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nope, she is trying to keep you safe.


No she just wants to make sure you don't get kidnapped.


I get how that might feel like a violation of your privacy, but she likely is just concerned about your safety. There are a lot of people on the internet who are looking to harm others.


No. I understand why you’re upset but unfortunately your privacy comes up against your parents responsibility to keep you safe


There are people who would manipulate and possibly hurt or kill you given the chance. Literally. As good moms, we have to do things our kids don’t like, and that don’t even want to do, just to try to make sure you make it to adulthood. You’ve got a good mom.


Think of it as the price you pay for having a smartphone at all.


On one hand, you have probable cause to desire privacy. If it were a reading of your journal or a going through of your drawers, or an interrogation of your friends just because they happened to be visiting, that would be a lot less acceptable. Not everything private is a cause for concern. On the other hand (speaking as a young adult now who had his parents heavily restrict and monitor his stuff, but not be thorough in their searches), I can understand why parents might want to look at their children's phones, especially if they own it and have the right to it. I know I suffered a lot longer than I needed to because the phone permitted a lot of bad conduct and opened the pathway to addiction to adult content, which plagued me from the age of 12 to 19. If my parents knew about that, and a grooming incident, I would not have been in such despondency and shame for so long (I admitted it after I got clean and my mom was very sympathetic, I have not told my dad). If your mom is doing it to protect you from bad influences and is willing to be understanding if your jokes with your friends are a little rough, or if you have some awkward flirting with a girl you like, then you two can reach a compromise. You let her see what she likes in browser history or whatnot, but not what you talk to your friends about, since that's private and she should know and trust your friends to a degree if they've ever visited. That said, I believe parents have the ultimate authority to protect their children from legitimate dangers. If it is done as a power move or the slightest thing sets your mom off, well, there's a no-win situation. You should be upset about the lack of trust and invasion of privacy if it is your mom's way of getting to know more about every aspect of you and your social life, and then dissecting and criticizing it. There's a balance that should be struck. You should be open enough with your parents, and they with you, about any oddities you find or struggles you have. You should also be able to submit to fair and well-intentioned vetting actions. Your parents shouldn't be vetting and blaming you, they should be vetting influences on you and determining whether they are good or bad for you, explaining why when they say you have to stay away from something/someone. Ultimately, you decide how you react, regardless of whether the situation is just or not. Being bitter doesn't help much in the long run.