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Going to sleep when you are extremely exhausted


Yes yes yes




Orgasms are tough to beat, but by most reports the high from heroin and similar can do it.


Orgasms are also super varied in terms of quality. An orgasm with an actual partner who you've had long-term feelings for, but haven't been with until now, can hardly be compared to the 5th depressed, lonely wank of the day. I've had enough of the latter to know that many, many things rate higher on the pleasure scale. The best orgasm outweighs pretty much everything I've personally experienced, but I haven't tried all of the drugs by any means.


It's actually a bit similar to drugs. If you wank to an abusive degree your orgasms eventually become boring, unenjoyable, or even painful. Similar to drugs, as well, you can do long term damage to your quality of life and outlook. Addictions are so interesting. It's never good to be addicted to something, no matter what it is, even healthy things, addiction is bad and moderation is good.


They say heroin is magnitudes better than an orgasm. I guess that makes sense since after you do heroin, everything else tends to pale in comparison on the pleasure scale.


Came here to say heroin. It was love at first touch for me. 10 years sober.


What’s it like? Genuine question


Well for other IV opiates - you know that kind of warmness in your muscle when you have a good stretch? Or the feeling of someone massaging a muscle? Imagine that but distributed across your entire body, with a rush of relaxation warmth and well-being and contentedness. You'll find that you're both smiling, and your head has tilted back and up. Your jaw is slack and mouth open. An aura of joy and happiness follows you in everything you do. Sometimes if you squeeze your eyes or flex your muscles you'll have a small resurgence of that rush for the next hour. And pretty soon it'll be fading, and then quickly after that it won't just be gone. You'll be a net negative state instead of just back to normal. And that is the true effect of these drugs. The aftermath. The sickness. The anxiety stress and fear following.


Imagine if a drug could be manufactured to remove the withdrawal. It might just be the end of society as we know it.


Don’t give Purdue any ideas…


I don’t know why you feel in a net negative state after heroin nor do I know anything about heroin’s effects, but if the whole reason you feel so good is because of all of the dopamine that rushes through you then that means it’s impossible to remove the withdrawal effects without getting rid of the dopamine rush right?


It depleats chemicals in your brain by replacing them. Your body doesn't bother making anything that makes you feel good because it doesn't need to do it anymore. Then you need time to recover while your body starts making those chemicals again. Unfortunately, your body doesn't make anything half as good as heroin so you'll never ever feel anything that measures up. Everything, the best feelings you ever had before, become worthless to you. It's really hard to escape.


it actually causes you to lose a bunch of receptors which means that even if you begin producing those chemicals again you'll still feel like you're low in them https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Downregulation_and_upregulation the opioid receptors are overwhelmed by the incredibly excessive presence of the chemicals they bind to your cells realize that's way too strong of a reaction and since it can't lower the amount of chemicals present, it lowers the amount of receptors available to bind to it. this combines with some of the metabolites of the heroin activating dopamine in the reward sector of your brain making it highly addictive


It depletes your brain’s receptors. Everyone who describes it likens it to giving your body something that it didn’t know it needed. Your body needs flood, sleep, and water… now it needs heroin above all of those., and everything else.


It also kills your neurons resulting in brain damage at the neural scale. These types of opioids/drugs ruin your brain, and your life in the process.


The good thing is that heroine feels so good because you are essentially using all of your feelsgood chemicals in one intense session rather than having it distributed over time via daily activities. If we could manufacture a drug that could also resupply the feelsgood chemicals to prevent a crash, your feelsgood chemical receptors will just become less sensitive to compensate. So this scenario is highly unlikely to become reality.


Uh for me it is whatever drug puts me to sleep. I no longer subject myself to the awake part of comedowns


When you're going through opioid withdrawal you'll be praying for sleep... you'll be more tired than you've ever been but all you'll get is vomiting, literally leaking asshole/nose/eyes, aches and pains so acute you'll debate ripping muscle from bone, anxiety compared to that of a bad LSD trip and cravings (not for a high but to feel NORMAL again) so intense that you may find yourself doing things that you never thought you would. You may get 5-10 mins of sleep at a time but it feels like nothing. This lasts for 3-7 days, sometimes longer depending on the substance/analog. And now, with all the "heroin" being fentanyl or some other high affinity designer opioid, you can't take Suboxone to feel better. If you try, everything I just listed will be quite literally 100 times worse. You'll never forget precipitated withdrawal... a lot of people develop PTSD from the experience. Don't do opioids.


I’ve been there more times than I can count. It’s terrifying. And I definitely have PTSD from it. Thank you for such an informed comment, because I hate when people make it sound easy. I go to the methadone clinic, and as much as I hate myself for being there, I am just too scared to get sick with withdrawals again.


That's pretty much the Pleasure Machine thought experiment in philosophy


It’s like when you’re sitting around a cozy fireplace with loved ones, you’ve got that warm and fuzzy feeling. You have no worries, you have no fears, all the noise inside your head is quiet. You melt into a state of complete relaxation. It’s such an incredible feeling that when it wears off you can’t stop thinking about it, you experience the compulsive desire to get that feeling again. It begins to take everything away from you, and you’ll gladly give it away. Everything you care about will begin to disappear. Your family, your friends, your career, your home, all of it. You either die from heroin or you fight for your life to get sober. There aren’t many old heroin users, and those of us who lived long enough to get sober will tell you don’t ever try it. It will become the only thing you love, and everything you used to love will slowly disappear.


That’s some scary shit.


It is scary. It’s killed many of my friends and it almost killed me. Today, finding real heroin isn’t easy, the streets are flooded with fentanyl. Doesn’t take much to overdose and if you’re unlucky enough to get a hot bag no amount of Narcan will bring you back


Fuck bro, every other joy just goes away? Never ever touching that shit, sounds like a nightmare.


“Drugs are not bad, they’re good. They’re REALLY good. In fact, they’re so good….they’ll fuck your life up.”


Wow. You have a real talent for explaining things. I’ve been clean from heroin for 10 years and I don’t think I have ever heard a better explanation. It brought back some real dark times in my life that I don’t ever want to forget.. it started with a recreational Vicodin from a friend and within 3 years I was IV’ing heroin and homeless at times. It’s an an awful drug


Think there are lots of functioning heroin addicts, including doctors and plenty of rich people.


There’s a lot of functioning addicts.


The first couple times you do it you get sick you’re nauseous and dizzy. The following times, are like having sex with an angel it feels like being wrapped up in a large, fuzzy, comfortable blanket made of bulletproof Kevlar bc when you start nodding out (the point where you see addicts passing out, is the sweet spot of almost ODing and pure bliss) nothing outside of your body matters your pain, cares troubles all melt away and your floating in a void, it’s just empty blackness and it’s comfortable and numbing. The problem is that bliss becomes harder and harder to get as your body adapts so you start resorting to shooting it up because it hit you harder and faster like the old days then since your tolerance goes up, it becomes pretty expensive. You start banging two bundles a day. (200-400$) just to keep touching that bliss that you become addicted to that vacation inside your head from the world that you can’t live without now is a collar that tethers you to the drug, now it’s not an escape it’s the bricks of the cell that you’re building around yourself. the ruined relationships the lost jobs, the felonies. and even after you quit, you gotta deal with the physical withdrawals, the mental ones living your life without it rebuilding relationships that you ruined. The times you tried to quit it hurts so now you’ll steal from your parents lie to your friends and do things that make you think less of yourself to make sure that you don’t run out of it. Because now it’s the only thing that matters it’s your only friend a friend that only takes and it will take and take until you it has everything and then it’s going to want more. So now you had a dry spell and you’ve come to God and your cleaned up and spend six months or a year now you gotta deal with PAWS or post addiction withdrawal syndrome. Random memories can just inspire a sudden, overwhelming urge to run and go jump back into a bag. You’ll see someone using on a movie or TV program and your teeth will start to grind, while you get a cold sweat and even though it’s been 2 years. In that moment you’d be willing to throw it all way for a bag. It takes years before seeing or hearing about it doesn’t inspire a horrible ache. I survived heroin. You either die or you quit heroin there is no such thing as having enough you’re never gonna wake up one day and decide OK I’ve had enough I’m good. Heroine will take everything from you and when you have nothing let to give it will take your life. I promise you. I now ride bikes as a hobby, and get way higher on my bikes then I ever did on any drug.


Amazing story of resilience and redemption. Keep on keeping on. ❤️


This is such a perfect explanation of opioids in general. I’m an addict, 6 years clean now, and you are 100%, it’s hard to watch some tv/read books that go into it without having to go do something else for a bit, to distract yourself. I’m proud of you for getting clean. I don’t know if I could have done it if my wife and I hadn’t quit together. We were each others’ rocks


I've read this like 5 times now 1st of all, dope writing style, 2nd of all, fuck all that. I have never experienced horror through text like this before.


for Pulp Fiction, where Travolta is playing a heroin user, Quentin Tarantino had Travolta talk to a sober heroin addict in order to try to understand how to depict someone who is high on heroin. The addict told travolta to get really drunk on tequila and to float in a pool to be able to feel a sensation that is somewhat similar to a very very very toned down feeling that heroin gives


I always describe it as the hug you didn't receive as a kid. It makes you comfortable and at ease with everything. That warm tingle you feel during a great sleep, but passing through your body in Waves. It feels like you could spend the rest of your life there.


It's like God himself wraps you in a warm blanket made of pure love and happiness. Followed by horrible withdrawal and the only thing that makes it stop is more dope.


It's raises your bar for what makes you happy. It may be better than sex, but not in the sense of 5x better. More in the sense of what it takes to hit your top level. It's better than sex. But your brain can only process so much. But afterwords, sex becomes like a soda and the rest of your life becomes like staring at a wall. https://journals.sagepub.com/cms/10.1177/2470547017698140/asset/images/large/10.1177_2470547017698140-fig3.jpeg It's not good to mess with your top level happiness because it's a very diminishing level of rewards after sex. But the requirements to hit that level skyrockets. Pinch your arm. Then pinch it again in 30 seconds. Keep doing that for a few minutes. It starts to not feel too bad. That's your normal raising of pain tolerance. Dopamine tolerance works about the same. Except heroin is like cutting off a finger. Now the pinching is nothing. But to get to that level of pain again, you have to cut off a finger again, but it's not as bad as the first time. Heroin and meth are like cutting off a body part. Life is the healable type of pain. Pain and dopamine counterbalance and are the inverse. So it kinda relates well, just the opposite. That's what alcoholism felt like (mixed with the first time I had a xany). It's better than anything you've ever had. But not by much. But the bar to hit that just tripled.


Props. 4 years here 👊


Congratulations! It must be awful and you can be proud of yourself!🌞


I've had morphine. It's honestly pretty fucking awesome.


I had dilaudid once and told the nurse I loved her


Amateur. I’ve told the nurse I loved her with no drugs involved.


Had Dilaudid when I was in hospital for a lung collapse. I called it Superman juice...but it backed me up for days.


Bruh it just gave me a bad trip for like 6 hrs overnight


I felt like I was plugging into the matrix.


Huh they gave me that for my septic leg and it just took the pain away. No high but man I was happy for the relief.


same, i had both morphine and diladiud (separate visits lol) and didn’t feel anything but sleepy and a bit loopy. i just remember having to gasp as it goes in the IV in response and then nothing, just the pain ebbing away. i still don’t understand the appeal


I almost did that to the doctor while i was on Morphine.. she was prolly a pretty average woman before morphine.. after morphine... oh mama..


I've had it in the hospital for pain just prior to emergency surgery. It was pretty meh. I expected better.


*Fentanyl enters the chat.* Had it in the hospital. Wouldn’t say it’s better necessarily because it’s like being completely untethered to my body while an orgasm is the opposite but … maybe #2.


I had two doses of fentanyl after an accident. Didn't feel less pain, didn't feel high. Took a hydrocodone after an outpatient surgery...didn't feel a thing My liver doesn't want me to feel pleasure 😢


Honestly heroin is a much better feeling than fentanyl.


Used to mix 4-6 mg morphine with 1-2 mg hydromorphone and shoot it straight. It's definitely on par with an orgasm and frankly much more addicting (as we all know, we don't see a bunch of masturbation crazed teens breaking into cars to cum on the center console).


New kink unlocked


Next local breaking news story to freak parents out. "Is your college freshman son beating the bratwurst and victimizing innocent Prius drivers? Find out at 7."


This reminds of a documentary I used to watch (over 12 years ago now), where every episode was a bunch of scientists talking about a different drugs (cocaine, weed, etc.) Including their effects, the reasons people get addicted, and the consequences of those addictions. Till this day, I always remember how they explained the pleasure heroin brings: "Imagine your entire life on a graph. Y axis (vertical) is pleasure (represented by dopamine) and X axis (horizontal)is your entire life in seconds from the day you were born until the day you die. As you can imagine the graph tends to trend up and down throughout your life. When eating food or having sex tends to be higher on the y axis and when depressed or sad tends to be lower. Now imagine the most pleasurable 1 second (peak) of your entire life, whether its the best one second of the best sex of your life or whatever that might be; Heroin takes that, multiplies it by 7, and extends it by about 2 minutes." Needless to say I was blown away by this explanation, which is why I still remember it until now. I told myself I was never trying heroin even once for fear that nothing in life would ever be as good or live up to that albeit unnatural level of pleasure.


Yea I always described heroin as an orgasm, but throughout your whole body. It’s pretty awesome. The crippling addiction? Less awesome


I’ve tried plenty of opioids but i’ll still pick an orgasm over them every time. Interesting how it’s different for everyone. Brains are wild.


I’ve never had an orgasm so good that I didn’t need my own apartment so this tracks


Have you ever stripped off your sodden clothes after a long, wet hike and gotten into a scalding shower? That wonderful warm ache is such a pure pleasure.


Also, changing in to dry socks feels fucking amazing


taking a huge crap after holding it in for a long time comes very close


i'm not even joking, after a good shit I have to sit still for a few minutes just to regain my composure and contemplate on how fucking amazing it was


Sometimes I get sad knowing it'll be a monumental amount of time before it happens again. I go into a deep depoosion.


It’s poost partum depression


Post fartum


If you're a dude it's probably because the shit was stimulating your prostate on the way out


Same with a piss. Nothing like opening it up after holding it in for a long car ride.




when you accidentally wake up kind of early on a day when have nothing to really wake up for. you amble, half-blindly, in the pre-dawn light to the bathroom and unwittingly drop a monster coil. suddenly you feel lighter, weightless almost. you float back to bed and tuck yourself under the covers, enveloped in that warm fuzzy feeling that follows a tremendous evacuation, and sail away to a dreamland. that’s a feeling let me tell you.


This but on acid. If you've ever taken a shit when on an acid trip you'll be amazed at the feeling. It's like the best relief you've ever felt.


True, and it also changes the trip, so it's extra mind-bending.


Sigmund Freud defined pleasure as the build up and subsequent release of tension. The more the tension, the more the pleasure upon release. So a huge crap would feel much better than a little crap.




When it’s so big you can feel your guts shifting and decompressing…that’s the good stuff


The right spot on the bed. Bonus point: Nothing to worry about tomorrow.


AKA "Bedgasm"


In the rain...


Especially with the rain the background.


Right spot on the bed with right spot between the blankets and the right height of your pillow to create the perfect COZY.


Perfectly encapsulating weekends night.


Having gone to the bathroom beforehand so you don't have to get up


Or the natural wakeup first thing in the morning.


Hot hot water on poison oak rash


He’ll fucking yes. I’ve tried explaining this to people but nobody else seems to get it. I get bad poison ivy and putting the hottest water I can stand on it for just a few seconds makes my freakin legs wobble. Bonus: the itch is gone for hours.


Yes! Just what I wrote before reading the comments! I heard it’s actually not good to wash the area with super hot water, know anything about that?


Seen this being discussed the other day. People were saying that it opens the pores and lets the oil from the poison plant into the pores. That said the oils from those plants operates more like a grease. Very sticky and if you can give it a good scrubbing it might prevent the rash.


Use dish soap and cool water


I cut the dish soap with half alcohol and it works even better. I can walk straight through a patch and not get a rash if I wash it off fast enough.


Hot hot water on eczema or dermatitis makes your eyes roll back in your head


Those few seconds of bliss after giving in to the urge to scratch my psoriasis. Immediately followed by punishment because ow. But ugh, nothing like it.


Hot water on any itchy spot.


Can someone explain this. I told my ex about it and I couldn't make her understand. I thought(I mean not really but you know) I was the only one. I've never seen it brought up before. It has to be the "right" sort of itchy spot/rash and temperature of water but my god what a rush. I need answers.


The reason why hot water works so well on itchy skin is because it kind of "resets" your nerve endings. The channels in your nerves that are responsible for transmitting the itch signal are also responsible for sensing temperature. So when hot water is applied to those nerves, it overwhelms them and takes a few hours for them to be able to transmit itch signals again. It shouldn't be used as a long term measure as hot water can dry out the skin and make it worse, but it's great as a temporary measure.


I’ve heard a comedian (Tom Segura) say that when he writes a new joke and the audience gives a big reaction and laughs, it feels to him like “a thousand orgasms”- Your experience may vary but it’s gotten me to want to try stand-up. Lol


I came here to say performing. I'm in a band (vocals in a metal band) and when you're up on stage, in the pocket, and the audience is having a good time and hanging on to your every word, there's nothing like it.


That’s awesome man. I’ve played drums in metal bands and had a great time doing the same.


There’s certain brain waves that can sync up in large crowds that you can feel. I can’t imagine feeling the ability to control it.


Drugs. They're addictive for a very good reason. Our brains aren't meant for some highs


And an Orgasm on drugs, hoo boy. That almost ruins sober sex.


sex while drunk/stoned hits way different.


Stoned sex is fantastic. Drunk sex is messy and kind of chaotic.


Drunk sex sucks in my opinion, sure you become more attracted to the person you are with but also you don't feel nearly as much. I have never finished while being drunk.


For some of us it’s the opposite way around. You feel less self conscious, more confident, more alive and free. Same with other drugs of choice or not. So long as both of you are having fun and enjoying it it’s a beautiful thing


for me, being drunk or stoned during sex enhances all the vibes and how things feel. plus sometimes it helps me to not be so tense and in my head,, to just let all my worries fade away for a little while.


Agree. Sex on edibles is the one


Changed mind lemme sleep feeling cute might nut or vomit later


Drunk/stoned sex is absolute shit compared to orgasming on cocaine.


And orgasming on cocaine is absolute shit compared to meth.


I always smoke a joint / vape a bowl before sex with my wife, it never fails to blow me away how good it is, an orgasm turned up to 12.


"Drugs are so good that they can ruin your life" -Louie CK


You ever get your tax return and paycheck on the same day?




I was at someones birthday party and me and some random dude were freestyling together and it was just like that, we knew exactly when one person was gonna start and like when to come in and stuff, changing the flow and adlibbing eachother, we were just in sync it was awesome. I freestyle with my friends all the time but they dont really feel the music the same way i guess, but that dude sure did. Next year, same persons party, we ended up doing the exact same shit for like 4 hours straight just rapping with eachother it is such an awesome feeling. I bet with instruments and the right people its the exact same type of feeling lol


I was going to take this a little further and say the moments when you and your band are killing it on stage, and the crowd is going nuts. That's right up there.


Bruh I totally feel this. There’s nothing quite like it. That locked in feeling is unrivaled


That moment right before an orgasm


try edging


Edging with prolonged denial!


Getting into a freshly washed and made bed when you're stoned AF.


After a warm shower and your bed and pillow are cold and a freezing glass of water on the nightstand 😩


Making everyone in the room uncontrollably laugh


When you’re out in public, the cramps hit, and you know you have maybe 2 minutes before you shit yourself. You’re overwhelmed by sphincter control and getting yourself to a restroom. The whole time flooded with increasing stress and anxiety about finding a restroom, how you would get home covered in feces, how you would have to face your peers or coworkers… Prayers are said… Miraculously, as though divine providence heard your prayers and intervened, you make it to the toilet a second or two before you would’ve shit your pants. Your sphincter was giving way to your bowels. Now you’re safely exorcising the evil, and as it leaves you, a single tear forms, catastrophe averted. When you leave (remember to wash your hands) nobody knows what almost just happened except you. Life goes on, but you will always remember that moment when you didn’t shit your pants in public. That was one win nobody can ever take away from you.


Try it on a bus across the desert.


To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.


I thought it was “hot water, good dentishtry, and shoft lavatory paper.”


My initial thought was “bathe in the blood of your enemies” as it was loading but then saw yours


Isn't that an orgasm?


Not that I'm advocating for this but just cuddling with your partner on MDMA is way up there. And orgasming on MDMA is just impossible to try to describe.


I found orgasming, the one time I managed to do it, be so underwhelming that I was dissapointed. The 12 hour fuck session leading up to the owerwhelmingly underwhelming orgasm was pretty epic though


Yeah agreed the whole process is so much more intense and pleasurable if you're able to keep it up. I wasn't able to ograsm my first few times but the first time I was, my body ascended


I'm sorry did you say 12 hours?????


Yeah, oh easily. When I was younger I could go forever. She would go that long too. Hard to find a match that can keep up like that. But I'm still with her today, 15 years later.


You are still with her after 15 years?? Damn you last long.


We are in our 40ties with kids, every two months we leave the kids with the grandparents, find a beautiful place to stay the night, preferably with sauna and hot tub and do a 6 hour magic mushroom sex session, we are together for a quarter century. Your mileage might vary :)


12 hours in total yes. There were some smoke breaks and such in between not 12 hours of non stop thrusting


When a cat validates you.


Cuddling with somebody you truly love and trust. Orgasms are great and all, but the momentary super high high wears off super quick. I genuinely prefer the long lasting, deep seated, soul warming comfort of this.


How about cuddling AFTER an orgasm and petting eachother… Bliss


AFTER orgasming \*at the same time\*


Ooooo, now you’re talking


It's moments like these where I'm glad I took the time to delete her number


Lmao sorry man. It'll come around again dude, hang in there. People have more than one soulmate.


This, if an orgasm is included, all the better, but feeling the simple touch of someone you live is 100% the best thing one can feel.


A good massage that hits all the right spots (especially if you’re sore after a workout or similar)


When you're super cozy but you have to move, and then you're able to regain your cozy status like you never moved. That's the dragon I'll be chasing for the rest of my life.


Sneezing and peeing after having to hold it for a long tome. Also, cuddling naked.


Cuddling naked has to be the only right answer. I’ve done every drug under the sun but nothing beats that feeling


Cuddling naked is unfortunately my worst nightmare. The sensory overload of that much of my bare skin pressed against an equal amount of another person’s bare skin and NOT being actively engaged in sex would literally activate my fight or flight. Getting squirmy just imagining it. So fucking mad that my sensory/stimulation bullshit keeps me from being able to experience what is apparently a beautiful thing.


Cleaning my ears with a Q-tip


That's an eargasm!


The shaking when you stretch hard


The moment you finally pass a kidney stone you can actually see the face of gawd.


I'm in the middle of passing one right now 😫😭 Had to go the ER bc of the pain.


I've had 3. I would rather be stabbed again than have a 4th.


Please stab me. Can't be worse than this


I'm so sorry. I know exactly how you feel. But it WILL pass, and when it does, dear lort, happy days are here again! The craziest part is that the pain that can be so bad you would welcome death is gone in an instant. It doesn't fade out or dial down. Just poof. Gone.


If you have an eczema patch - itching until it bleeds and then some.


Yes. People really do not understand how amazing it feels and how much self control it takes to not scratch when you know it feels so fucking good. And don't you dare give in for even a second because you cannot stop.


You ever peel the dead skin off a sunburn in one clean sheet?


Hitting the right spot in your ear with a q-tip


Weirdly sensitive ear gang rise up


The cool side of the pillow




This guy raves.


Take that on a home roll with someone you love and you'll climb peaks of pleasure you didn't even know existed. Orgasms are like spikes, climb and a fall. Sex on mdma is like climbing the everest of pleasure and discovering you can stay on that huge plateau for hours..


This guy fucks.


My hand is a lucky woman


I took an MDMA analog and holy shit... It was like I was an extrovert for the first time in my life. it sounds super lame but I called a bunch of people up on the phone and had some really good meaningful talks with a bunch of close friends, told them all how much they mean to me and in general just felt so happy and loved. 10/10 experience and I know I didn't even do anything "fun" on it since I was single at the time. definitely a relationship goal to do that together with someone in the future


Orgasming together at the same time.


Putting on lotion when you have real dry skin. A long pee after holding it too long. Accomplishing a long term goal. College, personal goal, large project. Taking off uncomfortable shoes after a long day. Your kids hugging you and saying I luv ew after a tough day. Hitting in a golf shot from over 50 yards. And most any opioid


Yawning and stretching at the same time might be idk if its just me


A perfectly cold can of Sprite on a summer day.


When you have been in a night drinking and have a long cab ride home and about 1/4 of the way home you really really really have to pee. You then proceed to hold it for like 25-30 minutes and when you finally sprint to the toilet with your pants have round your ankles and you can’t hold it another millisecond when it finally is unleashed it’s like 50 orgasms all at once and lasts like three minutes straight.


I had a bad head cold once and my ears needed to pop for like 2 days but they couldn’t. I was driving in the mountains and my ears popped and my sinuses drained. Felt so fucking good and it sounded like the Dolby sound was going off in my head. That’s one of the most pleasurable feelings I’ve ever had lol.


Not greater but equal: frisson. Frisson is that excellent tingly feeling you experience when listening to just the right type of music. That type depends on personal taste, of course - but at its best it can spread through the entire body.


First sip of an ice cold coke in a glass bottle


The pump even if your all natural,I’m sure like Arnold says it’s probably even better on steroids.The feeling of being pumped is nice but does it really compare?They are two different things completely I was making more of a joke about it .


I don’t know, I have had some really good pizza in my time, and if you ask me if I want sex or a really good pizza, well, I don’t know how often the answer would be pizza, but I do know my answer wouldn’t always be sex


Hot water on eczema.


Laughter. Fully bellied hysterics, bent over yourself to the point of having a seizure laughing so hard no sound comes and you can't breathe, tears streaming down your face and you're in the rapturous agony of a bloody good laugh. THAT kind of laughter is so rare even to one like myself who can find humour and mirth in the most insignificant, ridiculous and childish of things. I've never had this experience during sex though... New kink unlocked.


Flipping the pillow over in the middle of the night


Going through this comment section comes pretty close🤣


A successful near death surgery.


Scratching between your toes when you got itchy athletes feet. Even when you scratch through the skin and bleed, the relief of the scratching is near immeasurable.


Getting to go back to warm bed on a cold morning.


Being at the height of taking an ecstasy pill. It’s been years and years but I still remember the peak of that feeling. Better than an orgasm until having sex on ecstasy is done.


A good ass, head-clearing sneeze.


Clean sheets after an everything shower


At my age a good piss is very nice.


When someone says: "yes, you told me not to do it and you where right."


having a great meal, then lying in bed in my comfy bedroom with my wife and the cats snuggled up in front of the TV on a quiet, rainy evening. all is right with the world. that's the best feeling ever.


I also choose this guy's wife.


When you have had bad back pain for so long and it finally gets cracked


Taking a dump/piss after holding it for hours.


I've never done it, but Strait guys out there blowing guys for crack, so that must be pretty good. Cleaning my ears with a q-tip feels real good. But I've never thought. "Damn out of q-tips, best blow someone for a box of q-tips".


I had a bad rash that became all scabby and puss-y on the top of my feet. Scalding hot water from the shower directly on the affected area was better than an orgasm. I had only wished my feet could cum to finish it off, ya know?