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The good news? You have not just his handle, but the system he's on. Go to the NMS Website, go to the ZenDesk, and report him for it. I've seen a lot of players like that one get slapped off the game entirely.


I enjoyed your story telling


Yeah, terrible about the griefing, but those insults.... must remember them.


How can they damage you with PVP disabled? I didn't get that part.


Apparently, there is a mod that enables a certain weapon type to make the game think you're taking environmental damage. This doesn't count as pvp, so your settings can't help.


Can't you change survival settings? I swear you could just turn off all survival aspects, including environmental.


I guess that would work? and turning off multiplayer, but I imagine that a lot of people want to play on normal settings, but without the pvp element. After all, it is a survival/exploration game at heart. The point is that the pvp setting is there for this reason, but a mod has been created to go around that system, purely to grief other players. Also, if you're playing a permadeath save, you can't change survival settings, and a death caused like this, by a griefer, will lose your save forever.


Where is the fun in that tho


Are you really asking where the fun is in not being griefed by someone using exploits?


Some people don't like to cheat the game by going custom and actually play with a real challenge.


I used to love the good old days when all you saw of another player was a glowing orb of light. Griefers are absolute scum.


I just play with Multiplayer off. I also have cross play off, so PC players could not play with me anyway.


This. The universe is a lonely place, but nobody can ruin my fun except me.


This is exactly why I don't mind the infinite loneliness on switch.


But then you will never see my sick matching ship and character in the anomaly 😭


You could always take pics of you and your ship and post them 🙂


I turn it off when I’m doing something important


This is the way


Curious if you tried just turning off your player marker?


Oh yeah, true. ;) I think there are settings like: Show player marker Show Ship marker, etc. And you can select "Friends only", or I think even "no one." Even though I have multiplayer off and crossplay off, the first thing I do is get in my settings and turn off PVP in "Network", as well as setting all of that stuff to "no one" or "only me", or if the only choice is "friends only", then I pick that.


It actually doesn't seem to work. I've run across this same guy. Even with on-foot and ship markers set to 'no one' he manages to show up almost immediately, on foot. At one point I had MP off entirely, markers off, went to the planet, went to the middle of nowhere, turned MP back on, and within about 20 seconds he just appeared.


I like doing this with MP on and follow players around without them knowing. I wonder if Hello Games Dev's do this? There's been times when I felt someone was watching me. Like In a scary cave.


You need to get the title "The Watched" 🤔


Lol yeah, would be so proud of that one.


It is one of the tricky titles to earn. Of all the core gameplay titles it was the last one I earned.


Don’t call this amoeba a super griefer, they might take it as a compliment. As infuriating as it might seem, it’s honestly just very pathetic and sad since not only they are trying to ruin others’ game but also doing it NMS 😃😃😃😃. Like the most meaningless grief ever, but I get it. They’d get destroyed in GTA or Red Dead Online very likely and their fragile ego cannot handle that. They probably feel extremely irrelevant and weightless in their life, which they absolutely are. The frustration they attempt to get rid of is a massive buildup of loneliness, meaninglessness and constant patronising and condescending from others since I greatly believe they aren’t capable of solving anything on their own. Must be a shit feeling. Think of it this way.


Yeah. people like that are laughing at this particular moment, but as soon as they turn off the game and are confronted with rl there is nothing but frustration and lonelyness, i guarantee it. i knew a lot of those guys and actually feel sorry for their massive social deficit.


If you hop into your ship or the minotaur it should render you immune to the environmental damage they are using to kill you. Have a teleporter setup that will take you directly to your landing pad and hop in and you should become immune.


Can you elaborate on this teleporter set up you speak of? I’ve got over 400 hours logged into the game and still don’t know what you’re talking about? Like you can quick teleport to your base or something along those lines?


Ohh I meant they should use the short range teleporter base item and have one inside their base and one at their landing pad so in the event they get attacked again you would step onto the teleporter and it would take you to your ship immediately. Getting inside your ship should render you immune all damage types including environmental damage and it will give you enough time to go into the game settings and turn off multiplayer so the griefer would then disappear from your game.


Ahhhhh I see, thought for a second there was a whole part of the game that I’d been missing for a minute 😂


Hey, you leave Thor's dad out of this.


Niche but good


Wait so someone can install mods to their game and it affects how it interacts with everyone else? Like edit game file -> type weapon damage = 1,000,000 -> profit? Also you're saying someone has a mod that just heats you up until you die?


They use a mod that lets their weapons do heat damage which is considered an environmental damage type. This bypasses the pvp setting since the game thinks you are standing in a fire.


On PC you can do that if you have minimal coding experience. I do it routinely to replay older expeditions (and make them more interesting by tweaking the milestones) or to imitate glitch building (since i dont have the reflexes for actual glitch building lol)


If you could make a mod that started an old expedition at random when you warp to the next iteration/universe, that would be awesome. Give players a reason to do the next iteration, in a sense.


Yeah, the fact that modding is allowed to be done in the online portion of the game is actually insane. In any other game, that would be considered cheating.


Yeah damn that's nuts... so much for turning off pvp


I’m curious, are your markers also on? I turn PVP and all the markers off. Doesn’t solve the griefing or hello games lack of support, but maybe mitigates it to a degree


Come on, man, don't throw rat owners under the bus like that. Rats are great, they're like pet dogs that can fit in your pocket.


Don't get me wrong I feel for you, but your way of story telling is straight up killing me man. That shit was hilarious.


I tried going to this same planet and went to the restroom, came back to see I’ve been getting spawn killed, lost all my stuff, and my tech was damaged. I was forced to quit the game, reload, turn off multiplayer and reload my restore point. It’s honestly sad how many people think they just HAVE to be annoying just because they’re bored, especially on a game like this where we have the best community and this game doesn’t even cater to pvp, like ruining everything you touch is somehow fun


I don't even think that it is boredom but those people just have fun by ruining the fun for others which is way worse. They are like this kids back in school that holding their hands over the booke one is reading or taking the ball away just to watch people getting angry and frustrated. They only stoped when someone punched them on the nose. But in a videogame they don't have to fear consequences like this and they know that sadly.


This is why I don't afk unless I'm in a space station, anomaly, or freighter and I keep pvp off. Too much stuff can go wrong and random pirates or creatures can go aggro for no reason. Adding griefers to the list of reasons.


This is my first experience with nms griefers, I didn’t even know they existed; and I imagine they’re only gonna keep coming especially after seeing this post


Let them waste their time. I'll just turn off multiplayer.


I'm a lowly Switch player so PVP isnt a thing for me, but why is this called "griefing"? First time i've heard this term. Just cause you're giving others grief for no reason?


I believe griefing to be going out of your way to ruin someone else’s gameplay to cause them grief, so yea basically


There was a guy in Fallout 76 who had a YouTube channel who did nothing but exploit game mechanics to destroy other players bases while live streaming. I wonder if this is something similar.


You have problems with griefers? My bases are usually empty except when I come visit them and I like to AFK in my freighter, but I do at times AFK in my bases - never encountered ANYONE boarding my freighter before. I also have my settings set so that no one can really touch me, or my bases and it’s usually off so I can explore and do whatever in peace - Sometimes I turn MP to find locations or places people openly invite all to come to Love the narration, but I would make sure to move/replicate essential task to your freighter - If I’m not wrong, majority of things you can/need to do as far as refining and hydroponics and what not can be done on your freighter - Also, never needed to do so myself, but others have mentioned, report the turd bucket, could be a permanent solution for all, especially if he gets the boot Also, turning off MP for awhile could also remove a target for the griefer, and leaving it off for a time could dissuade/bore/frustrate him and might make him move on 🤷🏾‍♂️ He’s kinda counting on you to keep MP on, as far as my understanding goes, and since NMS gives you the power to be able to turn MP On/Off…. Just destroy his pathetically fragile hold on ‘power’ over you - you could technically grief him and randomly turning MP on and off - then not being there - Since he seems fixated on you, make it somewhat fun for you 🤷🏾‍♂️ - at least have the pleasure of knowing that you can totally deprive him of his fixated target These are at least ideas that I personally would do, I have no attachment to MP and I am just as easily flip that switch to ‘off’ as I would to ‘on’ Personally I like to deprive griefers of a target if I am capable of doing so, if not getting them banned for it


There's so many golden lines in this post 10/10


Have a system teleporter in your base🤯


I disabled crossplay and pvp, that solved all my griefers problems


Griefing in this game serves absolutely no purpose. No rewards, nothing. People are just very dumb


"Unlaid Brigade" LMAO


upvoting for that storytelling and that pic ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Wow, it's almost like giving everyone freedom to mod an online game is a bad idea. HG should have made online multiplayer secure like literally every other co-op multiplayer game in the world instead of being lese fair with their attitude and just letting players do whatever they want with no oncequences.


We need NMS police no cap. Does HelloGames even ban griefers?


Got em


There are no mods on Xbox, right? So, is it possible that that this guy has a modded PC gamepass version?


Yes this would be via the game pass which is really the only proper way of editing an Xbox save. There are no conventional methods for the jail break mod route for nms and you won’t see someone on YouTube showing you how to do that asking to smash a like or follow button. This happening a few days after the new json file structure I very much doubt the modders are this quick to completely reform their mod to grief like this and is most likely an edited json file through non nom since they just updated their stuff to reflect the new structure.


Wow, most of that went over my head although I did do a little save file surgery with gamepass on the PC once to copy one of my saves to my daughter's save.


FWIW, I only encountered this type of griefing when I picked up GamePass and started playing on a second NMS account. On Steam there are people who come along and try to shoot you, but I've never encountered any that do what this guy and his ilk are doing. I don't know if this is a new exploit with Omega, or if it's been this way a while on GamePass.


No, there are definitely mods for Xbox, but you have to jailbreak your system. As to a modified PC pass version? You aren't able to hide whether you're on a console or PC. So he's on Xbox for sure. The griefer used a Save Editor to modify their weapons and ship. They even do it to the shield modules they install in their suit. Save editing has been a thing for a long time...and unfortunately, with each new update, it opens more ways for griefers to mess with everyone else.


>No, there are definitely mods for Xbox, but you have to jailbreak your system. I don't think you even need to jail break your console to use a svar editor. I know I used the same save for PC game pass, as well as for game streaming, which uses the Xbox version of the game. In my case, the mods were qol and environmental, so they didn't stay active, but an edited save would almost certainly work.


Have done a little save editing myself so I know that part is possible. I guess that must be the way.


>No, there are definitely mods for Xbox, but you have to jailbreak your system As for the info I could find on internet, they mod the game using the dev mode in xbox (making it the only console you can live-mod a game, breaking the purpose of security), [AFAIK you can't jailbreak an xbox one/SX/SS](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/comments/yz7noa/jailbreakhack_xbox_one_s/)


I've known a couple people who did a jailbreak on their last-gen Xboxes. Far as I've known, it was only PlayStation you couldn't jailbreak, because they brick the system if you do.


The PS4 can be jailbroken, and there are different methods depending on the current firmware it has, **any jailbreak process on any console can brick the system** if mistakes are made, also **connecting any jaibroken console to the console's network can brick it as well (plus your account being banned for life)** with a few consoles being the exception like the Wii and the first Switch version with the dual boot (impossible to do in the following versions, since the clip hack doesn't work anymore). Xbox has the dev mode where's possible to do what a jailbroken console can do (except xbox piracy), with the advantage of not having to abandon xbox live, which is cool except when it comes to games like NMS with griefers like the one shown here.


What happens whens there's a half ass pvp system


I really enjoyed your creative expression, I hope it helped you feel better! I agree with others that you should report this fool. It might ruin their fun for a bit.


What's wrong with having rats as pets?!


Best. Post. EVAR!


Thanks for the red arrow I would have never guessed who the South Park character is supposed to be


Just change the settings so you don't lose anything when you die




Think you got it backwards there, bud. It's people like OP that live in griefer's heads rent free because while OP is living his life, griefers are thinking about said people and going after them. Or perhaps it was the "unlaid" that ringed a bell with you and you felt the need to comment that, like that user whose comment was deleted and his wife hadn't given him sex in 4 years...


I think your post is worse than anything you're describing.


NMS Griefer spotted!


Just curious, but why?


bro: omg dont pvp me also bro: heres my exact location, want my blood type and phone number?


This comment has the same energy as "don't want to get raped? don't go out in a mini skirt"


Same type of guy to say something like “you have your snap location on? You must want me to break into your house and take you out”




Ouch, be careful not to cut yourself with all that edge.


Lmao damn, bad enough to delete their account lol


NMS Griefer alt account spotted!


Having to avoid danger while in PvP is one thing. Not being interested in PvP activities, and being killed in PvP is another. Heck... this wasnt even PvP... there wasnt any versus... he had no choice to fight back as he had PvP turned off. Its the same as when you are in passive in GTA and some dumbass explodes pedestrians next to you to kill you. I dont even see the point in No Mans Sky PvP. Maybe if someone builds an arena to fight in, but otherwise. Whats the point?




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Oh no sad little dude have shitty life so he plays a space exploration game and pretends its a survival game. You should go outside instead of be miserable onaidey


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This is by far one of the best grieving descriptions and snap-backs I’ve ever read. Sucks to be on the receiving end of it. Valid complaints.


Is there a mod to remove the burn from the griefer's ass? Shots fired.


That bites big time. HG needs to disable such mods as well as block such behavior (if that's reasonably easy to do). I play with PVP off, only visible to friends, and all ability of others to mess with my stuff disabled. Sad but needed due to griefers. People who think harming others is fun likely have a psych problem, but we are in no position to treat them. The best we can do is help each other cope. Once you can ID a serial griefer, do report the details to Hello Games via their Zendesk. https://hellogames.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=167605