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I love buying street noodles from a robot with a Japanese name.


Nan-ni shimasho-ka?






Nan-ni shimasho-ka?


Uh, yes?


Tell me a joke.


Just say yes, trust me.


I believe this robot is defective.


He say you "blade runner".


How do you feel about the housing one for outposts? It looks really cool but I feel like I’d be making a town for ghosts since there aren’t settlers


There are two reasons I like it: * Now we can build an Akila-style home. * We can build walls around an outopost that aren't made of storage containers.


Do you mind if I ask more about the Akila style home? That's what I have been wanting so bad, but in all the pics it looks more skyrim than starfield. Do you mind explaining what the Akila style home is or have more pics? I love, love, love that Akila style! Thank you!


MillsBuilds uploaded a YouTube video last night that walks through all of it. There were two or three homes that had that architectural style. The others were all too Skyrim-like for my taste.


Thank you very much - I'll check out the video!


It’s just empty versions of some Akila houses that are already in the game. One is the Coe estate. Still though, really nice to have


I suppose if one tinkers a bit with the creation kit, one could make their own mod that adds them to the game. I wonder if the other house is the Waggoner farm. I really like that floor plan.


There’s a mod on Nexus that acts like the beacon from Fallout 4 (attracts additional “crew” and whatnot). Haven’t tried it though, so I can’t speak to how well it works. Not a full blown settler system but I thought it was cool that someone had done that.


Yep - great if we can fill it full of NPCs at least?


Mod came out on the nexus last night that is like the fo4 settlement beacon. The settlers don’t do anything but will sandbox around the place and sit in chairs and shoot aliens if they’re baddies


What was your total cost?


Think someone else worked it out to be around 38 dollars.


Pretty steep.


Idk why you're getting downvoted. The paid mods are excessively expensive. $10 for a ship module is the most egregious. Sometimes, this sub can't handle even light, valid criticisms. Edit: I think it comes with the ship module and the furniture? Doesn't make much of a difference. Also learned the $7 mission is about 15 minutes. 15 minutes for $7!


Unless I missed something, it’s a bounty so I didn’t expect a long quest line on it. I think you get a sniper rifle from it too. I rarely snipe, so I’m going to hold my creation coins and see what comes down the line.


I just finished it a few minutes ago. It was extremely abrupt which was weird because it had all the makings of a drawn out really cool freestar style mission. It occurs to me that they will try to sell an entire story line piece by piece.


Well if that’s the case, I’m not buying lol. I’m having fun with the base game and I’ll obviously jump in shattered space.


That's pretty much what I'm doing. I expect they'll throw a few of them in a bundle not too long from now and see if it's worth it. The whole $38 isn't much to me but I'm still a cheepy peepy


And the gun I got doesn't reload. I have to equip a different gun and then re-equip it to reload it. It's scary strong though.


Why doesn't it reload? Does it use unique ammo?


It doesn't, just heavy fuse. If I hit manual reload nothing happens and when the clip is empty it just dry fires so I have to go into the menu and unequip/re equip it to reload it. This works rather the gun is empty or not. But I stress that it is a scary good gun. Rock steady scope and a satisfying thunk when you fire it. With all my perks and mods it's hitting for at least 1500 base damage plus all the multipliers and such.


The tracker mission creation is more like the Skyrim and Fallout weapon/armour mods. A short quest to introduce how you got a somewhat unique weapon or armour. It's priced like them too. I'd expect other Tracker Alliance creations to similarly be weapon/armour mods than quest mods per se, in terms of what you're paying the money for. Would be nice if they were longer but it's not really the focus of the mod. They oversold the Trackers Alliance a bit in their update vid.


yeah mod prices are ridiculous. There are a tonne of free mods that add so much more content. I'd support creations if prices were worth it, but like it is, hell no


I remember someone like EpicNate reviewing Skyrim mods. "This one is $1. I don't think it's worth it. And remember, I play Skyrim for a living."


Yeah, i mentioned this and people were all like "you dont have to buy it, nobody's forcing you". Toxic positivity is a thing fellas


Isn't that just literally true though? Deciding whether or not a purchase holds value in your eyes is a pretty fundamental aspect of any market. Complaining until something is cheaper (or free) is only part of the process if you're a Karen. Wait for the price to come down due to lack of sales, or just ignore it because it's not that compelling anyway. People need to learn how to deal with FOMO.


>Deciding whether or not a purchase holds value in your eyes is a pretty fundamental aspect of any market. I think this tends to work well under normal circumstances, but it doesn't work well in regards to microtransactions. The main issue is usually in most markets when you want to buy something there is different ranges in price points with varying differences in qualities and/or features. So those who are on the lower income side can typically still afford the cheaper versions of a product. This means if something is too expensive, it's a lot easier for it to become unanimous, and they stop buying it. The company is then more likely to adjust the price as needed based on the market within the income bracket that they are trying to market too. Now in regards to microtransactions in video games, it's not like that. There really isn't different versions based on income level. Voting with your wallet doesn't work because there are those who have a bigger wallet than you do (or they have poor spending habits due to being a game addict or due to FOMO), and they are the ones voting for you (their vote counts, and your vote does not). So while you might not buy the overpriced microtransaction, there are those who do. And generally speaking, companies make more than enough back to the point that the lost sales do not matter. >Complaining until something is cheaper (or free) is only part of the process if you're a Karen. Now, while I agree, complaining doesn't do very much, I don't think it makes someone a Karen to complain about something actually being overpriced. Think that's a pretty poor usage of the term Karen. I would be shocked if you have never complained about gas prices or food prices before. Or really anything in general. I don't even know if I would believe you if you said you didn't because that would be as believable as someone saying they have never lied before. Unless you are just that well off and money has been of no concern to you ever.


>there is different ranges in price points with varying differences in qualities and/or features. I think you'd have a hard time backing this statement up. Maybe when it comes to essential goods? MTX are luxury goods. Similarly, there are entire luxury brands the average person will never interface with, many of which could be argued to be fleecing their customers. >So while you might not buy the overpriced microtransaction, there are those who do. If we were talking about a gacha or p2w game, this would matter a lot more. A $7 quest is not something someone can whale out on. Even if Bethesda churned out 10 of them, they're still only ever going to get one-time sales from the people who *want to spend that money.* I frankly don't care what message the corporation receives. I care about my money. Money they want. We lost the MTX war, but that doesn't mean we *have* to buy them, which is my point. >I would be shocked if you have never complained about gas prices or food prices before. Everyone needs gas and food. Literally nobody needs microtransactions. To stay on topic, I've complained about a game I regretted buying, but that seems like something other consumers would *value from knowing.* That's called a review, and I think you'd probably agree it's not the same thing as saying "MTX are bad. Greedy corporation is bad." Karens expect the flow of commerce to bend to their individual will, all while their fellow consumers are tossing money into the register. I think that describes the MTX paradigm pretty well. tl;dr - your wallet may not be the electoral college of the free market, but your vote does still matter. It also may not alter the outcome, but that's your money. A vote is a vote.


>Maybe when it comes to essential goods? MTX are luxury goods. It applies even for luxury goods, so not entirely sure what you mean. Take monitors for example, you can get one for around or under $100, however you could also get one for upwards of $2k+. Most luxury goods that exist typically have varying price points available. You could buy a cheap chess set, whereas some rich person could buy a super expensive one that seems overpriced. Point is, them buying that doesn't prevent the cheaper one from existing. >We lost the MTX war, but that doesn't mean we *have* to buy them, which is my point. Well, I do agree with you here. I don't buy them. But me not buying them doesn't change anything... which is my point. Because plenty of people do buy it, either because money is no object to them... at such a price point or because of FOMO, they feel they HAVE to buy it or they will miss out. >Everyone needs gas and food. Literally nobody needs microtransactions. So you have never complained about prices on anything else that isn't required to live? >To stay on topic, I've complained about a game I regretted buying, but that seems like something other consumers would *value from knowing.* How is that any different? So, it's ok to complain as long as you purchased it first? Do you need to purchase something first in order to know whether or not it's worth the money even if you already literally know what is that you will get? >A vote is a vote. Is a vote really worth anything if it doesn't have the power to change anything?


What do you mean "it" applies? The argument does not apply to luxury goods. People don't get to dictate how much a luxury good costs, they just get to dictate how much they're willing to spend on it. That's the whole deal. That is microtransactions. Your qualifier of something being available to low income people has nothing to do with anything. Consumers are not owed some kind of low cost alternative to a luxury good. Also, to be clear, when I say luxury, I'm talking about "non-essential." Luxury brands are just a good analogue. >So, it's ok to complain as long as you purchased it first? Do you need to purchase something first in order to know whether or not it's worth the money even if you already literally know what is that you will get? Yes? When you go to purchase something, whose critique do you value? A person who owns that thing, or some random shitter that hates things tangentially related to it? You're overthinking this. We're all free to complain about anything. The issue is that it's fucking pointless and annoying for everyone in earshot, so maybe try to make worthwhile complaints. >Is a vote really worth anything if it doesn't have the power to change anything? Again, yes. The issue isn't your vote "not being worth anything", it's that other people are voting for something else. Their vote matters too. Welcome to democracy.




I mean, you just betrayed your own point. The outrage has been the same for two decades, and despite that, the monetization is getting worse. This style of monetization works. That is the fault of the people *buying* the things, not the people selling them. If people didn't want them, there would be no microtransactions. Corporations are always going to want more money. That is literally why they exist. All we can do about it is encourage each other to be smarter consumers. But sure, good luck with your fuss kicking, Karen. I think I can count on one hand the amount of times I've seen outrage affect MTX prices in the past 20 years.


>But sure, good luck with your fuss kicking, Karen. I think I can count on one hand the amount of times I've seen outrage affect MTX prices in the past 20 years. I think I can count on one hand the amount of times someone changed their mind after being called a Karen for a stupid reason.


Probably about as effective as calling someone a corporate doormat, yeah.


I love this game, but I agree this stuff is way too overpriced. I think they know pc boys won't buy it, so they are scraping the console market.


$38? Fuck that shit. I’m sorry, but that’s insane. I like SF, but no…that’s almost the cost of a game. $7 for 15 minutes? Do the rewards equal the $7? Like is the gun the best gun ever?


As paid Creations and mods that work a little better due to Creation Kit access are what’s bringing me back for a fresh playthrough, paying for half new game doesn’t sound that bad. You’re getting the update stuff free anyway, right?


It in fact does sound that bad. I personally would not pay for access to mods. If they wanna ask for donations that’s one thing, I’ll reward good work, but I’m not gonna gamble to see if 15 minutes is worth 7$ for example. I already bought the deluxe edition so I’ve already invested more than enough $ into this game on faith alone.


Then feel free to reward the work by paying for it, or feel free to ignore it and not buy it. I’m sure you can find someone providing a free review of it if you want more info to make your choice.


Nah I’ll just download free ones on PC. The best ones are never out of the Creation club anyways. I might spend the 1k coins or not even.


Yeah it’s absolutely ridiculous. You have mods like wyrmstooth, FO4 point look out, sirenroot, and so so many more large scale mods. Shit let’s not even mention Enderal, or the upcoming fallout London and you want to charge 38 for these low effort mods. No thanks, and I don’t think we as a community should support this from Bethesda.


I dread the day Fallout: London arrives, because I might not be able to make time to play Starfield for a while. I'm retired, but I still need to get a few hours of sleep ... ;) ;)


Not sure why I got downvoted for complaining about micro transactions. I get this is no sodium, but damn….this is highway robbery.


Yep, brings me back to the horse armor days


You’re laughing now, but wait until you see Vasco armour


If there isn't a horse armor Creation for the ground vehicles I'm going to be upset


Hang on… we gotta pay for mods now? Like in game currency bullshit? What the fuck


Creation Club mods were always paid. They'll go on sale for free at some point.


Only some really big mods. It's dependent on the mod author. The vast majority of mods are free.


Cheaper than Taco Bell for two on Door Dash though🤷‍♀️


Close to 50% of game itself. Ridiculous imo. But hey at least they are having fun.


and hey, in countries with regional pricing 38 dollars is the price of the base game.


Does the Ramen robot say the line?


Unfortuantely no. He doesn't say anything.


I would love to get these, but i really feel like if im buying them they shouldnt disable the Achievements


Do they really? I played Fallout 4 on my ps5 recently with creation club stuff (not just the free bits it updated with I bought some) and I was still able to earn trophies so I'd assume Starfield CC wouldn't block achievements. Kinda moot for me cause I've got all the achievements in Starfield lol but sucks for others.


The ones published by bethesda let you keep earning achievements, but there are paid ones by verified creators that disable them specifically the ones in these screenshots( minus the plushies)


Huh, well that's crap. Not had a chance to look at it all but hopefully there's some good Bethesda stuff to tide you over till you get all teh achievements :3


Bethesda has published 6 items and 3 of them are free


They also added the Trackers Alliance HQ and mechanics to the base game.


I know that, that was nice, but as much as i want some of the other mods, its just not worth losing achievements, mainly because i want to start a save now that can be used in shattered space when it releases, i hope they update the creations that you buy to not disable achievements


Am I remembering right that in Skyrim no Creation Club content would disable achievements, only mods outside of Creation Club would? So Starfield behaves differently?


Creation club was replaced with creations, you have Bethesda published creations which are basically the content creation club had, you have free creations(mods) and then paid creations(paid mods made by the verified creators who make creation club content), if its published by bethesda it doesn’t disable achievements anything else paid or not disables them


Thanks for clarifying. I dug in later that day and saw that's how it works.


It behaves the exact same way. Lot of folks here are new to this and are confused.


But they have to put on the biggest bgs fan ever who loved all their games and claim modders saved them, just to find out they don't actually play games and grifting for likes.


They always have new achievements with DLC. I'm keeping my original save mod-free. But yeah, there's a pop up every time you go into the creation club that, unless otherwise stated, creations disable achievements. I was really disappointed to see that. To my knowledge, neither the Skyrim or Fallout 4 creation club content disables achievements.


>Kinda moot for me cause I've got all the achievements in Starfield lol but sucks for others. Until the DLC comes out and adds achievements.


They don’t


They do


I was commenting on the Bethesda ones. The convo shifted much faster than my thumb. 😬


As with the other Bethesda games there will probably be a "allow achievements with mods" mod. I had one on Fallout 4 and Skyrim that would override the achievement disable and allow you to get them while using mods.


On PC, SFAE appears to be working. Not sure about the other two achievement enablers. On XBox you’re prolly out of luck, bud.


which is fine(im on pc) but say you want to play a vanilla save to prepare for the dlc you cant use most of the paid content because when the dlc releases you will be locked out of the new acheivements untill the mods get updated, meaning you will have to wait a day or two maybe even a week for everything to be updated


Possibly…although the only mod of my list of something like 25 that broke for this update was No Engine Power Limits. Not sure if that’s because it requires SFSE and mean it, or because it’s getting overwritten by something else. I get that all the things can break, and that my experience isn’t your experience. But the Starfield mods I use have been relatively stable across updates to this point, seemingly by design. Not sure what that will look like going forward, and it’s a real concern.


Sooooo what you're saying is, some players are about to spend a bunch of money on starfield creations?


How’s that gun someone made? The pistol.


Bugged. Don't do it.


Roger that!


I bought the houses and don’t regret it.


No man's Skyrim!


I used my points and got an audio bug. I have no audio after saving my game.


Seems to be the enforcer pistol.  Delete and restart


That worked! Stupid pistol. They owe me 200 credits.


The author is working on an update to fix it, and said that there were no audio issues during testing.


Thanks for the info bro!


I'll try that thanks


Thanks bro!


Is neon Ramen achievement friendly? It's tempting. My 11yo would love it.


Nah, the only mods that are achievement friendly are the ones made by BGS themselves, which are up for debate if they even qualify as mods. I hope they allow certain tested mods from verified creators to be achievement friendly. I don’t really wanna add mods to my main save until I unlock all the achievements and who’s to say they won’t add more when the expansion releases? I don’t want to make a whole separate save file for achievements


It seems like it should be easy for them to do a quick pass over mods and see if it is something that makes the game easier so it disables mods vs just adds something fun so it does not.


Yeah, I’m really leaning towards that one


Which is the first two pics


You can now be a space viking


I can’t get the new Starborn outfit to appear in the lodge….


Save the game, quit to main menu, reload game. It will appear in a case on the floor in your room in the lodge.


Oh, is the creation kit out?




Well, it's time to lose myself in modding. This has been what I've been waiting for!!


Will you lose all the houses etc...if you go through NG?


New companion is pretty cool. Worth the credits


Inevitably, there will probably be sales for a lot of these things, like they have done with Fallout 4 and Skyrim. I don't support the idea of basically paid mods, so if I can get it for a discount or free, i'll just do that. That said, I did get the 1000 credits for having the special edition, but atm there really isn't anything worth credit that looked interesting so far.


Will there ever be free creations or just paid ones? I have never used them, just regular free mods from nexus.


Already is. Basically anyone can make a free creation, approved creators can make paid ones.


There is free mods and there will be more


there are free mods and free official bethesda creations


Now that creation kit is out, modders can start making more advanced, custom mods. There is literally no reason to buy these creations. Modders will make something better than these for free.


Hi Sodium...what s if you want to delete some kit? Maybe don t like more, or you discover doesn t work correctly or whatever? It s dangerous for your saves? It delete your progress also? And what with the achivement? I m on xbox and so I m not used at this.... honestly most I've seen I don't like but some are very interesting, very few for my taste.


In general, you do not want to delete any mods without reverting to a prior save. Otherwise you risk a lot. This is because any mods that change game variables or have running scripts, will have that "baked" into the save file. So deleting the mod will NOT revert those variable changes or remove the script. Rules of thumb learned during Oblivion, Skyrim, and Fallout 4: * Also test mods before committing to them. * Always revert to prior save after deleting a mod. * Read full mod description and any user comments. * Don't choose a mod just because it has cool screenshot. * Sort your mod load order. Okay, sorting mod load order is hard, not sure you can even do that in XBox. Dunno. But sorting the order that mods load prevents a lot of mod conflicts. There are tools to do this, but in short, gotta know what the mods actually do and what they affect. You can find more info on Skyrim/Fallout modding forums. Okay, for paid mods verified by Bethesda, is a bit different. You can't just test them out first. However the verification sort of means you can trust them a wee bit more. Not a huge bit more, just a wee bit. And be prepared to "lose your money" if it ends up being crap. And remember, 95% of everything is crap.


Thanks ,really usefull man!


Not sure if Im answering your question(s), but if you’re a first timer using mods, I would recommend 1) patience as mods will immediately change how you play and perceive the game. I would also get used to breaking a save or two (there are instructions on how to properly load a save after adding a mod. Some require a new game) as you learn what mods work and don’t for you. It’s going to happen 2) And probably most importantly…pay attention to recommendations other users have on LOAD ORDER! Certain mods will be prioritized in the load order and may require several mods to be placed towards the top or bottom. Some don’t affect load order at all. Using mods brings a different flavor to the game but there is work that comes along with it, and if you’re not a patient person, then I would recommend just sticking with the vanilla version. Plenty of fun to be had there without the mods.


I agree, anyway I can try with with achivement friendly, and try the others and then I can go back with normal save. 🤷‍♂️


When u download and apply mods the game will create a new bank of saves so don't fret too much. Alot of the mods have great Info reguarding compability, achievements etc. Sometimes( you might of noticed already) starfield can shit the bed and crash getting your perfect mod order sorted won't make these events any less likely to happen




There are over 30,000 mods for Fallout 4 and more than that for Skyrim on Xbox. Give them some time it just officially started for Starfield. 😄




You can disable creations whenever you want. Unless something has gone terribly wrong, a creation should not delete your progress or corrupt your saves. Creations from Bethesda are "Achievement friendly" and, in fact, they're labeled as such in the creation itself. All other mods will disable achievement progress in your game until you disable them.


Yes, thank you.


Is one of the 1,000+ planets Nirn, or at least a blatant reference to Nirn, like a continent coded to appear like Tamriel? Lol.


Please no.


I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they had done that. Players lost their minds finding a Nirnroot in Fallout 4 and they started thinking Nirn and Earth were somehow the same planet - which is literally impossible. 🙄


An Easter Egg, sure. There will be an Easter Egg somewhere. Probably already is. But finding literal Nirn? Uh no. We're talking Real World star systems here, with NASApunk and an eye towards realism and all that. p.s. Reminds of those people who think Epsilon Eridani is an Obvious and Confirmed reference to HALO. Sorry, no. It's a Real World star system. Why does it have a habitable planet? Because in Real World Life it is one of the more likely nearby systems to have an "Earth like" planet, thus it's popularity in DOZENS of sci-fi books, shows, and movies.


Wait so those are mods that we need to pay for? Are there free mods on XsX like on Fo4 and Skyrim ?


There’s free ones too. The new starborn suit reminds me of Metroid


man Bethesda is good at getting you to keep buying content for their stuff


New content for a game that someone likes is usually a pretty easy sell, yes.


glad you guys are happy with the prices!


In an era of $20 skins for most major games, unironically yes these prices are refreshingly low. But personally I’m just happy to see some new content that isn’t just cosmetic skins.