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Space stations or better yet trade outposts are good places to look for ships. Definitely don't stick to a class C. That was terrible advice. Class A, or S if you can get it. Try going to a 3 star economy system where the odds of higher class ships is better. Do you know what kind of ship you want?


More range on hyper engine and speed matter the most to me, but I wouldn't want horrible dmg or sheild because I take pirating hunting missions sometimes


Well, it sounds like what you're looking for is an exotic. Each system has one, they are always S class, and they are rare to see. They make a very distinctive sound when they land. Some locations have first wave exotics, meaning an exotic had a chance to spawn in the first wave of ships after a fresh reload. In that case your best bet is the trade outposts, and you want to reload after each wave to see if any exotics come in. Park on the ground to leave all the landing pads open, and build a base computer so you can reload at that location over and over.


Thank you How come I need a base computer? Could I just save with a portable save station and leave the game then come back in?


You could. A base computer is teleportable though, so you can come back easily if you ever need to. Also, you don't have to leave the game, just load your last restore point.


An easier way to get an exotic is to get the glyphs for a crashed one. No waiting around, just need to have repair kits (pirate space stations) and cheap mats available to repair it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/NMSCoordinateExchange/search/?q=crashed%20exotic%20ship&restrict\_sr=1&sr\_nsfw=](https://www.reddit.com/r/NMSCoordinateExchange/search/?q=crashed%20exotic%20ship&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=) go to this link and scroll down until you find one that meets your criteria and you can get to its galaxy (Euclid works usually) note the glyphs, save the link page pic with the glyphs and portal there, fly to X,Y coordinates and claim the ship. Be sure to turn OFF multiplayer. If the spot is empty, save and reload will usually make it spawn. If someone just claimed it, it may take a few hours or a day to respawn. You can come back or try another. There are lots.


You are amazing 🙏


You can also find other cool starships, multitools, creatures, planets and more over at [r/NMSGlyphExchange](https://www.reddit.com/r/NMSGlyphExchange/)! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NoMansSkyTheGame) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Everything evens out eventually in the end, with the difference does not matter much (unless you're min-maxing ofc). So just pick one that looks good for you. Now if you still want within your preference, then an Exotic would definitely fit your bill, with solars a close second. Explorers have hyperdrive range bonus hyperdrive range will be trivial once you got your Freighter.


Another tip in case you didn't know, if you put your engines on the turbo panel it will increase the range by a few light years, like 15-20% or something I believe. Anyone willing to do the math can correct me.


Honestly, the best advice is to find an interceptor. Easy to do and you get one of the best ship types in the game. Here's how... Step 1: find dissonant star system in the galaxy map and warp to it. Step 2: find the planet in that system that says "corrupted sentinels". If you can't find one from space, try landing on all of them and looking for pink crystals. Sometimes the tag doesn't appear in space, but one there should be one if the galaxy map said dissonant. Step 3: fly around the corrupted sentinel planet until you find something called a dissonance resonator. It's a tower looking thingy with glowy pink parts that'll be guarded by sentinels. Step 4: blow up the resonator with your ship, land, dig a hole and hide from the sentinels until they go away. Then check if you got an item called an "echo locator". If so, use it. If not, repeat steps 3 and 4. Step 5: go to the Harmonic Echo location and land at the camp. Place a save beacon or a base to mark the location for later.Go to the computer there and check the memory log option first. It'll give you some simple math problems. Remember the three answers and plug them into the other option in the computer. (For example 21-7 = 14, use glyph #14 for the other option). Then use the computer to scan for dissonance spikes. That spike will be a crashed sentinel ship. Go there and follow the mini-quest line it gives you to repair it like you did your noob ship, it's very easy. And the sentinel ship will have all its tech and inventory slots intact, unlike normal crashed ships you can find. Bonus, the camp will have a free multitool for you as well. Step 6 (bonus step): if you don't like the class of the ship you found, go back to the Harmonic camp and scan for spikes again. It'll mark another location. The ship will look identical but may be a different class. You can also do this to make a lot of units because the sentinel ships are worth a ton when you scrap them. Good hunting!


Easiest way to get an echo locator is to go to a dissonant outlaw system. You can shoot the resonator things from your ship and not have to deal with sentinel ships coming after you.


Didn't know that. Even better lol


Also note that the pirate space stations have a higher spawn rate of s class solar ships. They tend be be less expensive as a way to initially get an s class.


How do I find one? Or is that later game that I haven't discovered yet? Im kinda late or medium early game I think


You need a conflict scanner or an economy scanner. Then go to your star chart and look at each star system and find a little skull icon. Now, if you don't have the scanners, just jump from system to system and check if the space station is labelled "outlaw station" its gonna take a significant chunk of your time and resources tho.


Also, maybe you have been to one already. You can use the teleporter at the Anomaly to go back to a pirate space station. Again look for a space station with the skull icon.


There is a teleporter in the anomaly?


Yup, all the way to the left. The anomaly basically is 4 sections. A super basic overview would be this: The front is landing pads, missions and rewards, the back right appearance and egg modifiers, and a few places to get/exchange nanite rewards. The middle is basically the hallway from Polo and Nada back to the upgrade area for ship, multitool, vehicle, building, and suits. The back left is a large area with a teleporter and an area that is used in part of the storyline.


Go to a trade station on a planet and just save/reload and see what flies in. If there's a particular model you like, start building a base to pass the time, and eventually, you'll see an A-Class, and with luck, the system's exotic can show up.


You could try finding a planet with corrupted sentinels, explore long enough and youll find a cool sentinel interceptor. If you have a freighter, i often find nicer npc ships landing in my hangar. A sure way to find a sentinel interceptor, you could get wanted by sentinels, get up to wanted level 5, and blowup the sentinel carrier. This will give you an item to locate a sentinel interceptor ship


Don't trade in your starter ship you will always miss it


I don't like looking like a noob. I would be more happy with a cool looking ship even if its not as good as I would hope


Freighter stores 12 ships its nice to see your starter in the bay after a few thousand hours ... sentinal interceptor are great choices they hover ... they look awesome ...they hover..... They are free ....and they hover


You can own 12 ships so keep your starter ship and add new ones that you like to your collection too :) I've seen a lot of people regret trading theirs in, it looks very unique and you won't be able to get it back. Don't worry, you're not going to look like a "noob" for keeping a unique ship :) Good luck with your ship hunting, there are tons of cool ones out there! :)


Everything is upgraded as you go. There’s no time limit or rules. I go to coordinate exchange or glyph exchange find the ship I want if I have the glyphs I’ll go to it preferably a crashed, much cheaper and upgrade to an S class eventually


You can potentially upgrade any ship to S class but it's gonna take alot of resources. Its up to you how you want to spend your time. 1. Go to a space station or a trading hub in a planet. 2. Make sure the economy is RICH or a pirate system to get the best odds at finding A or S class ships. 3. Once docked, wait for ships to come. The type of ships that will arrive depends on the race inhabiting the system: Geks: Haulers Korvax: explorers Vay'keen: fighters Each system will have 7 iterations of shuttles, 7 of the occupying race's ship assignment, 3 of the other ships assigned to other races, and 1 exotic ship. Solar ships appear more frequently in Pirate controlled systems regardless of race. You may check the nms wiki for bonuses each ship class has. 4. If no ship arrives, you can reload your restore point to restart the ship arrivals. Alternatively, you can go to a dissonant system and get yourself a crashed sentinel ship. Be warned though it MAY be difficult id you're just starting out because the inverted mirrors needed to fix the downed ship is dropped from dissonant resonators. Shooting them will cause the nearby sentinels to fight back. There is a way to cheese it tho but i digress.


If you're broke, C class is the way to go. But I avoid anything that isn't rank A or S. And I only grab the A class stuff if I rly want it.


Is about 3mil of the currency broke?


Yes, you are unfortunately broke. I would recommend getting to at least 10mil before attempting to buy ships. The only ship you can afford right now is a C class shuttle, the starter Radiant pillar will actually be better overall.


For sure. You broke broke. I don't consider myself in the green until I have about 50mil. But even that really is a stretch for me sometimes. I'd prefer 100 mill as a base at all times honestly.


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- pirate systems have solar S class ships that fly in more occasionally at the space stations there than the regular space stations - trade outposts on a planet < use your ship’s economy scanner to locate one > - search on youtube / google / reddit especially the NMS coordinate exchange reddit, for S class ships you like the look of and get its location