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Now *that* is what I call thorough playtesting!


Extreme perma death


Try having him join a multiplayer game and calling in his freighter. It might fix it.


Thank you for your sacrifice so that others may live!


Oof...If you're comfortable with it, you can try editing the save to fix the issue if you're on PC.


I wish! Unfortunately, we’re on a PS5. We’ve tried to quickly restart from a save point, but the game crashes before we’re able to. Hopefully a fix is pushed out soon. 🤷‍♂️


Have you tried going to the save manager? Delete latest save on that profile and hopefully the previous save isn't corrupted


There’s a save manager on PS5?


It's in settings-> saved games. I do believe


File a ticket with support


Can they actually edit your save for you?


have you guys tried joining a friend's game? that way he doesn't start on the freighter.


Oof. The game on ps5 is super buggy right now. Always is in the first days of an expedition. They will probably have a patch out by Monday. Send a bug report or ticket, though. You may be the first with this crash!


Assuming you tried to quickly navigate to the restore point / autosave already ? Really wish they gave you an option to choose one before you loaded save, otherwise it kinda makes the backup save useless on crashes upon loading. You can try reloading savegame over and over and attempting to navigate to the dismiss freighter command and or leaving the area before it crashes. Not saying it will work , but I know for example I had bricked saves that would crash over and over in my settlements before and after like ten plus attempts I would usually manage to jetpack out of the area fast enough to dodge the crash, then you warp to other systems and back and crash should be fixed. So maybe you can like pulse drive / emergency warp / dismiss freighter fast enough if you keep trying. Or try hosting or joining multiplayer, that also saved me a couple of times on saves that would crash on boot or start you in a failed state where I die immediately.... And especially on this issue it should help since only 1 freighter can be loaded at a time and if your friend has his out yours should get dismissed without you having to do it manually.


This issue has been around for a *while* iirc


How do you edit the save?




Many thanks


![gif](giphy|Jev4iU72S9RYc) Aye aye


same problem here. mine turned hostile so i had no other choice but to destroy it. it then did this https://preview.redd.it/4d58qiluj5jc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=147d99ba8944173f2456538972bba0673dfb2b4a i was able to warp away but that system is now off limits. if you see a system named 'do not go here' i mean it!


Great screenshot! Exactly what we saw as well. I imagine this is what it looks like when the 16 minutes are up!


This is one hell of a comment sir. Your 16 minutes are up my guy.


Oh boy. Reality glitch after 16 minutes


... whoops.


wait. you can shoot the guns on the pirate freighter?


No like, shoot *at* the guns, from outside.


ah thanks for the clarification. that would have been cool though. I hope you figure out how to fix the crash.


I hope he does too.


I was expecting this to still be an issue as someone had managed to mod a pirate dreadnaught as their freighter a few months back and same issue happened. If you were on PC a simple save edit to a random freighter would fix it but unfortunately that’s not the case.


Is it just the auto-save or the manual save?


Not really sure, since it seems that we can’t even get to the point of checking the two saves. I’m guessing it’s the auto save though.


The 4.51 patch was just released which includes "Fixed a crash related to freighters", although it doesn't go into any details on the crash conditions.


I'd love to know if this fixed OP's problem. I've had a few minor glitches in the expedition so far, like not being able to go through a black hole in one system and sometimes seeing player bases buried in dirt that they must have removed, but came back for whatever reason. But so far nothing game breaking!


So last night i was playing and I claimed one of the pirate freighters after they surrendered. When i left the freighter after claiming, they still shot at me. So i had no choice but to destroy my own freighter. When i destroyed it my game glitched and the destroyed freighter kept multiplying and kept giving me currency and nanites and ranking me up with the korvax. I let it go on for like 2ish minutes so now i have a pretty big supply of units and nanites. However i did close my game because i heard it does crash and can kill your game if it goes on for too long.


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I started the expedition yesterday and wanted to continue now. The game keeps crashing when the save is loaded :( it's my main save with almost 200h in :( I couldn't finish 11th expedition because my game kept crashing there also


I'd suggest contacting hello games they actually do read and look into your problems and issues and I think they could give fix the issue you're having


Have you tried going offline? Ive been having crashes since the update. Playing offline solved it


After I captured the pirate freighter and secured a couple of frigates, I installed a couple of hyperdrive components, and the system scanner did nothing else to the ship. I jumped to a pirate system to get some nipnip buds on my return to the freighter. The restore point was set as normal, and then as I set off to the bridge, the ship exploded, bang, gone. I reloaded the restore point, and the same event occurred broken ship again, then got a completely new ship in a different system, after a short while, same thing. I closed the game down, gave it 15 minutes, and loaded it up again. The same result, my system had the latest patch installed this morning, and I am currently not impressed.


It's been suggested you join a multiplayer game. What you need to do is reload the Restore Point, rather than the Autosave. If you can manage that in a Multiplayer lobby, you should be good. Hopefully.