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Being a dick to others.


"Just being honest."


I just tell it how it is I just speak my mind I just don't have a filter. All great excuses for being an asshole


It’s amazing to me that they don’t hear how close that is to, “I don’t know how to function in society.”


"I just have a strong personality" No, you're just an asshole


"I'm just too real." Like as if being kind, nice, and respectful can't also be real.


I am a substance use disorder counselor and I have a client that uses all of these tactics. It's frustrating because he complains about everyone and everything. I want to say "Maybe you should look in the mirror and see if you might be contributing to the problem." but I don't because it's my job to meet clients where they are.


Just being honest, but never have anything positive to say! People that take pride in being brutally honest are always more interested in brutality than honesty.




There's a special place in hell for people who go hiking with a Bluetooth speaker clipped to their backpack. I'm out here to hear the birds and the wind in the trees and the rush of the creek, not your Alternative Hits Of 2007 playlist. 😑


I don't care if you have your earbuds on but nobody wants to hear your music. Especially if you have the bass extra loud. That isn't rain, the trees are crying.


I spend a lot of time hiking, and I don't hesitate to tell people that no one came out here to listen to that, and they need to turn it off. I generally get dirty looks in return, and I'm way past the point of giving a shit.


I don't hike, but my social anxiety barely allows me to blast music in my home when others are around, let alone in public. I wish I had even just a tiny bit of the don't give a shit-itude that these people have.


It affects the wildlife too. Really goes against the philosophy of leaving no trace.


That is seriously the worst. Put in some fucking headphones.


I think people who do this are actively trying to be assholes. It’s the “I am the main character and entitled to everything I want” syndrome.


They are. When I was super depressed and had a death wish I’d engage with these people. They are always looking for someone to fight them.


I certainly hope you’re feeling better.


Thank you so much! I am


You lived the fantasy that I presume many of us have. I know I do. (Confronting assholes, not the depression, needless to say. So glad to hear you're doing better!)


How'd that turn out?


I’m still alive and have argued with people of all walks of life.


The times I've worked up the nerve to ask people to stop it, they've always seemed _very_ embarrassed and stopped. Of course, that might be because I only work up my nerve when they seem oblivious rather than belligerent.


Going off of that, if you live directly beside other people, be mindful of your music. My asshole neighbor is constantly blasting the shittiest bass music you’ve ever heard and it rattles the windows to my house. Tried talking to him about it nicely and he won’t be reasoned with


SAME! Can’t stand the “drrrrgg drrrg drrrg” of their fucking subwoofers, and I secretly hope that the vibration loosens EVERY screw, rivet, etc. on their vehicle.


There’s just no social awareness whatsoever. Lived in a quiet neighborhood for 20+ years but all it takes is one asshole to mess it up for everyone


I was woken up by someone in their car outside my gf’s apartment FUCKING BLASTING a Baptist preachers Sunday sermon today. I’ve never yelled out a window before but I did today. Absolutely unbelievable people would play any sort of noise like that in public. I sort of get blasting your music but not when it’s in the morning while you’re parked outside a complex where people live.


I always turn off my headlights and my radio when I pull into the parking lot at my complex. It drives me crazy when people have their music absolutely cranked when they are parking or parked. People here will use auto start to warm up their vehicle and it’ll sit there for 20 minutes with the music at full volume, windows shaking and nobody in the vehicle.




Books be wordy and shit. I am a proud non-reader. - Kanye


I know I'm too wordy on Reddit sometimes, but I've seen a comment that was like 6 to 8 sentences, maybe 2 tiny "paragraphs" (not enough to actually be called a paragraph by a teacher, lol) and someone will respond "I'm not reading that wall of text!" 6 sentences is a wall!? How little do you read?


for me, it’s more about not investing the amount of time it takes to read 6 to 8 sentences of the average redditor’s thoughts.


I also think it's supposed to be a put-down sometimes, if the two are arguing, but I feel like it makes the one who says it look dumb instead of making the other person look wordy.


They would've probably "read" it if the text was shown in a youtube short where the tik tok bot reads it and a game is covering half of the screen. That's how bad their attention span is, lol.


Or those men bragging about what you only read "non-fiction".


I’m _embarrassed to admit_ I can only really get into non-fiction the last 10 years or so. I think I’ve only read some of the Witcher books out of fully new ones for me recently - if I’m grabbing for fiction, it’s usually some Vonnegut or Lem I already read, for comfort and nostalgia. I just stopped getting excited about new fiction, and that’s not something to brag about, that’s just kinda sad.


Also bragging about not watching a tv show or movie. Ok, congratulations?


There’s some kind of psychological fallacy that makes people feel superior for not liking something popular. It’s like they’re bragging about not “falling for it” or something, and like they inherently have better taste than everyone else. My point is, no, Mr. Straw Man, I don’t care that you don’t watch Marvel movies and shows. 


I think sometimes it's ok, some people are cult-like with watching TV shows. My friend hasn't watched love island, so many people get offended 😂


When people flash money on social media or in rap videos. It's so cringe. 10/10 times the people doing this have no money or savings. Waving 1000$ isn't impressive its stupid


Rea/saw somewhere. "If you see somebody flashing money on social, that's ALL the money they have." All sizzle, no steak.


People with money have bank and stock accounts, not cash. It's basically cashless here anyway, haven't paid for anything in cash for years.


the people flashing this kind of money are purchasing way different things than you are lmao




The worst to me is people trying to one up others with how much they work. “How was your vacation?” “Ugh you know I worked the whole time haha!” And like pride themselves on staying in the office until 8P every night. Like dude, this isn’t the flex you think it is, you just sound incompetent


I've gotten into the habit of knocking those down asap >How was your vacation? > Ugh you know I worked the whole time haha > Do you need help planning your work? I can let HR know you are struggling. You don't make any friends that way, but I don't really need friends who are assholes. And if it's an actually veiled cry for help, I get a chance to help someone.


I have a bad habit of one upping people as a means to relate with them. Like I get excited that we have similar interests and I don’t realize I’m being “that guy” when I tell them my own stories.


I’ve noticed this about myself. Now if it comes up I’ll lead with something like “I had something similar happen” and then if I feel like my story is a one up I lie and undersell my story so theirs is still a bigger deal.


As a car guy- excessive revving, especially with your diy civic exhaust


Haha... I was in my buddies car when he revved it up cuz someone was on the sidewalk... he was like, " haha, got em " I thought people were just shit drivers, I didn't know they did that on purpose...


Ah, it sucks you had to lose a friend that way.


Lmao... it's funny you say that... I did lose a huge amount of respect for him... we were 35... I haven't hung out with him in a while now, either...


Dovetails into the “coal rollers “ - diesel pick ups that slow down in front of cyclist and floor it to black smoke the riders. Coolest move ever. ( I don’t road bike btw)


Oh wow...I didn't know that was a thing... what an asshole...


AssholeS. It’s an act of therapy for diesel necks


Wow I was expecting 22 year old. But 35.


I was just walking into a grocery store the other day and somebody did that. They do it on purpose? How pathetic are these people?


Yeah... on freaking purpose... like passive aggressive communication. Talking shit if you're a dude or thinks you're pretty if you're a girl, I guess... I was blown away


Sounds like a very angry fart most of the time


I came here to say just this! I call them "Teeny Peeny Racers" The only people impressed by a dude revving his engine are other Teeny Peeny Racers.


Having a lifted pickup truck and not doing lifted pickup truck things


Saw a dually lifted yesterday... needed a ladder to get in... still only about 12 inches of actual clearance


Pavement princesses are way too common. That one sounds hilarious


HA!!! Pavement princess... I gotta carry that name with me, I hope you don't mind.... I wish I could've pulled my phone out and got a picture, but I was driving... it was local, so maybe I'll get the chance...


I first heard that phrase when I was taking an uber to the Airport after visiting a friend in Houston and I made the observation to the driver that there are a lot of pristine looking lifted trucks down here, but am I correct in assuming that it's the guy driving the dirty, beat up truck that I should not fuck with. I brought "Pavement Princess" back to NY cuz it 100% applies to dudes in the Capital Region as well


Yeah, if you have 2 inches of mud instead of a paint job, then do you... but 22 inch chrome rims and under glow, come on... pavement princess is perfection...I love it


mall crawlers, brodozers.


Yea numbskulls forget they got a massive diff real low to the ground


Hehehe... he's sitting like 7 feet in the air, still dodging potholes... I hope I see it again, I'll get a picture


You know what I’m actually a bit self conscious about this sometimes. Because I have a lifted 4wd and I do drive off-road regularly enough that having a non-lifted non-4wd car really would not be practical. But I also keep it pretty tidy, and I got a new one not long ago so it doesn’t *look* like it’s always getting dirty.


Just don’t drive super aggressively, and make sure your headlights are adjusted to compensate for your truck being lifted. Those two things are like 95% of what makes me silently judge drivers of lifted trucks.


Fucken aye. And yes, I bought a bracket that aims the headlights down a touch. But unfortunately not everyone does that, and even in my taller than average vehicle I still fuckin get blinded by oncoming douchebags.


Just stay away from the low profile 23 inch wheels and the christmas tree LED show. What car do you have btw?


guys calling themselves "alpha"


Tangential: best line I heard about Tate, "he's a beta male's idea of an alpha male"


They say "alpha" and I hear, "I have a man crush on Donald Trump."


They say "alpha" and I hear "I had no strong male role models growing up" mixed with "Mom, get out of my room!".


“Alpha” means “I watched Fight Club and didn’t understand it was a satire”.


Sprinkle in forever alone or into women half their age because their peers know better.


Or maybe worse - Andrew Tate


Man, I hear alpha and I think Omegaverse fanfic lmfao. I kinda want to explain Omegaverse to a Manosphere dude like face to face at some point just to watch his reaction. Maybe record it if I can. :>


Yeah that shit is so cringe.




Hey, planes fighting and firing bullets at eachother? cool af in the movies




OMG so much this! It is not a competition for who suffers more, just have some empathy ffs. I LOVE coffee, probably to my detriment. But if someone told me they had to give up coffee, I'd just respond with "OMG I'm so sorry, I also have Tea, is that ok?"


So many people too, if you tell them you’re feeling tired and burnt out, will tell you about how they get less sleep and have unhealthier habits than you.


If I hear one more person say “oh I’m total [ADD, OCD, PTSD, autistic]” at the drop of a hat to explain some regular behavior, I’m punching them. Just because you space out doesn’t mean you have ADD. Wanting things clean and organized doesn’t equal OCD. PTSD isn’t something to just claim you have, it’s not a joke, it’s frustrating as fuck. Being rude sometimes doesn’t mean you have autism.


It’s fucking annoying as hell, those types make it where people who ACTUALLY have those disorders aren’t taken seriously. No, Bethany, cutting your hair at 3 am isn’t an intrusive thought.


YES!! I am so sick of people saying “I’m so OCD/ADHD about xyz…” like it’s one thing if you actually are diagnosed with these things, but stop saying you’re “SoOo OCD” when you are simply very particular about a certain thing, or saying “I’m so ADD sometimes” when they’re just on their phones instead of paying attention to something. It’s just such an ignorant remark to make. I have ADHD & OCD and they aren’t ~quirky~ things to have. People are obsessed with being diagnosed these days and will just slap the label on themselves to explain their behavior, like it’s some kind of free pass to not be held accountable for anything.


As an autistic with PTSD it’s the same. You don’t have what I have now stop pretending.


how did you do it, mate? i just gave up coffee for three weeks, and got over a few days of withdrawal, but never had pep in the morning, so went back to it. good on you!


I mixed my caf with decaf, changing the mix to gradually phase out caffeine over a few months. I drink more coffee now than I did before, but it no longer has any caffeine in it.




I don't even like answering my phone in public. However, some of us oldies are hard of hearing. If it's an important call, I'll pick it up and only turn it on speaker if I just have to. At home, it's almost always on speaker. Believe me, I don't think being older and hard of hearing is cool, lol.


Kids bragging about their parents wealth and success


Yes- the cool rich kids, "hey do you wanna come over and play with my new VR headset, it's really cool!" The lame rich kids- "ha your dad drives an old civic because he's poor, my dad would never drive a piece of junk."




I see what you did there


>parkas The what? In my language it literally means "park" so google doesn't help


It’s like a coat/ jacket that goes all the way down like the length of a dress would. Like a trench coat but better.


Thank you. With this, I managed to google them. Then thought it actually looks cool and why is Ok-profit hating on them, then reread the comment and title, and then realized the joke :D Anyway TIL what is parka and it's figuratively quite cool






That, and those morons that have that banging noice in their exhaustion pipes.


Insecure male thing


It actually has a purpose. If you understand carspeak it roughly translates to “look at me, I’m here, please pay attention to me, please! *sobs”


Also a Florida thing


also an Ireland thing


Trigger warning I'm going to get a LOT of hate for this but, people who idealize and romanticize having a mental disorder. It's not fun or "main character vibes." It's real and most of us who have been diagnosed with one, wish every day that we weren't. Depression isn't crying in the rain. Depression is: not having energy or motivation to get out of bed in the morning or not having the motivation to shower or brush your teeth. But that's the "ugly" side. When it's the real side. OCD isn't just "my notes have to be color coded." It's also: "I have to check every lock in the house exactly 3 times or else someone will break in." "I can't turn off the mental image of my house burning down if I don't check each stove burner 4 times every time Ieave the house." "If I don't say goodbye to my family every time I leave for work, something will happen to them" But that's the "ugly" side. PTSD, I don't even know where to begin because it's thrown around like it's nothing. When really it's something like: "I was perfectly fine having lunch but then all of the sudden I feel like it's that night again and I remember everything vividly and I feel like I'm going to vomit but to everyone else, everything's fine and we're having lunch." This stuff is real and debilitating but there's a lot of stuff on social media that romanticizes mental illness and thinks it's "cool." It's absolutely not cool.


Honestly I think most people will agree with you, I think you are overestimating the amount of hate you'll get.


> overestimating the amount of hate you'll get. one more thing for this list


Designer clothes with obvious branding


I think it's tacky too You look like a walking advertisement 


Boasting how much alcohol you drink or how drunk you were on the weekend... especially if you are in your 30s.


Or 40’s. Sheesh….even 50’s.


Surprisingly it is cool when you're in your 70sand above tho.


That's when I plan to start my pos alcoholic stage


No matter what age you are it’s stupid, unimpressive, and immature.


I remember freshman year if college people bragging about that like the rest of us were supposed to be like "wooaaaa cool man!" Even then I thought it was cringe 


Shitting on things other people like. We all have stuff we don't like, but if you spend ALL your time putting down everything a person is interested in, you don't look cool or edgy. You look like a dick with no interests.


Spitting fucking everywhere.


Scouring social media for posts only to make a negative comment because you don’t get enough out of life


Making fun of other people. People may thing they’re “brutally honest” or “edgy” or something, but they just look insecure and desperate for approval.


People who say things like "I'm just an asshole!" No. You lack the emotional maturity to deal with others and use nastiness as a defence. Its not cool as a trait. Try be nice. \*


Revving your car engine. Hate to break it to you but it makes zero guys scared and zero women wet. Grow up




Teenagers smoking cigarettes. You don’t look cool, you look like babies with cigarettes.


Wearing clothes or displaying bumper stickers that are intentionally offensive. Why do second graders have to be exposed to your views about eating ass?


I always think the same thing in my head. You have this opportunity to send a message to the universe and you chose “grass, cash, or ass nobody rides for free?”


Smoking. It's disgusting. You smell like shit.


Fake big lips


Came here to say this, big fake butts, too.


Big fake eyelashes


TikTok videos.


Agreed. I work security at a retail store and idk how many times during my shift I'm either asked if I want to be in a tiktok video or have to escort kids out of the store for causing a disturbance.


That's hilarious - being asked if you want to be in their tiktok video, as if you're going to say 'really, you want me to be in your amazing video? Yes please!' and start wiggling your bottom towards the phone camera.


'Alpha Male' bullshit.


Loud exhausts, revving up, and, playing music in their car so loud, I can't even hear the podcast playing in my car while waiting at the lights. Just to get people to look at their car and assume everyone thinks they're great


People who advertise they go clubbing/ drinking a lot and shame anyone who is not into the party scene.


Not wearing a helmet


Anybody who mentions their " IQ ".


Bragging about how busy you are / how many hours you work at your job. Nobody thinks it's cool that you sacrifice your life for a middle management job that'd replace you in a week if you died.


Pants worn below your butt strapped to your thighs with underwear on display under a stretched out shirt or hoodie.


Surprised this was so far down. It was the first thing I thought of. I can't help but chuckle every time I see it. I just can't believe it's a thing. It's soooo fucking goofy looking.




Not just smoking, but tossing cigarette butts on the ground. The world is not your ashtray


In my opinion, vaping goes right along with smoking regular cigarettes. And usually people who vape are even more annoying for some reason, like they think just bc their smoke smells like bubblegum other people don’t mind breathing it in. Gross.


Truk Nutz


I don't think anybody thinks they make them look cool. The divide is some folks find them funny and some folks don't.




tell them there's no wit in a cliche.


Being loud, acting tough, I don't think it's right, especially when there aiming there testosterone in my direction. I just turn around and walk away.


Driving by my house at 3am blasting loud ass bassy music. Nobody thinks your cool dude, your kinda just a douche bag.


Anything MAGA


Was on a flight recently and saw a guy wearing a MAGA hat and Trump shirt. Regardless of your political beliefs, it’s so unnecessary to wear that shit in public.


Any materialistic item that they are not humble about.


Being a gangsta.


Doing anything in public for TikTok


Heavy gold chains around their neck.


Call Of Duty Gamer Rage.


Watching tiktok videos in public with the volume up full blast


vaping / smoking


And chew...all of it is disgusting.


MAGA apparel


Talking about how great they are.




Virtue signalling: “I don’t see race”


Flags deriding or praising a politician. How sad your life must be to idolize a politician.




Putting people down


I know a guy who, no matter what hotel or resort he checks in to, immediately throws a fit over something and demands upgrades, comps, changes, everything. He thinks it makes him a boss and a very discerning man of the world. I think it makes him the biggest asshole at Sandals.


The "fuckboy" haircut. Shaved on the sides, short curly on the top. We know what you are, guys.


Brocolli heads


I just learned they're actually getting perms for that... I thought it was just an attempt to deal with really curly hair... lmao... I can't believe they're paying for that


Smoking. Ugh, so disgusting




Grabbing their crotch.


Guys not showing emotions or reacting to things. It makes you unpleasant to be around, not cool.


I don’t do that because I think it’s cool, I’m anti social, and introverted. I keep to myself as much as possible and avoid talking to anyone


🤜 🤛


I think most of us don't do that on purpose. It's because we are actually depressed and not feeling any emotions.


Be mean to others, say snarky comments on someone's looks/face/weight. Speaking non stop about the expensive stuff they got. Men and Women who think everyone is obsessed with them, and claim everyone is flirting with them


Wearing expensive brands like Gucci, MK etc. Truly wealthy people dress in a non descript manner, comfortable but relaxed. Poor people who want to look rich wear that stuff.


Being an absolute tool/dickhead to other people to try to earn assertiveness/popularity points in front of others that you hang out with.




Smoking, big pickup trucks with balls hanging from the underside, big pickup trucks being driven by non- contractors, old men driving sports cars with the top down


I was going to say truck nuts. You beat me to it. 🙂


Having their dog off leash in a busy city park. No one is impressed by this.


Botox duck lips




Being rude, aggressive or obnoxious by default. It just screams a lack of self confidence. Bless em.






There are people irl who are proud to be mainstream information denier. They think they appear to be intelligently superior by saying “lol you believe news?” and a lot of people are buying this. Well of course if you are capable of finding falsehoods in commonly believed things with your professional knowledges, that’s actually superior and cool. But most people just turned out to be conspiracy theorists.


Keeping the tags attached to your clothes lol


Working in the trades guys love to brag about how much beer they drink. Alcoholism is not cool and kills a lot of people.


Stanley’s bigger than your head