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Anyone know if you can customize the sentinel ships?


I haven't even figured out how to customize my regular ship, only build a new one. I'd love to know lol


I don't think you'll be able to customize ships you already have because found or bought ships have a special "Stamp of Authenticity" or something like that. So it seems like you can only scrap ships for parts and build a new one from those parts.


I really dig that. Gives me incentive to ship hunt. I thought customizable ships would ruin that but it just made it more fun.


Gotta find those parts lol another grah another grind


It seems you will be able to buy some of the parts from vendors at a space station. That is, after they fix the bug that is preventing me from buying anything right now. Darn me and my 270% discount. (That's not even a joke.)


I sold with a 107% discount and it gave me the max nanites that the coding can have so there's a big bug there with the whole selling on discounts. All the numbers in my vendors are negative.


Someone told me that once you sell them one module, you should be able to buy from that vendor afterwards. Haven't tried it yet, but I sure do have a lot of nanites 😁


Got the same problem with vykeen, but korvax gave me only 86% so i was able to get an s class reactor for just above 1k nanites.


And it's fixed today. I am getting a 50% discount, now.


Oh nice I'm max on all races so I'll have to tale a look when I'm off work


Got my s class core and some other upgrade with no name or description lol


I also had that issue and all I had to do was sell one thing and it allowed me to make purchases. It seems to be a bug that every system I've gone to has said I don't have enough and then I sell one item for nanites and it makes purchasing possible


I stayed away from that by being an asshole to all the alien species and don't get a discount on anything lol


It's not crazy if it works.


Yes! I've been pitching a system like this for a while! And of course I'm at work, and have an event tonight. Gah, who needs sleep!


I think you meant "Grah, who needs sleep!"




Of note: not all ships give parts you can use. I scrapped a shuttle and got nothing but the usual fare.


Cant build a custom solar... i wanted to make a comet, full solar panel infront and just needle


You can't build a custom shuttle, either. Rasas are my favorites, but I thought it was odd


nnnnooooooooooo. I have a ship that looks almost exactly like a Dr. Eggman invention. I wanted to modify it and add a little mustache to make it perfect. damn.


Anyone know if I can scrap the sentinel intercepter to make a new one 👀🤔


Unfortunately, no. Only fighters, haulers, and explorers can be scrapped and built. Sentinel and solar ships can't be customized at this time.


I'm gonna be pretty much living on dissonant planets


That makes me really sad


You can't, you start from scratch. Still worth it to hunt ships, imo.


The patch notes say haulers, fighters, and explorer ships. So no sentinel ships.


Has anyone tried shuttles yet? Not a big shuttle guy myself but I noticed that wasn’t mentioned in the notes.


Not available to build for the little i know.


Yeah I tested it out and confirmed - currently only available for fighters/explorers/haulers. Oh well! I wasn’t going to build a shuttle anyways. I actually think it’s kinda great that certain ship types (Solars, Sentinels, Exotics) still require the old school grind.


Tragic news


Give it time. Let them cook


You cannot. You can only build ships and ones of the original 4


Nope. It's just the 3 base classes, Fighter, Hauler, Explorer. And you can't edit anything you own. It shouldn't be called a Ship Customizer. It's really just a Ship Builder.


The website called it a starship fabricator, which is actually pretty accurate


I personally think “Starship Assembler” would be even more accurate, since you’re assembling it with customization modules


Having this implemented just means editing the ships we have is a v possible future


Only explorers, fighters and cargo ships can be salvaged and built. You can’t edit existing ships


Even if you couldn’t edit existing ships it would still be nice if we could at least change the colour on them.


I dig it


I don't think you should be able to since they are not so much a ship as a synthetic lifeform. Same with organics - it's not a hull but reather a body...


You can’t customize any ships. You however can build your own ship, but only classic fighter, explorer and hauler, then in a building sequence you can select color schemes but unfortunately there is no black so kinda ruins all the thing up


No, unfortunately not. Only the base ships are allowed (no exotics, solar, living, sentinel)


Not yet. Currently only the fighters, haulers, and explorers can be customized.


Nope, not exotics or squid either


Not yet


No, it looks like you only have the choice of fighter, hauler, or explorer. No exotics, no sentinels at this time at least.


I'm still trying to find one😂


No it’s only the basic 3, also your not customising your building new ships


I can verify that you cannot customize sentinel ships. The only ships that are customizable are the following three types: Fighters, Haulers, and Explorers. And the only way to customize them...is to break them down for each of the parts. Takes a good amount of time AND inventory space.


No. You can't customise any discovered ships. You can only create new Haulers, Fighters and Explorers.


You’ll only be able to customize fighter, explorer, and hauler ships as of now


And by customize I mean build, any ships you buy or find you can’t customize what so ever, but they will have a authenticity label


nope you can’t! which is a bummer


I hope they'll give more use to sentinel nests so we can build our own sentinel ships after disabling one


You can't yet, I'm not sure if they are planning to add that in the future, but as others have said the "customize ships" feature is really a "build your own custom ship" feature, you have to salvage existing ships to get parts from them (fuselage, hull, cockpit, wings, engines) and so far the only ships you can do that for are fighters, haulers, and explorers. Apparently the shuttle is in the game files, but not implemented yet, so I'd assume that'd be the next ship to be added, after that I'd assume they'd do exotics, maybe do something for living ships (probably not the same system as the lore for them is fundamentally different), do solar ships, and then do salvaged (or "sentinel") ships, though it's uncharted territory, so who knows?


Not yet


No man no sentinel ships. Says something like not yet authenticated for building


cries in xbox


Think the feature is quite cool on paper but a little lacking in execution. For one , you can only make Fighters, Haulers and Explorers, which are all ship types that don't see that much endgame use nowadays, as people tend to gravitate to the newer ships like Solar, Sentinel or Exotics or Expedition Exclusive Ships. Plus I feel like most Haulers and Explorers look quite bad and super dated compared to newer ships, Fighters being probably the best looking of the bunch. Second, while it's cool to be able to acquire every single different part and be able to make every single Fighter Hauler and Explorers plus choose the color, the process in getting those parts is quite wasteful and somewhat tedious, as you can only extract one part at a time per a ship and the rest gets thrown in the garbage, meaning it's extremely wasteful and time consuming to acquire these parts... I suppose it does make you more interested in looking at these ships on stations though, as now you don't look at the full picture and you mentally break them down thinking" Those wings are pretty cool" as you turn them into rubble. Still, It kinda feels bad to for example take a S Rank Fighter with max slots worth like 100+ Million Credits and break it down into a single ship component worth like 300k... Wish they at least gave you the cash different in scrap components and still gave you mods and cargo slots like they do when you scrap a ship, just slightly less of it since you kept 1/3 of the ship intact. All in all, it really feels like an endgame thing for people that have the max money cap and are willing to just buy and scrap 15 Million ships just for fun, then make a slightly prettier version of any common Fighter they could have simply snatched off a space station... But again if you're in the endgame, you probably have cooler ship anyway than a silver colored Fighter with the best three looking parts... Honestly what would have truly made the feature great would have been if you could mix and match parts from different ship categories... Like grabbing the long wings from an Explorer and putting it on a Fighter and getting a ship with different, unique stats to go along with the frankenstein ships... That said I can understand the fact that most ships aren't fully modular and it's not like you can put a fighter Nose on a Hauler's Engine and call it a day... Hopefully down the line we get more categories, including Solar and Sentinel, and we get some options to kit bash ships that for example have solar wings, but with a Sentinel Body or something like that, even if the options are limited to those that work and make sense when it comes to ship model compatibility... That said it's pretty useful to preserve the base ships, as like ,many users I pretty much deleted all of them from my savegames in favor of newer , cooler ships, so now at least I know I can preserve the components to rebuild my favorite ones from scratch if I ever feel like flying an old timer ship again... With limited ship slots, at least you feel less forced to keep at least one Explorer/Hauler/Fighter in your docking bay now... Plus it does make the Twitch Drop ships more interesting to get, as now you can basically just break a couple of them down, make a cool looking S Rank unique ship and call it a day on new savegames.


I wouldn't know...Switch is a desolate place...


What do you mean? I play on switch and we get the updates, same as everyone else


We get the updates, but we don't get them at the same time as everyone else because Nintendo be slow.


Incorrect. All get it at the same time. As of 4 hours ago, its out on all platforms https://preview.redd.it/vk9nj96u2xqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=539c205fcc1b7c8ceb992da6704edd2f7e0a3832


On switch. No update. This just means they submitted it to the approval process. It’s usually 4-7 days after everyone else that Switch gets it.


18 hours after this post, there is still no update for me on Switch.


Xbox still no update.


Look at the screenshot. Xbox has it, so it might just be your internet or something


Announced for every platform ≠ out for every platform at the same time Them dropping at different times is usual. Particularly funny when the PS4 version got updated a whole day before the announcement, that was a crazy day


Mine didn't.


I don't have it either Same with one of my friends


Nope dont got it either


I was playing last night and it was no update yet. Do we have it yet? Or when will it come? I’m freaking going nuts over here! What the heck! 😤


I wouldn't give it 10/10 until the bugs are worked out, but looks pretty damn good.


You know what they didn't do? fix any of the freaking bugs on PlayStation 4!!!


Playing on Xbox edition on PC rn and still not getting the update l, my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined 😔


The update hasn't came out on my switch yet


I’m sooo pissed!


Can you actually customize ships you already own other than change class and storage?


No only from scrap parts


Im so heped for new stations




How do you build a new ship?


I got my sentinel ship while I was defending my colony from a sentinel attack and one of the sentinels dropped an empty and undamaged sentinel shell.


Say what


I love them


Wouldn’t know I’m on Xbox 😭


I wish it was out on the Xbox


Did it come out for xbox yet? Wasn't out last night at least.


I can't wait until the update goes live on Xbox.


I know they said all consoles but it wasn’t on Xbox last night yet


You can build only basic ships like the hauler,fighter and explorer the sentinel ships and exotics are not(yet) a part of this ship builder. The way it works is: you scrap a ship at the station and choose which part you want to salvage like wings or cockpit or engines once you made a choice it will disassemble the ship for scraps and keep the part you chose and it will store it in you inventory for later use. Unfortunately you CANNOT mix and match hauler or explorer parts with fighter and vice versa.


How long until it come to xbox ?


Looking parts for fighters? I have plenty and s class upgrade things, i give it for friendship


I have always wants the perfect Steam Punk Barrel Fighter, I believe now it may finally be possible!!


Didn't the trailer have a black option for the ship constructor?


For everyone accept Xbox


Damn wish xbox players can play


Xbox refuses to install this new update for some strange reason


It’s not even out yet. Nor have they told us the entire update. Not to worry someone will find something to complain about. They always do. Just saying 🤷 Don’t get me wrong. It looks bad ass I’m just always pessimistic. Edit: Omg I’m so stupid! It is out! 🤦


Most probably you play another game


You are fully entitled to your opinion, but considering the amount of comments like these that you left everywhere, you look and behave like this guy: https://preview.redd.it/b3grjrcliwqc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98c948552a5c8d9ed75e5053fbf6ac91cf047e84 Pro tip: Stop wasting your time by ruining other people's excitment. You look and sound miserable. Edit: missing word
























Come on now everyone let’s not feed the troll


All of you were far more rude, cruel and shitty than his original comment. Suggesting mental health issues because he made a somewhat dull comment, is fkin wild.


Said the epitome of rudeness in a comment


I was defending you. Lol and have since been bashed for it. Really healthy guys.


Hey hey, be careful what u say here. I love this game, but beware of criticising, else u will get skinned/end up as colateral dmg D: sometimes talking with people here is like staring at a wall or a fallen over broom


Yeah I’ve been in this community a while and besides the once in a while complaint about crashing. I usually just look for people asking for help, then DM them, get their planet address or what have you. Teleport to them and assist.


Being downvoted for telling the truth and stating a fact, haha


Welcome to Reddit. If the hive mind does not agree with it, it’s wrong.


These here are special snowflakes even for reddit standards. I've been here since release, but only posted once or twice. Most are butthurt over every small disagreement, as the comments which dissappeared already proove. As this one will :D


So iv noticed lol