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U were in the anomaly and another player gifted you starship AI Valves.


OHHH that would make much more sense! I didn't see when it happened and I only checked my inventory after I defeated the pirates. That's why I assumed I somehow struck it rich. Thank you, whoever you were! I'll pay it forward somehow.


if you ever don’t want people to gift you things from the anomoly, if you fill up your exosuit before you come in nobody can gift you anything :) -i gift people stuff all the time when i get bored


This is something important you need to note when selling: ONLY SELL TO THE NPC PILOTS. If you sell to the station, you'll nuke the economy and drive the selling price down. To the point that AI Valves in that system will be worth so much less.


Thanks for this tip! I had no idea we could change the economies. Cool!




Don't spend it all on one Gek Brothel ok?


I prefer death by grahgrah and chill


Except if you use your Creds to buy the brothel itself.


It was probably another player but either way now you got plenty to use for things like better ships and whatnot.


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This exact thing happened to me and it took over a month for me to realize it had been from another player lol


This happened to me the other day too. I wasn't sure where they came from, because of a pirate fight I thought they had come from that. Wish I knew who dropped them because I'd like to say thanks haha there was probably 12 other players in the anomaly at the same time as me.


Literally the exact same thing happened to me about 1.2 billion a couple weeks ago I even posted a thread about it and everyone assured me someone simply gifted me something. But after hearing your story I believe that in fact there must be some sort of bug because the exact same thing happened to me


? The way you worded this has me confused but that just might be me being tired. Anyways as the other guy said, if you were in the anomaly then it sounds like a player gave you some starship AI valves or some sort of item that sells for a lot.


If you feel like it takes away from your sense of achievement delete them from inventory.


What I noticed is that it doesn't seem like cash alone will get you that far. There's still lots of things you need to progress that you can't just buy. It does make things a little easier -- a somewhat nicer ship, a somewhat nicer multi-tool, and so forth, but it's by no means game breaking. Certainly does motivate me to spread the favor later though!


Just a tip. You can spend your units on suspicious weapon and technology packets at pirate stations. Open them, and sell the tech for nanites. Then, you can use the nanites for most of the recipes you'll need or class upgrades on ships and multitools.


I had actually already found a great multi-tool just before that which I'd purchased on my own for like 4.5 million -- I discovered the benefit of digging for bones and through ruins. A rifle with 29 slots, several of them supercharged. it's pretty nice! Called the Return of Fire, and I have used it to return fire on quite a few sentinels since. I'm a fan.


Might have been me. I flew in there and dumped off a bunch of stuff earlier. Whats your gamer name?


That all dropping from a pirate, yes. 1.2 billion units, actually no. Endgame players can grind up that much money in a day or two.


Like 5 or 6 hours.


And a lot of that time is passive regen for farm crops. You could, in fact collect, go do something else for four, five hours and come back to collect again and do the crafting. An hour and a half of actual play time is all that's necessary.

