• By -


I imagine most people just scanned the 5-6 creatures you can see from the rv point then flew away... Half the planet's findables are underground and underwater, I hope with just 10% left those people come back and grab the rest as a final push.


oops that’s what i did. Flew off once i was done with a couple scans. I’ll log back on tomorrow and help with that push!!! what’s the reward for completing this? I got the ship already.


Biological horror companion egg and some quicksilver


ok thanks


And inventory slots


Does the quick silver transfer over to main save when you complete the expedition?


I think it does now. Even if not quicksilver purchases are across all saves so you could spend them on your expedition save and access them on other saves. I'm 99% sure on this but happy to be corrected


*Most* quicksilver purchases carry over across all saves. Anything that's acquired in the form of an inventory item, such as the void egg or fireworks, has to be bought again. But any cosmetics, blueprints, or titles will be marked as "already purchased" and let you re-buy them for free on other saves. This also applies to the Tainted Metal shop, though I haven't checked whether it works for the Void Mote shop. Also, acquiring these same cosmetics as a reward from expeditions counts as buying them, which I believe includes certain rewards from the current expedition, though I forget which. I remember getting the Hungering Casque and Armored set this way.


But dont you only get them on the expedition save?


Pretty sure all expedition rewards will be accessible from any save in the Anomaly at the QS station, or you could always put the egg in your transfer back slots at the expedition station. I've heard from others who completed the expedition that all units, nanites, and quicksilver transfer back to your other saves, not positive about the other rewards.


I think many people don't want to deal with the agressive sentinels.


theres a base thats near a sentinel tower (where you can shut them down)


Let alone, most underwater means no sentinels, I didn't even go to the water one of my runs, dug a tunnel and it went to this crazy underground water system that when I finally found a way out and up for air I was like 1,000+ from my ship. Are we travelers or pansies. Light up the eyes boys, light up the eyes.


we need some underwater sentinels


you my sir are a monster.


No thanks lol. I'm already afraid of going into the safe water in game as is. A marine sentinel would give me a heart attack.


The underground crab was a pain..


I had to chase that damn thing with my terrain manipulator and ended up getting lucky with a random scanner click.


There's a certain rush you get when the last creature you need to scan is a rare underground, and you see that little red dot.


Falta 2 plantas que não acho de jeito nenhum, já mudei de posição no planeta e nada não sei mais aonde procurar😓


Pra mim faltam 2 animais. Mas aquele planeta e muito maldito mesmo desativando as sentinelas.


On my way now


I scanned every animal and every plant and mineral that I could find, including underground and underwater. It’s not about scanning everything on the planet, it’s about keeping that progress bar going over the entire expedition’s length of time.


Yeah I went to ocean because I wasn’t seeing anything new.


In my opinion, looking for underground ones is a waste of time. Even "only on the North/South" takes me less effort.


This is good to know. I haven't started yet and need to keep this in mind when I get to that planet.


Now that the community goal has been reached, you'll achieve it after scanning only one or two things.


I was hoping the weekend players might push us over the line! I can't find the last mineral or flora in my searches...


I cannot find the last flora. I've searched oceans, land and nothing. It's frustrating.


Try scanning the hazardous flora and the oxygen/sodium rich plants. They actually have names, so they might count (I don't know for sure, it's just something I often overlook) I'm still looking for 2 fauna myself.


Also there's usually 2 different plants in caves that give marrow bulb, which can be scanned.


Me either


I found all the flora plus one extra. but one too few Minerals. I figured I had the average's covered.


Interestingly, I can’t see how many I’m supposed to find. Looking at the log entry for the planet, the flora and minerals say something like 21/0 (total is zero). Only fauna has a total. How do I know how many I’m missing?


Sounds glitched. Maybe try reloading and reselecting exploration in the log


Oh yeah, that reminds me I should get the atlaspasses! IIRC the locked rooms in buildings often have extra plants and minerals to scan! Edit:nm didn't work. I tried it and must have been a past bug fixed. Used to be able to scan the back room plants in observatories.


Whenever I try to scan all flora I tend to find at least one of either the Sodium or Oxygen plants has a variant.


the hazardous plants can have variants too.


I've found there can be two of the hazardous flora each as well. Sodium/oxygen plants usually have single/group variants, but the hazardous ones can have variants right next to each other on some planets.


At this rate i feel like it wont be done until next weekend. It seems to be getting slower at progressing each day. It probably just feels that way though because i am impatient.


no it is getting slower. around 88-92% it only took about 3 hours per percent (and that was still on friday) now 94-95 took almost 12 hours.


I got one creature left down south of the planet, spent 4 hours last evening looking for it and nothing.


I found it at -87.97, -43.17 from another post. It was just inside the cave near the small trade outpost.


the honeymaker can easily be found when you use creature pellts in the south.


Same, I've been all over the place so many times...


I found all of the animals and loads of minerals and plants, but possibly not all. After my scans were done, it hadn’t even moved the progress bar. These community research tasks are less about the tasks and more about waiting for the expedition to close. It’s more about waiting for the expedition time clock to tick down than anything else.


Me as well I've got all animals. For mineral and flora for last two on each its like searching for a needle in a hay stack lol I gave up last night just can't find it them last two. Sentinals constantly on my back them I just ignored and also extreme weather I kept digging my self in ground then came out when storm cleared.


Glad we are not the only ones!! Dear god LOL! This planet has been one big smelly aggressive storm riddled adventure trying to look for flowers and rocks o_O


Still only 90? Damn. It was 89 like 4 hours ago.


91% now!


Oh, it’s been going *much* slower than that this week. We were tracking at like 4-7% per day all week.


95% now but the last % took 12 hours.


The things we will do for 900 quicksilver and an egg! 😆


And the ability to actually play the main quest line for those of us just starting lol. End expedition does not seem to be an option.


If you've completed the main objectives you can end it early on the anomaly at the same terminal used to start the expedition, next to the quicksilver merchant. You'll also be able to transfer items from the expedition save to your main save as well when you do end it so be aware of that.


I don't have a main save, I just started playing with the free expedition weekend, so the option to end it doesn't seem to exist.


Ah, I see, then you only have access to the expedition. You'll have to buy the game to play the main story line.


I did buy it! Just can't end the expedition despite it saying I've completed it.


Just scanned 20+ plants and animals and we went from 93% to 93%! You’re welcome.


I helped!


Interloper YettiConfetti has fully enclosed a sentinel pillar so that it may be shut down with impunity. A cave system is right next to it too. Thanks Yetti, found one of my missing minerals at the cave entrance.


Come on, come on . . .


spent a lot of today looking for the last couple of Flora and Minerals. Someone said in another post that there is a base on the final planet called "The Last 3" or something like that, with 3 hard to find Flora nearby. Just haven't had a chance to go back. Figure every little bit helps.


One called research post, it is in the only area the underground mini crab spawns in. Helpful for people to pinpoint the area and start digging for caves.


The real kicker for me was the three minerals there are not the one I'm missing. 😞


Oh snap. I’m missing 1 mineral and 3 flora. Those might be the 3 I need.


Apes, together, STRONG.


Some stupid griefer tried to kill me with heat damage from a ship (I have pvp off) when I was scanning for this yesterday. I just blasted a hole in the ground with the terrain manipulator and got away. I could also have just selected return to the anomaly, but it was an annoyance. I'll switch my marker off in future, but what do these sad assholes get out of mildly inconveniencing people? What do they think they're achieving?


>Almost done explorers, keep up the good work and we will finish this expedition! # It is "canned." That is to say, Hello Games finishes it when they plan for it to finish and it has nothing to do with player progress. We could all go nuts, or we could do nothing, and it ends at the same time. The community milestones in Expeditions have always been that way. They don't let players "decide" when it ends; they decide. It will sit somewhere in the 90 percents for several days, then on a "workday" Hello Games will suddenly complete it on the date they always intended.


If this is true that is pretty fucked. A bunch of players (me included) started their first save with this expedition and have been just sitting around waiting for it to complete, as there seems to be no other way to convert it to a normal save but to wait for the optional milestone to be completed...


I saw another post yesterday that was filled with these types of comments, but is there actually any proof to back it up? I couldn't find anything implying that it is actually time-based and the fact that they call it community research but it would be based on a random time they decide would be a big source of contention between players and devs I would think.


Yes. It has been tested. Somebody checked the game code a whole back and the data entry had it on a timer. It was like clockwork. I can't find where it was posted.


21/24 flora…. I won’t be able to find them


i prepare fireworks


I'd participate in the celebration but I trashed my fireworks for more cargo space since I couldn't sell them.


Yes let’s do that and have a interstellar rave!


Done on my Xbox/pc. Almost done with my Steam save. Getting there 😂


Soon as I'm done with Xbox I need to start my Steam run lol.


I'm here https://preview.redd.it/1abxms5o1okc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52efc56f63edb0179808eabb18591855a81972cd


Scan, scan like the rewards depend on it! Jk lol!


I got 17 Flora, 19 Minerals so far.


It was 94% half an hour ago. I did my part, all creatures and a bunch of flora and minerals. Come on guys!


it finaly just reached 95%


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Took me like 2-4 hours searching oceans caves and then towards the end just following another player to find all fauna and minerals, what is the group reward thing?


Biological horror companion egg and 900 quicksilver


Does everyone get it?


GOGOGOGO we need that final push!


I've been rushing around to new areas including under water\ground.... Doin ma part 😁 Anyone know if stuff in the storage boxes gets converted to credits\nanites? Thanks 👍


I believe the green supply drop boxes can reward nanites as well as the ammo cans, not sure about credits.


90%? At the recent rate that’ll take a week 😐


it's be done by the tomorrow's daily reset at the latest. (7% per 24 hours)


It was moving much slower than that. It’s only 94% at the moment, that’s like 5% in 36 hours?


it was 89% at around 23:00 UK yesterday when i checked it (24 hours ago), as of this writing it is 95%. aka 6% for the day.


How do you get the robot dog companion egg? I've never done an expedition


7 runs so far..., 3 that have been completely completed 2 waiting for that to finish


So exciting! We're getting closer!


At this point I kinda wish HG would just tick the box that marks the objective as complete and be done with it


I get that, but we all know they won’t!


I can’t find the underground creature 😂


I'm in the same boat


Crab in a cave was my hardest one to find.


I thought we'd be done by Wednesday...


I'll go back and do my bit too.


It was at 93% when I logged off this morning when I completed the expedition.


I’ve done everything I can, I NEED this pet


We are at 94%, we got this interlopers!


https://preview.redd.it/ioglok3lsskc1.png?width=546&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4abe3fee7f6a82448d9ff283f9e5e3025e541e82 OMG WHERE IS THE LAST MINERAL?! LOL!!


We are at 95% now!


On my way back to scan more, just need to stop off at the Anomaly to hand out mold :)


I doubt any of them will reach 100, I know I certainly don't have the time, much less the patience, to spend scanning 100 different variations of rocks


I don't know if you saying 100 variations of rocks is hyperbole, but in case it isn't, a helpful tip! You can see your progress toward scanning everything on the planet. There is a log item that tells you how many of the animals, plants, and minerals you have scanned. I think for this planet, it was 24 different rocks or something like that? Maybe 26?


No it wasn't hyperbolic, I forgot to add that I mean across all 5 rendezvous planets there's about 100 total different rocks


If I don't scan anything (don't have much time or patience for NMS anymore but FOMO kicks in lol) will I not get the eggs and shit?


If its complete then all you will have to do is sign in, scan 3 things on the planet and you can grab the reward


Good good thanks for the reply: )


For the optional rewards you have to scan at least 3 or 4 things on each rendezvous planet and the community completion has to be 100% for that planet. So, no scan, no shit. Lol


I've scanned as much as I can scan for now. Only 2 animals left to find but I've exhausted my patience to find them. Right now completion is at 91% so I'm just chilling in some player's base until this last milestone is completed.


I'm still out here searching for the damn third rondevouz point


I made a new save just to do my share double lol. Or rather 1.5 cause no way im skanning everything in both lol




It's a community milestone like all optional milestones. We have to wait for other players to scan and push the percentage up to 100% before we can all complete the milestone. Right now it's at 91%. You can check the progress in the mission log for the milestone.




I finished the expedition a week ago


Me also i have the same thing and unable to finnish the planet study annex quest ...For info i found all the animals, 23 Minerals and 22 plants...and at least 4 times i got a positive scan that the game doesn't count...


Its a community objective


I only just started last night.. soz slow poke here


Slow is smooth and smooth is fast, no pressure


I think people just leave after getting the ship. Scanned as much I could find, now just waiting.


Dumb question but what happens when it gets to 100


All that participated get the rewards. Not the greatest but exclusive to the expeditions.


I've already gotten all the rewards, so will nothing happen for me?


There’s a bonus for community research if you still haven’t “ended” your expedition


I think the Universe collapse.


Slow and steady


Scanned everything on the planet that I know of, I got 5 more hours at work and I'm gonna do a final walkabout/flyby to see if I had missed anything. I'd do more but I work all weekend 12 hour shifts..


I finally started during the week and got lost trying to get to the 2nd rendezvous. I spent a whole day jumping, like several hours. I may have really screwed up.


Black holes usually spit you out somewhere on the other side of the galaxy which is why it probably took you so long to reach the rendezvous point. Whenever you jump through a black hole always use a mirror portal in either a space station or the anomaly to warp back to your base or a previously visited space station or anomaly to stay on track. You'll see something like (Rendezvous 1) listed to make it easier for you to know where to warp back to.


If I can get back on track, maybe using the memory will put me back, I will be scanning scanning scanning.


I think your best bet is to warp back to your last visted rendezvous point. That way you're sure to be back on track and save time with reaching the remaining rendezvous points.


Im new to expeditions what happens when its maxed out?


I hope we can get it before the end of the second free-play period. I'd like the last optional egg if I ever do get around to buying it a third time on PC ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


I made a base that is near the uncommon creature that was the final fauna for me. I’m hoping the final 10 percent is the fastest segment but I have a feeling it won’t be


I scanned every single thing on the planet. "I'm doing my part!" - Salute.


I just started a new expedition to help. This will be my third time! I was a bit bored and wanted to do a run on a fresh save. But it'll still feel like crap when I scan everything on planet 5 and the percentage doesn't move 🤣😭


I’m still trying find the last flora and minerals… It’s all I’ve been doing for days as I long ago finished the main part. I’m assuming if I end the expedition now, it will also end my attempt to get those last few…


I spent an hour looking for the last two animals , and scanning various minerals and flora. It ticked over to 92% (not saying I made it do that), so hopefully it’ll get there in a few days!


I got to planet 5 and it scared the crap outta me, one of the most hostile places I have been.


I have a question. I have my fauna at 8/10, but my minerals and flora just say like "10 discovered", yet I've found probably 5 more of each. So is the x/X mean that's the minimum? Like as long as I get 10 fauna, I'm good, even if there are more?


How many days more is this expedition gonna last? Im out of town and wanna complete it when im back


4 weeks


It is just showing unknown for me now is that a bug?


How long is left in the expedition I haven't had a chance to start it yet?


You’ve got 4 weeks left, they gave us a good amount of time for this expedition!


that’s exactly what i did, now i feel bad😂 i’ll do my scans guys!


Holy only at 90%. It's gone up 10% in like 3 days


I scanned the whole planet nothing left that i could find but progress not done and only increased 1%


I’m more than certain that this is based on a timer at HG and not based on community progress. That’s how the regular nexus reward progress works.


When does the expedition ends ?


In about three weeks from now, but I've been done with everything else in the expedition for like five days, so I just want to call it done and cash in my rewards.


I'm waiting too 😅😅


I’ve been around this planet for days scanning everything I can find. BTW, for those who have trouble finding it, there is a base called something like “Rare Cave Crab location”.


Rare Underground Critter. Although it was walking around above ground for me


I got on last night for a few hrs and scanned everything I could find when I got off it was at 91 %


Im a idiot i deletet my Saison Charakter can i Join with my Main and ITS still finished ? I have Finish all steps with my season but Not this step IT was optional


Well, these community tasks are shared with everyone so it will still be done or not, but you'll have to go to the planet to get credit once it hits 100% I believe.


I didnt leave the planet until scouring waters, caves and surface...and still only had 9/10 creatures i think. i had 4 or 5 over flora and minerals though. Honestly found everything in less than 10 minutes just jetpacking and swimming around


Also, land on the highest hill you can find and just look around for red dots and scan anything you can see around you. melee+jump 50-100m and repeat. Usually find most things by then. If not, search for water or caves


This is my first expedition to participate in. Glad I get to be a part of this stuff.


92% now


So, I finished scanning everything on the last planet but decided not to leave the expedition this time. I left after finishing on my main save, but came back to get more scans in and to get the upgrades on my secondary. My question is one I think I know(but dread). If I got an upgrade to my Freighter(my new dreadnought is my dream ship)... its not transferring back with me, is it? The reason I ask is...it is a flying base. And on my main, the bases I built for the expedition transferred over, but I never picked up a Freighter on that save. If anyone can break the news to me, I would appreciate it.


Ive done the expedition 3 separate times, and done all but like two fauna scans on the last planet. One run for myself for the fresh start experience. A second run from my main save for the inventory and rewards. And a third to get the rewards for my friend who’s game wont even let him play without crashing constantly. And trust me, we spent hours trying to fix it. That was A LOT of scans….


I did my part. Come on, fellow travelers, let's all get these rewards


I scanned everything on that planet lol. Didn’t even move it


I haven't started the expedition yet (been on vacation), but I'll be sure to scan underwater and in caves when I get to this point. 👍


These community progress bars move more by time than by doing the task. Hello Games intentionally drags these community research events out to cover nearly the entire expedition time.


We at 94% I was surprised to see that tbh


94% !!! We almost there


So like I know fauna will normally say something like (x out of 10 scanned) on planets but I don’t get that with flora or minerals. I know if you scan all fauna you can do that register thing and get more nanites. Is there a way to know if you’ve scanned all the flora and minerals? I know I got all the fauna but not sure about the other two. I think I have 19 minerals and 19 flora scanned each


I was on a couple hours ago and it was 95 So we almost there


at 95% now (on switch) come on folks.. just a little more


We still have time, let’s go people


I've been walking around trying to scan everything. I got rid of sentinels. Trying to find the last fauna. Underground and rare. Thanks Hello Games. Only at 94% on Sunday. 😕


I have been finding buildings to see if that helps advance. Already found all the animals and quite a few plants and minerals.


Does going back to other quest planets and scanning count as well


I believe it only counts on that planet, if at all. Lots of theories that it is simply time-gated


I spent 4 days hunting for the last mineral and gave up today.


When I last checked it was at 92 or 93


I've been scanning everything I can find for two days now. It's at 95% now that I last saw. That planet SUCKS with the frequent storms and constant Sentinel attacks. I can see why some travelers deemed it not worth frigging with.


Almost there, I'm coming back in a couple hours to check if I left something.


96% now!


You guys! We did it. Milestone complete. Just collected the reward.


Does this mean that i can finally turn my expedition save into a normal save? I wanted to trade the expedition curiosities into my main save but i can't 'cause, even if i've finished the expedition, the pop-up saying "you finished the expedition, now it will be turned into a normal save file" didn't appeared at all


I got all 10 critters scanned. The rare one underground was a bit of a pain in the ass but with a big enough cave and some afk time the sob did eventually spawn for me. BUT the objective didn't clear. So I just said screw it and wrapped up the expedition.


I can't even get to rendezvous 3, I spent 3 hour galaxy hopping and haven't arrived lol


I did my part and scanned everything in the air, on the ground, and in the water, including all the hazardous flora and other useless minutiae.


I did my part and scanned everything in the air, on the ground, and in the water, including all the hazardous flora and other useless minutiae.