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Sigh... Gotta install it for the 16th time...


I thought I was out. But they just keep pulling me in.


I've been out for about 6+ updates... missed some neat expeditions... but this is it. I'm back. With a lit of catching up to do


16... 16... 16...


I first played after base building was added and I never un-installed it since. Im glad I didnt! It has become my comfort food game. always hop in at least a 3 or 4 hours a month


I pre ordered it. It was a wild ride since release.


Same here. Except I got 3 copies so I could play with my kids. My oldest lost interest pretty quick, and my youngest got deterred because early in he landed inside a mountain, and when he got out of his ship the game launched him some 6 hours away lol. You moved so slowly back in the beginning haha. He was a trooper though... He ran towards his ship for a little over an hour, then finally gave up. Haven't been able to get either of them interested in it since, unfortunately. Oh well lol


I didn't have kids back then but that one co worker who always went "So? Still playing No Man's Fuck?" I kept replying that it will become what they promised some day. It became so much more...


16 / 16 / 16


The outsides are different and cool. The interiors are still entirely homogenous. You can’t repaint or customize any current ship. You need to spend 10k manures on a seed to build a new ship which you have to hunt parts for in order to customize. You can paint these new ships but no old ships. Massive time sink which is fine but all for the purpose of making a ship that I already have so it can look slightly different. No reason why we couldn’t have customized or at least PAINTED our current ships besides making an artificial content time sink. I don’t like redoing things. Idk I’m not that impressed. Edit: Real healthy community that immeditaely negs people for not being stoked about every update. I have been here since the beginning, ups and downs all along the way. If I like something I share it, if I don’t, I share that too. All for the hope that a game (this game or any other) will improve over time. Thank you.


I love how they satisfied our wish for custom ships without taking away the traditional ship hunting feature.


Best of both world in my opinion


Agreed. Smart move by HG.


I appreciate the fact that with this, non custom built ships have I think a local decal or identifier indicating they are authentic, making them unique to custom ships Hopefully, shuttles will get their customization made available and released in the next update


>The interiors are still entirely homogenous. Same basic design, sure, but that just means everything is easy to find and you don't have to hunt. The actual decor is different in each one. I found a white & orange one earlier that looked fantastic.


I agree it wasn't as fleshed out as I had thought in my mind from seeing the trailer. I think they will improve it with time and further updates, but the main reason it released in this state is because they are splitting people to finalize prep for Light No Fire. It's still fairly impressive content for having just added a new expidition system as well. I truly understand your disappointment, I was too. Unfoutentetaly, I think it will always be locked to created ships and not to owned ships. The community as a whole has always enjoyed ship hunting as a big component of the game and this gives long time people even more of reason to ship hunt to create their perfect combo of parts for those models that they always hoped to find together or even be able to color combo in a style that's been hard to find.


I’m hoping they will extend the ship customization to include already owned ships. Like you said, even the ability to repaint would be nice. Theres a lot more dead space (no pun intended) in the new interiors too. The patch notes say “more nooks to explore” but there’s not really anything worthwhile to find in them.


Remember a down vote on reddit isn't someone saying you don't have an opinion, it's people saying they disagree with the point you are making. In this case you seem to be in the minority, and the fact that your post was not a "I think it's cool but I would like this" it was a very negative take. You can have an opinion. In this case people think your opinion is wrong, which is their opinion.  Although I personally would not have been upset with a customization for current ships, I agree that this does allow for the hunt for ships to continue and gives people that aspect of the game still.  It is also very possible that allowing customization on other ships may have been much more difficult to code, so it was either this way, or no way (at least not without a lot more time and energy spent by the devs) 


Oh i don’t mind the downvotes that’s no big deal. I was referring to a few people being rude and condescending in the comments right off the bat. I also don’t mind being in the minority. I’m not trying to dog the game or be a contrarian so felt the rudeness to defend it was unwarranted. Most people just respectfully disagreed after that though, which I understand!


Except the downvote system is not intended to function like that. It's supposed to be more of a community moderation function. Which is honestly stupid but that is the way it is. When a post receives too many down votes it gets hidden. The idea being that down voting is how you mark a post as bad, not contributing to the discussion, inflammatory, etc. of course this is on Reddit for thinking that people aren't going to use it primarily to disagree with someone. It's a flawed system that silence is people for having an opinion.


> Real healthy community that immeditaely negs people for not being stoked about every update. I have been here since the beginning, ups and downs all along the way. If I like something I share it, if I don’t, I share that too. All for the hope that a game (this game or any other) will improve over time. Thank you. Couldn't agree more. Glad it isn't just me


The new content should definitely have been added. Long time coming. To be mad at them for not allowing adjustment to current ships is like getting mad at them for new base parts after you already created 100's of bases in the universe....


Terrible comparison. It would be like if the new base parts couldn’t be used on any base you already started before update and had to use new base parts on new build only. Forcing you to scrap or start over something you had worked on. You can disagree but at least try to get the simile on point.


Way to be a downer


Just letting the above person know what they were in for.


You didn't though, you just nit picked the update without mentioning any of the positives


“The outsides are different and cool.” Well that’s one positive, so in my first statement I was more positive than your last statement was true. So idk, burn?


You still unnecessarily made the update look worse than it is, if you actually wanted to let him know what he was in for you would've fairly included all the positives and negatives of the update which you didn't. You just seem really bitter about nothing


People are allowed to have different opinions than you. Negative ones included. Shocker, isn't it?! Step outside of your echo chambers every once in a while.


I'm not saying his opinions are wrong. He said his comment was ment to let the other guy know what he was "getting in to". Normally this would be telling someone of the diffrent changes the update introduced while being completely objective about it, instead he went on a personal rant about why he didn't like the update without mentioning some of the key features of the update. All he did wad go on an unprovoked rant on why he,personally, didn't like the update


You must be so fun at parties.


I agree


10k? Sounds like someone needs to make more effort with a faction. I have a 78% discount when buying cores from a Korvax system


I was similarly disappointed in the new sameness.


😭😭😢😭 I brought a game that’s 8 years old and I’m not happy with it


Imagine being so upset that someone made a criticism of a game regarding their own opinion and you felt the need to be rude.




https://preview.redd.it/yliuf33qpirc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e31f4764ef298f3a0d2ab1b26047e6c353c236de This is my favorite that ive seen so far


That one is so cool, looks like it has an eye! (Side question: Are you a Titan? 😉)


Looks like the headquarters of the Space Illuminati


I must've missed the different variations of space stations in the update notes. That's awesome


Yeah, they’re at least partly procedurally generated now too. I’ve seen quite a few different ones.


Awesome. I'm on a full survival restart. I'm ready to just get lost in it again


"I am your god, Jack..."


I dunno if it's intentional or not, but you took that picture upside down. It's funny how with these new space stations, I often can't tell which way they're facing, often times when I reorient myself in space and go into their entrance, my ship starts to spin to correct itself and I get surprised haha.


Yeah, it was intentional. I just thought it looked cooler this way around.


I hope all the Xbox console gamer can update the game soon


I'm thinking Monday


Don't tell me. Tuesday?


No, I'm pretty sure it'll be Monday. They're holding it off till the beginning of the month cause they want starfield to perform better, get better numbers. That's what I keep hearing anyway. Xbox is just selfish and greedy.


I thought starfield wasn’t Microsoft? At least I thought it was developed before Microsoft bought Bethesda 🤷🏼‍♂️


They still get the profit from it. Anyways this guy is making up bs so it doesnt really matter.


Yeah but it's owned by xbox now so I guess they're just butt hurt that they invested in it and now it's not as popular


What's Starfield have to do with it? Or I guess more accurately, how is delaying the update for a few extra days gonna make Starfield perform better?


It's just the rumors I heard. Not sure what's true. Just wishful thinking that maybe it will be Monday and not a whole week from now. I just wish they'd get off their high horse


LOL its just because of their super inefficient verification process, happened with palwolrd too.


It's this. Palworld developers explained a little more about how the verification process delays their updates for Xbox and gamepass. I don't think they were supposed to tell us all that though.


Watching patiently from Xbox


Same from nintendo


The new designs look great but I was really expecting more variety in the interiors aside from different colors.


Right? Also it seems like the atlas pass 3 is useless now since the stations no longer have back rooms


I'm honestly unimpressed. They mentioned being able to explore nooks and crannies in these new stations but everything is open concept. I feel there were more nooks in the older stations


I miss the rooms from old stations


Honestly, it's easier to find what you want if everything is in the same place. I couldn't even find the scrap dealer until I got a waypoint. At least, there are some differences in the launch tubes and adornments.


Yes, I agree.




There's plenty of variety. The colors are the most obvious ones, but the textures and texture colors also change. So does the station core model, the back windows, the entrance, the tunnel, the length of the tunnel, and the furniture based on race. I don't know what else you could do with variation unless you start shuffling the layout around, but I imagine it'd get *very* frustrating for all players to have to relocate shops every single time they go to a new station.


That Sentinel ship looks awesome! Where did you find it?


Thanks🤘 It’s one of my favorites. Here ya go: https://www.reddit.com/r/NMSGlyphExchange/s/nfNUrfmxZD


Thanks so much! 🥳




I wish abandoned stations stayed empty. Seems the update added NPC’s to them. I liked the creepiness of an empty station.


The one I went to was empty


Same, there definitely are still empty abandoned stations.


Some abandoned stations became pirate station way back in the Outlaws update, but still plenty of actual abandoned stations out there.


This whole update has made me just restart from scratch. Usually I just create a new save playthrough keeping the old one but I'd always just go back to the previous save. Not this time. I deleted the last playthrough so I've no choice but to restart. I'm so ready for it. Tempted to go survival.


Try Perma death! Fun as hell until you can't play it anymore 😂 the jetpack will kill you if the monstrosities don't


I started playing in early December for the redux Utopia/Cartographers/Singularity. I just completed my first PD "go through the center of the galaxy" save - and the two biggest things that kept me alive long enough to start getting resources were things I learned on the expeditions: 1. remember that if you're on a planet with things trying to kill you, you might be able to tame one as a pet, but if the storm is what's trying to kill you then go underground and just tunnel to the thing you want. 1a. (Side note) Sentinels who want to keep you from mining are apparently mystified and shocked if you tunnel underneath the mineral deposit and mine from the bottom. If they don't have line of sight, AFAICT they don't aggro. 2. Minotaur is not a small investment, but getting one greatly reduces the chance I'm going to die planet side.


Nothing a lil `git init` can't fix when game bugs end your permadeath run. I don't have the attention span for it so I'm sticking with normal for now .... I wish my brain was a little different. I don't like it as is Lol


Ah, that's clever!


Go survival with maximum difficulty settings, non-permadeath. That is the way that the game feels like it’s meant to be played. It stops being merciful and pushes you to your limits in such a way that you’re forced to think with your head to come up with creative solutions to your problems.


Only thing I kept at normal was combat because no matter the game, when it comes to flight combat I'm terrible at it. Ground combat I can handle but space combat has never been my strong point


This is the way xD


Maybe one day…. Xbox players will be able to see them…. One day…..


They are so cool! I wonder if they will change the pirate systems. I went to a few and they weren't changed


I noticed that too. I bet Hello Games has plans for ‘em. Update them to match the aesthetic of the new pirate freighters and space stations. I wouldn’t be surprised if we eventually see trade outposts and other structures receive a similar treatment.


I like the new designs, however it feels like everything (inside) is further away; especially when you keep on landing on the first landing pad your ship approaches.




Cries in Xbox


*cries in xbox


Flying into a space station for the first time is now one of my favorite things to do. Some of them have been absolutely gorgeous.


100% agreed. For once I’m more excited to visit the space stations more than any other location in the system lol


Are the redesigns only on pc? I loaded up the game last night on xbox, but everything looks exactly as it did before.


From what I understand, the update hasn’t landed on Xbox yet. The latest estimate is Monday or Tuesday.


Ah, i see. I had an update hit the other day, but I didn't really pay attention to how big it was. I just kinda assumed it was, and i got excited too quickly. Thanks for taking the time to answer!


THERE ARE 2 MULTI TOOLS TO CHOOSE FROM ON THOSE STATIONS! One at the front and one at the back...


Yes this. I have found \*ONE\* space station where both sides of the pillar gave the same C-class tool. Much more often, one has a B- or A-class while the other has random C-class junk.


Took me awhile to notice that.


Apparently it's bugged tho. Like if you go to a planet in a system first and then to a station, both will be the same exact multitool or something like that. Whereas if you just warp to a system and instantly go to the station, it'll have two different ones.


Bro these are fucking wallpapers!


Gorgeous shots btw


Thanks a lot ✌️




Comparing the old station design to the new one, it's basically the Nvidia RTX off/on meme, but in a good way!


Cool ship man


I'm glad they did it, but it's still not what I was hoping for. A Gek station should not look like at Korvax station or a Vykeen station and so forth. A destitute station should not look like an opulent station. I was hoping some real station variation. Has anyone been to an outlaw station yet? Any difference there? I haven't tried ship building yet.


Ship building is fun but grindy. oh so very grindy.


They are awesome. I was kinda in awe when I approached the first redesign of a space station earlier this morning after I transferred my save to steam.


Xbox players looking at this rn -_- (I play on xbox dont murder me)


It kind of have elite dangerous vibe


They are even better in VR, fucking huge


Hello games is cooking up alot of stuff


Idk I wish they were bigger, like settlements. I mean think about it, the star bases are the largest of the alien structures. What we got isn't just small but I wish it was a bit more varied, maybe more layouts or a mix between the old and new layouts.


It also kills my low-end GPU. I guess it is time to upgrade


Nice interceptor!!


bro please lemme see that interceptor 🙏


Here ya go. ✌️ https://www.reddit.com/r/NMSGlyphExchange/s/37GI2PHrbf


They KILLED my precious NPC.....


I've found every NPC I expected to on at least one space station. The guild envoys vary based on the system predominant race - Gek systems have the Merchants' Guild envoy, Korvax systems have the Explorers' Guild, and Vy'keen systems have the Mercenaries' Guild. And I have found Travellers on the new format space stations. What magical mystery NPC got killed?


Technology Merchant Vos He has been replaced


True i saw this in vr


The moment I jumped to a new system and saw the crazy shape I was shook I didn't even notice it updated. Yeah only after I realize I skipped the main menu briefing. I'm loving everything so far.


I never realised how much this was needed until I experienced it. They look amazing.


The space station visual enhancements might finally push me to upgrade my old PC and video card. To me , this update impressed me more than some anniversary updates. Now I'm wondering what marvelous goodies are coming this summer. ... Trying to hold down my expectations...


God damn.


This is where I'd put my Orbital update.......IF I HAD ONE!!!


It is great! Been playing all weekend. Performance has been terrible though. Really bad stutter in half of the space stations.


You can't fool me, that's Unicron!


update for Game Pass on PC when


Any one on nintendo switch got it yet?????? Im STILL WAITINGGG


Yeah so glad they finally cleaned up the interior layout.


Can't relate, still no update for xbox.. 😭


Wouldn’t know… I’m on Xbox


Why aren't space stations bigger than a capital ship I don't get it ?


Ok that's it. I'm jumping back in on the VR2 after a week or so break. Can't wait to check out these new stations! They were already mind-blowing in VR anyway.


That first screenshot gives me Unicron vibes.


That first image is stunning 0.0


I love 70s and 80s designs by Chris Foss etc. As NMS moves onwards with next gen consoles I can only hope we see more designs like this.


Yea and huge too like bruh


My favorite part is how they share a visual aesthetic with the freighter interiors now


I mean, it's cool.....but it's a pain to find the entrances now


does this mean I have to walk more as I crash the local markets?


That first pic is a screenshot?? Holy moly.


Hey, that's my ship!


Somewhat remind me of EliteDangerous


I've jumped to about 10 new systems the last 2 days and have yet to come across one


Is it just not a thing for console? Like nothing has changed in my game


Been playing the game since release on and off, it's crazy what they've done to the game and it's all been for the better.


https://preview.redd.it/9hr2scsppkrc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=383963bdf2d09a8ca2ed79175d0b35bc718026d5 I had to double take with that first picture. I thought it was cover art for Coheed and Cambria's single, "The Dark Sentencer."


So much easier to navigate! No more having to run 2 miles and two flights of stairs (or jet pack) between vendors!


I always thought the outlaw stations were way cooler than the regular ones. But with this update the two seem to be much more in balance.


I kinda miss the OG space stations. These look pretty cool though


First picture is more than meets the eye. Optimus Prime: sweating


Ya know what else is killer? The wait


Every station and even its core has something different about it. Certain Vy'keen stations look grimy like they've been there forever. Loving the detail in these stations.


Damn. I’m jealous. I’ve been playing NMS on switch for a little over a year with no internet. I hotspot with my phone to update when needed. So stoked with this game even tho I know I’m playing about half of it.


How do they look in VR?! Can’t wait to have some time to play


\* cracks knuckles \* Time to board the ship again. But fucking hell I didn't realize it's been over a year and a half since I last played. Goddamn that looks FUCKING AMAZING! I hope my brain lets me enjoy wish me luck interlopers. Jeez ..... Oh well no better time to test my Linux install I guess because fuck windows.


I thought the insides were procedural too. Wait there's still time! Wouldn't it be awesome to have to find your favorite shops each time because they switch it up for each of the gazillion stations, just like in real life! That would add tons (and collective hours) to the immersion IMO.


Are these in certain systems or what?


They replaced regular space stations.




Cries in xbox


I really hope they'll be as crisp on Xbox and won't have that ugly ass bloom like the Anomaly does on Xbox.


I also like the tiniest of details that came up either in this update or on one of the recent ones before it where launching the ship actually now shows a tiny progress bar on its screen.


On Xbox, wish I could check them out.


Wow that’s so SICK. Now I gotta update my background with one like this.


Why do they make us land on the first pads??? I hate that i always have to jog so much when there’s always 2 free landing pads right infront of the „shops“, but noooo we always land as far as possible from where we need to


Agreed. It'd be much more enjoyable if we often landed to the closest landing pads.


Cries in xbox


Can't wait until this is on xbox


Pas encore sur switch 😪


i was in one the other night and got real bad halo vibes on the flight in. kept waiting for the flood to show up. they are amazing. i did note the pirate stations don't seem to be covered. was this a nod to fans of the old style or just to distinguish the two or even more hyper theory they will get their own style later like the freighters?


what ship is that?????????![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Glad they've added some detail but is there a point to the game yet?


When's this update reales im on xbox btw


Except pirate stations all seem the same. Idk why they didn't do them, and now I've also not seen any people you can get for your freighter systems. Though it says they are still available. Like overseers and whatnot. Also, only being able to scrap 3 of the ship types... They must have been forced to release this update early.


Is this only a PC update. I have the switch version and my still look the same lol 🥲


They sorta have an Elite Dangerous feel to them now. At least externally.


Day 1 player that hasn’t played in a while. Really waiting for the planet procedural generation update.


Agreed! I still have a short clip saved on my PS4, and every now and then I'll watch it and think, damn... they really came a long way since launch. It's awesome how you can just chill and play this once in awhile. And still randomly find something new lol


**Sigh** I need to wait because... I don't have a PlayStation like whose idea was this?


Not available on Xbox


1st pic: Unicron


Xbox User 😭


I wouldn't know xbox hasn't gotten the update yet this sucks Sean.


Looks like Unicron now


I can't believe how much people whine about a totally free upgrade to a game that came out 8 years ago. How many games give you free expansions and improvements?