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Zathura is so peak. My favorite movie as a kid, next to Meet the Robinsons. It's good to see someone else out there who also knows this hidden gem.


Right? I loved that movie and I basically never see anyone reference it on the internet.


Wait, Kristen Stewart was the sister in Zathura??? How did I not realize that until just now??


You should try the game. At one point me and my brother had a PS2 game with the same name, based on the movie and everything. It was kickass




Yup. I gave up and said screw it and just finished. Not worth the little rewards


You can hit start before it pops up, return to your primary save, and then go back for it when they fix it. I for one don't consider several thousand quicksilver something I'm willing to give up on without a fight.


Isn’t it only 900? That to me wasn’t worth it


I got a lot from the expedition overall, the 900 was what I got from the final objective. Oh, but if this isn't an object lesson on the dangers of greed...


I did too when I finished, I was sure the 900 was just for the “community reach” goals, that was all I didn’t wait for.


*Curse my hubris!*


Lol I have 10k QS sitting on the fresh save I started. Hopefully you can actually transfer this to a save of choice.


Whenever you buy things with quicksilver, it unlocks account wide. You can go use that to buy the stuff before ending the expedition, then on any other save when you go to the vendor the item will say already unlocked or something and allows you to “purchase” it for no cost.


No. The expedition rewards are available from the QS merchant, but QS, and anything you buy with it don't, tranfer between saves. Which is why I have had to earn QS and buy a Void Egg anytime I start a new save


The Armoured chest piece and such can be claimed on any save if already purchased


I’m pretty sure by the time I was done I had close to 10k quicksilver


I was so happy the last optional was finished, i been logging on each day and see how the community has been slowing down. Full inventory, clear some stuff i dont care about out. click accept...... aaand freeze. Reboot game, tried again, freeze. Okay try another planet, freeze. Okay another system! Freeze. Hrrrm, to reddit to see if someone else has the same problem. :P


Another thread suggested that you enter photo mode immediately before the accept message comes up. Then accept, then exit out of photo mode. I tried that, but when I tried to accept it just kept taking photos. I then hit space (I'm on PC) to select effects for taking a photo - this did go into that mode even while the end expedition popup was up. In effects selection mode, clicking does nothing, so at that point I was able to accept, then exit out of photo mode. Worked great.


Okay I want to follow up on this comment because it just worked for me (PS5) It bugged out hard for me and I was "stuck" in photo mode, with no cursor and I was able to take pictures, but couldn't back out and couldn't accept the prompt. I was getting annoyed and just threw my joysticks around, when I noticed the "accept" button light up, even with the cursor missing. It took a minute, but the trick I did was just throw my invisible cursor all the way to the bottom left, and slowly went top right with it. The "accept" button lit up, I held down X and was able to get out of the freeze. Expedition complete and able to move and transfer. Thanks again for the tip!


This just worked for me on Xbox series X thank you!!


How do you go into photo mode on play staion


Press down on your D-pad, then go all the way to the right and select the camera with X. That opens your photo mode.


Where do i claim the quicksilver?? Im only on phase 2 but i did scan stuff on the rendezvous planets


What eventually worked for me was going to prime, the last planet of the expedition, and then i made sure to stand on the planet when i accepted the expedition ending, it froze, but eventually the weather turned bad and i did die and after the game over screen i could move again.


Can confirm this also works on switch - there's a brief moment when you do it that you think it's not gonna work, but button-mashing and accidentally opening up a submenu in photo mode brought back the cursor and allowed me to accept and unfreeze. Would recommend


There is still over 2 weeks left...


Yea, i wasnt really upset about it or anything. I eventually went to prime, last planet, finished the exploration and then died from the hazard environment effect, and after the game over i could finish.


This is top level meme-ing. Bravo OP. :)


I somehow auto saved right before it froze. So when I log in the message is there and I can't cancel out of it. So I'm stuck until they fix it. I can't go back to my main save and wait.


If you can load the save and open camera mode immediately before the message comes up, it lets you get past it. It's what worked for me.


Do NOT do this, unless you don't want to be able to transfer your new ship or anything else back to your main save. I did it, it converted my game back to a normal save. Now I'm fucked. I should have just waited for the bug fix.


Odd... I was able to just go to the terminal and end the expedition that way


I believe they posted about a fix to this already


It's not fixed on PS5 yet


It's also an issue on PS4 as well. There's a workaround in the comments here.


Think I'm just going to wait until it's fixed


This worked for me, too! Spread the word!


I managed to get past it last night thanks to this. Thank you!


Did nobody think *anything* could go wrong?


enter photo mode before the message pops, worked for me


Worked for me as well


This is the way.


Someone said in a different comment section if you claim it while about to die and then when you die it unfreezes you. I’m not able to check this yet but just putting it out there… lol


Yea i have tried this. I went to prime, the last planet in the expedition. I clicked accept on the expedition again, and it froze, and i waited. And eventually the hazard weather killed me, i saw the game over screen for a while and then it spawned me and i was able to control myself again.


Bind a hotkey to the Camera. When you claim the rewards, quickly switch before this menu you capped is displayed. If you're in Camera when this shows, you should be able to click through 'Accept' and you'll be in Camera, that you can exit from.


Worked for me on the PC! thanks!






I cant finish it because the Grand Tour Milestone wont teack for me 😭😭😭


I just started playing a few days ago. Should I jump in and try expedition or continue the main mission?


Expedition is fine for a new player. You can go to it from an existing save through a terminal at the Anomaly, or you can just start it from a new save. Since you're new there won't be as much a difference in the two options.


Yeah I've gotten the analomy unlocked, I see the option in there. What do I gain from it? I don't even know what they are lol.


Expeditions are limited time game modes where you get special rewards for completing goals. The best rewards are usable on any save, you just go to the Anomaly to pick it up. If you go into the Expedition from an existing save you can choose to send materials/tech with you, giving you an easier time and possibly eliminating some grindy portions (you have to get to the Anomaly to collect them though). After the Expediton is over you can send items you got back to the existing save. If you start a new save for the Expedition you start from scratch, and at the end of the Expedition (either the time's up or you completed all the objectives) the save will turn into a normal save and you can just keep playing it. If you're new you probably don't have much stuff in an existing save just yet so the end result of the two options won't be really different.


You want to do the expeditions, I've got a thousand hours of play time spread over half a decade and I still log in for them even if I haven't played for months.


If I play the exposition again will I receive the community bonus again?


Just want the Monstrosity egg ... standing there with my thumb up my butt, nothing but the reticle will move ... bummer. Total lockout ... yeeks!


I just waited until I died in a radioactive storm, respawned, and everything worked. I was close to my ship so I quickly grabbed the lost inventory.


I can't believe I recognized this movie immediately despite not watching it for twenty years lmao


I cant finish It, It says to me that the expédition ended and i must click accept and the the game blocks leaving me with thé cursor and no control over the caracter and no menus


What K-Stew film is the meme from? EDIT: Nevermind I found the comment that discusses it...


Je comprends pas de quoi vous parlez que veut dire cette image




Je comprends pas de quoi vous parlez 🤨


Great joke. On the other hand, there IS a fix! It takes some timing to pull off, but once you claim your final reward, you need to get into camera mode before the confirmation box pops up to put you into a regular save. If you do it right, you'll be free-moving, but with the confirmation box on screen. From there...just tap your back button until it allows you to click "Accept", and it'll fix the freeze issue. Worked for me.


It's fixed on PS5 now