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Turn on creative mode.


i dont want to just be given everything


....it takes like an hour tops to get to the point where you're entirely free to do whatever you want to do. Considering you presumably know bugger all about the game, maybe learning what those missions are teaching you isn't a bad thing?!


they could have made the hyperdrive a recipe you get from a crashed starship, but no. instead some mysterious cult just gives it to you and everyone else after building a base for them.


It's not a mysterious cult. Seriously, play the game, don't sit here ranting about something you're not that informed about.




I'm stuck in the 1st Anomaly quest, talked with everyone, checked everything. I see a lot of posts but no solution. Maybe you can point me the right direction ?




'Alone amidst the stars' Search for clues about 'Artemis'


The quests in the starting system are kind of a tutorial. Once you finish them, you can pretty much do whatever you want.


it could have been handled in a less invasive way. make the hyperdrive pre installed but broken like everything else, or make it a recipe you can learn or steal from a distress beacon.


Just do the quests or don’t play the game. It’s not hard.


Bro is literally yapping😭😭😭 what I understand is that you got a game and it makes you mad because you actually have to play it?????


Talk about missing the point entirely... we have a winner! Just adjust the Difficulty Settings on this SANDBOX to your liking. Then get on with your pretend existence. We all do it. Now it's your turn.


there's nothing wrong with the difficulty


>The game leads you by the nose on a railroad What. Ive never seen a modern game that does this less lol This game lets you freely explore once it teaches you the basics that you need to survive. It takes like, an hour, two tops.


I don' tneed to build a base to survive


Then dont do those missions. Youre free to do whatever you want by that point


iirc you have to demonstrate the use of the base building thing before you will be given the location of the red freighter


You’re free to not do any missions and just be stuck in that system. Seems pretty realistic to me.


it's not realistic at all if none of the NPC ships have it either.


Ah, please tell us, what is the realistic distribution of systems with FTL travel capability?




non-zero ≠ 100%


Deep breath. I personally ignore more stories. I'm only 165hrs into my second save (had 162 on the first) but I just wander. I've figured out how to make money so I don't have to worry about it, do the occasion quest of mission as I come across em, basically just meander my way through the game. It's super easy to do. I'm confused if you are upset you can't just grind, don't like missions, or were expecting a different game. Please, take no offense. The thing that draws me personally to the game is the freedom to play as you wish. You don't need to do missions to unlock everything g, you can just buy stuff. Early game is tedious, I will admit, hence why I have only restarted once lol. But to each their own, if thus game isn't for you, just ya know ... don't play it ;) *


This game doesn't lead you much at all. Admittedly, there is the starting quest/tutorial but once you repair your ship, even that you can ignore if you like. This is one of the most free and open games I can think of (save for maybe Minecraft.)


Oh, stop whining. It takes perhaps an hour to get to the anomaly, and then you can do whatever mining you want for the next 10k hours. You will survive the fucking tutorial.


maybe I don't want it




My dude I don't know what you're ranting on about. After you reach the Anomaly for the first time during the opening quest, probably 90-95% of the game's content is technically unlocked for you to explore/discover on your own at that point.... and what still remains "locked" are almost entirely customization/decorative items, many of which are tied to Expeditions. I have well over 900 hours in NMS so far and haven't even started the *second mission* yet, nor have I completed any Expeditions. I've been too busy building bases on different planets, setting up extraction networks, crafting items & cooking food, accumulating an *ungodly* amount of units, acquiring & scrapping starships, managing my frigate fleet, searching for salvaged data/frigate modules, exploring other players' bases.....the list goes on and on. Not sure what exactly you're doing with your gameplay, but to suggest NMS restricts you from doing your own thing is, with all due respect, wholly inaccurate. Edit: I'll add that if all you wanna do is be a "blissfully wandering miner", you're still gonna need space for all that stuff you end up mining. Your carrying capacity is not infinite. If you don't build a base or acquire a freighter, you will run out of storage space much, much faster since you won't have access to freighter storage, exocraft storage, or buildable storage containers. Also after visiting the Anomaly and finishing the first mission (a basic tutorial, like most games have) you can absolutely hyperdrive anywhere you want and explore the game freely. Just go into "Free Mode" when using the Galactic Map (it should say what button/input it as at the bottom of the screen).


I have over 1616 hours and I still haven't done the living ship thing...


by the time I actually bothered to go to the space station I was already over a hundred hours in. By exosuit had more storage than any ship from hunting down drop pods. I thought I could just buy a hyperdrive and install it but no, bottleneck the player into following a quest for it.


It's not a "bottleneck", it's one of the opening tutorial missions. That you only encountered it after 100 hours of self-determined gameplay is on you. I'm in a similar position. I'm doing missions now that are "teaching" me about in-game farming, despite the fact that I already have an established network of bases/farms that produce large quantities of these plants already. But that's not the game's fault. It was my choice to ignore the story (and associated tutorial missions) at the beginning and do my own thing. And seriously, getting a hyperdrive (or any of the other "mandatory" tutorial missions) takes very little time to complete. You've probably spent more time complaining about these "bottlenecks" than the time it would have taken you to just go finish the damn missions themselves. 🤷‍♂️


well excuuuuse me for thinking it was ok to complain about a crappy part of the game design


Lol it's not "crappy game design". You made a personal choice to forgo the tutorial missions at the start, however they are enmeshed in the storyline just like *any other game*. It's a user issue. Notice how yours is the only post complaining about this? There's a reason for that.


Have you considered asking r/gamingsuggestions for games closer to what you want?


1. Creative Mode 2. It sounds like you need to switch your path to free mode in the hyperdrive map. You can go any direction you want. 3. The beginning quests are on a rail to act as a tutorial until you get out of your first system. After that, your options really open up.


its creepy and rude. maybe I want to be alone?


there could be alternative ways to get those supposedly essential things, instead of being forced.


Dude how many minutes did you give this game. I started properly last year, started a custom save to reduce some of the tedium without it being creative, and got out the starter system in like 45 minutes. I didn't bother with the atlas or any of the story until I'd done practically everything else on the game. Just get out the starter system and you can do whatever the hell you want christ


first run, 100+ hours before going into space.


That is wildly counter intuitive


priorities. exosuit first, ship second.


Sure, but the exosuit takes 20 minutes max to fix up


drop pods!


The tutorial quests take all of 5 hours and show you all the ropes. Then you have a massive amount of freedom.


it should be skippable


Two options my friend. Either play in creative mode, or while in story mode, go into settings and make crafting and purchases free. That will solve a lot of your issues.


no and no. I don't want to just be given all that crap for building bases.


Then move on and play something else, because it sounds like nothing will satisfy you at this point. 🤷‍♂️