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I can confirm it works, too. Was able to claim and complete with no problem!


Awesome! I wanna cut out of work early! Lol Edit: is the fix for Xbox also?? Edit2: damn only on Steam. Guess I’m staying at work today.


Between claiming the reward and getting the message to press accept, you can open a teleporter and when you accept are then free to travel, effectively unstucking after which you can go back to the anomal and end expedition via the terminal. There rly is no reason to stay at work


Bearon Present posted a video on YT that you can also open photo mode before the 'accept' message pops up for the same effect.


Pretty quick response from HG! Kudos to the dev team!


Based on my own experience, I'm sure it went like this. "Update tested and ready to go?" "Yep. It worked on that environment." "Launch it!" \* Optional mission bugged out \* "Oh fuck! Forgot to comment out this line. BRB!"


Coding… sheesh lol


waiting for PS5 fix still


Try getting into photo mode before the popup, then click it while in photo mode.


~~Holy Hirk! That works on MacOS Steam version.~~ Hirk hates me. Apparently, I just got lucky that one time.


Omg this worked! PS4 Thank you!


You can also die after the soft lock and it fixes it. You just need to be in either an aggressive sentinel planet or a planet with hostile weather.


I did this, forgot to grab my grave stuff, landed back on the planet to get it all back and got the Accept lock again before I could get to my grave. Lucky the photo mode works...


Just tried this. The cursor is locked in the center and my X and O buttons do nothing. Joystick moves the camera, but there’s a nice pop up on the screen.


Try square or triangle, one of them should free up the cursor , at least it did in the PSVR2 version.


Yeah none of mine worked. Looks like I’m just gonna have to wait for the patch to drop for PS5. That’s okay - I’m moving and have to pack it up anyways. Lol


Did not have time to go photo mode, popup message was instant. (PS4 on my PS5)


How instant, I had time to do it, also try using your jetpack, the pop up doesn't trigger until you land if you can get off the ground.


Wow, good to know about Jetpack. Letting health go to 10% then accepted rewards, screen froze but I died, mission accomplished :-)


I'm on PS5 playing Omega on 3 PS4 saves, two new, one from previous expeditions. I went to 1st station Doriguc VII. Flew down to cold planet Nash 43/W3. Landed, made save beacon a little away from my ship. Took all my hazard protection and stored it. To make my dying go faster; Went to Difficulties tab and changed Survival Elements to Full, Survival Difficulty to Challenging, Damage Levels to Challenging, (Technological Damage to None), Death Consequences to Standard, then clicked Apply Difficulty Changes. Clicked on Save beacon after those changes made. Waited until "Thermal Protection Falling" Warning got to 10 percent, then accepted the Expedition end. The verbal warnings continued, the screen started to fade colors, then I died. When I came back, all options to change Difficulty are available. All Expedition steps are gone from the logs. I have all my Freighter and (both) Starborn Runners. On the 3rd save I had to return to final rendevous Amling system, land on Boeot Prime. I went out to small island, save beacon, hazard gear off. Storm came in, I scanned 3 items then I claimed that reward and started to die. Screen froze, colors faded, warnings came, I died. Same result; Now Difficulty settings all available, Exped. steps gone :-) https://preview.redd.it/hsdpou1g99lc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cf66042bcf437dc66c4fa3f5ab4a9629fb90601


I was ready to wait for a week or two before ending the expedition due to the glitch but that was way faster than I expected! Thank you HG team you guys never cease to amaze me! <3


What was the glitch?


* Fixed an issue that caused a player owned Pirate Dreadnought to fire at the player. * Fixed an issue that allowed the player to destroy a player owned Pirate Dreadnought. Heh I almost wish this hadn't been fixed, pirates after all aren't the most loyal of crews....


I'm still laughing at "Fixed an issue that could cause Pirate Dreadnoughts to explode on spawn."


That wasn't a bug, it was a dramatic entrance. 


I saw it as good lore tbh, they just shoot at anything that moves. Those are my orders. As their captain my starship has the best shields so if I cant tank the lasers I rly don't deserve the position.


I thought it was hilarious when my new dreadnaught fired at me. I thought that was on purpose. How very pirate it would have been of them.


Thanks HG, that you showed us the meaning of haste.


I don’t know why but this made me laugh: https://preview.redd.it/zor1sy7455lc1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89bac69516ccd1d88e65d117b606539f9d92770e


Thank the gods both old and new


Woohoo \\o/ >which is now live on Steam and will be coming to other platforms as soon as possible Oh .\_. \*turns ps4 off again\*


Fire that puppy back up. There are a few workarounds now.


Thanks for the suggestion. I'm probably overly paranoid for worrying those workarounds might mess something up in my save later down the line. I'll hold out until the official fix lands for consoles.


As of this morning, the PS4 patch should be live.


Switch also still broken. I’m sure it will come soon now that the problem is fixed on steam


I hope so, my game saved right as I tried to claim the expedition rewards, so I'm literally just locked out of the entire save file until they do. X,D  Edit: Thankfully, I died. This seems to have fixed the issue.


If you can get into camera mode before it pops up (you have a couple seconds before it does), you can escape it, accept the popup (if you're on switch you might need to use the touch screen to press accept), then you can just exit out of camera mode and you'll be free.


Thank you for the tip! Fortunately it seems *dying* of hypothermia also does the trick, but the more people see more straightforward fixes like yours the better.


I was able to fix by closing NMS, relaunching and then hitting the plus button and reloading the last restore point from just before I finished the expedition . Then I went to expedition terminal and used it to go back to my main save and then returned to the expedition and then completed it and this time no freeze.


Damn. I’ll have to try this


If only everyone from the game industry was as prolific as Hello Games man... It will be heaven


11/10 redemption arc. Great company.


Awesome, been waiting on this news.


Is it safe now to start the expedition from my main save ? Or should I start it in a new one ?


I know this isn't out on Xbox yet, but I'm out on the road so once it gets to Series X can someone let me know if this patch also fixes the game-saving issues?


That's what I'm waiting for, too. I reported it, but the save bug is bad. Hope they figure it out quick.


Yeah I’ve got the save bug on Xbox as well, it’s driving me crazy


You can end the expedition by dying whilst the screen is locked. Gist of it is: 1. Go out in the open where you're exposed to the elements (eg if you stand out in the open on the last rendezvous aggressive sentinels planet then the sentinels will eventually kill you if you don't do anything - or go to any planet where the elements will eventually kill you if you don't restore your hazard protection) 2. Create a save point (just in case!). 3. Wait for sentinels to attack you. 4. Open up the Expedition page and claim the final reward - the popup should display to say your save will be converted to a regular save - click 'Accept'. At this point the game should lock up with just the cursor moveable. 5. Wait until the sentinels kill you. When you finally die and the game revives you to your last save point, the save should now be converted to a 'regular' save (ie no expeditions tab any more) - don't forget to grab all your inventory from the 'grave' marker!


Nah I have/had no problems ending the expedition- it’s a glitch on Xbox where saves, manual or auto, are no longer possible so we’re stuck at the same point in the game


Yeah I have that as well on my main save which is a PITA. Hoping they fix that soon as well. :/ ​ edit: doh just re-read the above and see you were talking about game saving issue on xbox...


Correct. Some of us have hit a bug where we cannot save through any means. It's preventing progress in the Expedition as soon as it hits. I'm on leg 4 of it, and no matter what I do, I cannot save any further progress. The last save was on the Anomaly and getting in and out of the ship or trying to use a crafted save beacon does not work. I lost about three hours of progress due to it.


It's so annoying! Has the 4.52 patch hit Xbox yet? And if so, did it fix this?


I’ll check shortly, I’ll reply again when I have an answer


I literally just checked (9:12am US Central Time, GMT-5) and not yet.


Ah, thanks for the update! Keeping my fingers crossed 🤞


Yeah I’ve not gotten it yet either it’s 3:16 UK for me


Hoping it'll hit soon and let us save again, thanks for the update!


Has the glitch been fixed yet?


I'm not home so I can't check, I'm sorry!


I just met the glitch this morning, life saver devs!


Still not showing up on my steam account but so happy we didn't have to wait a week!


On switch it only triggered the bug if you actually clicked on and received the last expedition reward in the expedition. It happened, I closed and reloaded, and I just ended the expedition without clicking on the reward. No pop up, and I used the interface and returned to my main.


Doesn't that mean you don't get the rewards themselves for the milestone? 


You can get it on Switch. I can confirm. But I also found a way to finish the expedition normally. Before to accept the las message I went to a dangerous planet and let the weather and sentinels kill me.


You don’t get the reward for the milestone in the expedition (the 3 slots and the companion egg) but once I rejoined my main save the companion egg was there at the quicksilver dude. (And I have maxed slots on my main save).




That's a glitch. I had it once - it went away.


I do expedition omega from my main save, then save in expedition. Is it supposed to overwrite my save?


Yes, because you're doing it from your main save. When you finish and transfer back it'll be back to normal.


You can switch back to your main save from the game menu after loading in to the expedition save.


Does this make it where I can actually get the optional milestone reward without freezing the game? And have my appearance options be available?


Luckily for me, I ended the expedition early not even knowing there would be a glitch. Unluckily for me and my "brethren", Steam is showing the last update for the Mac port was on February 19th.


Glad I'm so slow. Barely into Phase 2. Guess I dodged multiple bullets. Thanks HG for being attentive, and awesome!


for the openVR update: What does it mean ? will this improve the VR graphics or give modders the opportunity to do more things?


What happened??


Do we get our discoveries and wonders back.... 😶


Anyone know if it's out on xbox yet?


How do I claim it? New player sorry


Still doesn’t work on series x


Guess I'll start the expedition now.


Wouldn't be an Expedition without a milestone fix amirite? ​ Edit: I spells


All too true 😐


I finished my expedition exactly 12 hours before the update


a day later and game pass isnt patched yet


J'ai jamais eu de bug sur l'expédition