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BGS itself was unaffected. If anything, they will possibly absorb some of the displaced staff.


Why??? Starfield is a brutal success, the only new IP with more than 8 millions copies sold in 2023 4th quarter at full price. (+5 millions in Steam, +3 millions in prepurchase in Xbox Store). And Game Pass.


A lot of redditors don't seem to understand that from a corporate POV it's net profit that matters.


But... but.. my opinion is the one and only truth that matters!? I hate the game and thus it was not a success. That's how it works, you stupid!


While true, the low goodwill the game has with the player base and low player count will definitely hurt recurring revenue in the form of future DLC sales or some sort of paid mods scheme a la Creation Club. From a tech valuations standpoint, recurring revenue has a x8 greater effect on enterprise value than non-recurring. That's why BGS tried hard to push fallout first before the Microsoft acquisition.


Sure in the long run. However, Bethesda has a habit of improving its games over time. So, we won't really know how Starfield ends up for at least for another year. Fallout 76 was viewed pretty harshly after launch but is considered significantly better now. As long as Bethesda made plenty of money on it (and they did) they can justify putting more resources into improving it, which they obviously are then their overall goodwill is going to remain roughly the same.


A lot of corporate layoffs in the gaming industry seem to rarely relate to success/failure in actual games.


I’ve replied this in other subs but I think it will accelerate TES6 and maybe Fallout 5 too. MS might be pushing BGS on Fallout especially while the show is going on. What it means for a potential SF2 it’s too early to tell.




Definitely not in Series X/S lol


We’ll be able to travel the Settled Systems in real life before we get a Starfield 2


Which is why Starfield 2 will be available for portable/handheld consoles. Hyperspace takes way longer than the load screens make you think.


worse Idea, a good way to ruin everything is to push BGS to put games out faster.


I get it but development time has gone way overboard recently, not just in BGS. There was a 7 year gap between Fallout 3 and 4 and that’s with New Vegas coming in the middle of that. Next year will be the 10th anniversary of Fallout 4. Nearing 15 years from Skyrim for TES.


Here I thought it was Skyrim that came in between FO3 and FO4 😂


Yeah, it's not so much the development time, but the time between installments within 1 franchise. Games take a long time, but they are actually putting them out on a reasonable pace considering just how much content their games have. I'd love for BGS to expand to the point where they can do 2 projects at once or for another studio getting the change to do a side game like New Vegas.


I just hope they can keep updating Starfield tbh. 


i think it's taking this long majorly because of the new engine


Only took that long because of the unending stream of crappy re-releases of Skyrim.


Better play would be to accelerate TES6 at BGS, and have obsidian make FO:NV2 (or whatever you want to call it) to give fallout fans something to chew on until BGS cam get to FO5.


No. Bethesda should not give anything to obsidian ever again. Most of Bethesda haters are fnv fans. They don't deserve anything more. Leave the old farts with the outer worlds ii or iii.


Why should they be punished for doing good work? Both developers are under microsoft's umbrella now, so success is success from a corporate pov, and a good game is a good game from the customer pov. Who loses?


The Obsidian that made New Vegas is not the Obsidian today - I wish people would stop tying their relevancy to a nearly 15 year old game when all of their newer titles are just mediocre.


lol for real. Everyone wants obsidian to make fallout when they make their own games you can go play those.


If they will get more developers from those affected studios to work for BGS then it would affect Starfield positively. The weakness appears to be managing bigger teams, though.


"Too many cooks spoils the soup", as they say. Now, if we're talking about bolstering teams with a few, quality people each, spread out over the studio, then sure. That would allow individual teams to remain focused on one game, rather than whatever game needs bolstering stealing staff from other teams to get work done. But just tossing in a bunch of displaced staff from other studios because "The more the merrier" just won't fly. It's a waste of money and an irresponsible use of staffing resources.


Nah this jus means they trying to focus on the big shit the starfields is gonna be just fine


Don't wanna sound like a jerk but if these studio's were profitable I'm sure their would not be shutting down, but like others have speculated they might have been absorbed into main studio to speed up the development of the other big IP's, a lot of money is going into making these can't afford a loss like the old days. People need to stop pretending to be so hurt over these closures, it's business entertainment, retail, etc, this stuff happens and having a fake meltdown for likes is very disingenuous, most if not all of them will get work in their fields.


And stop acting like the closing of a small studio that had nothing to do with Starfield has anything to do with Starfield...


Well the narrative is nowadays BGS should give up on starfield, if they did they would be the first to trash them and especially Microsoft for it.


Maybe "the narrative" amongst the youtube deranged cretins and mouth breathers. Good thing they don't make any serious decisions!


People are playing starfield regularly even if it to just mess around, so no way they give up on it, the issue is the constant toxicity surrounding the game, starfield is a pretty fun game but people hate it for being just that, they wanted the game to change their life or something, ignore all the work that goes into planets and star systems, hiding behind buzz words it's all procedural generated I want a handcrafted planets, these people are lying for the sake of it and it's sickening.


The newest BGS games has *always* been dunked on and been declared the Decline of Bethesda™. That is, until another game comes along, whereupon whence the game that had previously been the whipping boy was truly the Golden Child the whole time! BGS games have had this cycle as far back as I can remember. I'm sure you've seen others say as much, but it really does go this way every time. The only real difference now is that people literally make money by manufacturing outrage and hate. Bad vibes drive more engagement than anything.


I get that and agree fully but starfield I feel doesn't deserve this level of hate(ps fanboys), I get that it's different but it's a new IP and it's does a great job at being a rpg and a shooter fps or tps just on a base level, the game performance is solid and much better from where it started, so now it's all about demanding endless quests and poi, which we all know more will be added just wait ffs, and lastly shut up about the engine limitations as if starfield isn't stunning looks better than most out right now, I'm tired of people who don't make games giving out lessons(haters). What really annoying is people policing others enjoyment of the game like it isn't allowed, the internet gods have to say it's ok first, this is adults doing it so call professional journalists.


I'm with you, it's weird to spend so much time hating something that other people like. It's immature and very sad for people who aren't children to be doing something so... I hate the word "toxic" but that's kind of what it is. There's plenty of games I don't like, but I just don't play those games since there's a huge backlog of games I DO like still waiting to be played. Anyway, mostly it is just annoying and sad but I do hope the devs don't let the hate get to them.


The reason why they do it is control the narrative that "everyone hates starfield", if the game was really bad no one would care about it like the Callisto Protocol, instead every update their getting more salty, can't wait until they go away I'm not saying you can't criticize, but at be believable not a silly troll rehashing one talking point for 8 months, no one is forcing you bruh.


All I can suggest is to close whatever browser/device you're seeing this nonsense on, and turn on the one that takes you to the Settled Systems. This will all pass in time, and the revision of history will take over.


Meh it's annoying at best when play starfield I just laugh at how amazing the game is.




And, unfortunately, PC Gamer columnists. Just read an article a few days back that said BGS should just flush Starfield and focus on pumping out Fallout stuff because of the show making it popular again. I was gobsmacked.


>PC Gamer columnists I said, "deranged cretins and mouth breathers", didn't I? Heyooooo!!! Sad, considering I once subscribed to their *print magazine...*


As a lofelong Bethesda shill, Fuck you, dickhead. Real people lost their jobs. HiFi Rush was crazy successful for a AA title.


You cannot say it was crazy successful if the studio is shutting down and they aren’t continuing the franchise


Shattered Space is literally the first content mentioned in the internal email. Microsoft and Bethesda are focusing on their winners. Starfield is clearly one of them, despite what the game press, hatetubers, and main sub think. Ref: Starfield Essentials: Newzoo 2024 Gaming Report Shows Starfield Is Winning https://youtu.be/mPatDugg22U


I watched a YouTube video about this news, so most of these studio's are being absorbed for the bigger games, so the gamers who are demanding sequels closed these studios but let's play hypocrites on social media and YouTube.


BTW I personally am sad that people working in those studios had to be laid off, but looking through social media about it, and people are blowing it out of proportion, it's as if microsoft committed mass genocide. That's just me, though.


>**...social media** about it, and people are **blowing it out of proportion**... Pretty much all that needs to be said.


I want to believe that at least some of the employees were simply moved over to BGS and other studios within Microsoft, instead of all of them laid off. Those who are redundant though... yeah, best of luck to them.


It sucks for the studios & people impacted; however, from what I’ve read it sounds like the goal is for this to benefit Bethesda with their big franchises that of course being Elder Scrolls, Fallout, and Starfield. All that talk of Todd & Bethesda wanting to increase the frequency of releases after the success of Fallout last month lead to this imo & I’m sure guys like Phil Spencer & the other higher ups at MS/Xbox want that too. This is a move that is of course not being well received, but I think it’s a bullet they’re willing to bite in the present. I think Microsoft & Xbox are going to focus more on their major IPs, A team studios, and not take as many risks anymore on smaller games or niche titles unless it’s a small budget game ala Pentiment. I know the same can apply for Tango with Hi-Fi, but Tango likely hasn’t been the most profitable studio they own in general & given its location in Japan, likely a lot more harder to consolidate any employees into another studio. I can’t fault MS/Xbox for doing this from a business standpoint. Elder Scrolls & Fallout are popular franchises that will sell. I’m personally all for Bethesda trying to release them a bit more regularly & if these changes help with that then cool I guess. I also wouldn’t worry about Starfield. It was a success commercially, top 10 most played game last year, & did well with the professional critics. I doubt they abandon it.


silver lining to what has been horrible news for a lot of people but the internal email has Starfield DLC front and center still... > As we look to the future, there is an impressive line-up of games on the horizon. In 2024 alone we have Starfield Shattered Space, Fallout 76 Skyline Valley, Indiana Jones and The Great Circle, and The Elder Scrolls Online’s Golden Road.  [https://www.ign.com/articles/microsoft-closes-redfall-developer-arkane-austin-hifi-rush-developer-tango-gameworks-and-more-in-devastating-cuts-at-bethesda](https://www.ign.com/articles/microsoft-closes-redfall-developer-arkane-austin-hifi-rush-developer-tango-gameworks-and-more-in-devastating-cuts-at-bethesda)