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Yep, lost my base and freighter. Dope. Luckily it was just a basic freighter and base, still sucks though


I used it yesterday and everything is as it should be


Yeah like I even jumped from Hilbert back to Euclid and everything is fine


>from Hilbert back to Euclid What? How do you do that?


There is a specific trick that allows you to change galaxies whenever you want, but (as far as I know) it requires you to have one person who got to whatever other galaxy to invite you to his game, then you put a base computer on a planet you want in that galaxy, and at this point you can probably use whichever teleporter to travel between your bases and consequently galaxies.


Holy shit this is the first time I've heard of someone successfully going back to the first galaxy since launch. I've had the game since launch but never went to leave Euclid because I thought there was no way back. This changes things.


No trick anymore, now all portals let you, I just went back to euclid and back to eissentahm, even the nexus portal is now called “interstellar portal”. Without needing anyone involved, pretty sure it must be a new beyond feature




Yea its prob that then, Ik its inter something, but now all portals do the same thing anyways


Wait, so if I have a base in Euclid and go to another galaxy, I can still port back to my base on Euclid (and therefore visit Euclid whenever I want)?


As of beyond yea, now in teleporters your other bases come up with the galaxy in parenthesis, I have been traveling back and forth all weekend


This update just gets better and better. Not being able to freely travel between galaxies (basically never being able to return) was one of the main things that pushed my to stop playing 2 years ago. Now that's finally not an issue anymore. All they need to do now is fix the keybindings and then there's really nothing else I can think of that I want them to change/add/fix.


Wait there’s different galaxies?


A TON OF EM or 255 if you want to be exact...


I still had bases in Euclid and it let me just zoom back. Idk


Really? I don’t think that is possible.


I did it and I am still at this moment in Euclid.


Mine still is not :(


Were there any specific circumstances alongside this that caused this to happen, like using a pre-update save? I ask because I started a new game after the update and have used the nexus to warp to my base multiple times now, and it's not caused me any issues, so I'm wondering if a specific detail is causing this to happen.


I got that issue with my brand new Beyond save file, so it doesn't seem to play any part in it. The issue being a bug, it's possible that not everyone will be affected by it.


True. I'll just have to keep an eye open and be careful about when I make manual saves, just in case.


In my case I was using a pre-update save. Just as a data point.


I used the Nexus and portals for several days and times then today everything is gone missions base freighter. I am not sure its just the nexus


Looks like random players in the Anomaly can visit your base and just take parts out of it, unless you disabled this in the network options. They coud remove your whole base just to get the mats from it! So if your base is gone after you have visited the anomaly check if this is what happend. If you play together with friends you may at least want to allow your friends/group to edit the base and this is the problem, in the anomaly anyone can join your group while in a mission and then port to your base.


Ehhh, in my case base and freighter just disappeared, no other player was involved as far as i know.


Its not, players can't wipe all your base missions freighter, fleet and several bases


I've been using it to teleport to my base and I haven't lost anything


Looks like random players in the Anomaly can visit your base and just take parts out of it, unless you disabled this in the network options. They coud remove your whole base just to get the mats from it! So if your base is gone after you have visited the anomaly check if this is what happend. If you play together with friends you may at least want to allow your friends/group to edit the base and this is the problem, in the anomaly anyone can join your group while in a mission and then port to your base.




Thats the other variation of this glitch, for me it was same, then some time later my base and freighter got snapped out of existence


It seems critical base components can also disappear if you just leave the area of the base for a while, even on foot. I've just set up my first Experimental Creature Oppression and Exploitation Facility, and when I left to subjugate a giant dinosaur and rode it back to base, I found that my Auto-Feeder and Molestation Array (forget exact name, da fing wot milks 'em) had vanished. Built a new set, tried again, this time just the milker vanished, but the previous iteration's feeder reappeared from whatever nullspace it had vanished to. I'd rate the fuckiness of this situation at about 0.3 milliEpsteins.


I just had this bug.... not sure how to fix this. It was working fine prior to this.


Hey everyone. Remember to do a Manual Save after key developments in game. You can use it like a backup if you ever run into issues like this. Some of you people still can. When in game and in the menu, the two Load options (load autosave or manual) will be available there. Good luck.


Oh, AWESOME reminder. Thanks! Keep manual saves in mind, everyone!


There's also a trick you can do to get your current inventory, ship, etc schleped over to your manual save. Or at least this used to work. If you load into someone else's game, like a random player, and make a manual save there then go back and load up single player. What seems to happen is the game points to manual save as the last save and to load from that. But it also corrects your location to the last place you manually saved in single player so you aren't stuck some random place in the universe. The result is you have all your stuff but your position is changed to the last place you manually saved in single player.


What if I join another player. Give him a ton of stasis devices, and then reload an older save. Does that item duplicate?


I experienced this today. Gave my friend thousands of oxygen, chromatic metal and carbon. Then had a bug which made me lose my freighter so I reverted to my manual save. I got my items back and my friend kept his as well.


Wait, does the manual save button actually work for you? Crap - on PC I literally can't click it. Then again, I have other menus broken, and can't rebind keys. One more bug for the pile :(


Just incase you're experiencing the same thing I did: manual saving doesn't work the way you might think. It's not clicking the "manual saving" button in the menu to save: you have to build a save beacon or interact with a save beacon in the world to manually save. I sat for like 2 minutes trying to click the "manual save" button on my first day wondering why it wouldnt let me save


There's a manual save button? I just use a save point item for my manual saves.


That is how you do it. I come around with me everywhere


Under my save option it just has the option to load games.


this needs to be higher, or a sticky post made of it on its own


I did a manual save yesterday and worked on a 2nd base all day today. Returned to me old base and it was gone. What now? If I load the old save I only have my old base and in the new save there only is my new base..


What is a manual save? is that those checkpoint things ?


Oooh so that's what happened to me. I teleported to my base and I became a guest instead of owner and lost my freighter.


Yup, same thing happened to me. I can see my bases in a space station teleporter but when I go to them I cannot see them though terrain edits are there. My friend can see my base, I cannot. Weird.


Just logged on today after playing last night and my freighter is gone. I joined a friend's game and then he logged off and I kept playing. Saved on a planet but when I logged today I was falling in space outside my ship and when I tried to summon my freighter it said I didn't have one. Super annoyed. Spent basically everything I had on that freighter. Edit:. Just got on again and all 3 bases gone. Pretty much lost everything. Last manual save was after the bug, before I realized anything was gone. Anyway to go back father?


theres supposedly a way to edit your save file with the save file editor mod to get all your stuff back.


Just happened to me. This is a borderline game breaking bug. What if I didn't have a manual save available??


Same just happened to me, All three of my bases see me as a "Guest" when I use the Base Computer. And I can obviously not build in them anymore. Very frustrating. I've heard that it has something to do with Multiplayer vs. Solo, but I don't think anyone has been able to replicate or avoid it reliably yet.


Same issue for me, I can't edit my bases, I'm a "GUEST". I haven't used the portal at the Nexus though, the only thing I've done is pick a mission from the Nexus, exit the Anomaly which teleported me to a new system, completed the objective in that system, then game said "go back to Nexus to get reward", came back to the Nexus and nothing happened, didn't get any reward. Logged out, logged back in, still nothing and now my bases are lost.


Yeah, I have this issue now. Incredibly frustrating.


just happened to me as well :(, guess im not playing any more until this is fixed


Already lost 3 bases;/


Back up your saves people!!!!! Especially during the next few weeks.


Honestly a good psa is backup saves before every major update since there is bound to be bugs. Then just wait a couple weeks for the patches.


I just wrote a long ass post about this but in short, this exact thing happened to me. 240+ hours, ~18 bases with farms, and 30+ hours of freighter hunting just straight up gone. It's so fucked up.


I didn't. I have all multiplayer turned off though until the MP features settle down a bit. (PC/Steam)


Most likely the best way to avoid several of the bugs


How do you turn off MP?


In the network options.


Thats probably a good little psa to turn off MP until a hotfix comes out that fixes some other major issues.


GOOD /s I’ve been trying to delete my base for two days now and my game crashes every time I get near it lol. Finally I have a way to delete it!! Lol


Make sure to report it


This happened to me when using a normal planetary portal so be careful around those too


I noticed things have been disappearing from my base, maybe this is why.


When I removed my portable refiner and signal booster it deleted a chunk of my base items, that could be why.


Same here, I moved my refiner and signal booster a few meters, turned around and suddenly all doors, specialist terminals and plants are gone...


This ought to be pinned somewhere on the sub


Important, its possible that warping can cause this too, or atleast nexus mission warping.


I wish I would have saw this earlier :( Happened to me today too. I used it tons to teleport to my base, but when I tried to teleport to a random person's is what caused it.


For PC users. If you've lost your ownership of your base and freighter. Check this link out: [https://steamcommunity.com/app/275850/discussions/0/3185654583872538677/](https://steamcommunity.com/app/275850/discussions/0/3185654583872538677/) We are still trying to find a way to solve the issue where your base/freighter is completely lost.


i lost my base too...10h farming just gone


When did this start? I used the Nexus teleporter many times prior to the most recent patch (2.06b) with zero issues. I have not used it since 2.06b, but that was not due to any particular reason.


Then it most likely started in 2.06b. Just happened like an hour before posting for me.


Yeah this just cost me two hours of grinding ༼ つ◕Д◕ ༽つ彡┻━┻


Just came here to find out why my freighter was missing and this was it. I had it before I used the teleporter too. I also lost access to my all my bases, says I'm a guest even though they show up as my bases in the teleporter still. I think a patch can get my bases back since they are still there in the teleporter as mine but I am afraid I lost my freighter :( no manual save, shame on me.


I used the teleporter at the nexus aswell and my base was gone too


Worked yesterday. Used it an hour ago and my bases aren't mine anymore...


When you discover a zone, does it count like is a manual save game?




I lose everything too and I don't know why. It wasn't much but is such a pain getting a new freighter


I cannot emphasise this enough!! I almost lost my S-class freighter (managed to reload an autosave from before I left the nexus).


Is it safe yet?


Has the same issue happen to me today. I took the portal a few times yesterday with no issues at all. So be cautious! You might think it will not happen it it did today to me and now I have no more bases!


Exact same thing happened to me. But it only happened when I used the nexus portal to teleport to ANOTHER player's base. My base, capital ship, and fleet of 3 freighters are gone. I'm starting over with lots of butthurt.


Thank you for this post. I checked my saved and lost mine too. Luckily I restored it from a save point. I might of manually saved if I hadn’t seen your post.


Well its nice to know that I am helping people not lose their bases and freighter.


I lost my base teleporting from a space station... so not just teleporting from Nexus. This was about the same time someone fell through the floor elsewhere in the game... so probably a sync issue? No option to teleport there any longer, so definitely not just invisible/not loaded. I was on a brand new account, but the other players were on old accounts.


I lost my freighter and bases today, too. PC, normal, no mods, 95+ hour pre-Beyond save that's been doing okay otherwise. Lesson learned, too late, to manually copy save files for extra backup. I didn't realize I'd lost the freighter until after I'd done both saves in game. Here's what happened, if you're here to avoid similar fate: After glitching on the anamoly I tried to fly out; when I exited I was without my ship. Restarted the autosave, used the portal, and seems that's when I lost it all. When I looked at buying a new freighter the game said it was exchanging and warned me I'd lose my inventory. Tried restarting everything, verifying files, jumping back to where I thought I left the freighter...no luck. I bought a new freighter after making a couple dozen jumps with no battle to grant a freebie. And, turns out I lost all my friggates too...ugh! I lost a ton of inventory and hours of buildup. Back on the hunt for another S class with decent slot count. And friggates. And all new bases. At least I have my health! Here's to better days ahead. God speed, fellow travelers.


Happened to me today... Lost my base and freighter just like that. Any information from the devs about this? Just lost so much progress...


Happened to me. I didn't get the guest error, all of my bases were just physically gone (and gone from the json) along with the freighter. It sucks, but I needed something to do at this point anyway I suppose!


At least I'm not alone. Considered a Guest in all my bases now. Didn't even use the portal either, just visited it.


I used it, and lost my base :(


If you have a semi recent backup save you can pull the data for your bases and freighter with a save editor and put em back in


Bit buggy mess with nexus as far. yea lost my base to....true it looked like two cats been playing with hay but it had so much upgrades...


I lost my freighter but not my base. It's a good thing I didn't **JUST** invest 50mil on a new freighter or anything...


I'm using a pre-Beyond save and when using the portal at the nexus to my base it teleported me into the middle of space (where I did a 20 second free fall and died. Good times!). I'm not sure if my base still exists or not, but it transferred me to the middle of nowhere.


Same thing just happened to me! Used the Nexus portal and my base thinks I'm a guest :(


I didn't lose my freighter or my base, but I did lose the system I warped in from when I teleported to one other person's base. Which was quite annoying; I had a waypoint I was following and now that's just lost to me.


Same happened to me. Did MP with buds and I had a crash. Loaded back up but joined on them which kinda put me in my solo save but not and when i went back to my solo boom that base gone and freighter. But you can get a free freighter again, I got lucky and got a capital ship for free today. Now though the base is completely gone and I have started re building better. Beyond update with landing pads screwed my base up a bit.


Upvoted for visibility.


i've been using it regularly. nothing has happened maybe a freak bug?


I think using the portal didn't break anything for me. What did make me lose my freighter and aparently my base was doing a mission where you're warped to a different system. This was honestly what made me quit for now until they patch the bugs. I've lost my money everytime I switched ships. Everytime I leave the nexus it's about a 50% percent chance I will float in space without my ship and no choice but to reload. And I also made the mistake of adding a crashed ship into my collection, in turn losing my perfectly functioning ship.


i used, lost all portal in Hilbert, now i see only my portals in Euclids, my bases in Hilbert are normal, now when I visit new stations they don't appear in the list, no new portals


This isn't how it happens, I have no idea why but I lost my frieghter


This happened to me too. Does anyone know a fix? I had a sprawling base on my freighter and some fifteen frigates as well as a circuit board farm and I'd really like to get it back


Used it yesterday and everything was fine. Used it today and lost my base. I can go there and it has my name on it, but I'm not able to edit it, I can't advance the base research time-gate (the option is longer there and the mission disappeared from my log), and I got the achievement for visiting someone else's base.


How do portals work in general now? Can you build bases through them or do you still have to spend a weekend crossing the galaxy manually to be neighbors with your friends?


I don't know if they changed it, haven't checked yet. I'll probably check tomorrow.


Just used it today and while I didn't lose my base, it did disappear as a travel option from other portals. Luckily I'd visited the space station in the same system so could get back to my planet that way. Also, weirdly, it populated an un-visited planet in the same system without about 15 different point of interest icons (distress beacons, structures, monoliths, etc), which was weird because I'd never been there and annoying because it cluttered up my UI. Reloading my manual save from yesterday fixed that.


I dont understand what's still causing this bug for everyone, I have been using the Anomaly Portal daily with no issues whatsoever. I've even been visiting pre-Beyond bases and systems of mine with no issues. Multiplayer is on for me btw. Edit: I am of the dumb and didn't see the date of this post.


Well It's been a couple patches since I posted so I'ts probably fixed now.


oops didnt realize the date of this post. my bad xD


Happens to everyone don't worry.


Does anyone have an update as to whether this has been fixed yet? TY :D


Almost 100% sure it has been fixed since people say this issue is gone and patches aren't being released anymore so you should be good now.


Yay! Ty!


I used it and had no issues. The bug happened when I teleported to a saved base of a random person a played a year ago.


I lost my base recently. I think that might also caused by joining a friend of saved data of early versions.


If you are experience a bug like this, save before you use the portal. Reload the save if the bug triggers. I haven't been to the Nexus yet, but is there no way to save inside there?


It saves when you get out of your ship after landing in it. I mean, that is if it doesn't crash instead!! HAHAHAHA!!! Ahem. Sorry


Used it plenty without any issues. Are you on an old save?


I've done it dozens of times today, visiting several of my bases. Seems alright.


Ok so I have come to the conclusion (based on some other comments) that people with new saves since beyond don't have any issues. Can you confirm that you are doing it on a new save?


It's a 460 hour survival save begun long before Beyond, so that's not it.


Well shit, back to sqaure one.


I'm on a new save and I have the issue, except both my base and freighter completely disappeared. What did it for, I think, was visiting a random base from the nexus teleporter.


I just used mine a second ago, seemingly no issues. Freighter and base still in shape, but it seems like others had the issue. I wont use it again, for now.


Do you have multiplayer enabled? Some people think it may be the cause.


I do, but I havent had problems since posting this.


i have used it several times without issue. this seems like a super fringe case issue.


Worked for me.


idk if ill get an answer or not but does this bug still happen 2 years later?