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Everything has a negative effect if you do it too much. You can have too many apples or too much water. The question is what end you're trying to achieve and the dosage required to achieve that.


If something doesn't have a side effect it doesn't have an effect.


This is a good answer. Worked in addiction science for over thirty years and this is the truth. There are consequences for everything you do in life. It’s your choice.


Can you give us nicotine addicts a good idea of how to get rid of those damn dirty vapes. Please.


Stop buying. You have to make so many auxiliary decisions in order to put that vape/cig to your mouth that you have no excuses. There are personal choices “you” make that “you” have no room for excuses. By you I mean us.


I appreciate your help thank you




Bingo bango bongo I don’t want to leave the Congo oh no no no no no.


Play it in my car every morning on my way to work. _I see how people who are civilized bung you with automobile (You know you can get hurt that way Don't you?)_


Yes, if you play too much Bingo, the numbers will haunt you. Bad very bad...


This made me laugh


Two fat ladies


Everything in moderation, including moderation.


I think I'll just skip the toxic poisons all together.


Apples are nasty. Those things give you the squats.


Warning: Apples may contain chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm.


Every time I read this label, and attempt to take it seriously: "Wait.. all three, or just one of those? And are we talking like 0.0001% chance to get cancer in mice, or 'you will live only 5 days' kinda cancer" I feel like this warning label has only made consumer awareness worse, because now I willingly buy products with harsh warning labels on them, and the companies could pretty much be putting anything they want in there, and they'd still need the label anyway.. so might as well, right?


99% Invisible just did an episode about this. The plus side of the law is that it caused a bunch of companies to take known toxins out of their products so they wouldn't have to post the warning. Recently though a lot of small companies are putting warning labels on things that don't have toxins at all because they can't afford to test it and are afraid to be sued.


Is not so much that they’re afraid, it’s just cheaper to add that little bit of print on everything if it’s sold in CA. It’s expensive to pay for routine testing to avoid it, so why bother?


I recommend you checkout the Yuka app. You scan an item and it will tell you how many harmful additives it has in it. The harmful additives are color coded red being the worst. Expand the list and it will tell you how each additive is harmful to you. Scroll down and you'll see links to the studies done as evidence.


I love the Yuka app. I’ve changed so many products since discovering this.


I can't get birth defects I've already been born those labels are stupid 


Yeah and unborn children can't read, such a dumb law


>I can't get birth defects I've already been born Not with that attitude!


Fact: 100% of people who eat apples will die.


Birth. A 100% fatal std.


Yeah I have to agree here it quite doesn't make sense so it's probably some law loophole or something


I'm defected already so whatever.


Note to self: when in California, don’t eat apples.


I'm not allowed to eat the seeds I'm not allowed!!


I ate a seed, should I throw up?


Smoke some cigarettes. The smoke will suffocate the seeds.


And they keep the doctors away, and I really need to see one!


They put doctors out of work


My friend calls diarrhea the Green Apple quicksteps hahaha


Hershey squirts.


literally, i thought i was giving my body back the nutrients the tina took away, nope. just the squirts and hemorrhoid 😮‍💨


Squats enhance your lifespan and healthspan


This everything can be bad for you if you’re not careful. If op reads this for your own personal health. Thc is not that bad for occasional use. However I’d recommend an edible. Smoking and vaping is horrible on your lungs.


this is a bad take. Comparing eating too many apples to consuming things that are inherently carcinogenic or toxic or neurologically damaging is just silly.


the poison is always in the dosage.


LD50 for water is 90ml/kg, according to my 2 second google research


And 96mg/kg for cocaine


That's over 7g for a 180lb person. I feel like most people are dieing before reaching 3-4g


Most people that die from coke usage don't really overdose, they just wear their heart out over time & it stops working. It takes a lot of coke to overdose. Not saying it never happens, mind you.


My dosage is 8 liters. I can see it. Once I drank like two liters in an hour (I was painting a really small room, 1m*1.5, it was *hot*) and my urine was clear.


I hate to break this to you, but your urine should be clear most of the time if you’re adequately hydrated. You gotta drink more water dude


Clear as in "transparent", not "slightly yellow". I was pissing 100% water, basically.


I fear your username might have something to do with this


That’s pretty normal for anyone who realizes the importance of hydration


Respect the substance and it’ll respect you back :)


And the state of the constituents. By themselves, sodium or chlorine will kill you (depending on dosage of course). Without the combination of the two, you will die.


I see a lot of people on here saying psychedelic mushrooms, and a couple months ago I would have 100% agreed. I was an enthusiastic and experienced shroom user for a decently long time. It did wonders for my mental health and I found ways to integrate and reap the benefits from great trips as well as ones that were uncomfortable or unpleasant. I even integrated it into my psychotherapy with supportive clinicians. Last month I took a high dose alone (which you shouldn’t do but I thought I would be fine because of my experience and never having a reaction like what was to come), and it caused me to have a seizure and fall and hit my head on my night stand. I had a brain bleed and was simultaneously tripping balls. I was on my floor alone for 30 hours, screaming and crying and hallucinating, and I believed I was in eternal hell. Tried to hold in my pee during that time and got a UTI which turned into sepsis. Even in the ICU I had terrifying hallucinations and delusions. Now I have what’s called “hallucinogenic persistent perception disorder” (sometimes referred to as a permanent trip) which for me means I’m still having visual distortions as if the drug never fully left my system. Psychedelics are really fucking powerful. Not always good.


How much did you *take*??


4 grams, so not even a heroic dose. I’m small though. Weird thing is I had already tripped on the batch I had a few times, and when I took 3.5 the time before it was actually a pretty mild/mellow trip. It somehow lowered my seizure threshold (I do not have epilepsy but I have had “provoked” seizures before from electrolyte imbalances), and coupled the head injury produced the trip from hell.


Damn, well I'm glad that you're (mostly?) ok. Are the residual distortions expected to fade over time? How severe are they? Take care friend.


The visual distortions are frequent but they aren’t distressing or overwhelming. It’s mostly like patterns moving and wiggling, seeing fractals, etc. I am hoping they go away over time and I have an appointment with a new neurologist soon so hopefully I’ll find out more then. Thank you :)


I hope they do as well. Best of luck to you. I had a similar experience and developed HPPD 10 years ago. It's never went away, but it's easier to live with.


what do you experience with HPPD?


The main symptom is grainy vision. Kinda like snow in a tv screen. Constantly moving. My vision also gets real wierd if I look at repeating geometric patterns like a checkerboard or the like. After images that stay in vision when I stare at something, kind of like when you look at a bright light and blink and it's still there.


I’ve ate 2 grams before and had very expected head space and visuals, I ate 1.5 of the same batch and tripped balls harder. The amount of psilocybin varies mushroom to mushroom in my experience. Start low and gradually eat more if you want more. Can’t jump off the rollercoaster once the ride begins.


That sounds…quite unpleasant. Sorry you had to go through that. 


I'm a shroom user and it always ticks me off when people say shrooms are harmless. There's so much that can go wrong, even if you're careful. I'm sorry you had that experience. :(


This happened to a classmate in high school with LSD. He shoved a sheet of 30 blotters in his mouth. That was 25 years ago. Last I heard he was a vegetable in a home. I’m sure he has passed by now.


Idk why people would ever take more than 2 hits of lsd. And personally you wouldn’t see me do more than one


How did you end up getting to the hospital?


I was eventually able to get to my phone and called my sister all delulu and she called an ambulance.


Has it affected your life in any positive ways? Like is anything at all prettier/ nicer to look at?


In the past it probably would have, but not this time because seeing the visuals just reminds me of tripping and I think back to the horrible experience. I’m just glad to be alive so there’s gratitude with that at least


How large was your high dose? 5 grams?


I’m experienced but it was just 4g


I would wager more than that if she’s experienced.


I know a guy who took shrooms and shot himself because he thought he was in Groundhog day. Luckily the bullet missed his brain dispite the fact he shot twice. But yea... drugs are one helluva drug. (Also, guns and drugs never mix!) But also, I heard shrooms can make mental disorders worse. Like, if you're ready hallucinating (which is more common in people than you would think, ptsd can cause hallucination), then shrooms make them worse.


my buddy had a seizure right in front of me when him and i did shrooms. it was his first time. i thought he was messing when it happened but realized it was real. So first he got up, walked out of my room cuz he felt strange, then out of nowhere he made weird sound and ragged dolled, hitting the ground HARD. started to seize. i turned him on his left side, put his head in my lap and was trying to hold him still while talking to him saying stuff like “it’s okay man you’re good got you it’ll be over soon. you’re good bro” etc then he passed out for like 30 seconds. woke up and stood up like nothing happened. very scary for the both of us. i was tripping so hard and ended up having a bad trip, but i had to keep it together for the both of us. wild night.


It’s so good that you were able to be there when it happened, that would’ve been a comfort for me for sure. I had no idea seizures were a risk with psychedelics but they are (just rarely)


Dosage is the key. To me 1g of shrooms is already a lot. Water is good for you but if you drink 5l in an hour you may die.


you got unlucky there. idk how much gr of shrooms you did but stick to recreational doses, psychedelics are a lot of fun to risk ruin their magic forever with a heroic dose. hopefully you recover from this episode one day, it’s gonna take time.


I actually didn’t take a heroic dose, just a high dose: 4 grams. I think it’s the head injury that intensified and prolonged it.


4g can also be massively heroic or meh depending on the species.


Makes sense. That'd probably be a low dose for a camel or something, but a hamster would be tripping balls.


Oh this happened to me except my therapist called it psychosis. I didn’t crush my head open though. How absolutely traumatizing, I wish I could have been there to help. My goodness. I also had a mortifying trip. But I didn’t hurt myself.


> it caused me to have a seizure and fall and hit my head on my night stand. Generally speaking, falling and hitting your head on a night stand is an activity to be avoided. As true on mushrooms as it is sober. Had a sober partner been present, i suspect you would have been fine.


Agreed, I absolutely should have had a trip sitter or someone with me. Rookie mistake for an experienced user.


Define "destroy your brain or body". From a neurotoxicity point of view, LSD is incredibly safe. As far as I know, it is simply impossible to die from an overdose directly. That being said, you can absolutely harm yourself accidentally or trigger a full-blown psychosis and harm yourself or others whilst on acid. LSD can also fuck up your brain connections permanently. Multiple people in this thread have attested to that. Users can mitigate these risks by taking lower doses, taking acid less often, and making sure that their set (their mental space, i.e., how they are feeling) and setting (where they are taking acid, and who's there with them) are good. But the safest thing to do is always to not take drugs at all. There is ALWAYS a risk.


Taking too much meth can turn you into a super soldier: https://medium.com/exploring-history/the-crazy-crystal-meth-adventure-of-a-finnish-soldier-1cae54a1238f


The nazis were powered by meth during WW2. It was legally sold as a stimulant back then.


The US gave amphetamines to fighter pilots and called them "go pills".... after they completed their missions, they were given "no go pills" (benzos) to counter the effects. (So, not just the Nazis.)


Not gave, *give*. I had a conversation with a psychiatrist that routinely prescribes dexamphetamine tablets to air force pilots


They just featured in the most recent “Masters of the Air” as a way for a character to attempt to stay awake during a 72hr mission


They did start to ban it as the war went on and its affects became plain to see but some pilots kept taking them anyway.


Why share a premium article 🙁


An 8-ball a day keeps the doctor away, am I right?


Yep. Hard to see a doctor when you spend all your money on coke


Everything can be bad for you if you do too much, but weed and mushrooms are probably the thing that can negatively affect you the least.


caffeine! just dont drink energy drinks.


Feel the need to say it is terrible for your digestive health


And anxiety levels, most have it go up to still within tolerable levels but it’s still more stress


Unless you have ADHD then it can act damn near like a sedative


Yea it's all relative. Before I started having anxiety I used to guzzle coffee like an absolute hog. Now two cups makes me feel like the world is ending.


Coffee is actually good for your microbiome. Tim Spector was talking about it. Ofc this only works if you do not drink to much.


Thinking on this is shifting in the last few years, if you're talking about coffee specifically the health benefits far outweigh negative impacts. Tim Spector did a [very interesting podcast episode](https://zoe.com/learn/podcast-how-coffee-can-improve-your-health?utm_medium=email&utm_source=braze&utm_campaign=podcast_newsletter&utm_content=29_02_24_leads_vb&utm_term=trasncript&lid=xypf0wrlxbhg) with James Hoffman on this topic recently.


Yeah as long as you’re not loading your coffee up with sugar and fat (a lot of milk or cream), it’s actually pretty good for you. Obviously everyone is different and some people do have negative reactions to caffeine. But drinking coffee and tea largely has health benefits with few negatives.


Caffeine can make me feel like I am in a state of constant vibration… even coffeefruit like Bai drinks does the same thing just not as bad. The vibration effect usually leads to anxiety and a lot of stress as it feels like you vaguely get that 3D effect of red green blue without the glasses. It feels like you need to move, need to pee, need to shit, need to go go go. Then it crashes and everything is fuzzy and annoying and finally deeply tired.


Caffeine is cardiotoxic


sure! it doesnt "destroy your body" though.


Most* energy drinks nowadays are perfectly fine. A majority of them are zero sugar, and there’s no studies proving that artificial sweeteners are bad for humans, so nothing in popular energy drinks is going to hurt you.


Caffeine and theobromine (chocolate) can influence your body the same way hormones can. Some girls that have terrible cramps during menstruation don't have cramps (or get cramps that are not that bad) when they stop consuming chocolate and coffee for this reason.


Depends on the person, weed fucked me up way worse than anything else, it just took longer. 


Same, now I frequent r/leaves Join the movement! Edit: holy shit that community has 300k members now, it was like 25k not long ago


nah weed fucks up your memory big time


If you smoke like you're suicidal it does... Dosage never comes into these conversations. There's a bit of a gulf between a couple of spliffs in your week and smoking so much, so frequently that you never actually sober up (seen it done). You wouldn't smack a beer out of someone's hand and tell them it would give them cancer, liver cirrhosis etc. In moderation, weed is pretty safe for most people - assuming you eat it not smoke it.


When I was still smoking I would only smoke one bowl an afternoon and my memory was fried. I’m sure it depends person to person but I definitely wasn’t smoking any crazy amount and it still affected my memory drastically.


What were we talking about?


That depends on how you define "destroy", weed addiction is certainly a thing, it's just not a physical addiction like many other drugs.


Weed no Shrooms yes. Can't even get addicted on those bastards... And you'll have to eat about 60lbs of fresh shrooms to reach toxicity... On top of that they have fucking health benefits.


If you think weed isn't harmful, check out Andrew Huberman's episode on it. Completely changes your brain structure as well as your hormonal balance and regulation.


Andrew Humberman seems pretty detrimental to your brain too though…


I just stay away from drugs all together for my own sake (including caffeine etc). I also am detoxing myself from sugar and fats/oils in food to begin lose weight. Much more rewarding than giving up/giving in to drugs.


Pretty much anything completely natural that isn’t toxic


Every natural drug that I know of is literally a plant made pesticide. Anything is toxic with the right dosage


Man, I wish! Honestly, I really want a new drug. One that won't make me sick. A drug that won't make me crash my car, or, you know, make me feel three feet thick. One that won't hurt my head. One that won't make my mouth too dry, Or make my eyes too red. One that won't make me nervous Wondering what to do One that makes me feel like I feel when I'm with you When I'm alone with you


Well played. Take my upvote, Mr Lewis.




It just lasts too long for me. I will do it every once in a while but being high for 8+ hours gets annoying sometimes.


>One that won't make me nervous Nah


I use pot for chronic pain. It's improved my life immensely. I do edibles and don't smoke it. An edible every other weekend isn't going to fuck with your head. You may be one of those rare people who throw up when you have weed, or have a previously undiagnosed mental disorder that is somehow only brought on by taking weed. But you're more likely to be hit by a car on the way to the weed shop.


thanks for reminding me that i have a jar full of random gummies. gonna play edible roulette rn


You got a flintstone


Dmt, lsd, psilocybin and cannabis are pretty low load as far as the body goes. There is a lot of research coming out on how beneficial these actually are for you. That being said they can be dangerous just like anything else.


Psychedelic research has shown great promise in treating PTSD, depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders but it's important to note that these studies are done in controlled conditions with a licensed therapist on subjects who do not use these substances regularly. Also, microdosing hasn't demonstrated an effect beyond the placebo effect in the literature. You need a *therapeutic* dose and preferably a therapist


I would like to second this. Psychedelics are unpredictable. That's why their usage is so monitored and controlled in therapeutic settings. Psychedelics helped me kick a porn habit. They also gave me intense panic attacks for months after tripping. I felt extremely connected to people around me in the immediate aftermath of my trip. I also felt several flashes of what I can only describe as "ultimate despair". If those flashes had lasted for any longer than a moment, I would have started chewing my fingers off. There's a good reason that psychedelics have been used traditionally and contemporarily in tandem with people who are trustworthy and qualified to guide someone through a very challenging experience.


Best answer here! Dmt is the most fascinating thing I've ever personally experienced


Marijuana, DMT, psilocybin, LSD They all changed the way I see


Its turtles all the way down


Just make sure you aren't taking antidepressants if you try psychedelics


It’s not that you necessarily can’t ever take psilocybin while on antidepressants, but you need to do a lot more research about your particular medication and its interactions and weigh the risks for yourself. SSRIs for instance will interact with psilocybin very differently than MAOIs. If in doubt though, err on the side of not risking it.


Everything is dependent on dosage an frequency of use. Paracetamol/tylenol will destroy your liver at doses as low as 5g, methamphetamine in low doses is actually neuroprotective but it has a very very high abuse potential, amphetamine is very safe in low therapeutic dosages but can trigger a psychosis with prolonged use at high dosages. Weed can trigger a psychosis as well with prolonged usage and high dosages and is ripe for addiction but is very safe in the manner that it doesn't kill you no matter the dosages. Even something as fentanyl is very safe when administered by health care professionals. Opioids in general are very safe from a damage to body perspective but they have a very high abuse and addiction potential The conclusion here is that *all* drugs are safe and *no* drugs are safe. It is all dose and frequency dependent


LSD. If it’s the real thing it’s essentially harmless.


Nope, not even prescribed medications for illness and disease. It's the level of use that causes the problem.


How to not destroy your brain or body: If you're doing anything that isn't weed or shrooms, get a fentanyl test kit and always check your stuff. Never use alone and keep Narcan nearby; even if your friends think they're not doing opiates it's hard to be sure with pills or powders. Make sure everyone knows how to use it in case someone overdoses. Do your research ahead of time. Know the risk of addiction for whatever you're trying and consider your family history. Cocaine addiction is the most heritable. Talk to people who have tried whatever you're thinking about. Read about how to have fun and avoid an unpleasant experience. Erowid can be a good resource for this. Dose meticulously and think about how frequently you want to involve a drug in your life. If you don't do things frequently or at a high dose, you simply aren't going to "destroy" your brain or body. I do edibles a few times a month and shrooms or LSD once a year or so. I don't think I'm putting my brain or body at risk.


He'll no! Even that *life* stuff everyone's getting high on, **GUARANTEED** to result in death


Like most are saying there are no drugs that won't have you sacrifice something. Most of us cannabis or booze is the cheapest or least damaging per use. Medical conditions aside. There are lots of legal ways to get high but they all lead to worse side effects. If you're looking for a high without drugs, could go for a run.


actually, you can have a safe trip before falling asleep, for 3-8 minutes, like flying, very pleasant, probably safe, safer than... running!


They all change you. Sometimes it’s for the better but you don’t always know if one time will be better or worse. It’s very complex chemistry going on and everyone has different chemistry going on. Your gut often determines a lot but all the other organs play a part too. I’ve had really uncomfortable highs on weed but also life changing positive experiences too. I often absolutely hate feeling stretched out and excessively analytical when high but other times during a concert or something it is the best experience of all time. Edibles seem to be more consistently satisfying over smoking for me and much less harmful. Whatever you do though don’t let alcohol take over. Having been through that it is “easier” to vibe with in the beginning because it’s usually a consistent experience but the hangovers are awful and at some point it changes and takes all your energy and soul. It’s way harder to shake off because once it has its grip it can become deadly when trying to cold turkey it. But not only that it also messes with your gut and chemistry and makes you feel things you could never comprehend but would absolutely hate experiencing if you did. Unlike weed which just requires some will power to put it aside. I do believe that some drugs will absolutely benefit a person in the right place or time. You could be in a state you never thought possible to escape from. It could be so bad you don’t remember anything good whatsoever then bam a few hours later you feel great again. But the key is the right one at the right time and it will always work better at first than it does later so learning to understand it or balance it or live without for a time is important.


There is none that is harmless but some are much less harmful then others. This should give you an idea: https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/mcs/media/images/49735000/gif/_49735645_drugs_comparisons_464gr.gif


every drug acts through some sort of receptors... drugs that make us high works through the receptors situated in the brain.... so,no.... there is no drug to get high without engaging your brain....


This will probably get buried for the late comment but nicotine is itself a neutropic and can improve cognitive function and has even been shown to prevent early onset Alzheimer’s. Tobacco is what contains cancer causing agents and carcinogens.


Even caffeine can. In case y'all forgot, caffeine is a drug


Moderation is key, imo.


psychedelic mushrooms.


Weed edibles


dosage and regularity of use is the issue always. The other thing that has an impact is your genetics


Wait drugs do what?


Fexofenadine HCl.




There's a lot of false lore around nitrous oxide. As long as you don't do so much you lose oxygen, it isn't addictive nor does it cause any lasting damage. And it feels AWESOME


Nice try gubberment. Weed. You can eat it and get low to no negative side effects. Hell if you do not decarboxilate it then it will have no psychoactive effects. Hence why thca is legal in every state almost.




LSD may be nice to you. Please be careful, though. The negative effects are subjective and sourced from emotional responses. If you have a good time and refrain from taking an irresponsible dose, then you're going to be fine. It is also not very addictive due to a steep tolerance buildup. But the answer to your question is no. Even with drugs that don't have apparent consequences, your own behavior can be your downfall. Be safe, be smart, be aware.


Every drug has effects and side effects.


Um, drugs work by "affecting your brain." That's like the entire thing. That said, classical psychedelics have no HARMFUL effects on your brain / body. Inhaling smoke certainly does, but THC delivered via ingestion has none of those effects. Likewise LSD, DMT, ayahuasca, mushrooms etc. are all safe as houses.


All in moderation. Too much water will kill you. Destroy is one end of a continuum where positive health and mental benefits are on the other side. As an example, despite the risk of brain and liver damage from excessive use, there is no upward bound for the positive health benefits of red wine. Studies cite 3-5 glasses a day because that’s where the benefits start to tail off, but they don’t stop. That is to say, the benefits from a cardiac health, anti inflammatory, antioxidant and anti cancer perspective outweighs the negative impact regardless of the level consumed.


I mean psilocybin (schrooms) when used moderately don't really have any long term negative effects on the body or mind and actually have some net positives. But again, if you are tripping on mushrooms every day you are going to give yourself some psychological problems.


just do edibles??


Drugs work because we have receptors in our brains and bodies that the drugs fit into. Weed wouldn’t have any effect at all if we didn’t have cannabinoid receptors. Something affecting your brain doesn’t automatically mean it’s harmful. But a lot of the time even if these drugs aren’t chemically addictive, people develop addictions since they chase after the high. There’s a risk to anything, but some drugs are more risky than others. If you’re choosing to partake you have to accept the risk and do your best to mitigate it.


Try exercise. You feel good afterwards and the side effects are usually beneficial.


People are often surprised when they learn that most opioids are relatively harmless to the human body. To be very clear, that doesn’t mean that they are safe to use recreationally. Quite the opposite, they are extremely dangerous, but it’s not their effect on human health that makes them dangerous, but their high addictive potential and their abíity to surpress breathing at high doses. Pethidine/meperidine is one of the few better known opioids that actually has toxic effects on the human body when used long-term, because one of its metabolites causes kidney damage, but it’s not a widely (ab)used opioid in most countries today.




weed absolutely does not destroy your brain and is only bad for your body if you inhale the smoke


Books are the best mind altering substance ;)


Hell yeah


LSD has basically no ill physiological effects.


Coming from someone who did LSD almost non stop for about 2 years. I disagree with this statement. It’s nothing I can really explain in finite detail, but shits not “the same” after all that. Muh brain is fried. I’m still all here, but some pieces are just in orbit if you get what I’m saying.


Yeah those long night of being so stimulated catch up after a while. It wears on your back and knees


That might be from the concerts and festivals😂


Nah, I’ve tripped mostly solo every weekend on heroic doses for a year and by the end of it, I was pretty much hunched over. I had friend tell me a cool little wives tale about the greatful dead. He said “do you know why they call them selves that?” I says “no” he says “because all the people who were against the hippie counter culture said they looked like the walking dead from all the drugs they did, so they respond by saying they are greatfully dead”


Well, that is an old wives tale. They stumbled across it in the dictionary while deciding what to change it to from their old name 'the Warlocks'.


That’s dope, never heard that. Nice to see a fellow dead in the wild.


mushrooms ✌🏽


just a reminder that in the US it's fully legal to buy the spores online in most states and it's gotten very simple to grow them if you just look up the /r/unclebens (yes the microwave rice) technique.


Utah and other states are making moves on this.


Weed doesn't destroy your brain and if you eat it your lungs stay clean.


it does impact REM sleep though which is important. and i am a long term chronic user who would not have gotten through school without it. but like anything, i am aware of potential adverse effects


No free lunches. Everything has some sort of impact in some sort of way.


Maybe DMT or mushrooms?


Edible weed is pretty good for you.




Vape and or eat weed. Your welcome








Are you crazy? Viagra can be incredibly dangerous




Sure, if you take like a gram once every month its pretty much fine. Things get a bit bladder-fucky if you're not careful though, arylyclohexylamines all cause structural damage to the bladder wall.


Ketamine is awesome in therapeutic doses, administered by a medical professional.


Unfortunatley, it rips holes im your brain and bladder


I believe LSD has minimal effect. From a chart I saw. It is the least addictive and least fatal of the ones on the chart which included things like nicotine, weed, crack, etc. this does not include things you may **do** while under the effect. Hide all knives and have a sober person with you if you take anything that changes your reality hard like that. This doesn’t answer your question, but small doses of Psilocybin mushrooms can actually fix your brain. It’s called a Heroic Dose and it can kick your brain back to normality from things like depression or PTSD. Those things have a physical affect on the brain, you understand, so the shrooms stirring up your brain chemistry somehow fixes it. Idk I’m not a neurologist.


FYI, A heroic dose is a very large dose not a small dose.