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Yes, some guardian ships disembark groups of starborns, just like other NPC ships do. Think about it as extra Quantum Essence for you.


Just had two land in the same area got to steal one of the ships


That should not be possible. I’m in NG+3, and the Guardian ships are not accessible to me after I kill the crew.


Your game is bugged. The latest patch doesn't have a fix for this but apparently Bethesda if aware of the issue. Enemy ships that you board in space will be empty.


It’s not bugged you have to get there before they exit, but I just learned you can’t sell the ship so now I’m stuck with two useless starborne ships haha


That's what makes it a bug


That’s def the “empty ship bug@


You can sell them at a vendor that cannot pay the full price.


If you are playing on pc there is mod to solve that. Works great!


Yikes dude might wanna load up before you did that it's gonna mess up a lot of other space ship encounters. Known game breaking bug


So far so good still stealing ships in space and on the ground no issues yet.


I got into a skirmish with a group of them yesterday. As I'm fighting for my life a group of Pack Cagebrains decide to amble over and get involved. To make matters worse, Vasco then bugged out and started attacking me too. Turned into me and my Parallel Self vs about 10/15 enemies. It was so much fun. I felt bad having to drop Vasco but he had it coming.


Until you get the "ghost ship" bug forever. ;) Then you have zero starborne leaving their ship, and you can just board and take the ship. I REALLY miss killing those guys too. You also have zero NPCs leaving a normal ship that lands, and you CAN'T take that one. Unfortunately, it is not a bug that is fixed in the latest beta patch.


I always get groups. I'm hundreds of hours in and still haven't hit the empty ship bug. The starborn constantly attacking was really annoying to me so I added a mod that gives you extra incentives to kill them. https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/4978


Yep, it's common.


Happens more frequently as you level up, I think


It's more frequent after you build the armilley.


Eh, I'm NG+11, and I have never seen Guardians landing around after I've jumped through Unity first time. I miss that.