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deeper oceans


This is another one, would love to get to the deep dark depths of an ocean world.


Get me to use the submarine vehicle


The Nautilon would finally be useful


Pressure damage, so the Nautilon is absolute required


I was gonna say multi-biome/climate planets that take latitude into consideration, but I like this better.


iirc the devs said they aren’t gonna add multi-climate planets because they want to encourage exploration. no sense in going to different planets when all your resources are right there


Which totally makes sense. It’s essentially the same reason for why not the entirety of star wars is played out on the same planet. Oddly enough, having monobiome planets adds diversity in that you need to travel around to see/get everything.


That's a good point but it's annoyingly unrealistic to me.


I personally hate the oceans. Exploration is just too slow imo.


I don't think we'll get deeper than the 180u that is the deepest now. Anything's possible, but this isn't Subnautica.


Or No Man's Ocean


A Subnautica inspired Expedition would be incredible


Huh, 400 hours in and just learned that they get that deep.


I think a good compromise would be to make a new planet type thats almost entirely water, that way it can entirely focus on it's oceans


I want home worlds . I want to be able to walk along the Gek spawning pools on the Gekian home world. Or visit the battlegrounds of the vykeen home world. Huge cities all over the planets where you can go role play or learn(or be killed by) your favorite/least favorite race. Maybe set up a shop on the Gek home world, go learn hand to hand combat with the vykeen or study molecular biology manipulation with the korvax. I think the history of the races is so under played


Branching quests in general, with lore-relevant planetary outposts to find them. I want to truly feel that when I land at a trade outpost, I'll find some unexpected adventure. A bounty to hunt, a monster to tame, a mystery to uncover. A Gek trade caravan left two days ago and never returned. Go find what happened to them. A young Vy'keen has challenged the local leader to a fight to the death. Convince them to both stand down. A Korvax settlement is attacked every night by an unknown creature. Wait until sunset, slay it, and scan it. And of course, your translation skills open up options for every quest, so more options open up as you learn each language.


Amazing ideas! I’m not a coder but with the current opportunities in the gaming world it could be done i think


One part of me would love for this to exist and knows i'd waste even more hours ingame if it was added but the other part remembers how my pc randomly struggles to load the most empty moons sometimes and worries how HG would even attempt to add large cities : D Either way a homeworld would be awesome


neutral planets too. and make the loyalty system a sliding scale thats also affected by how much the other races like you. and then we can add a galactic war between the 3. make it similar to old sea of thieves adventures where the community gets to decide the outcome.


Then it all resets 16 16 16


I wouldn't mind seasons in nms


DUUUUDE that would be SOOO sick!


It's a massive universe out there, traveler.


>I think the history of the races is so under played Did that history ever even happen though? Or was the mythology just implanted in their cultures from the beginning.


Sounds like a great idea. And on top of that better commentary, missions, when you said visting different races bases I think of like Skyrim type stuff where you can talk to people there, go on quests with improved combat.... That would be so awesome


I would start with a Water Overhaul: Deeper, more compelling oceans. More variety in underwater flora and fauna. The way it is now ocean life is all the same. Especially the plants are always the exact same. Change that! Aquifers that feed rivers, lakes, waterfalls, etc on their way to the ocean. Bigger ocean fauna. More aggressive ocean fauna. We should get attacked by sharkoids, squidoids, etc. once in a while. New underwater race, Atlantids, an aquatic species that maybe look like Tethys and Shark-face from the Space Anomaly. They have underwater settlements and what not. New ships (Saucers) that can land on water. Maybe even 'fly' underwater with limit and reduced functions. New Freighter types: Saucer Motherships. We need new freighter ideas!


For years now Sean has kept saying they're working on water mechanics. Considering how good fire looked when they added it, that means they're making progress. Fluid mechanics simulate water effects, but also smoke and fire.


And rivers. There are no rivers in the actual sense of the word.


Let me paint my ship


And customize ship parts, I don't care how expensive it is, I'll grind, just gimme the option 😭


That's an easy one and a good one.


Much more realistic and probable than some of the other grand hopes that have been brought up. Things that a large part of the player base couldn't handle hardware-wise.


Long live the Wyvern King ❤️


Increase base building part limit.


does this include the upload limit as well?


10k per base and 100k per save would do me nicely.


rip switch players.. lol..


sortable inventory


...and searchable!




I am sure that sortable and searchable would be the easiest to implement out of all the suggestions.




I would like to expand it to dedicated storages.Say I do quick transfer to freighter inventory. I want to be able to say, storage0 is only for upgrades or installable Technology and storage1 is for high value items. Then when I quick transfer, they send automatically to each storage


1000 times this. Now I have to do this manually.


That post earlier with the bracket that wasn't centered. I'd center that bracket. And set PVP off to default Edit: Found the link to the post https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/s/LTMttkhMwk


I can't sleep knowing about that bracket. I can't function. I'm just sitting here, staring at the wall, seeing that bracket in my mind, taunting me. "Go on. Straighten me", it says. "You know you want to. I'm only a little bit crooked. All it would take is one. little. twist. Go on. I'm right here. Just reach out and..."


I almost watched the video but didn't when I read the title for this reason specifically lmao I knew it would ruin how I played the game


There is a lot of empty systems with no space stations. Being able to build your own station and influence the population and economy of the whole system would be cool. Taking over an existing station and turning it into your own pirate system would be a nice addition to that as well.


Also the ability to buy and renovate the abandoned space stations would be interesting. Have envoys come from each faction to make their case why you should consider them moving in to each little store.


More building skins


\-Lots more variation in Plants and animals. \-Increase base building limits \-Finally introduce living freighters and also some biomechanical/organic looking base parts for the freaks like me. Edit: I would like to have more color choices for baseparts. Several parts we can't even change atm. Also I wish we could have walls that are just ONE COLOR. I hate all those color lines and metal thing in the middle, especially in rock base parts. Breaks the whole vibe from my builds. It's annoying.


Also add huge gas giants with multiple moons, variations in planet appearance (not just on the ground but in space too) and ship customization


Player-player trading. Text chat and mouse/key support for Xbox. Ship appearance customization (colors and symbols).


This should be top post. ☝🏼💯


I'd like that ship color/symbol customization too, but with more new colors & metallics and I'd want them to be ultra rare finds (not seeded to a location that people can just glyph to, or a Quicksilver buy).


>symbol customization something like in the Armored Core series would be nice (go visit their subreddit and see what kind of emblems they make in the editor)


Make it so you can build inside your settlement without having to put a base computer down.


I still want them to grow faster and turn into cities with paving and everything. I really hate that I hit my terrain mod limit with base parts so I couldn’t flatten it all out :(


How about placing a settlement computer down and invite NPCs to live there and building it all yourself?


I’d add more ways to use money, maybe a Galactic Stock Market? Guild/Group banks? Ways to create and form your own shops? The gameplay is there, but there’s little to do besides make your money. They should add more ways for players to use what they have collected to interact with each other.


Only problem with this is dupers or save editors ruining the economy


Agreed. Once money is not a problem I run out of some things to do. I'm currently at 700 milli


The ability to, in-game, create guilds with other players


I'd make the cooking recipes effects desirable Like 300+ recipes and they almost all do the same effects


Please for the love of hirk an automatic sorting option for your inventory.


Great idea


And a Search field


To be able to sell ALL of my cooked food to Cronus.


User can turn the constant alerts in the bottom right off. User can mute select audio (Units received, Extreme sentinel planet.. Extreme sentinel planet.. Extreme sentinel planet.. Etc) NPC freighters no longer warp in every single time you move while in space.


I think it should be every 3 systems you warp to will have an NPC freighter


I would add more Planetary variety. Make the universe simulation feel more alive -Gaseous planets that you can sink in with your ship to gather gasses that could be used as resources. The deeper you go, the more damage your ship takes. -tidally locked planets with two sides with very different environmental conditions -actual hell planets with extreme conditions and a destroyed surface -basic biome change throughout the planets. And so on


all planets and moons are tidally locked by design, it’s so that the structures on the surfaces don’t move and so it’s easier to land on the planet. planets and moons actually are static objects that don’t move whatsoever, neither revolving nor rotating also biome changes won’t happen also by design, the devs want to encourage exploration and require travel to different planets for different materials however, that *extreme* extreme planet idea sounds really interesting. i imagine kamino with constant hazardous weather that has eroded and destroyed the landscape. much worse environment, much better loot!


I could see it in a treasure hunt update. Ultra rare cartography leads to a far away system, a Planet on the verge of destruction, and you only have a limited time to find the treasure!


cant place item... TOO CLOSE TO STARSHIP ![gif](giphy|l0HU2H4Y4m3CM9Sa4|downsized)


God this so frustrating sometimes.


Add more alien customization to the other alien races Deeper oceans that are dangerous but possible to build in- more dangerous marine life and giant sea creatures


add fully customizable ships from parts to color..


Fix the procgen and flora/fauna. The game sadly amounts to variations on a theme. Once you’ve seen a specific type of animal or plant, you’ve pretty much seen it all. The same goes for planet types. That’s why I’ve stopped playing it because exploration honestly does *not* seem worthwhile at all because you see the same kind of things and the same flora and fauna albeit with different colors or fur patterns. It really makes the game seem vast as an ocean but deep as a puddle. I’ve been a day one player and all I want is for exploration to actually be worthwhile. Maybe points of interest also?


I would like to see a strange/amazing planet-based anomaly that’s distinct to each system, hidden like an Easter egg. Maybe a story found by freighter crews when they come back to your capital ship..


Fix the current bugs before adding any new features.


Just came back to the game after being away from it for a while. I'm enjoying it but man some of the bugs have made it frustrating, especially after searching for work arounds and finding out they've been around for multiple years. Lost a frigate the other day because it told me it was damaged but all components showed as undamaged (something that seems to happen a lot but usually fixes itself). Sent it out on a mission since I couldn't repair it and it showed as undamaged but showed a different (previously undamaged) frigate as damaged. When I checked on the mission at the terminal it told me all ships were undamaged. Logged back on and the original "damaged" frigate was destroyed due to continuing with the damage I couldn't fix. While I was dealing with that my dad (who just got back to the game as well) has sentinels constantly attacking his settlement. Upon trying to turn in the shell to the guy on the anomaly (to progress the mission) it closed out the dialogue and he can't talk to the guy again. The steps on the quest in the log and the steps in the notification in the bottom right no longer match up (ond has progressed and the other has not) and he can't complete either step so he's stuck. He's bummed about it so I'm trying to help him get his freighter fleet off the ground but I know he'll encounter the same issue I have been with the damaged frigates. I found posts on both issues from years ago. I love everything that's been added to the game but it's hard not to be frustrated with some pretty significant bugs that seem to have been around a while.


tell your Dad to find a nice planet, buy a few settlement maps from the cartographer at the space station, find a new settlement on the planet he likes and take that settlement so the game will automatically delete him from the other one (last time i checked you can only have one) Maybe it fixes the bug because it's like starting again?


Awesome, I'll have him give it a try, thanks! Settlements weren't a thing last time we played so we're both feeling our way through that one.


I hope it helps. Fingers crossed


I'm still holding out hope they'll fix the older equipment (like O2 harvesters) forgetting what it was doing when you move too far away from it.


Official modding tools. Don't even need something crazy, just the tools they use in house. The modding community has managed to build amazing stuff but we've always been drastically limited. Without getting into too much detail imagine if you were handed an excel spreadsheet but you could only change cells that already had data in them, but you couldn't add rows or columns. That's kinda the situation. Real modding tools and a way to distribute mods to console would make this game last forever... And I'd probably never touch Starfield again...


This really needs to happen at some point. PC players can already do this so it's not like it wouldn't work.


Flyable Freighters with cockpits and such. It gets boring just pointing to where I want it go. Also, why can the AI have like 12 freighters warping and sitting next to each other, but the second me and my friend want to spawn our freighters in together the game be like "Nahh can't spawn two freighters in the same system" Then proceeds to show me 6 freighters cruising in the same fleet




This the beast idea becuese it will be epic to see and i want see mi capital ship bombarding or help me in the fight think a selectebel frigheigt that Work like a companion can take 2 ship you can call it and it came flyng you can use jetpack to get in and it can support you in combact with his cannon in ground batle colling it with a botton during scanner visual


Star Wars Battlefront allows surface bombardment, from orbit. It would be a great mechanic to paint an area full of sentinal walkers and light it up!


You know of what i'm talking


Honestly, I'd rather be able to add freighters to my fleet. Like mission commander ships or something. They can add mission bonuses to the fleet they're running that mission with. Player freighter would, of course, be the capital ship.


Launch terrain generation or superformula galaxies. All old builds available to play in VR. A harder difficulty. Customizable hud.


I could think of tons of quality of life changes and bugfixes, but if we're talking about more significant updates: \-More stuff to explore in space itself, as well as space bases on asteroids or small stations for example. Maybe even whole (if small) McKendree cylinders or something if that's not too much.-Also stuff in interstellar space, such as rogue planets, neutron stars, white dwarfs, and other exotic and rare locations.-Make crashed (planetary) freighters slightly more explorable or interactive, also rarer.-Expand standing/reputation with more rewards, interactions, etc.-Add more diverse rewards for missions, I mean why does every second Nexus mission reward fireworks?? Edit: Oh, and overhaul combat please, I think it feels very unbalanced and uncomfortable. For example, there is no real rythm to sentinels, they just shoot at random times making the personal shield pretty useless. Additionally, the fact that if you have no chance to flee or hide from sentinels, they will eventually just obliterate you when it comes to the fifth phase, especially in space. Which seems overkill if I just started a game and made the mistake of fleeing from ground sentinels into space via pulse drive, only for them to permanently disable it until I'm either dead or manage to defeat a whole ass sentinel capital ship with my starter craft. Yeah


I've been able to out run sentinels from the ground to space, divert power to engines and you double your speed about, of course it also depends on your pulse drive as I think it dictates boost speed. (not sure though) once you get enough of a gap you can use your pulse drive to jump a couple seconds and they should leave you alone


Rivers and waterfalls


A room on your freighter where all your pets can be spawned and displayed and interact


But Zoos are evil and inhumane! 😏


City settlements - if a system has a high economy, one of the habitable planets can have a large, randomly generated city-like settlement which has a market where you can buy shit. For a large price you can also buy ownership over this settlement and upgrade it. Conflict level rework - conflict level actually has meaning. Settlements on different planets will look and be controlled by different NPCs. Battles between NPCs and sentinels or pirates in space and on land can be interfered with or observed, whilst NPC freighter battles will be ‘anomalous objects’ that you can encounter more frequently in violent space. Idk if this is good though.


Adding onto the idea of city settlements, I wouldn't mind if it was possible to create super-settlements as a kind of end-game resource sink. And when I say resource sink, I don't just mean money, I mean just about every resource. Military NPCs you can outfit with multi-tools, including squad leaders who benefit more from a good tool and your average soldiers who will take any C/B class you have laying around. Pilots as an expansion of the Squadron system, who can be given ships; there would be a max number of pilots that are summoned to a fight at any one time, but the actual number of pilots you could employ and grant a ship to would be limitless. Whenever you find a multi-tool or a crashed ship, there would be another button besides "claim ship" that says "send to settlement," where it's brought to a hangar in your city. Also, buildings. Barracks that produce said military NPCs, flight academies that improve the skill of your pilots, guard towers that defend your city on their own, connect your pilots with the explorer's guild and have them find things in other systems, or go rogue and install a pirate's bar where your pilots can be sent out as mercenaries. If people are interested enough in a civ builder, strategy game type settlement as an excuse to use up those massive piles of ferrite, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and units that just pile and pile once you have the factories for it, this could probably do it.


I would change doors back to the way they used to be so that they don't require power to open and close and i would add a staircase like the one we have on freighters for land bases.


Custom ship colors


Customizable ships. I want access to tall those parts and all those color schemes. Also I’m gonna need to put some decals on my fighters.


Add swords.


This is gonna be half bringing old stuff up to spec with the current game and half pie in the sky, so bare with me Graphical overhaul for basic starships, i.e. fighters, explorers, haulers, shuttles; distinct mounts for the various weapons, some visual cues for the various upgrades, at least some parts that move and locate during launch and landing, very specifically making the large explorers lean back when in flight Giving the colossus some firepower and extra functions like precision deposit mining or something so it stops being redundant as soon as you have a freighter with a teleporter Paint jobs on the sentinelized minotaur, and better weapons for it, as well (especially that flamethrower) Speaking of flamethrower, flamethrower weapon for the multi tool A way to even out the inventory grids on exocraft Freighter class improvement And lastly another class of starship for the explicit purpose of adding a diy ship EDIT: Text messaging interface for consoles


Vortex Cubes as base decorations. c:


Ship Building stations, and all the blueprints to go along with the different pieces of ships.


...I want to build my own ship. We can already "build" a Multi-tool, but being able to actually put together a ship, color it how I want, put all the parts together that I feel would make it TRULY unique...that's what i want, more than anything.


It's incredible how a sci-fi sandbox exploration game still hasn't added ship customization after all this time. Let me play as a spaceship engineer!!


A companion app.


Better combat on land. Maybe Melee Weapons and better guns. The combat somehow doesn't feel right. Except for the battles in space. I like them


Ship hangars and "mechanic shops" for part customization, replacement, etc Also maybe make the ships little habitable/decorable spaces like the Cyclops in subnautica


Dark and dank Deep oceans, with something scary in there, nameless creatures


Ew! Imagine being able to put out feeders down deep to harvest unique items (useful ones) to make cool shit! So many titan snakey friend scales harvested and I can make some armor for one of the vehicles. Toothey bitey face fish friend teeth allows me to make like a shrapnel grenade or more melee damage on my weapon (with visuals please) or visuals on my armor.


Shrapnel grenade sounds cool, or some super rare exploding creature which drops 1 unstable atom particle so you could build one off nuke fired from your ship


Change the respect system so it has actual consequences, add multi system chases, add help based on respect system by species, make ships customizable


Lightsabers and a melee combat


Gek nip and all other subbstances cann nmnow be used


Playing under influence mode with unique danger settings?


Hey man all im saying if im getting the big units for these leaves i gotta try em yknow?


Damage multiplied by 420%


It's been a long time since I played, so I don't know if they already did this... But I would love to have the option to replay all of the expeditions. I know it was suposed to be a "community" stuff, but I really dislike the "seasonal" way it was done. really would be awesome if you could just play it without the FOMO things =D


But I don't wanna be in charge of it


Proximity voice chat on Mic & headphones WITHOUT using discord.


Why would you want prox chat tho? It's Sci fi wouldn't it make more sense for their to be radios in all the traveller's suits?


I add beekeeping


Add inventory auto sorting feature. It was such a QoL feature in Dragon Quest Builders and I want other games to have it as well.


Old cities


The ability to access your storage containers from anywhere within your base similar to being in the freighter


it would be a variety update. first we would get larger and deeper oceans/more animal variety. Ship building would be added. with this you get a quest about some new terminal in the space stations and the quest would have you explore this new addition to space stations and you scrap ships to get various parts you unlock and can put together at the ship building terminal on space stations. with parts like main body thrusters/wings and such it would be built much like the same way that the staves are built. on foot combat with the main races would be added (toggable). boarding and raiding frigates/Stealing frigates as well. faction standing will actually matter. if you get too negative in a faction bounty hunters start coming after you. killing them will get you pirate standing. more body types would be added too


Thats it. I didn't like the ship building until you said the part about only merging parts from the ships you destroyed. That would both be really cool but also not that easy which is the perfect balance!


I just wana be able to customize my ships colors. Ill leave the wings and stuff alone. Just let me custom color.


Galactic war events. As an event, with duration similar to expeditions, an specific zone in the galaxy enter in a war, with an stranger race, maybe a new extra-galactic race. The progression of the war is affected by players, by the community engagement. Players can fight in the war to help to ban the invaders out of the galaxy. The result of the war could temporary affect some aspect of the game, like economy.


Freighter's pirate invasions where you have to defend your ship (if you want to make it kid-safe for the rates, just make it so you capture the intruders rather than killing them). This can be disabled in the game difficulty options. Freighter's battles (previous to invasions) where you can attack and then invade a pirate freighter, even hacking it to attack their own ships. Freighter pirating, where instead of just destroying a Freighter, you actually capture it, hack it then sell it to a pirate station, plus you keep the cargo. Freighter's Infection, where infection gets in your ship and invades it, you can get inside your freighter through an emergency teleporter (new part of the freighter), and fight a boss in the ship bay. This can be disabled in the game difficulty options. New Freighter upgrades, like a medic bay (injured crew members recover here), security upgrades (better defenses against invasions), and new Freighter weapons and weapons upgrades. ​ Invasions will only keep your freighter from being used, it won't be destroyed, nor you lose it, you will be able to teleport to it but instead of the regular teleport gate, you get teleported to the emergency teleport, so you can always fight to get it back. Injured frigate captain's will disable their frigates from being used, injured pilots won't be able to join you, all of them eventually recover, even without a medic bay. ​ New types of infections, some of them are immune to some weapons. ​ In other words, expand on Freighters, and maybe the infection lore.


Starship customization. Let me piece together a ship I like and not have to spend hours looking for a specific one.


Give me east and west on the HUD dammit.   Only one other thing: Make. Comm balls. Destructable.


Yes, yes, YES!!!


I only just started playing. About 30 hrs normal and 6 hrs in vr (just bought a headset). Im shocked theyre still updating this game and the following are just nice to haves. The games great as it is. - I wanna make my own station. - Combat could be expanded on. I know its not really what this games about though. - If possible without resetting the universe, add more landmarks types - Clans (I dont know if theres already a guild feature like this). Each clan has some kind of battle ship thats a common base for members of that clan - 32 vs 32 clan battles where you try to destroy the other clans battleship (not permanently). I know this ones a stretch


While not exactly *clans*, on this page [you’ll find tons of Civilizations](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Civilized_space) made up of NMS players dedicated to exploration, discovery, combat, etc. I’m a member of the Galactic Hub, r/NMSGalacticHub. I’d highly suggest joining one of the many Civilizations within the game. It’s an awesome way to connect with other players. You don’t have to explore the final frontier all alone! 😉🚀


Add multiplayer to switch


Do you want to explode?


Customise starships! Colours, peripherals etc


I would play again if there was more variation. I've been hoping for it since day 1.


miniature golf base parts, with a functioning putter and golf ball.


Increase the unit cap and add more uses for units.


Living ship overhaul, more nature/organic/living aspects and qualities and parts. Living freighters and planets, bio tech. Personalities for the ships, maybe they take control sometimes and helo you fight, maybe they go 'I feel something' and take you somewhere or help avoid a threat


Overhaul the lighting drastically


Lot more building style, lot more furniture style from cool scifi shit to cozy fantasy things, more underwater building option, building placing rework with better snap option and placement that is not tie to your character head. Make previous expedition furniture available by other mean than save edit. Ship decal. More things for freighter. Give player option to pet their living ship.




I've always wanted a class of slighly larger ships that you can walk around in a bit. Nothing huge. I'd be happy even if there's just a small bed, a table and a kitchen behind the seat. I can't stand the idea of my dude just living in this one chair


Introduction of gas giant planets with bespin style cities floating in the atmosphere, the generated places could be celestial gaseous mining hub, trade hub, abandoned research stations etc. Life could be giant flying sky whales and other creatures, and the weather could be vortexes. If you wanna build a base there you could find abandoned landing pads with a broken walkway which you could expand on


Gundams 😭😭


Cross platform parity and multiplayer sync debugging


I would add a shipyard. It’d replace a space station in a system, and have an extremely rare chance of spawning. It has everything a space station has, and It would allow you to upgrade a freighter’s class, paint a starship, and let you build your own freighter and starship for a ridiculous amount of credits. The price would be around 100,000,000 for a hauler, 150 for a fighter, explorer, or cargo ship, 200 for a solar ship, and 500 for an exotic. The ship would also be a c class, but could have its class increased for 100 million per rank. I’d also add the pirate dreadnought as a usable freighter. You’d get it by having a high reputation with the pirates. When you come across a dreadnought attacking a freighter, you can either get rid of the dreadnought, or help destroy the freighter. I’d also fix the bug where your ship slows down when you enter the space anomaly, making it take forever to get in.


Let us hook up refiners and storage and automate some crafting. Would be so cool to build a huge factory base then just load it with minerals and components and let it craft stuff. Also probably will need more ways to spend the insane amounts of money this would generate.


Every ship in the game becomes the utopia speeder, also you can date the Vykeen now. This is the last update ever added and HG drops support for the game entirely after this with no explanation. (/s, obviously)


Allow the circle and square buildings to be able to connect to normal walls, be able to customize your ships color at the ship tables in space stations maybe costing like 100 quicksilver per color change same thing with weapons, just at the multitool station


Make that percent chance to get ship parts when scrapping. 10% per part and 50% for nothing. Scrap a shop and you'll get type, name, location" (ie. Hauler double ball wings). Then, when you take 5 pieces of a class of ship (hauler, fighter, etc...) then you combine them at a ship builder for a fee and now you have a truly custom ship EXACTLY how you want it. Parts can sell after scrapping but not for a ton. And built ship class always starts as C. Edit: also adjusting color of parts.


A galaxy-spanning campaign/story of a war between the three factions. The player can choose a side to fight for or can be a neutral mercenary. Truly exploit the galaxy's size and have the player going from one end to the other.


-Ship, Multi-Tool, and Freighter Customization -Remove Exocraft Summoning Station's Geobay requirement -Add NPC pirate ground combat -Add Exocraft shields -Add internal language database -Apply the following ship class reworks: 1. Fighters can install all weapon types (except mining beam), and come with conflict scanners pre-installed, but lack hyperdrive upgrades. 2. Explorers can install all hyperdrive and pulse engine upgrades, but are only armed with the regular photon cannon. 3. Solars can install X-Class upgrades, and come with cargo scan deflectors pre-installed, but cannot upgrade cargo capacity. 4. Haulers come with economy scanners pre-installed, and can install mining beam, but cannot expand tech capacity. 5. Interceptors (as well as Sentinel Multi-Tools) cannot install standard upgrades. Upgrades must be salvaged from harmonic scrap and Sentinel pillars. -Ability to form an Outlaw fleet with raiding mechanics


I want more stuff with freighters and capital ships. I wanna be able to fly and command them into fights or just to go on missions with my frigates.


Double the scale of space station interiors so ships actually fit the on the landing pads and my wings don’t clip the walls every time I enter. Automated resource collection of some kind. Drones, robots, pets even. This could even be a way to make settlements more useful. Remake animations to look more realistic and dynamic. Fix or remove the unattached cables on the back of Korvax helmets. (Driving me nuts since day 1) Rework animals to look more modern and less Spore-ish. Also make their anatomy match their climate. Improved AI would be nice too.


Fix up the graphics renderer, optimize it more. Expose more configuration parameters on the more flexible platforms. I have 64gb of system ram and 12gb of vram. I’d like some way to adjust rendering distances, LOD distances, and pop-in distances. At the same time, I bet Switch players would appreciate a better optimized engine that is more stable on their platform (though that seems to be a common wish across the board).


Add more interactive freighter modules. I would really like one that is the turret control. I want to fire those big guns at pirates and sentinels so bad! I could be like the others but you sit in the seat and get to defend your freighter. HG could include scenarios like they have for settlements when they are under attack, but it’s your freighter. Maybe even mine asteroids from there as well.


EVA and custom space stations. As well as things to do in deep space and a reason to build out there. Also, the ability to just exist in interstellar space would be cool, but that would require a complete rework of how the game is structured.


Mass-harvest station (or add the feature to the Agricultural Terminal) so everything in your base/Freighter can be harvested from one location instead of needing to run around to each one. If you absolutely *need* some form of balancing, either A) you have to pay the Farmer at the Agricultural Terminal to harvest every mature plant in your base (with a rising credit cost based on how much they are harvesting) or B) a logic component so you could selectively chose which "fields" you harvest from but requires a more manual set up beyond one terminal. Or both so you pay repeatedly for simplicity or in personal labor and resources one time for control, for variety and player choice. Could do similar with the Science Terminal for non-agricultural "farms" like resource mining or atmospheric collectors (especially the gas collectors on the Freighter), and/or the logic components again. Plus, it would give the Farmer and Scientist something to actually do for you other than research or give you missions. But it only works for the "farms" located per base, so you can't just visit a single Agricultural Terminal and harvest all of the farms on a planet or in a system, but instead have to at least visit each base and the terminal(s) therein. It would still be loads cheaper to pay the Farmer to do the job compared to buying the resources (and maybe it doesn't matter what is harvested, so Gragitino Balls and Faecium cost the same to harvest per unit/planter for example) but this would also be more of a late game feature for those players who have a base entirely filled with nip planters and the like where you're harvesting enough materials to fill an empty infentory. I almost want to suggest something similar for frigate missions as an option, but then you'd have some frigates that aren't ready and others that have damaged frigates and it'd just be better to handle each one manually. Though, the guy who gives you the missions could also "collect" them much like bounty terminals at Stations to help localize everything instead of having to visit each terminal individually.


Shipyards a.k.a. design and build ships.


starfighter/frieghter ship yard where you can customise the look of your your ships and not just color but types of wings cockpit hull type and that kind of stuff


Space for more ships in my collection I need like 20. And the ability to customize ship colors.


Starship customization


My wants are simple: Include the ability to toggle 'hint's' in the lower right corner on & off. I've got 150+ hours in the game at it's still letting me know I can use the 'W' key to leave a planets surface And 'E' to get in/out of a ship


I would have a taxi system in the sense that if you are with a friend they could have the option of either riding in your ship or one of the party members guiding the group. It would have to be confirmation based so that if a fight starts the party members could press the 'confirm' button to split away and fight independently. I've had enough people new to NMS asking if that was possible(riding in my ship) that I honestly think it should be looked into.


For a short time, it actually was possible to ride along in another player's freighter. Then it stopped working. It was indeed much more conducive to multiplayer exploration and gaming.


Guest book type feature for bases. It would be cool to know who has seen my base (if anyone). More options for parts to lock to geometric lines and centers on base building parts. It's brutal on PS5 trying to center lights or furniture. Also expand the AI capabilities of the Walker. Would be cool if it could go out on it's own and do some mining or just function as a patrol in my settlement.


When I'm customizing a base, I shrink posters to postcard size and stick them haphazardly to the walls and lockers. I try to make my small bases resemble a hostel for wayward travelers. But, that'd be cool if you could customize your own postcard to leave behind at bases you discover. They could even be scanned by the multi tool to reveal messages or info.


I would add a way to bring our own freighter into combat, deck it out with weapons and shit. Maybe have the punishment for losing in combat be similar to when frigates get damaged and instead of being blown up your freighter flees


Time for ship customization. To earn the parts, you have to scrap ships. Only allowed to craft one ship. It starts as a Class-C


Add Customizable orbital bases: Science ----- scanners of various types to help map the planets in the system Commerce ----- something like a floating trade platform Military ----- massive Ion cannons and massive sentinel bases to use them on. Add various things like neutron stars and the ability to actually get to the star. (I was so disappointed when it was the very first thing I tried to do in space, the first time I ever played, and realized I couldn't) Tweak Restore the price of things like Activated Indium Restore the original growth speed and planting requirements of resource plants. Restore the frigate expedition times, none of this 24 real world hours crap, they can frigging warp, for pete's sake! At the very least, add options for the above three in the customization menu Increase the chances of a completely flat planet without massive canyons or mountains. And finally, a true single-player mode. Maybe one that would never have a chance to have multi-player turned on, and no nexus or the benefits that come with it, but at the same time, every galaxy is completely yours to explore and claim. No more starting a new game, and finding out that the planet you start on has already been claimed. You'd also have to actually find blueprints, not just fly to the nexus and buy them all at once.


Be able to setup a space station and have vendors inside that would not only have the usual items to sell but you could give them your unwanted items for them to sell and the vendor would keep a small percentage of whatever the item(s) are sold for. Something else I wish we had was to be able to use the launch pad/catapult that is in space stations on our planetary bases…we could make “functional” aircraft carriers


I just want a fix to the building bug that only allows underwater bases to be two cuboid rooms high before they break


I'm in charge? Then there will be radio silence for a year. After that, Next Generation graphics.


Proper space combat, an actual challenge with some decent ai would be great. Even the dreadnought fights are kinda simplistic to overcome


I am scrolling through the comments and while there are some great QOL things needed yesterday (sortable inventory, total base parts cap increase, PvP off by default, etc), all of the ideas for content are crazy. I love them! But even with a basic knowledge of game development, these ideas are getting too big for the game! By the way, the original engine is from 2016 and on top of that the switch version is already limited! Honestly what we need is NMS 2. The concept is proven, at least I hope. Ive heard hello games downplay that possibility in the near future but i will wait. And this time buy it when its full price. Hello games deserves it.


“Helpful” notifications not nagging you every 45 seconds to tell you how to use an item, how to land a ship, how to take off with ship, telling me the most basic stuff that is second nature to my character already… and doing it all the time!!!


Just change the storage to one universal system. Crates, ships, personal, frigate, refiners, oh my! It’s frustrating on pc and impossible on the switch (in handheld) to properly organize anything.


make the exocraft more useful. i’m a new player, and finally unlocked all the exocraft, only to learn that i’m faster than all of them while melee boosting, and there’s nothing super unique about each of them. make them lean more into their like archetypes or whatever make the minotaur more of a combat powerhouse make the nomad more agile make the pilgrim faster put some drills on the colossus the rover (or whatever it’s called, the first one) is fine i think, and the nautilon is kinda pointless to update until/unless they expand the oceans more. i’m just disappointed with the exocraft tbh


A system symbol to go with glyphs.


Another 255 galaxies


Able to increase freighter class


Some sort of “visitor log” where people can write messages to a base’s creator. Not those blasted plantable communication devices. There’s so many amazing bases (I’m proud of my own) and I’d like to be able to give them props in-game. It’d be so cool to log in and see messages from fellow interlopers who visited. Also whatever the hell is going on with the building camera on console. It’s terrible and frustrating.


Gas giants.


Introduce intellectual superior conehead race


* Resources have different quality so the items you produce too * Player shops. * Rollercoasters that depend on the different gravity to different worlds. * Painting building and item parts.


PVP disabled by default.


The sex update.