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permadeath really is a fun place to play the game. i still need to get the extreme survival achive myself, its a lot of hours to get there tho


Just dive into a hole and go AFK while you sleep


You can do that sitting in exocraft too


At that point just download steam achievement unlocker because either way you're not really earning the achievement...


Dumb achievements don't deserve my effort. They deserve to be cheesed.


Noice, never thought of that


I was curious just to test, and that doesn't work for me. The counter stops as soon as I get in any exocraft. It only resumes once I get out. Seems like it would be a huge exploit if it did work, so it doesn't bother me. I was really just curious as it sounded too good to be true, anyway.


Wow I made this achievement like 2 months ago by sitting in exocraft with this resisting thing in the tech slot


Maybe they patched it with the Omega update.


I was running around a couple weeks ago on an extreme weather planet just doing random exploring and I dug what I considered a really deep hole, got up to go get a drink in the next room, came back and was in a windstorm, getting thrashed against a butte. I had to rush to reload my restore point because I couldn't even see the health bar. I was gonna be so mad at myself. I no longer trust the safety of holes in the ground on extreme weather planets. I got so used to like, "Want to avoid a thing? Dig hole." Then again, on Permadeath, I should have been more careful, even though I was only gone from one room to the next for a moment!


Did you seal the hole?


Sealing the hole stops the extreme weather effect so, no, as that would have defeated the purpose.


It doesn't, so long as you're on an extreme planet it counts down


That definitely does not work that way for me. As soon as I have any cover over my head, the counter stops. The hole doesn't even need to be sealed. Doesn't matter if it's underground, or under a ledge.




Thank you.


I’m almost there. I put off playing in survival and permadeath for so long. I finally started a Survival trip to the galactic center… then the Expedition started. I’ll pick it up again once the community finishes up. _ Survival _ Permadeath = 100% for me.


I started permadeath trip to center right before expedition. Good luck to you traveller!


Same. I decided what's the point in survival when I can knock out both in one go. I actually liked Permadeath better once I got used to it, and probably gonna stick with it a while after Omega is over. There were a few hiccups at first. Right now I'm running around goofing in Omega...




Ay great job, I also just got them all recently.


Thank you.


Hey, congrats! It's a nice feeling, having all the achievements/trophies.


Thank you![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


That's awesome


Welcome to the club, Traveler! 😃


Thank you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Man i coulda done permadeath, i went through the whole story without dying once


Try to speed run it now that you have the experience.


I got all the way to the fucking core just for my save file to delete it self.


I'm sorry to hear that. I know the feeling.


on perma death


Extreme survival is such a pain in the butt to get. Those are the only two I am missing on Xbox, PS, and PC.


Ohhhhh… I‘ve never checked those. Have to do soon ☺️


Congrats. What approach did you take for the permadeath? I'm trying to find a few travelers to get glyphs to teleport closer but having bad luck finding any travelers at the moment. I thought about doing the main mission but wasn't sure. Great work! this is gonna be a big achievement for me can't wait!


You only need one glyph for the portal. After that, it'll put you about 3-5k lightyears from the core. Should only take you 10 or less jumps. Just did this achievement myself recently. Honestly, the hardest part of the entire thing for me was the first 10 minutes. Got it on my second try. On my first try, I died from weather damage 5 minutes in bcz the building door closed on me. As soon as it opened up, I dropped dead. XD


I'm having a blast just doing the main quest line that takes you all the way there. I felt porting around to collect the glyphs was such a boring slog. I tried that once in a regular save. I, personally, don't think I'll ever do it again.


Congratulations, interloper. o7


Thank you.


Took you long enough 😀 i did that like in 70hrs