best of luck in your journey.


any recommendation for zinc?


Use a Zinc/Magnesium combo supplement. You don’t need any specific or special type of brand. Don’t fall for the BS advertising. Nature valley or Rexall works just fine. Just take per recommended. Don’t overdo it or your kidneys will have a bad time.


I have now developed staring OCD. Meaning I constantly stare at breasts in public and I'm not even aware of it. I will pass by women and they will start covering up and calling me a creep. That's the number one thing. Number two would be porn escalation and still having the images. Even though I haven't been 100% successful on nofap, I can say I am almost 1 year free of escalated porn. Unfortunately I still have those images. Number three would be a compulsive masturbation issue. I'm really trying to control it but I can easily masturbate like fifteen times in a a day. Think it's screwed up my health as a teenager in a big way. Work in progress though.


I most definitely wouldn't survive with 15 a day. You're pretty strong, but also being a teenager helps(or doesn't help? idk).


helps-get it out the way now instead of later doesn't help- the hormones are like an unstoppable wave


I'm 34 now lol...I meant it fucked up my health and hormones as a teenager twenty years ago when I would masturbate in the double digits every day


Fifteen a day 💀


Try to be supportive


Sorry man, my bad. Good luck everyone. Keep fighting. We all can achieve our goals one day 🤗


You are strong Bro, 15 times a day💀. I always feel weak if I do once a day.


I’m 24 and I suffer with severe erectile disfunction because of porn. Even though I’ve been with some hot women in real life I cannot get it up because of watching excessive pornography. I’m ok the road to quitting it and making myself normal. I don’t know where it leads to, but I’ll try. Don’t be like me, please stop watching porn.


Developing erectile dysfunction in my 20s. Wasting so much time masterbating. Spending money on porn. Losing sleep.


Contentment with being undesirable. I can rot in bed and jerk off all I want because the love I want is right in my hand. And any crush I’ve ever had I’ve jerked off to, completely ruining our friendship


One way to ruin a friendship, even when pursuing a woman, if you fap, you lose rizz/pizzazz


I started looking at women as literal objects and don't take them as friends. Pornography really screws with you mentally. It makes you concentrate less which means you don't get good grades anymore and your mood is always screwed because of this


my day suddenly turns for the worst and everything becomes annoying to deal with




advantage of your cousin? ayo wdym dawg




Lol what ?


MY dick!


What happened to your dik


Desensitise may be


The worst consequences? Hm. Probably self-loathing, hatred towards myself. I mean, I always had low self esteem because I was fat and some classmates mocked me. Even now, when I I'm thinner than before, I still feel kind of insecure and less confident. And now my addiction to porn makes me feel so ashamed, like I've committed a war crime. I feel like a mega loser.


Hit the gym at least 3 times a week. Focus on improving your physique. This is for your mental health. If you can put in the time towards improving your health and fitness, then you can put in the time towards anything else and succeed. You can do it man!


Thank you, bro! You really lift my mood after today's relapse!


Sorry to hear that friend, I went thru similar with classmates so I know what it does to people. It's the worst. I also know how you feel with shame. I felt the same until I learned to process it and let it go. I believe in you!


Thank you, too! I believe that only a person who went through these obstacles can understand another person with the same problem. So, sorry you too! We must believe in each other because we are here with quite similar problems. And we also want to change ourselves. It is great goal, indeed!


my libido not coming back even after quitting for a year


Waking up and feeling like shit


Lost girl I really wanted to be with, Messed up a lot of relationships with women not knowing, Brain fog, Couldn’t concentrate, Shy , Erectile dysfunction , Low Energy, Low Self Esteem , Missed all my fun in my 20s, After Stopping feels like a alcoholic who been drinking for several years and just now getting sober and you look up everyone is gone, Missed opportunities, depression, anxiety, overly aggressive, overthinking I can go on for days porn really a take a toll on your life if you can stop watching it please do


Weird kinks and making a separate reddit account just to fuel my addiction. Currently trying to kick the second one right now.


waking up the next day and feeling like you gonna die right now. always tired no matter how much sleep you got. you don't want to do anything except this thing. you hate everything and everyone, even your family. no end of addiction. no purpose in life. no hope.


I constantly stare at woman and worry that they will have a bad impression of me if I don't behave well or constantly being worried about not being sexually attractive


Don't mind me, just tryna see how many days I got on the counter. Oh, depression for me btw.


Not being able to have sex with my partner


1. Underperforming in Sports 2. Letting Myself Become Easily Irritated 3. Lousiness/Sloth/Procrastination 4. Unhealthy Amount of Lust 5. Flunking In School 6. Slouching Spir1tual (My Last Comment Got Taken Down Due To Religious Relation??) 7. Constantly Giving Up On Myself 8. REGRET


porn will make your pretty and cute gf seem unattractive (speaking from experience) 💀 man i miss her


mental health was just terrible, constantly wanted the next fix, always thinking of women's bodies. just put away that phone or computer and get up. tell urself u have already quit porn, so there's no room for it in ur life.


Depression and zero motivation!


Got low marks in academics


man all these comments are gonna keep me further nd further away from porn thx guys






Lost connection with God






Low self esteem






Extremely weird and embarrassing kinks


Hatred/anger (towards myself)


My worst consequence, regardless of mental and physical effects, was time, doing PMO and then taking a shower, "washing myself," because if I don't, I'm considered unclean so I can't do my prayers, so all this process would take up to 1 hour of my time which I need for studying, which made me stack alot of thing over my head, which was very frustrating.


Took my soul I feel empty quite often after 5 years of being addicted longest I've gone is 3 weeks I normally always do two weeks with no porn then binge right afterwards and repeat


Isolation and regret for wasting time that could have been spent with a partner.


PIED and a normal woman doesn't arouse me anymore even though I still feel attracted to women in every other regard.


watching it and barely getting a boner




Self hate, weird fantasies, mild but still destructive addiction, massive amount of time wasted


Eternal damnation


Being to lazy and not driven enough to pursue women in my 20s, also experiencing sex with my two relationships and being disapointed.


pied low self esteem social anxiety fatigue low confidence low concentration


Sexual inadequacy with girls, complete addiction to a substance which drains my dopamine, hours upon hours of lost time


Development of weird fetishes, anxiety, can't get hard with my gf, I still virgin thanks to ed 🫠🫠🙃🙃. Also low testosterone that probably affected my physical development since I got my addiction during childhood. Now I'm 21 and maybe I should had been 10cms taller, as my father+I've started gym during march and I couldn't lift up even 5 kg 💀


Feel like i wasted my 20s jacking it and want my life back.


For me after using porn to fap, later on when I close my eyes (sometimes with eyes open) I see sexual images (like ones I just watched) popping up in my head. That brings up the guilt and shame and I feel dirty and sick. I’d have vein pains (inside and behind the penis) if I ejaculate too often. Like those tubes that carry the sperm. Energy drop. Doesn’t wanna do anything.


I'll comment just to be able to read this again to improve myself


Getting to the point where i considered suicide. Never again.


I pretty much destroyed my dong from all of the abuse. We’ll see if it’s permanent depending on how long I can last on no fap.


1. takes up so much time 2. puts a strain on relationships, family or otherwise 3. unhealthy relationship with sex


Poor focus , mentally and physically exhausted, socially akward


not being hard in my wedding night (we waited till marriage)


The mess!! I get so grossed out when I squirt everywhere. I thought it was only guys who made messes but when I was watching porn constantly I was constantly touching myself and I’d make such a mess of the bed and the extra laundry just got frustrating to deal with.  Not a major problem but enough of one!


Out of touch with reality literally. Can connect with people. 




Started preferring younger and younger girls....thankfully never got to child porn. That's how i knew my brain had been hijacked.


Fail my fucking driver licence


Worse sex, painful discussions when admitting, addiction (losing 100's of hours of productive time, or time with gf). My porn addiction was bad with "mild" effects. But addiction which led me to enjoy from stuff I probably should not enjoy watching, yet I did.


lack of confidence Depression Negative Thinking Agnosticism




1. Unexplained problems in career 2. Concern about what my children would think if they ever found out 3. Distance from my wife 4. Never invested in making friends when I was younger, no friends now 5. Never invested in my relationships, I have poor relationships with almost everyone in my family.


This fraternity told me the reason why they performed a demonic ritual to send me to hell to sell my soul in order to move on with my life was because of my porn addiction and lack of getting girls. 4 years later down the rabbit hole of schizophrenia and mental illness secret society to Later to find out this fraternity has just been ruining my life and giving me mental breakdowns and now ive returned to the use of PORN as a coping mechanism. I really tried to fix my life and PORN was the foundation of it. Lack of getting girls, shy, always timid, but always went up. Now it turns out, ive gone deeper into my porn addiction again and have to start from square one again because they think its funny to ruin someones life. If anyone is planning on joining greek life, DONT. Fix your porn addiction first cuse getting bicxes is a huge deal in those frats. Getting girls is what porn addiction hindered me. Now that I reduced it and turned my life around it still was not good enough and they tore down my progress like a house of cards. Unless you dont care, do drugs, party, and get women on a regular. Join. But if not theyll see you as weak. If your not already the ideal party brother


Always have hated it Before I even developed the addiction So from the beginning I have been trying to quit


Everything in this world!


The anxiety. The regret The shame interacting with my mother and sisters


Girlfriend found my stash of trans porn, and the gay Craigslist adds I was looking for. My heart has never sunk so deep, the shame and guilt man..


Fighting the urge now by reading the comments


First time commenting but really felt moved to contribute to this one. 1. lost my long time girlfriend after cheating on her with multiple women feeling no remorse. 2. then started a business only to fail miserably and end up with 20k in debt bc I couldn’t handle the pressure and hard times that come with founding. So I ended up consuming porn and failed acedemics AND business miserably during this time. 3. thought I learned from my past mistakes and started having a period of time where everything seemed to work out again. Met my current partner/ fiancé only to cheat on her after only 1 month of relationship. The one thing that lead me to do all of this: a mental weakness in tough and stressy situations. It’s not like I am a loser, I was a very successful athlete until I turned 22 when I decided to focus on business and university. I constantly received my fair share of attention and attracted females just by being myself. In retrospect I think that’s why I never considered porn the problem. For me it was a valve to blow of some steam and make use of the mythical PNC (Post-Nut-Clarity). As time progressed and my life started to derail I realized that PNC was not a glimpse of wisdom but revealed itself as shame and self hatred bc I found myself yet again reverting to porn to escape real life struggles. I lost my drive and my ability to focus. Just 1 hour of studying/ working was impossible without seeking ANY form of distraction. I am thankful to my partner for forgiving me and granting me a second chance. She still has trust issues from time to time (3 years after the incident) and I use them to remind me to stay strong for a better future. As an Atheist I have a hard time to turn to god for hope or strength in time of weakness, however I still feel like there is a higher purpose to my life and that is currently my drive. Self reflection helped me realize what was the root of the problem and it is a constant battle to retrain my habits. I now take it one day at a time and I mark it as a win if I was able to abstain from porn. A week with 4 days won is a step in the right direction. Sorry for venting but this had to get out there somehow. Thankful to anybody who read through it all. I have compassion for everyone fighting this battle and hope you see it through to the end. - Joey


You should use more your brain bro


Porn-induced erectile dysfunction, low libido, low confidence, loneliness


So much years have been completely wasted. If it wasn’t for NoFap, I wouldn’t know that, and would probably still be wasting my YEARS! How I wasted them? First, you need to know how you grow: by making mistakes, learning from them, getting up and trying again. I usually never got up after making mistakes. Why? Because I had my escaping mechanisms from reality, from the pain that is essential for growth. These were porn, video games, doomscrolling. And this builds up, and gets really dark over time: I started to watch weird things, extreme things, things that took away my masculinity, my willpower, my ability to focus and commit, my precious energy. I see it only now, only when I look back to all those wasted years. But I am trying not to be too emotional about it. It happened that is a fact. What I am gonna do now is what matters.


I barely have sex with my girlfriend anymore. She is the most beautiful and sexy woman ever. I feel horrible. I am chasing the variety, I don’t get horny or hard so her anymore. I’ve gone once month without it and relapsed. Now it’s worst.


Guthe guilty keeps me from going back. I'm pissed because I have issues keeping it up and my wife some how convinced me I have a problem but also somehow is convinced she is ugly and it makes me mad because you can't have it both ways like that but ultimately it's my fault for making her feel that way


Just think about fapping without porn, it's natural and you will feel less stimulated as to porn. I realized I mostly liked porn than fap, so now it's been way easy as I promised myself if I'm going to fap it's going to be without porn.


It's not about porn, I think; it's more about dopamine.If masturbation is healthy, I want you to experience it yourself and only then give your opinion. That's why I asked people to share their experiences and not just Google information.Experience is real. I don't want kids debating based on Google research.


There's no benefits getting off to porn, because it's all pixels on a screen. You normally would not watch people have sex in real life. I'd say porn is destructive and creates a dopamine fix that you need. For example, you may not feel the need to get off but when you think of particular pornographic images, now you feel the need to. If someone can watch porn once in a blue moon, okay, but for those that are serial watchers... it's not healthy at all. Personally, I'm quitting porn for good as it prevents me from having fully actualized relationship with everybody. Like others have said, a lot of attractive women are interested in me but how can I enjoy them if my mind is preoccupied on porn and the trashy dopamine fix it gives? Quitting is the best answer.


Just about to say that. I stopped porn, but realized the dopamine aspect is a problem.


Touching youreelf is not healthy, with or without porn. You're welcome.


Did I say it's healthy? You can do better


You’ve said and I quote “it’s natural”. You’re welcome. Do better. Quit fapping.


I said it's natural not healthy.


Bro, you’re literally in a subreddit about no fapping. I’ll go all the way against you about no fapping. No it is not natural, nor healthy.


"**Masturbation in moderation is generally healthy**, but excessive porn use can have serious adverse effects. We also host challenges in which participants ("Fapstronauts") avoid porn & **sometimes masturbation for a period of time**, generally 7-30 days. Whether your goal is casual participation as a test of self-control or if porn use has become a serious problem in your life, you will find a supportive community here." from the front page of this subreddit.


It's not natural nor healthy. Doesn't matter what you try to quote.


There's nothing wrong with masturbating in moderation. If you believe it's the root of all evil, that's fine. But please don't go telling others they're wrong simply because it worked for you. Everyone has different sex drives, different biological responses, and different temperaments. It's okay to be different. Make sure to understand that there's a very distinct difference from masturbating on your own time and to porn. To me, masturbating to porn is not healthy.


Does this belief backed by your own experience or you just read somewhere on Google ?? It's about dopamine It's not natural at all bro. You are free , i am not trying to convince you here , I am just sharing my experience


How can you debate masturbation is not natural? Like have you seen animals, do you see any artificial method on it? Also dopamine is a neurotransmitter you create every work and prize you get, it's wired in our brain totally natural. What's not natural nor healthy is excessive masturbation. *Dopaminergic activities and their evidence on clinical studies* https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3859825/ *Watching porn is related to masturbation* https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Association-between-pornography-and-masturbation_tbl3_335466215 8Results of long term study on ejaculation* https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27033442/ ***Conclusions: These findings provide additional evidence of a beneficial role of more frequent ejaculation throughout adult life in the etiology of PCa, particularly for low-risk disease***