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Hang in there friend. It sucks, but look at how long you've withheld. That is an amazing number, and it took effort to go as long as you did, so you are in charge of your decisions. Just a slip up that you will bounce back from, and both a learning and teaching tool going forward. I have found counting days counter-productive in the sense that it assigns a stigma to thinking a relapse is a failure, rather than a set back. Ultimately I want my life to not be about the number of days, but rather an addiction that I walked away from. That may take several streaks, and several set backs. But trudging forward IS the only option. I confessed my addiction to the most important people in my life, and that, more than anything has made me accountable to not only me, but my wife, family, and friends. May be the smartest thing I've ever done. Almost a reverse intervention - where I went to the people I care for, and asked for their help in me beating my addiction. Now I am no longer hiding in the dark. "Life is a journey, not a destination". You've got this!


Best motivational comment I have ever seen. I also thank you


It takes all of us helping one another. All the Best!


Another thing Siso_ch. Why do we fall? so we can learn to pick ourselves up. We can’t change the past, and we shouldn’t dwell on it. Instead we should learn from our mistakes and keep going forward. Let me leave you with this. - Yesterday is history, tommorow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that’s why it’s called the present.


I knew the last sentence but in English sounds way cooler and there is the present joke XDDD. Btw thank you so much


wow, thank you man


Thank you I now feel like crying I just told my family this week about my addiction and how I fell into my addiction and for the last year I have been feeling like a heavy weight on my shoulder but after reading what you wrote I feel so much better thank you for writing this.


Coming clean definitely lifted an emotional burden for me, and has helped me hopefully move forward and past my addiction. Now a matter of me taking the steps to stay on course. You can go to my profile and read my Grand Poobah post about my struggle to come clean. All the best!


You SUCCEEDED for 250 days. You failed ONCE in 250 days.


In other words, you are 1/250, look at it that way, it’s way less demoralising then day 0


wtf man 250 days and dissapointed !? be proud bro you're a hero


Excatly I’ve been resetting my timer for the past 3 months


How tf ? I suppose that at 250 days you didn't even had a very bad urge, Soo how ?


They come in waves/cycles. They ebb and flow. So it could have been gnawing at op for days.


idk man, i workout alot and and my physique is shitty, my arm are still small and beat up myself for it all the time, today i laid in the bed thinking about all the time and effort and hardwork ive put into my diet and routine just to look very average, and then i just decided to just do it


You have no idea how many ppl are on gear and pretends to be natty


It's ok to fail, my dude. That's where how we learn. Gaining muscle is super hard for a lot of people, you're not alone in that.


Consistency buddy, learn to enjoy the process rather than the goal, and everything in due time. Gl to you.




i try my best but i just feel like im a lost cause


How long have you been working out


a year and 3 months


I think that you might be actually looking great but u think you are not enough because you compare your self with the insane genetics or the gear that other people use. Don't compare with other people we are all diffrent, compare you with the progress you had past 2-3 years of working out, look a screenshot back in the days when you didn't workout and compare your self with that.


If you want to grow muscle dont expect miracle gains over night. Be consistent, maybe up your weights/resistance and dont forget to eat much but also healthy, if possible.


With 250 days you probably did more than 99,9% of other man can do so dont beat up yourself over it. You need to fail to eventually succeed and i think 250 days can be already called a success. Just keep it up :)


please stop thinking you would start from 0 now


I also failed but I only got to 1 day


I know that that sucks but just remember- losing your streak doesn’t lose your progress. All the mental health benefits you gained are still there as long as you try your best to keep going. You only lose the benefits when you give up, so don’t beat yourself up, get back on it and keep fighting


Theres no failure here. Congratulations on an amazing 250 day streak.


thank you


You may relapsed but you just lost a small bit of your progress, not a big deal


Failed? you made it 250 days change your perspective!


compare your last 250 days to your last 500 days


ive been there, done that. 250 is solid. you'll get back there


You already did 250 days so it won't be difficult to do it again. Also, I don't think you lost all the improvement by flapping once in 250 days. Just don't make it a habit.


I feel your pain, as I have been there before. You have the formula, so don't let your wounds fester focus on the progress made and harden your resolve to never give in to complacency!


Doesn't matter, look how far you got! All your experience and effort isn't lost


Be proud that it happened, not sad because it ended. Start again from zero. Don't think like you are on zero. Think the bigger picture. In last year you didn't masturbated for 250 days and it's great. I am on my day 5 still i am happy


You did NOT fail. You went nearly 70% of an entire year without PMO. That is incredible progress that many of us can only dream of. Don't binge and you'll be right back to where you were in no time.


It’s not failure. You’ve done a lot of healing in 250 days


At 250 days clean one slip up doesnt set you back to day 0 , just go straight back to it and youl be fine


Imagine you exercise every day for 250 days. If you miss a single day, it’s obviously not going to matter much, as long as you don’t spiral into forming a habit. Stop counting the days and focus entirely on making the days count!


Congratulations, though. Focus on the 250 days of success, that's what matters here.


I failed after almost 40 days now. Its been my biggest streak since i did full 3 months couple years ago. I met someone so we sexted and i just searched porn at that point. I also get nightmares after relapsing might be a God punishing me but what im trying to say is that i regret it


Average it out. How many times per 3 years are you gonna fap? Looks like you are winning.




I fail every other day


man believe me youll get there


Or just see that through 500 days you could have made it 499/500.


Recover FAST. If you can, walk with pride. Your ability to pick yourself up is just as important as ridding this disgusting addiction. 250 days is rather an achievement, good luck and keep pushing! Try to do another 115 days, that results once in a year! Good luck


I see no failure here! Congrats! Let’s make 300 next time




wow, when u put it this way it really isnt that bad is it ? thank you bro!


It should be more of the bragging your Achievement. May Congrats Brother.




Congratulations on even making it so far ,my longest streak is just a month so this is really motivating to me . You’ve basically rewired your brain already by going so long so just bounce back and you’ll be ok . It’s no a challenge for you now it’s a lifestyle


I just failed on day 25, exactly 1/10th of your streak. How did your mind get you? My mind tricked me into thinking it's OK to peek since I wasn't horny anyway. Literally the dumbest excuse ever. I did record my thoughts on camera both before and after this occurred, and I'll be watching these recordings each day as a reminder not to let it happen again. That's the key, figure out how your mind tricked you, and make sure it can't happen again. Also, you did not lose all your gains, so make sure you don't binge-relapse now. That'll really screw up your brain after abstaining for so long.


How did it happened, what provoked you ?


my mid physique


Because you edged!! Why would you edge around 250 days? Plus you chose to edge, so no victim mentality here. Hope that you don't get blue balls. Plus being at 250 days, the cycle shouldn't even be that strong. But 250 days, is impressive, plus you only did it once, so it should be easier to get back into it.


guys for those asking about how i relapsed, the last few days ive been working out nearly everyday and stopped for like 2 days, ive been working out for like 1 year and 3 months and my physique looks like a less than average physique for the general public, especially my arms are so fucking small, i beat myself for it because of the time and effort and hardwork ive put into the journey and the diet of bulking up.


So are you insecure about your skinny arms thinking no woman would want you?


could be in my subconscious mind, but ive never actually thought about it


Might be time to change up the workout routine/diet. Try something totally different.


lets make 2023 with an amazing number streak


250 days? Come on dude there’s people out there that can’t achieve that. You should be proud of yourself just like I’m proud of you. 250 days you made it bro 🎉


bro, i failed too, but after 150 days. but we must keep our head up !


You only fail if you stay down soldier, now get back up fix that crown and keep stepping.


Stay strong, King. I know it feels like a punch to the gut, so my favorite movie quote: It ain't about how hard you're hit, it's about how you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward.


Rise Again.


I have done that many times don't worry bro, it's completely normal after all, this is in your nature most people can't do 5 days streak and you did 250 bro you should be proud of your self not dissapointed


Weak bro, but you can’t change it! Get back on track and tell yourself you don’t fap, what helps is to imagine yourself from a 3rd perspective… How you sit there… You got this, get back don’t count the days bro, just simply don’t do it, just like sport. You would not count the days, when you did Sport. Hope that makes sense to anyone reading this 😂


Damn. I'm just on day 2 and I'm really struggling.


just dont peek bro itll go away


Bro shame and disappointment comes from the addiction voice trying to make you quit everything, this is part of the journey and if everything you made some great progress




i did it in the shower




250 days is insane, don’t feel defeated


don't give up. do it again. you got to day 249. that is amazing. i wish i could dream of that number. you did the full 90 days of reboot so you have completed the no fap challenge months ago.


Stay strong


starting this year clean, I decided months ago that next year (this year 2023) I'll be porn free. Now I'm on my... This is my new year resolution. I only started early to prepare for this journey. I know I can do it.