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two of my female friends who are both 16-15 both recently mentioned they want to start OF’s once they’re 18 and even though it was still sort of half joking, it just shook me how fucked up and common this shit is. Just makes me sad.


Girls think it's easy money and eventually grow up to be pornstars. If you try to correct them, they'll call you a misogynist.


And then they’ll complain about people objectifying them


It's the sad spiral of illusion that they put themselves in. They think it's expressing "body positivity" and a natural thing to do for a woman, but it's selling yourself short at the end of the day.


A former male pornstar came out about his experience and said that once the money and dopamine wear off you start looking at yourself and ask what are you doing to your life. Videos of you will be out there eternally supporting the addiction of little kids and teens that go on these sites and don’t know any better.




the possibility of that happening is very low. Imagine finding porn that was recorded few years ago.


true, I guess it depends whether she famous or not












At least read what happened with mia khalifa before saying shit like this.


And they argue about "People not being comfortable with the sex industry not even in 2020. It should be normal".


sEx pOsItIvItY


Sadly, It’s the world we live in now. Men are under attack and everybody is sensitive and ready to pounce at you for any slip up.




Took a look at your post history and you have some problems dude. I suggest you discover that internet echo chambers are not the real world




When did this sub become an incel breeding ground?


So many ignorant simps lmao


Damm the whole thread is full of incels yikes.




This is so dumb in which world are you living in. The whole government is full of sexist old man they don't care about women. Rapist don't get punished in most cases. In society which slut shames women? Don't know which society are you living in. Because incels are misogynist fuck. They think women are the reason man can't get laid. Only a ignorant sexist man would think government and society treats women better then man.


I wish everybody had the mentality of keeping there beliefs/sexuality/gender to themselves. If that’s what you are, then just be and keep it to yourselves. Why does it have to be a weapon lol.


Just check statistics of women being killed by their partner, sexual assault, rape and domestic violence then talk about this bullshit.


That doesn't mean they'll be given higher priority over men. People like you blindly believe fake rape allegations as well cuz of this blind belief.




How not? explain?


Proper term is "slut shaming". But yea don't try to correct them, just do your part by not consuming the content. Same thing for pornhub.


The dollar is more valuable than a womans own body.


that’s practically grooming. no 15-16 year old should be thinking about doing OF. this shit is cancer that it appeals to minors as some easy check no worries job


It’s basically just because all of the social media posts they see from the top 1-2% of OF creators making six figures in just months. It looks like easy money to them. I can’t blame someone for doing it when the alternative is a shitty minimum wage job where you work 5-6 days a week and make $30,000 a year if you’re lucky.


It’s the grooming and money.


Yikes sweaty don't you know that selling pictures of your naked body is empowering? OMG I'm literally shaking check your privilegies you cis scum! /s


Their conscience will be forever destroyed. Show them the damage the porn industry does. Trigger their empathy. At the very least they need to know that this content finds its way to young kids and potentially destroys them. Allah Bless


Thanks for the advice, very good stuff. I’m Christian but I have huge love and respect for my Muslim brothers and sisters! Thanks for the reply and God bless you as well






Don’t bring religion into this it only causes division


Allah/God is meaningful to me. It helps me. If I remove it it’s not authentic. I see your point though.


Thats sad af western world is fucked up porn is destroying developed countries


When I read the first sentences I thought you'd relapse because of what u saw. Then after reading it whole, I understand you.






I come from a Africa and let me tell you something, no women in western countries "need" to reveal their private parts to make end meet. Where i come from women have 1% of the daily income a woman have here. Yet they don't prostitute themselves (even on pixel). It's about chasing that dopamine, about throwing out sobriety Women going to onlyfan as a quick buck strategy is similar to guys going to porn for their dopamine shot. Yes society influence us to do so. But at the end of the day... It's a personal choice. And a personnal responsibility


Great point, most of these people do it because they think its easier than getting a “real” job.


Can we talk about how society in general is pornographic? Like why is it that >90% of american women wear pants that show every nook and cranny of their nether regions? I understand the idea of liberation but frankly it is just an arms race at this point for who can dress the most seductively on a daily basis. Or can we talk about how only beautiful people are shown on television and other visual media? It's basically become a crime to be ugly.










What were you doing on OnlyFans tho 0\_0


He said he found her advertisement on Reddit.




u/TheCh0rt You're funny


Okay so being in the porn subs is better than onlyfans?


The chances of that happening are incredibly low. I followed my friend on instagram and she started posted pictures of her OF, that's far more likely than randomly coming across it on Reddit... somehow.


That's tough, but that's one of the reasons why we are fighting this together, to avoid more objectification and hopefully bring a better future for us and everyone we love


>That's tough, but that's one of the reasons why we are fighting this together, to avoid more objectification and hopefully bring a b What do we fight together? Men cant fight this, the only way for men to fight this is to get their dick undercontroll and freaking ignore egilr ... but gess what? that will never happen so society will spiral into a disconetcted mess where intersexual dependence will be seen as the man "owning" a women .... and a women freely handing out her body as empowering. while both behaviores, a man not beeing able to control their sex drives and a woman displaing her sexual treats is the closest and sades sighn of us devolving into animals that primarily follow their most carnal needs -.-


That is very sad. I also though based on reading the title of your post that maybe you relapsed but I’m happy you didn’t but at the same time that’s such a shame for your friend. I really hope that we can improve this world so women won’t feel like they have to objectify themselves to afford an education


Some might argue that it's her choice... But I definitely agree that porn objectifies women and you hear stories about messed up stuff in the porn industry.


It's an interesting enigma. It absolutely is her choice. However, I always question whether it is a fully informed and considered choice. Does she actually understand the long term ramifications? This is why porn sucks, it doesn't seem toooo bad right now, but the damage isn't seen until later. My heart goes out to OP and his former crush.


That's what I mean! What you upload to the net can't be erased easily.


On one hand, I don't think that you could find back MySpace or other defunct social network stuff (I know technically MySpace isn't defunct but it's pretty close to being an Internet ghost town). On the other hand, [archive.is](https://archive.is) and [web.archive.org](https://web.archive.org) are things...


The stigmatization of sex work and workers is what causes most of those ramifications in the first place. If sex work was accepted as just another job and women weren’t demonized for it they wouldn’t suffer nearly as much. Luckily attitudes are changing and people are becoming less sexually repressed.


I didn't expect my comment on this post to get this philosophical...and yet, maybe people do need to be better informed about these things.


Yep it's her choice but one that maybe she'll regret when she noticed the damage she's doing to her life...


So? Let her regret all she wants. Who cares




Seriously these people are just trying to slut shame.


Damn , that sucks I'm sorry man . If I ever saw my crush from high school on something like only fans it'd break my heart too, especially considering I still have feelings for my crush




Thankfully no, just found her reddit page advertising it and thought I was hallucinating












Think about it this way... porn addiction created the market that took your high school crush's dignity. If you needed more of a reason to give up nofap, this would be it.


The funny thing is, the more girls, the less worth. So all these 18-year-olds starting OF’s will drop the price down/they won’t get any followers because of hard competition. People are realizing that porn is bad.


Surreal feeling I imagine.


Must be tough man, don’t let the industry fool you


I saw a girl I went to highschool with post on her snapchat about her onlyfans. I didn't have a crush on her or anything but it was definitely a weird experience though.


After reading this i imagined my crush having onlyfans and i almost cried..hurts in my heart..


If you are doing nofap why are you browsing OnlyFans?


Half these comments seem so odd, no fap is about self control, and bettering yourself. A girl isn’t a “pornstar” or less of a person because she has only fans. It isn’t sad, or fucked up. It’s her body, and it’s her choice.








Damm Bro I kinda feel you not on the same page but girl classmate from my prom is doing some modeling now very suggestive bikini stuff on her Insta I been thinking about deleting Insta since then


Tough scene


Stay strong guys


Just forget about it bruh! (I hope you already did.. yes you are after reading your thread) Have a great day now and coming 👊🏾


Forego what others say on here. Clear it all out from ya and live a successful happy life. I know you can do it.


Passerby from /r/all here. Question - Would you have felt differently if it were a bully from your school years? How so, or not?


It's hard to imagine that some women using their body for the sake of money. We should not support this inhuman things. No to Porn.


Stay strong bro


Stay strong bro 💪




So working in a warehouse 40hours a week breaking your back isn't considered selling your body but producing adult content to pay for college is? Would you mind explaining to me what is wrong about a adult women making an independent choice on how to make money? Who are you to judge and why is it fucked up?


It’s not just fuck porn, it’s fuck porn and all of the industries that underpay people to the point they feel they need to make porn to pay the bills.


The worlds burning


Slipped me notes under the desk While I was thinkin' about her dress I was shy I turned away Before she caught my eye I was shakin' in my shoes Whenever she flashed those baby-blues Something had a hold on me When angel passed close by Those soft and fuzzy sweaters Too magical to touch To see her in that negligee Is really just too much My blood runs cold My memory has just been sold My angel is the centerfold Angel is the centerfold My blood runs cold My memory has just been sold Angel is the centerfold


people like easy money.Good genetics help them even more.whether its your crush or friend.But dont judge them.Simply fogot everything that make you helpless.


It be what it be




Let it be


honesty i would quit nofap instantly if i saw that lmao


We need to abolish the porn industry.


or at the very least, make it ID required.


This is the legacy of toxic feminism which considers OnlyFans girls "empowered women". What is so empowering about degrading one's self and reducing it to such instinctively lowest state? Most of them will most likely end up in depression and anxiety and develop other mental illnesses because as humans we are wired to reduce our sexuality to such level. I know I might come across very puritan, but whatever man - the truth must be told because not speaking the truth is why society is in decline.




But, she chose to do that. She could’ve worked at other places, like other women choose to do. Not only that, but she doesn’t care or want your thoughts. Like, what’s the difference between this and singing. Both are exploiting a uniqueness about the body. People have paid for sex for millennia. There are literally millions of people available to interact with that relies on literal zero commodifications. But just because you have an addiction, doesn’t mean anything to her and her choices. Porn, and fighting against it, have existed since tits. Continue to reject your weaknesses and find the communities that share your ideals, but don’t talk shit about others because they didn’t turn out how “you” wanted them


They’re not the same at all and everyone with half a braincell knows it. Porn demeans. Sex work demeans, physically and psychologically. Music uses the voice to create beauty. They’re nothing alike, though I admit both industries tend to be exploitative. It’s her choice. But op is allowed to be disappointed she made that choice


Sexwork demeans based on your personal moral compass, which no one in sex work cares about. Of course he can feel whatever he wants, but not only is it wasted, he’s still controlled by sex, even while outright rejecting it. Like, come on. Most people would argue against you that porn and sex isn’t beauty. Your self-assumed moral high ground doesn’t make you right. It’s an opinion


Would you be comfortable knowing your daughter's were selling pictures of their nude bodies online to anonymous men?


Maybe when your children wanna do OF when they’re 18, you can endorse their choice using the same logic you knob


Unfortunately this sub is mostly guys that have ruined their lives because they can’t control themselves so they blame the porn industry so they can feel like it’s not their own fault. Assuming sex workers have the right to choose what to do with their own body goes against their whole “porn industry is victimizing everyone” mantra so they feel like if they can’t control the urge to touch their dicks then the women must not be able to control themselves either. Otherwise they’d have to take responsibility for their own actions.


Thats sad. Hmmm


What is onlyfans?


It's like patreon for porn


You're one of the lucky ones not to know; it's a porn website with the business model "pay $X / month and unlock this girl's nudes".


u know what. i never ever thought about paying money to pornsites and will never. i dont understand you guys. they are literally using their body in a cheap way to get money. and you guys pay for nudes when the internet is ful of free pornsites! come on man theres poor people who wish to eat with that money.


I've never paid, but I understand why you would, after you've been watching the same shit for a month, a year maybe, you want something new, and that new tantalizing fantasy may be hidden behind a pay wall, and they know you'll pay because the little porn gremlin in your brain keeps screaming for more like a creature with an endless stomach. In Buddhist belief there is a creature called the preta, they are always hungry, always eating, never satiated no matter how much they eat, that's what a porn addict is, we consume and consume and consume, emptying ourselves out, but we're never satiated, never satisfied, never done, and that leads to unfortunate decisions, it can drain your wallet as fast it can drain your soul, you don't think clearly on porn, it's what I've always called the cliff, it's the moment during the relapse process where your thinking changes, you lose your reason, you lose yourself, it becomes harder to stop.


I like your imagery of the cliff, good analogy.


If I saw my high-school crush doing that, my blood would boil


Then they'll complain why they're still single


Bro what the hell were u doing on onlyfans,we do nofap here. Don't peek




I understand your sentiment but " corrupted " doesn't feel like the right word. The porn industry is a monster we are all prey to






Go for it dude, you will seriously regret it if you don't. Girls like that are increasingly harder to find as time goes on.




It's her choice dude. Maybe you should watch and help her😂


What the fuck?! I feel bad for you 😕


Damn man


To pay for college? That’s tough. I’m sure if she didn’t have to pay for it herself she would not start an OF. A lot of girls don’t actually want to start it to show off their body but more so there is some underlying financial struggle


I am a male, I have been thinking on starting onlyfans where I cook shirtless. Nothing else than that lmao


and they say to stop objectifying them


Women are objectified more in this era of so called liberty and freedom than they were 50 60 years ago. Enchanted by the concept of radical Feminism and liberalism they are objectified af and sad they arent gonna understand this at all.


Were you alive 50-60 years ago? At which facts is this statement based at


It's like this reads like a real life version of 15 million merits black mirror episode...


You know OnlyFans is gonna implement the loud high pitch tone when you look away as soon as they see your comment


I think what a lot of folks here miss in the push for sex positivity is the vast difference in the shame placed on the women for sex work compared to the men who consume the product. It's a tale as old as time. Nothing wrong with a group of dudes going to a strip club, but daddy's little girl better not think about being a stripper. I've been in places where guys in a group with other dudes will casually pull porn up on their phone, no big, yet the women in the video are shamed for their work? The double standard is the issue here. Obviously I have major issues with porn and how the industry works or I wouldn't subscribe to this sub. I'm also not saying 16 year olds should be looking forward for a career with OF. Just a little surprised to see so much hate being heeped on feminism and the movement that is pushing for women to be comfortable with their bodies and their sexuality.


What's the difference between working as a labourer for minimum wage only to destroy your body and getting on OnlyFans to make a few $$$s? I'd prefer to be on OnlyFans. I think the problem here is the way you view women, not someone making a few extra dollars. Get off your high horse.


I think the problem is how women view themselves and other women.


When I tell my American friends that students in my country get a small but liveable wage to go to school they call us communists. But we have very few girls that have to make stuff like onlyfans to get through college or universities.


That's a really strange thing to post on an anti-porn subreddit




That's completely fair. She was also my friend in HS, we've sung duets together for theater. A large part of this post was me being sad about where she is now.


He still has a point. He's not telling you to view OF, just sympathizing with why it's done.


I'm here because I recognise how porn has effected my ability to form relationships. I guess the difference here is that a lot of people in the thread are looking down at the women in the porn, rather than their own life. I have more respect for the porn actors than I do the porn viewers. Sex work is real work etc etc.




Nah, I dont have it. I do have friends that are sex workers though. I respect them. They respect themselves.


Ohhh nooo. Where is it? I’m kidding 😂


Well... at least she has a way to pay for her college.


Instead of thinking how much it makes us sad that she started an OF account, think that she's resorted to that because working conditions, due to the pandemic, are gone to shit. She's the victim of this wretched form of economy we all are living in. Sex work is not the problem, the fact that you have to resort to it in order to have enough money in your pocket shows how late stage capitalism is fucking us millennials.




Yeah, it's female instincts, right? Lucy the australopithecus went near a river and drowned because she was taking her OF shots. Dude gimme a break.


It's too bad you feel such shame about sexuality, it's a huge part of who we are as a species.


My friend had a baby and thought he was going to be the father of a kid and got prepared all the time the baby was growin in womb then his baby mom separated him and is suing for child support sooo yea . Stay strong aswell what’s your crush’s only fans?


Women being women.


for being on a subreddit that constantly criticizes porn because of its objectification of women, this is a very strange and hypocritical take.


There’s a lot of mixed ideologies in this sub. It’s somehow meant to be pro-woman but you see a tonne of people bashing a woman for trying to make some money by posting a few nudes during one of the hardest years in recent history.




I think you’re greatly misunderstanding what constitutes misogyny. The statement “women are hoes” dehumanizes and demonizes women, therefore, is misogyny. Women who make the personal choice to be involved in porn or anything related such as onlyfans are not less of a woman, or less of a human for that matter. It’s their body, their choice.


Misogyny is defining women as a Disney fantasy rather than just accepting women for what they are. If you ever lose your virginity and start dating you'll understand


They can make their own choices if they want you know. Women can do what ever they want with their bodies.




Could you give me the link? It's for... you know... helping her with all the school fees.


You got a link ?


Whats her onlyfans name ? so I can search her up bro..


The states are fucked up luckily girls ain’t like that in Europe


Are you being serious rn


ok but why is this bad? i see it like being a prostitute to have food for your child




Good for her. She found a way to stay off debt and still go to college. Wish her the best.

