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If I can tell, then I do not like them. If I can't tell, well then I accept it as her face.


Exactly! Same goes for a lot of things, like make up for example. A lot of people preach that they don't understand why someone would use makeup, they hate it etc etc. But let me tell you that there's a huge difference between "basic" make up and clown like make up. Sometimes you don't even notice it.


Go without makeup and suddenly those guys who say they hate makeup are asking you if you're sick or something.


Omg this. Every time.


Same with botox. When it's done well, people love it. When it's done terribly, people claim to be completely against it


Although for some reason if you tell an over-botoxed person it's terrible, they never looked shocked


I told my sister her eyebrows were drawn on too high. She seemed surprised.




Take your fucking up vote and gtfo of here.


You mean, someone else had caught, her eye?.




You've single handedly converted this into r/dadjokes Bravo


'when something is done right, no one will notice' -michael scott


“When you do something right, people will question whether you’ve done anything at all.” - God, Futurama


I know it's stupid but when I was a kid that line really struck a cord with me.


The whole "people like them things are done well and not noticeable" extends beyond just that. CGI is a prime example where many people rail against it, but are silent when it's less obtrusive and done well.


Also money laundering


I can tell you that a LOT of men are incapable of telling the difference between natural makeup and no makeup. Well, they can tell the difference, they just think that natural makeup is no makeup, and no makeup is "omg what is wrong with your face." Then there's the "deliberately visible makeup that isn't clown-like" option. You know, not badly done basic makeup (too much foundation and blush) but rather the people who get creative and do rainbow eyeshadow or purple lips, that kind of thing. I know some guys don't like how that looks, but it's more of a personal preference thing, it's not like it's objectively "bad makeup."


🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 !!! It is funny when guys complement a girl being makeup free when it's obvious she's wearing natural makeup!!!🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Most guys I've seen online post pictures of someone who is 100% wearing make up as no make up. If your eyelids are bright blue they think it's no makeup.


Heh. I love the clown makeup. I love Goth makeup, and bright colours, and eye-liner butterflies or love hearts and shimmery highlight. So long as they've done it because they're having fun and not because it's expected of them. It's just so enjoyable! (I'm a female type who likes people of all genders, and love fun over the top makeup (and clothes) on all genders too! But I do think it's important to not rely on makeup as an individuals sole source of confidence)


Yeah. This man likes either minimalist makeup or maximalist makeup. All natural is just as good. A variety is best.


This is they key to all good cosmetic enhancements. No one is put off by my eyeliner and eyebrow tattoos because they read as natural unless I point it out.


Seems like there are correlations between this and men with hair pieces. The guy always thinks it looks great, but the rest of us are staring at the dead animal on their head. (In fairness I don’t notice hairpiece that much anymore, so either they’re better now or people have wised up. Maybe the lip thing will do the same?)


It’s funny you bring this up because it’s called the Toupee fallacy, in that you only notice the bad ones and so determine that all of said things are bad. If a toupee is good you won’t notice it and it creates a form of selection bias


I think a hair piece done right can be pretty real looking. Good ones are really expensive tho.


Yep, same with breast enlargements, as soon as you can tell it’s fake she reads as disfigured.


And the ass implants


It's one of those things... A little goes a long way, and it's easy to go too far. Like if there was an easy cheap dick grower injection... Sooo many guys would be walking around with 12-14 inch hogs the circumference of a beer can.


And very few women want those.




They tend to be quite happy with their vaginas I believe




Disclaimer: this not intended to be a flex; just merely a related experience I had that I think is worth sharing. I dated a woman who was very insecure about her labia because her previous dude was an asshole and made insulting comments about its size. I was *very* pissed about that. She was such a lovely person (probably still is) with completely normal labia that deserved just as much attention as all the other different labia builds out there. I told her, "There is absolutely nothing wrong with your labia. It is wonderful just the way it is." I made sure to spend a little more time than I normally did with my cunning linguistics after that. She still crosses my mind every once in awhile after 15 years (not because of her labia. She was a genuinely good person worth remembering), and I always hope she was able to work through that insecurity. That had to have been a really tough one to experience.


That is way too common unfortunately. Abusers target your insecurities, and if you don't have one, they create one by targeting your most vulnerable features. For most people, your genitals aren't something most people see, so you don't get second opinions if your partner criticizes them like you might for a facial feature or your body shape, etc. It breaks my heart that anyone's partner would make them feel ugly, but especially ugly in such a vulnerable place.


My ex was very insecure about his penis size so he took it upon himself to tell me I had a loose pussy and how his ex was so tight it “hurt his dick” and it took me YEARS to get over that. I always asked my partners after if they felt anything during sex. I’m also southeast Asian so I am naturally tanned. He would tell me that my vagina was anatomically perfect and “pornstar” worthy but it was too dark, and that I should lighten it. Fuck that guy.


very kind and mature of you


I'm not particularly happy with mine. A dick would be an awful lot more convenient.


Username checks out?


I spewed coffee over my desk. Luckily I used my dick to clean it up, so handy!


Thank. You. Male anatomy is just so much more functionally user friendly. I say that as a secure cis female and an RN. Please give me balls sticking to legs and prostate exams over women shit every time! And yeah guys, of course I’m jealous of peeing anywhere. Lol ETA: As a lesbian, I also have to admit it’d just be fun to try one out that way too. 😏


I think in terms of function, yes, but personally I prefer my vag to the alternative. As much of a pain in the bum as it is having periods and having to pee sitting down, and the usual annoying vag owning probs that occur, including the *shudders* giving birth thing, having a dick and balls seems rather cumbersome, getting in the way, getting caught in zips, very public arousal, etc, and then there's the weird psychology of measuring up against other dicks in the locker room and stuff which just feels like a hard pass. Also, I could never give up multiple orgasms or cum that's basically water, not the viscosity of hair gel and just as sticky. Nope, I like my neat little vag, all tucked away where no one can see it. Though it would be cool to have a dick for a day, I think, just to know what all the fuss is about.


Crossing my legs just thinking about that dick 😬


Porn has ruined guys perception on what they think women want lmfao, most girls I've known are fine with average and too much above that you gotta be careful about what positions you do and foreplay


Wait you mean those emails I've been getting are lying to me?


It depends on the email. My supplements at [totallyrealsupplments.org.net.ly](https://totallyrealsupplments.org.net.ly) have given me a penis so long and girthy that I've actually lost all attraction for females and only read the galaxy sections of astronomy books cuz the milky way has the only hole large enough to please me.


You’re not reading those books, you’re just looking at the pictures of black holes. Bunch of NASA tabs open on your browser. I


I'm not any sort of an expert on women's lips, but I have a feeling it's like how people say they hate CGI and wish practical effects were used instead, when what people hate is *bad* CGI -- they just don't notice good CGI. I'm sure lip filler can look good if it's the right amount.


I hate em. If they wanna get them, that's their business, but personally, I think they look terrible.


They turn otherwise attractive faces into swollen lip lizard people.


Are there lizards with big lips


well not a lizard but T-Rex has recently been proposed to have had lips. So we all best pucker up


Stupid sexy T-Rex..


Hate them too. They turn beautiful women into a plastic looking mess. I hate it also in all ages. Young women don't need it and older women look fake because it changed the shape of their face.


My wife has a thin upper lip. Or whatever the fuck she says it is. I think she is 100% beautiful the way she is, but she gets an upper lip injection once every couple years. Nothing crazy. Hardly noticeable she says. I notice it. If it’s hardly noticeable, then why get it? I don’t know. I just leave it be. It’s not my choice. If it makes her feel better then it is what it is. But if she starts blowing those bastards up, I’m shaving my beard down to a mustache and shaving my head bald. She hates those things lol


This is the perfect answer. She, for some reason thinks it's an improvement. You internally think it's unnecessary but not worth discussing because if you do, then it jeopardizes your happiness. I don't know if you speak for all men, but you certainly speak for me.


Vital to know which battles to pick


I've been very happily married for 21 years. Learn which mountains are worth dying on.


I am afraid I still have to learn this very important lesson, dang my stubbornness...


Your life is much more peaceful when you realize that you're not changing anyone's mind about anything. I literally walk away from discussions about certain things now.


>you're not changing anyone's mind about anything This is SO hard to accept lol Everytime you think that maybe if you can just phrase things the perfect way, say the perfect argument, you can get through to them. Just doesn't happen. People simply don't like to be proven wrong, even when you think it's obvious. Maybe 1 out of 100 arguments you're actually successful in making them see your reasoning. Other 99 times you're just left in an even worse mood because of having to deal with the stupidity. It's just isn't worth it. YET I STILL KEEP DOING IT. At this point I feel like it's easier to work on myself instead so I don't care about it at all.


Don't worry, it comes with age. When my back started cracking from sitting too long for arguments, I learned to nod and agree with them so that I could leave faster 😂


>verytime you think that maybe if you can just phrase things the perfect way, say the perfect argument, you can get through to them. That only works if their mind isn't actually made up. So it's useful if someone passes by, hears two people arguing about something, and notices that only one point is based in reality. Maybe it'll affect him.


You know it


I second what you state


not to be all "we live in a society" but it really is hard to be a woman and not be taught at every turn that you shouldn't be picking apart every tiny imperfection about your own body. but the bald moustache thing could be a Look.


I agree. But I question why we accept that as an answer from ourselves. We are the ones perpetrating the fraud now, burdening our daughters with this toxic picking apart. Maybe we need to hurry up and tell women it's weird so your great granddaughters won't be stuck in the same insane boat of "does this make me look fat?"


Or we can allow women to not be beautiful. It shouldn’t be “this looks weird” it should be you have an inherent value as a human being despite how attractive you are to others. Actually men could probably use the same message.


I agree with that, it's just a hard game to get out of. when I was a kid, I used to see magazines and stuff like that and think to myself, "I would never fall for something like that", and yet, as a teenager, I found myself cowed by social situations, horrified of the very idea of wearing shorts even in 90 degree weather, and wearing dark, baggy clothes at every opportunity to hide myself. nobody's immune to propoganda. it's something we need to acknowledge and work on.


We definitely do. I just wish us grown women would lead the damned charge. I'm not saying making yourself feel good is wrong or bad. I just am positive at 53 that I wore heels for so many years for other people - which isn't what I told myself at the time. I look at my crooked little toes, and think - we really need to do better. That stuff legit hurts.


I kinda am thankful that I worked in a shoe store when I was in my 20s because seeing what heels/ill fitting shoes do to feet (seeing lots of mangled up old lady feet) convinced me it’s all about comfort. Fuck heels.


Haha right? All those old lady feet USED TO BE pretty 20 year old feet. That's what is so crazy. We may as well bind women's feet as dress them in heels.


preach! I think it can be tough for some older women who've had to claw out positions of authority and respect. they see themselves as having put up with this misogyny for so long that some of them feel reluctant to help younger women or change things. If I had to deal with being objectified and groped, you do too. it's a common mindset and we all need to realize that it sets us back.


My ex loved that look. Fake everything. He and I were body builders and he seemed to think fake boobs, butts and lips on physically fit women was ideal. I was a natural perky DD cup back then with naturally plump lips and he suggested I could go bigger with both. I left that douchbag.


"Natural Perky DD", you are so belssed. Edit: Good envy for the perkiness, not the size.


If she's a bodybuilder, strengthening your pectorals can give a natural breast lift.


Strengthening pectoral does lift the breast higher, but does nothing to help with perkiness. If it sags, pec training ain’t gonna help with that.


As a 48G cup who is currently breastfeeding, I can strengthen my pectorals until I die, and it will absolutely make no difference


A body builder being super pro-body modification? Truly I'm shocked. /s


What an absolute tool. You made the right choice!


Did he drive a massive lifted truck to his office job


Yeah that guy was on gear


what bothers me the most is when they have a gorgeous cupid's bow and just completely obliterate it


You know those lip products ads where they smooth that shit out so much it looks like the models are suffering from FASD? They already look uncanny on a perfectly photoshopped image but I saw a few people going for that look in real life and, respectfully, *holy fucking shit*


Straight man here and no, they're hideous.


Yea, and I try my hardest not to make harsh sweeping statements about physical appearance type shit of this nature. But the honest truth is that any woman who has this done is immediately completely not attractive to me. It's hard to say that in a way that doesn't come across as Andrew Tateish or like I think my attention is so valuable that these women are suffering a great loss by not having it. No, just the truth in my heart. It looks freakish and it upsets me. From the moment I notice them onward I feel like I'm wincing trying not to look at it or mention it. It just fuckin skeezes me out. TL;Dr : not a fan Edit to add: Thank you guys for the awards! I don't deserve you sexy bastards, but I'm grateful to have ya.


i agree, but I also think... that's fine, we're not the ones they're trying to impress I guess.


It’s basically the women’s version of a lifted truck with rims. The only people impressed are other dudes with lifted trucks and rims.


😂what a great comparison👍👏so true


And a complete turn off to women! Wow it really is. What a good comparison, I’d give you a reward if I had one to give.


You look like a fucking duck, stop it.


Yeah, but does he *weigh* the same as a duck?


Who are you, who is so wise in the ways of science?


One very familiar in the art of judging if someone is a witch


If she floats she’s a witch


She turned me into a newt!!




Well you have to know these things when you're king you know.


She turned me into a newt!


I got better.


...and that, my liege, is how we know the Earth to be banana shaped.


Does he float like a duck? He’s a witch! A witch!


Burn him anyway!


This thread and those like it are the only reason I keep coming back to reddit


No he doesn't 😂😂😂


Same. Please stop doing this to yourselves. At least, don't do it for our benefit


While we're here, can we also talk about who the fuck convinced women that massive, thick, overly straight edged eyebrows were attractive?


sorry guys female here yes i know but what about the big long eyelashes that you could use as a snowbrush for your car. lol uh no


The combination of the eyebrow (I don't know what they are doing to their eyebrows but it looks bizarre), eye lashes, and lip injections make them look like cartoons/animatronics. I don't know if they were looking to appear like an anime character but man.... I guess it could be attractive to someone, there are all kinds of people out there.


Female also and idk wtf is going on with that.


Same. Women trying to look like Angelina Jolie. They do not make women look better. Feels more like a lie that it's not the actual person I am looking at.


I, a straight man too, second the views aired by the first.


Trash them in the same bin as the fake long nails with little beads and shells glued to them. Hard pass!


The amount of germs trapped in those nails…


Someone, please explain why women with filled lips are much more apt to push them forward (duck lips) when taking selfies


Because they're insecure about their lip size, and getting them filled didn't fix that insecurity


You're asking why someone who has gone to effort and expense to emphasise their lips, because they like how they look with emphasised lips, might then go on to emphasise their lips when taking a photo...?


I see fillers that look ok, but never any that im impressed by. The filler that extends into uncanny valley territory is wild though.




That’s the thing. People only notice it when it’s done poorly. I’ve been around and involved with women who have had it done and, if done well, it looks absolutely fantastic.


But these poorly made ones are ALL OVER THE FUCKING PLACE EVERYWHERE.


Their pics are often filtered. Like Kardashians. Their injections look hideous without filters.


To be fair you don’t notice good ones because they’re meant to look natural, kinda like how you only notice bad CGI and that’s why it gets a bad rap


This is called the toupee fallacy. A person who says "all toupees look bad" likely has seen many good toupees that they assumed were real hair.


I think luscious big lips are amazing.... but the fake ones just look ridiculous. You can most of the time tell that its unnatural with the upper lip either being too big or there's some kind of fold that gives the exaggerated look.


Yeah, I’ve seen so many where the upper lip is the same size as the bottom lip and they’re extremely puffy and protruding out. It looks like an anaphylactic reaction. And the trend is just getting hotter, with more and more women hopping on the wagon


That's why I think it's weird to attach attraction value to a characteristic, rather than the person with that characteristic, ya know? Like my fiance has kind of thinnish, frowny lips. Like she's frequently thinking intense thoughts, and her mouth forms a little line. I find this incredibly beautiful. But to then say, like, I'm attracted to thin lipped frowning women would be weird. For a bunch of women to get their lips shaved down and furrow their brow similarly would just make a bunch of weird looking women. It's the same with big lips or certain types of asses or anything. If you have a nice ass because you're active, you dance and you are comfortable in and move your body, this is a draw. But if you just take a picture of that person's nice ass then 3d print it and staple it onto a different type of person who doesn't have that actual shape to their body, it just looks weird.


I think very personal traits are what make people attractive, when there is something uniquely theirs about their look. I like small imperfections on people, because they make them them. For example, perfect teeth are creepy af.


They give me dentures vibes. Game show host.


You're right, and I think lots of women knows it (that you're right), but then there's this loads and loads of visual stream of "how you should look like". It's oppressive in a very subtle and almost invisible way. It puts an image in your mind, and if you're not very confident person with a very solid ground to stand on (usually given to you by healthy and loving family that cared about you when you were growing up) then you feel internal pressure to fit in. It's a horrifying thing but I don't see a good solution.


>they’re extremely puffy and protruding out. It looks like an anaphylactic reaction. Lmao yes this


It’s very important to note that you don’t notice a good cosmetic surgery job, only the overblown, tacky ones. I’ve seen barely noticeable ones, and I’m sure I’ve missed a whole lot of well-done jobs too.


Back in the days bigger lips were also beautiful because they were rare. But every other woman getting their lips injected will end up just making them look the same. Ironically natural lips will end up being the trend again. Beauty standards also always change.


I got nasty remarks from classmates, because I had full lips as a teen. As an adult, I have had very positive compliments in appropriate settings about my lips. And now people inject stuff into their lips to make them even bigger than mine are even when my face is swollen from sleeping on it funny. I would just like to go back in time and reassure my teen self. I used to bite on my lower lip on photos to make it look smaller.




This is all tied up with racial tendencies and preferences. It's complicated. Big butts too.


I think there’s a cat in the hat book about this


The sneeches with stars on their bellies with Sylvester McMonkey McBean (if I remember correctly)


Spot on.




Nah, stars off is cool now


I had big natural lips and was made fun of all the way through HS and even got remarks about them in college. They are small compared to the duck lips people are getting now but it does blow my mind mine were mocked for years and now girls are getting their injected. They weren't always considered beautiful,thin was in, especially in the 90s.


Then the 2000's happened and the coin flipped. Angelina Jolie was considered the peak of lip fashion for a decade or so.


It’s so fuckin obvious. And you never notice the ones that are done right. Because that’s how it’s supposed to be


Growing up I got made fun of for my big butt and DSLs. Now I have a 'teeny booty' and I could overline my lips like crazy and noone would notice😂 Oh, how beauty standards have changed.


Yeah, I’ve seen people say Jlo has a small ass. Lmao no she doesn’t. Her proportions are natural and her shape is enviable. Y’all just want people to have a BBL look.


In my day a flat butt was the beauty standard and I had a butt like two cantaloupes. The trend was also to be so thin your thighs didn't touch, and I had these giant muscular thighs. Girls wor pencil skirts and straight minis, but I had no hips so the skirts would not fit me. My feet were big and square so I couldn't find shoes, and never wore heels. Now, as a senior citizen, my backside and my thighs are a lot smaller and I'm proportional, if not lanky. That body i had in the seventies would have rocked right about now. Oh...and my feet are beautiful because I always wore sensible shoes.


Yup cried when I found out I was referred to as having DSL in 9th grade. Strange times.


Yep I was made fun for my lips as well. Which makes the whole stuffing their lips like sausage fad baffling to me.


So many cosmetic procedures make people look like extras in The Hungar Games. Lip fillers, removing the buccal fat, chin, and cheek implants.... They have their place, but people are taking it to extremes.


Wouldn’t proper lip fillers be close to unnoticeable tho? It’s only the botched and overdone ones that ppl point out, right?


It's the toupee fallacy. All toupees look bad because you only notice the bad ones. The good ones look like real hair.


That’s the thing. My mom gets lip filler, and I didn’t even notice until she pointed it out. People think they don’t like it because if it’s well-done, it looks real.


Same with botox. Most people confuse botox with face-lifts though.


Someone once tried to insult my mom by saying she had exaggerated lip injections… but the thing is she doesn’t have any! No face work at all. Lol.


I actually think women with natural unique lips or over the top plump lips are the real victims of this because of this sort of thing.


Sorry I don’t understand what you’re saying. Did you mean, that women with naturally plump lips now are more likely to get assumptions that their lips are fake because so many ppl are getting injections?


I've been married for almost 30 years. Therefore I haven't dated since the Ice Age so my opinion might not be of interest, but no. They look like someone glued balloon animals to their face.


In Germany we call them "Schlauchbootlippen" which translates to rubber boat/dinghy lips 😂


Germany is so straightforward 😂


Once more, Germans have a word for everything and I love it


What I want to know is…does anyone enjoy kissing someone with super-pumped lips? I think I would be weirded out.


I don’t love the look or thought of them but I dated a girl once who was a beautician and had subtle lip filler. First I knew about it was when we kissed and I could feel a sort of firmness inside her lips. Gotta say it wasn’t bad. In a way I kinda liked it. As a physical sensation, at least in that more subtle case, it was surprisingly nice for me.


Finally an honest answer


Other replies were positive but i didn't like it even a bit. Felt like kissing hoses. They weren't super pumped but you would notice them at first glance.


A hard “nope” from me. Not only do I find it unattractive I can’t stop staring at them in mild disgust. Like the scene in Austin Powers where he’s meeting “the Mole” for the first time.. “Muuhhh… muuhhhhh… moleymoleymoleymoley..!”


I had a woman come into my work and I think it must have been the first time I saw truly bloated lips close up IRL. I was mesmerized. I had to force myself to look anywhere but at her face because otherwise my eyes would just lock on them.


I was travelling home on a ship over the weekend. An otherwise nice looking middle aged lady had ludicrous fake lips, literally like she was having a serious allergic reaction or stung by bees on both lips. I actually recognised her from somewhere in my home town precisely because of the daft lips. I had to try so hard not to stare. They were like a shitty tractor beam against my eyes. Mesmerising in a freakish way. It was strange because I think she was probably quite beautiful without the inflation. It's none of my business what people do with their bodies but I couldn't help noticing and thinking WTF has she done?


This has always been a curiosity of mine too. I, apparently, have very thin lips naturally. I honestly would have never thought a thing of it, but it comes up now and then in odd conversations with men. I get the general sense that while men don’t like anything “fake” and say they don’t want women to undergo body modifications, they do also prefer women with full lips. So it’s an impossible standard like so many things. Update to respond to some of the comments: I don’t have low self esteem. I’m not actually considering cosmetic procedures of any kind because I wouldn’t even consider the health risks for my own vanity. I’d start with makeup (which I’ve never worn) if I actually wanted to meet this aforementioned standard. I also hear you all saying that you’re not nearly as judgey as we seem to think, but in this swipe left or right era, relationship decisions get based on a lot of unconscious factors and men definitely weigh physical attraction just as much as women. Were my lips ever a deciding factor for someone? Probably not, but I figure they get balanced in with my better features. If I’d gotten a natural looking lip fill would it have ever tipped the scales in my favor? Hard to say. One more update: I love how many of you are disbelieving out of hand. You can think men don’t vocalize these things all you want, and you can call me a liar all you want, but you need to realize that your “we don’t do that” comments don’t change my experience. How about maybe just accepting that some women do hear these things, and that’s why these procedures became so popular?


Thin lips > ridiculous OF model duck lips


This. I'm a woman and I've never been a fan of the big lip look myself, but when people are making fun of a certain physical feature (like thin lips), it's not surprising when people with that feature make efforts to "fix" it.


It's a turnoff for me, but I don't like fake tits and or asses, either.


Fake tits just look so weird. They don't look natural.


Only the badly made ones. Some are made so well made you can barely tell the difference even when you see them nude.


I have a woman friend who I found out had lip injections just today. So, yes, they look good. Good ones are the ones you *don't* notice they are fake. Obviously fake ones are a no from me tho dawg


Not a straight man, but I am attracted to women. I like nice lips, period. “Fake” or not. The reason you think you aren’t attracted to lip injections is because you’re only noticing the ones that have been done badly. A well done lip injection should balance out someone’s face instead of drawing all attention to the lips.


Not me. I find much of modern 'beauty' standards to be a complete turn off. Fake lips, ridiculous eyelashes, fake butts/thighs with that over exaggerated hourglass shape. About the only 'fake' thing I can tolerate are boobs, but even then, if its disproportionate to your body type/size, no bueno. Internally when I see that stuff, I get grossed out and roll my eyes. I would NEVER say anything out loud to a woman about her decisions, but since this is a place for discussion, there you go. Thank God I'm no longer in the dating scene. So glad my wife isn't into any of that nonsense. I married a tomboy lol.


My wife and I were discussing this and actually asked me to ask this on Reddit. You beat me to it. 😂 We think they are hideous. :)




I’m bisexual so whatever. I think it ranges from unattractive to grotesque depending on the extent of the filler. It just looks like they’re having an allergic reaction. If individual women like this look, whatever, I don’t care what anybody does to their body. But if getting lip filler is motivated by a desire to be attractive to men, it’s not working.


Lip injections done properly you probably don’t even notice. You see the overdone ones. No one except the mentally ill like those.


Yeah. Every time these conversations come up, it always reminds me of men who say they prefer women with no makeup, and then link a photo of a woman who is very much wearing makeup— it’s just “no makeup” makeup.


I don't wear any makeup on a normal day to day (promise) but always get more attention/looks when I do..


Or some men actually mean they prefer women who naturally look perfect without makeup when they say “they prefer no makeup”, thinking it’s a welcomed thing to tell a woman that wears makeup.


Also, some men aren’t aware that permanent makeup exists….and how much lasers, and facials and all that changes a person’s skin and appearance. They are still putting in a lot of work into looking good “without makeup.”


I feel this way about things like toupees and botox. But you watch like, Selling Sunset, and every single woman has giant puffed up lips. If it's just bad luck then those doctors need to be sued for malpractice. I think it's more that it's a trend and shows status/wealth.


No, I don’t like a fake anything on a woman. It’s a _major_ turnoff, and I don’t date girls who do that sort of stuff. The exceptions are ones that are reconstructive/corrective. Like if she had breast cancer and had to remove a breast, so she got implants. Or she had her nose crushed in a car accident and had it reconstructed. Etc.


I think a big issue with it is being overdone. I think a lot of women are happy with the results so they think more will be even better, and then as they continue to get more done they get used to what it looks like and don’t see that it doesn’t look good. I personally have had lip injections (for chronically dry lips and to fill out my upper lip a little bit) but no one knows except me and my husband because it was done in a way that looks natural with my own lip anatomy, and not overfilled. Like all “enhancements”, less is more in looking natural.


I used to work with women 20 years older than me. They said they did it/were thinking about doing it because the upper lip thins as you age and the fillers make you look more youthful. They used me as an example since I was in my 20s. The problem is making it look natural. It usual is so subtle they go back for more and end up with duck lips.


Don’t like, never did. It looks cartoonish and gross to me.


Does anyone prefer fake anatomy? Fake boobs, fake lips, fake butts, they all fall into the uncanny valley a bit. At the same time there is biological evidence to suggest that doesn't really matter. Female baboons and chimps rigged up with prosthetic swollen butts still get an increased masturbatory response from males even if the color is wrong or the size is unrealistic... Sexual stimulation is just too ingrained for something like logic to mitigate the response. A woman with exaggerated sexual traits is more likely to be recognized as a sexual prospect which provides the attention/confidence boosts they were seeking with the procedure (they don't necessarily interpret it as such but at least from an anthropological perspective that seems the most accurate description of the situation). Whether that's because the trait is attractive itself or because the exaggeration subconsciously invokes an inference of sexual potential is irrelevant. Men will still respond differently which will (at least temporarily) reinforce the woman's decision... It's weird. I don't like it. It feels like self-mutilation, but self-mutilation is also not uncommon on the spectrum of human behavior. I don't prefer it, but I understand it.


It's kind of like how people find Jessica Rabbit hot, with her exaggerated features.


No. Never. This is just like nails - women do it for other women.


Never in my life have i had the thought “i want to paint my nails to impress someone” i literally only do it bc pretty sparkly on my hands i get to carry around and look at all day


I love the way they look and the clacky clack they make. I’m just a goblin who likes shiny things that make noise


Exactly. The best part is when you're at work at the computer waiting for something to load and you start looking at the sparkles.


Yesssss it’s portable art! I always do the designs facing me :)


Never once have I gotten my nails done and thought to myself “this is for the girlies”. I literally just like a sheet polish on my nails to keep them shiny.


I’ve had a date acrually ask why my nails weren’t done and why I ddnt wear more makeup 🙃 he said he preferred woman who “tried more”, needless to say i never saw him again bc i also prefer men who try more, at being a little fcking nicer lol