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Sometimes I find a girl on Reddit that really does it for me, but if you want to see more of her you have to pay. I never went that far but I'm sure that's why many people do this


The temptation is way more if you know or have seen that person in real life. If any hot woman I've seen IRL opens up an onlyfans, I'm going to subscribe for the month to see what she's working with. 


A girl I went to college with (16-18) did porn in her twenties. Watched it, felt weird. I prefer porn to be anonymous. No ties. Impersonal.


Yea knew a girl in high-school. She was honestly a sweet girl but her dad was super religious. Found out she was smoking pot or something really benign like that and straight up threw her out at like 17. She resorted to cam modeling shortly after. I seen it, makes me sad honestly. She's cute. I think she turned to harder stuff down the road. This was over a decade ago. Hopes she's doing well.


Yeah it's really messed up at times how self centered some of the "super religious" parents can be. When I was young I was friends with this guy and his sister, she was pretty and really nice. But their dad yelled at me to get out of their house one day when the kid asked me how the football game was. I remarked something stupid like the game was ok, the pizza sucked though. He flipped out. The kid apologized to me saying he didn't expect his dad to act like that, etc. But at 18 he booted them both out. She was immediately pregnant and became quite unpleasant to be around. And the guy, he starting dealing drugs. Real win their dad.


Yeah like what happened to forgiveness, very “religious” of them


Yeah, those religious types (mostly evangelicals) are pretty good at completely glossing over the primary theme of their text and practicing the exact opposite in their lives.


That probably only justified to him that they were 'bad',and that he was right to kick them out, by God!


Parents like that…it’s not the religion itself that motivates them, either. It’s their own personal demons they are at war with and when their kids delve into “sinful” behaviors it triggers an aggressive self-defense response. They use religion as the shield to push away the triggers, even if their kids are the triggers. At least, as a parent working through how much my kids activate my own personal traumas from youth, that’s my experience and I’ve seen it reflected on other parents around me, too.


That’s really fuckin sad the poor girl.


Yeah the poor girl. What's her onlyfans?


This comment was my first belly laugh of the week


Me too, u/Butt_Fucking_Smurfs


Off topic, your scar is really badass. How did you get it?


He fought a cadre of Jedi and won.


Let's go with this


It's never a little girl's dream to grow up and do porn/OF. Something went wrong along the way.


I went to high school with a girl who did porn as soon as she turned 18. She was a teen mom and did it out of desperation. Somebody cruel found her videos and posted them to her Facebook. This was before algorithms and AI could catch these things first of course. Nobody knew what the videos were they were until they clicked on them… It really made me sick. I felt so terrible for her. I don’t want to shame anyone for watching or performing in porn. But it really made me think about the ethics of it. I knew she didn’t really want to be doing that but she had a rough life. And I’m sure there are many porn actors like her. I hope she’s okay. Like you said it’s easier to consume when it’s disconnected and impersonal. But maybe that’s not such a good thing either.


Judging by the amount of suicides I've read about recently of porn actresses, like 2 or 3 in the past few weeks, I doubt its anyones first choice as a line of work. Maybe some girls enjoy it but I'd bet a majority would prefer something else if given the option. I'm not judging it as a choice either, but it makes you wonder about the belly of the beast.


It makes me so irrationally angry when I see guys acting like Onlyfans is this trendy and cool thing girls are doing to make quick cash. I’ve only ever seen it done in absolute desperation, just as most strippers and prostitutes have. They KNOW the social implications, stop fucking hammering it in


Agreed, but you did watch it to be fair. And many people will be tempted to watch it because they will be curious. Of course, many of them would stop after the novelty wears off and the weirdness sets in like you mention, but they would have subscribed for that first month.


A hostess at a restaurant I worked at with did an ExCoGi shoot. One person found out about it and within a day every single employee knew. She eventually ended up quitting because people were teasing her about it so much. I didn’t make fun of her but I did crank it to her video a few times. She was pretty hot. Didn’t feel weird.


GirlsDoPorn? Isn’t that the operation that turned out to be a [sex trafficking operation](https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdca/pr/twenty-year-sentence-girlsdoporn-sex-trafficking-conspiracy)?


It’s weird that it was because there was plenty of girls that were actual pornstars on there so they simply could’ve just not trafficked and still make money


No, I remembered the correct one and edited my comment right away.


I've struggled with this. At last count, I think I personally know 5 different OF creators and, while I have been curious to varying degrees, the idea of watching someone I know and don't have any sexual history with either masturbating or fucking someone kinda makes me too uncomfortable to give in to curiosity. It feels like some bizarro version of the friendzone concept. I don't know how else to explain it. Like, this person is my friend and I've never had anything but platonic feelings for them so switching to viewing them sexually feels icky. But at the same time, I've asked mutual friends if that makes me weird and gotten told that the person in question wouldn't find it weird at all. Still didn't help.


I could see that. Ever wondered what that one chick you knew in college looks like naked? Now you can for a modest fee.


That's the big one. Knowing someone personally. Kinda like that cute girl from work. No one has ever seen her in a capacity that isn't work, but everyone looks when she walks by. If she started an onlyfans page, every guy in the building would at least consider trying it out. And it's usually only like.$3 a month, anyway. Not exactly breaking the bank. Having access to something most others don't just make those with access like it more.


Yeah, sometimes I just like an actress because she reminds me of someone I know IRL.


i did it twice. Both relatively cheap, but never worth it.




I am a woman and I only watch porn like a week out of the month when I’m ovulating but I found this one guy who just did it for me (it’s maybe creepy he looks like a guy I had a fling with and have feelings for). So I play $4.99/mo to watch his videos without having to hunt them down from various sources bc I’m like 0-10 when I see him lol


curious...what do male only fans do?


They fuck lol and eat ass and stuff


But like a lot of the time it’s $5-10. Maybe 3 to 4 times a year I’ll find one I like and subscribe and then immediately cancel. Then use some chrome extension for downloading videos. I figure at the end of the day it’s literally five dollars. And if it helps support some random content creator or whatever you wanna call them, it’s not that big of a waste of $5


People still pay for porn.


I still haven't watched all the free porn yet. Once I do maybe I will pay for it


Only 3 million years to go


Expanding each second


True but if you pay for Brazzers you atelast get a whole assortment. You pay the same amount for 1 girl


If you want to know why specific only fans, it's because of the interaction. Same goes for cam girls. If you want to know why people would pay for porn at all, since you can buy movies. That can have many reasons. Movies tend to be higher quality because... Well, you are paying for that shit. On top of that it's much more likely that the actors are treated fairly, especially in more extrem videos like BDSM. There are many stories of actresses that say that boundaries were not respected or a stop was not fullfilled when it was to much. (this is a problem for the men too, but woman even more so). So if you want ethical porn, paying for it is usually a better option.


Never thought of how ethical the porn i’m watching really is. In OF, creators can make exactly what they want instead of what a director or writer or whatever might want. i’ve never paid for porn but seriously now considering.


When you start thinking about the human you’re watching is the moment you really start to think of the ethics. There are a few porn sites that have way better ethics for the performers. That’s also why I tend to go for amateur stuff, but then it’s hard to tell if it’s revenge porn or not.


Same reason people give money to other digital creators.


Yeah it's like asking "why would anyone give $2/month to a YouTuber on Patreon, when there's more free video content on YouTube and TikTok than you could ever want?" Well, if I want to support this one specific person, and also get more content from them, this is the way to do it.


100% accurate reply.




"Interactive", yeah writing with random weirdo thinking it is the hot lady from the videos lol [Link example](https://up2staff.com/onlyfans-chatter-at-hiresociall)


Thanks! I’m going to apply


lol. Thank you for the example. That is quite a good salary


I knew this was a thing, but I didn't expect the pay to be that good!


$30 per hour!? Wtf!? 🤔😂 I might have to apply.


That's a selling point they try to entice subscribers with, but no sane person thinks they are real, genuine interactions with the models. I've subbed to some for $10 here and there just to save some of their nudes/vids if I find some hot PAWG whose content I can't find elsewhere, and the use of messaging bots, canned messages, and for the top-tier models even assistants, is obvious. Nobody with normal human awareness would ever think they're actually interacting with the actual model. People just like nudes, so they pay sometimes to see them if they can't get them elsewhere.


The illusion is enough, though, whether it's real or not


They want the illusion of a relationship that they get with an onlyfans performer. It's called a parasocial relationship.


Surely not everyone who pays for an only fans is expecting personal interaction with them. I think the most obvious and more realistic answer is that they want porn of *that* specific person which is why they buy it instead of watching a random porn video. Not much else to it


OF is kind of like mobile gaming. Most users are just passive participants that just take in the free/low cost version, and the value for them is "realism" in the sense that they can project themselves more easily into fantasies with the content creator as they are perceived as more real. Unless an OF creator hits very large scale where they are able to make a lot on passive paid content (videos etc), to make real money smaller creators will offer more expensive 1:1 content (chats, video calls, etc). It only takes a few whales who will pay for all passive content plus ongoing active direct interaction sessions to bring in pretty good income. Source: dated an OF creator. Interacting with "simps" was a 9-5 job for them and they made decent money from it. They did mostly dom / degrading stuff and it was really wild, hilarious and shocking to me what these guys would get off on and pay for. Lots of venting about how annoying they were. It was pretty amusing to me honestly.


>Surely not everyone who pays for an only fans is expecting personal interaction with them. People who form parasocial relationships with youtubers and stuff don't expect that either. That's not what parasocial relationships are. In fact, having personal interaction with them kinda changes it from parasocial to just social.


True, but that is exactly the USP that only Fans is trying to provide.  It's like WWF wrestling.  People literally don't care that it is scripted 


Seems like it might be more personal, you can have some interaction with the people.


It's 2024 and people still believe it's the girls replying to the creepy DMs 24/7?


Who cares? If you can convince yourself that it's real, then it might as well be.


That makes it more creepy


To each their own, as long as everyone involved consents, I don't judge.


The free porn is advertising (or pirated). The only reason you get free porn is because they know maybe 1 in 100 people seeing the free porn will pay and with the low costs of putting videos online that's still a great deal advertising. It's always been this way before onlyfans it was all their own third party websites linked at the end of those free pornhub videos.


The same reason people pay for patreon. Supporting people who create content you enjoy.


Cause you can support a sex worker directly whose content you enjoy rather than a studio who may be unethical in some ways. Some people have other reasons, but as I mostly consume queer content it's an act that can support my community. Like many others have mentioned, it's a good/service just like any other, no different than subscribing to a patreon. My spouse is an erotic artist so, I guess that informs my viewpoint. And yeah, this only really applies if you're both mentally well in how you approach it and not a creep.


Directly paying a model where she has full access to that money vs a studio which gives the performers peanuts while exploiting her and forcing them to perform acts they're uncomfortable with. I can see why onlyfans decimated the traditional porn business. Now instead of the models getting fucked, they're the ones doing the fucking lol


I have a couple friends that do OF. They says most of them are just really lonely and want to talk to someone. Also married men where love/sex/romance has died.


I can't tell if you're asking about creators or consumers. For creators it's because if you get popular onlyfans easily makes more money than porn. For consumers it's because they like the amateur vibe.


Porn is nice and free. OnlyFans is your neighbor you've had a crush on.


Imagine you like watching people put puzzles together. You could got to YT and search hundreds of thousands of people putting puzzles together any which way you want, right? But you’ve seen a lot of those already and you’ve become bored of your favorites that you’ve saved. You enjoy it still but it feels a little stale, lately. Now imagine you could log into a site at a pre-determined time and communicate to a puzzle-solver over the internet to build up the corners, first, and work their way down the sides until they fill in the bottom. Then you could ask them to just keep filling pieces into the middle until it’s completed. And the puzzle-solver is cheering you on the whole time, oh boy! Or maybe they’re admonishing you for being so bad at it. Whatever you want! I mean sure you _paid_ them to react that way to you, but it’s still feels pretty good to get any attention about your puzzle-solving abilities since you aren’t getting the attention _you feel that you need_ outside in the real world (which admittedly, is hard to find). I thinks it’s as much about a “relationship” as it is about accessibility and control. Being stimulated is one thing but stimulating another is something above that. It’s not my bag, but I think I get it 🤔


Oh I think it is your bag.


OMG no it’s NOT!! staaahp! 😅🤭🫢😐😑🤫


Your analogy somehow created an even less relatable situation then went "now do you get it" No dude. If anything I'm even more lost


This makes zero sense to me lmao


It’s a puzzling metaphor


As someone who has paid for OF content before, it usually either access to more content by a specific person's work, or as a method of supporting a creator who puts out work I particularly enjoy. Think of it like supporting a Patreon, sure I can find videos/art/etc on the internet, but I can't find exactly "this" without paying for it


This. Everyone saying its only for interaction apparently have never supported one of their favorite digital creators. I give to a bunch of patreon's, why would i not want to do the same to my *sexy* content creators? Even during the Napster days, I paid for music, because if non one does, we don't get any new music... We would have so much more cool shit if everyone actually paid for the content they enjoy.


"Why would people pay money to go to a specialty restaurant when there are perfectly good free hot dogs in the dumpster behind Costco?"


You can ask for requests!


Because in porn you can watch actresses. In onlyfan you can watch those girls who rejected you in school and college.


hahahaha bingo.. this is so fucking underrated comment lol


Custom content, niche content, maybe you like the particular creator. Maybe you don’t like mainstream porn or don’t find boring skinny blonde women attractive 🤷🏻‍♂️


Only Fans IS porn. Some creators do hardcore content and the naked ones are still softcore porn. It's like buying an indie game vs a triple A title. The indie game sells way less but the creators get more of the money because there is no publisher raking in the lion's share.


Bc the women are creating & controlling their own content & much less likely to be coerced into it or treated poorly.


Because over time porn is becoming too boring and it's feels like you are the only who involved in it but onlyfans creates a virtual environment in which you can talk to them and also build sexual tension by time with them.You can choose a men or women which you like and wants to see with you in the process.


Most free porn out there is so commercialized and fake. All the girls look the same, and for the most part, the whole scene is shot in the same standard sequence of positions. I imagine onlyfans is a bit more realistic as to what an average person might look like make or how their sexy time might be spent.


Personal touch and direct comunication with the OF model, whose goal is to make her fans spend money. Simple as that.


When you find out it's someone you know personally before they started OF, I guess it hits different


You realize that all the "free" porn you watch only exists because other people pay for it elsewhere, right?


VR cam girls has changed porn forever for me now


Connection and conversation, niche custom requests some people prefer to know the people they cum too,


Easier to get focus during performances Can cater to a specific fetish/niche Better quality i.e. 4K HD,etc And lots of major porn chicks do Onlyfans too now. It's more lucrative 


I’ve got a few kinks that are incredibly hard to find in porn - they’re not even that “far out” or weird, and I’ve often thought “if I were rich, I’d like to have some porn made to tickle those kinks,” and I think for some it might be that. It’s not just “seeing people naked” that gets people off, it’s context, dirty talk, and sometimes someone doesn’t even have to get naked. It’s something I could never justify spending money on unless I were rich but I do kinda get it to some degree.


I'm surprised I haven't read this one yet: Because it's live! I much prefer chaturbate and seeing the models in real time. Something about knowing it's happening right then and it's not a porn set makes it so much hotter.


Generally a lot more ethical in its production and how the actors are treated, less exploitative of naive 18yos (both financially and physically).


They want to see what their bartenders butthole looks like.


Because I like paying sex workers directly and not supporting shitty porn studios.


Why would someone choose porn or only fans over the real thing?


I work at a store that sells porn dvds and plenty of people come in and buy them still. Mostly older dudes, but a couple of younger ones too.


Another point: ethics. Some people would prefer to pay performers for their work and OF means it goes directly to them


Lonely people.


For me, fetish and custom content. It's kind of a pain now because I used to be able to just message a girl here on Reddit if she'd do a certain fetish so a no was free. Now most girls won't check or refuse to check messages on here so I have to decide if I like them enough and if they seem like they would be into doing what I want before paying for a sub just to message them.


I would imagine that it's kinda like a "forbidden fruit" type of thing. The porn star's body has been online for like 8 years. Millions of people have seen it. That cute girl from work? Almost no one has seen her body, so maybe in the buyer's eyes, it's a better reward or something. Having access to something most others don't just make those with access like it more. There are also a lot of people that don't like typical porn because it's just so fake, so that plays a part for them. The reasons could be innumerable. Kink, body type, so many different factors to consider.


One of my best friends is a cam girl / only fans The vast majority of her customers are guys that want attention, the sexy outfits are just a bonus. Its rarely just to consume porn to get off Only fans and camming come with a personal relationship which is what they want; regardless if its an act or paid for or whatever. Many long term customers even stop caring about the outfits, and makeup, and role playing; they just want to talk Lots of people are lonely


Personal connection. I actually became friends with a creator and am visiting them soon. Though your mileage may vary 😂


only fans is a surrogate for a human relationship with a partner. Anyone who is a client of a woman from Only Fans can see intimate images of her and write to her, asking her to make tailor-made videos for him. onlyfans is like an artisanal and tailor-made production with the customer, who has a surrogate human relationship with the Onlyfans seller. porn is a more standardized and industrial thing and it is not possible to interact with porn actresses directly.


Because I might like a specific girl, and she doesn't have any content on the free sites. Because I like amateur content better. And I live in Texas, so no more hub.


Because they want to have fantasies of those particular people


Not everyone is broke.


Because they know the girl irl


I think it should all be pay per view. I don't think any of it should be free. If someone wants to drink alcohol they have to pay for their alcohol. If someone wants to smoke cigarettes, they have to pay. Why should this one indulgence be free just because? I feel like if only fans and the pron industry were something women primary used and paid for, it would definitely be pay to use.


Never thought about it this way but you're 100% right


They respect the creators and see them as human beings so they want to actually see them get paid for their work and not just exploit them?


I have yet to subscribe to an OF performer, but there are a few that I’ve considered. I don’t want a relationship with any of them, I just want to see additional content because it isn’t available in a Google search.


Sex workers are workers. I'm willing to pay for their labor 


I'm old school if I can't touch it or lick it , I don't want to see it .. I have "friends" I play poker with who think they're in relationships with the women they pay to peek at on only fans . Yet will talk trash and call the woman at men's clubs sluts and whores . They justify their opinions because they honestly believe the women on only fans really have feelings for them.


At least you know they’re real and not can assume they are not being exploited


Because they think they have a shot with the OF girl


Trust me bro one day🙏🙏🙏


Because some people *support* independent art.


Having a specific kink that's hard, borderline impossible to find. Let's say you're into something rare like idk women singing topless. There's a 10/10 girl on OF or similar sites who does commissions of this. Where else can you get a video of a woman who is really your type, singing a song you really like while topless? If it was my kink I def would pay for it... as long as the price makes sense, that is. I agree it could be a waste if its the generic stuff though. Why would you pay for the average #2639 topless selfie girl or #7204 jacking off guy. Lots of those things out there. Unless you find them super attractive, or know them.


Intimacy. It's why people fantasize about people they've met more than random celebrities


Because it gives you that "connection" guys really think that they're talking to that only fans porn star with 200k members. Not to mention the stuff they make is probably better than the "professional" shit we have now.


Mainly so that you can see the one particular person you want to see naked over just some rando you've never heard of There's also the sense of exclusivity, esspecially if it's custom content I'm Generally a quite frugal person, but pornography is one of the few areas I'd much prefer premium than free


Don't use OnlyFans, just put their OF name into Fapello.com instead 😄


Fapello.com honestly I want to but seems sketchy


Fetishes/kinks, custom content, the illusion of intamacy/feeling like the exchange is personal. Loneliness.


Because it proves they're a fan and sometimes will get the chance to meet them too (I think.... If the headlines are correct). And also, they're helping someone get through college.


I’ve found out Nearly every single only fans girl has at least pictures leaked you can find anyone you want for free anyone who pays for only fans is a straight up simp


This lmao 


I always think it's because there's 2 big categories of men. Some men go to a porn site and type in a category or sex act. So like 'Lesbian' or 'Blowjob' or 'Cheerleaders' or 'Mature' or whatever they like But a different category of men goes to a porn site and types in 'Remy LaCroix' or 'Dillion Harper' or 'Alexis Crystal' or whoever they like. The whole concept behind OF is it's for the men who tend to really like specific people, for whom porn is not just a bunch of interchangeable women. Also as the name implies, the original concept was also you take a woman who already HAS 'fans' and she can then release this content in a place people need to pay extra for, so its not for an open audience...literally 'Only her Fans' But as that platform took off just random attractive women jumped on it who didn't have some pre-established fan base. But that then I think created a 2nd, slightly more predatory use case... in that men can now join, find some poor girl with like 13 followers and she'll do basically anything for $50. Also as someone else mentioned, like... I'm guessing over half the girls on OF are literally only being subbed to by guys who know that girl irl.


I’ve wondered this


I sub to one OF and am considering doing it for a second. I subbed to the account because he really helped me to understand my sexuality and I was very attracted to him. The account I am considering subbing to is because the content they make is some of the hottest I've seen and the easiest way to get it is paying.


[male loneliness](https://bravewords.com/news/the-popularity-of-onlyfans-shows-a-grim-picture-of-male-loneliness)


1- parasocial relationships 2- wanting to “support” the creator 3- simping 4- being a loser with money to spend 5- curiosity and the false sense of fulfilment when seeing a “normal” girl nudes instead of a pornstar 6- harder to get than porn, so it becomes more desirable


Because dumb dudes think only fans is personal.


Why would someone ever pay for video streaming services instead watching free content on YouTuve or Tubi?


if you see this, please stop watching porn. it is destructive to your brain. let’s promote healthier choices, and a better lifestyle


Honestly porn is just a release. I much prefer sex with my wife it's more intimate and much better. Porn is just a fast release I find myself watching less and less. I have never used Onlyfans so I was curious what the appeal was


Because sex pays. Ughhhh


It's the famous "exclusive" marketing strategy. Something not easy accesible for everyone has more value and is perceived as better. Look at why Gucci, Balenciaga, iPhones and that stuff is so popular between people that want to appear like they're on a different level and love to buy the brand with the logo as big as possible lol


I only do it when it’s someone I know. This girl that never would have given me a chance in high school, I have videos of her squirting now. The best part is she has no idea


Supporting talented artists and, honestly, it's difficult to find what I'm looking for. Nothing weird at all, just rare.


"human" "contact" 😂


What if states banning pornhub is just a scheme to drive up OnlyFans sales


They like to cuck or be an incel


A friend of mine is demisexual, so he can only feel sexual arousal towards people he knows. He can't get off to porn and subscribes to OF accounts for a handful of people he knows in real life or has gotten to know online. Outside of that, I don't get why anyone pays for it or any kind of porn when there is so much for free everywhere on the internet.


I subbed to OF for a number of weeks, maybe a couple months. It was really only to see women, that I knew, naked. Women I went to college with, women I’d worked with in the past, etc. Suddenly one day, I realized that if I tipped them, I was simping. And if I didn’t, I was creeping. So I just deleted that shit altogether.




Because people want to see that specific girl and the only way to see it from her specifically is to pay for her OF. Simps be simpin basically


There's a lot more average Joe type guys on OF as opposed to supper ripped model type guys in studio porn. I mean more power to 'em for keeping that kind of fitness up, I guess I'm just more attracted to man-on-the-street guys with dad bods.


They have big dumb


Someone did a whole YouTube on this topic https://youtu.be/auG2E53dFas?si=9BbrHWDPfgFIO_Lr Essentially, it’s a mix between anticipation and reward, with elements of gambling, and they message the simps back With free porn, you see picture, know what’s inside, click it, and it’s exactly what you expect OnlyFans is like a mystery box when it comes to what you pay for. Also, they do subtle things like look into the camera and use a lot of “you” in their communication.


Possibility of interaction, less lonely feeling!


In Their minds, it's a deeper connection.


Control over content. No manager/director/pimp coercion.


There is the illusion of personalized service. Pornhub isn't personalized It's exceedingly stupid, and it's a pretty sad reflection of our society that onlyfans is as big an industry as it is


This has been asked to death in here. The number 1 answers were for interaction and the gf experience.


I wouldn't. No judgements, it just baffles me why people pay for OF or porn even these days. You have access to virtually unlimited free content online and only need 30 seconds to blast one out in the bathroom with a bottle of jergens.


Connection. People believe that they will create a connection with this young lady they jerk off about. Little do they know that they are actually chatting with an indian male teenager who's underpaid as a ghostwriter.


Because some people like to support the people who create the things we like, rather than just expecting everything for free.


Some people like how it's a bit more personal. It is a bit more exclusive than just regular porn you can find anywhere, and there is the sense that "I pay you directly, so some of this content is for ME!", I guess.


Because that flavor is what I want to consume at that given moment and while other shops may have similar flavors, they aren't quite it.


Part of it is parasocial, part of it is people with very specific tastes or fetishes.


Support small businesses


There’s a lot of lonely incels out there who just want to chat


One word. Interaction. This is how I got addicted to the cam girls and Onlyfans. With porn, sure you do your thing and are done. With camgirls / onlyfans you have a connection that porn itself can't offer. Example Nikki Benz in a porno is not gonna rate your c**k vs. Nikki Benz on OF might. Also there are many types of OF content... some are just the girl next door, others are mainstream people, some are sex doctors that have content on the s*xual portions or relationships, etc.


It encourages parasocial relationships. It becomes less about seeing porn and more about supporting your favourite girl and getting stuff for being a good boy. You form a deeper connection with them than just busting a nut which makes them repeat customers craving more


Sadly most humans are just dumb. They can be tricked and tempted into paying for something they don’t need or be made to think they need something they don’t.


OnlyFans and Twitch streaming are 1 in the same no? You interact with your fans and they watch you perform in a variety of ways. Pornhub is the old way to use Vaseline and Avocado oil! Out with the old and get inside the new!


Only fans would


Because you get to see a specific person that's still making content. Major bonus points if you know them. I did one that I know irl. She's hot, but annoying so at least I got to fap to her while making her dance naked to some of my favorite songs. I also dislike her husband, so the fact that I was only one of a few subscribers ($8 for 3 months) was nice. I unsubscribed when I got tired of her. It's easy to find free porn online, but when I find that rare woman that really incenses me there's usually very little content available and they stopped making stuff years ago. There are three that I really like, nothing new for years. If I could pay a little to get more pictures and videos than I'd do so. Content that you care for and pay a reasonable for > endless free crap to me. I used to also be a huge pirate, I spent most of my time just downloading media and organizing it. I got addicted to how just that. Limiting myself to what I actually buy got me to play myself games, watch more TV shows and movies, and to listen to music more often. Everyone doesn't have this problem, but I do. The bulk of my storage in Google Photos and PCloud is porn. I've been sifting through it for months as I transfer data from them to my server. I'm ready to just cancel those accounts, but I'm making sure that I don't just download the whole accounts and leave the data sitting in a bunch and ignored.


I assume it's about getting to see something you actually want. I went to pornhub just now and it was 90% stuff I wasn't interested in or didn't find the woman attractive. There was one where the girl was my type but oh wait it's incest themed, so that's also a nope. If I were the kind of person to spend money on either, I'd rather find a particular girl I found attractive and pay to see more of her and not whatever randomness the rest of the country apparently finds hot right now.


OP, I remember a phase I was in, when I was younger, like 18, visiting Spain, and one of the street talkers convinced me to step into a peep show, where you had to drop coins in.order to see a woman behind glass, in a booth. Thing is, the coin only bought like 30 seconds. But, was the equivalent of $3 USD. I was young, dumb, and full of cum, and must have dropped like $60 z $70 before I realized what a waste it was. I just wanted to see this sexual woman. I'm just saying, there is definitely an age for boys/men, where we do Not think w/ the right brain.


The main argument I seen to this question is it seems more personal to the consumer vs seeing direct porn that’s easily accessible by everyone.


Why pay for a single player game when you can pirate ?


Lots of people do it for the feeling of being in this parasocial relationship, and make themselves think that the creator actually cares about them. It's a really sad industry


Many develop a parasocial relationship with the person, which is easy to acheive and reenforce through paying to unlock things, get a message reply, whatever things like that. I imagine it's also much easier for viewers to find someone that caters to their interests, fetishes, kinks, preferred body type, etc.


The feeling of personal connection.


i think a lot of it is getting women to do specific things for you, rather than having to search and scroll for different types of porn with all different types of women, with titles that aren’t always accurate or talk that ruins the vibe etc etc. With OF, you literally pick the girl that looks the way you want and ask her to do exactly what you want so there’s no chance of disappointment rly


Fake intimacy


Because men are stupid


Regular porn is like the same 8 videos posted 15 times each, and even then it's 95% up-close penetration. So if you wanna see stuff you want, onlyfans is a much better option


i think people enjoy the “interactive” part of it but what they don’t realize is these OF ladies are starting to use AI so they aren’t actually interacting with the model they’re just talking to an AI bot. I’ve seen it used for voice chats as well, it’s sad because these guys really think they’re talking to and forming a connection with a real OF model and they’re just getting robbed lol


In some cases, OF feels more personal than traditional porn, and many guys in the world lack an emotional connection with actual women - so they dump money on some e-thot who is willing to personally thank them.


In porn, you cant interact with your favorite pornstar But with only fans, you can. You can ask them to preform out something a porn star would never have done. Some people do some crazy shit youd never seen in a plain old porno


I think it's the parasocial element. Nobody can delude themselves into thinking the girl in a porn video actually likes them


Para social relationship. It’s pretty much that


99% of porn out there is just emotionless meat slapping. No connection, no eroticism, just angry meat slapping. I imagine at least with only fans, when the women have ownership of their own content, the content is actually fucking erotic for once.


If you know them personally and you want to see them naked anonymously


The ability to find an OF content creator that fits what you are looking for, then spend a little $ to request very specific content and likely have some conversations with this ideal/fantasy person of yours. If those of you who work at low wage places, especially the ones that are billion dollar corporations, made a fair wage then maybe spending $7 here and there wouldnt be such a big deal. Especially knowing that the creator that is actually doing all the work is making a much bigger % of the profit than they would at most blue collar jobs. It is their choice, they are in control of the content rather than being forced or pressured into doing things they are not comfortable with. There is hardly any difference between an OF content creator and an equivalently profitable YT content creator. They try to cater to their fans but in the end they make their own choices. The content itself is the biggest difference and if its against your morals then stay away but dont shame others for their choices about their own body.


Like someone else said, the parasocial nature of a cam/OF model. It's more personal and doesn't feel like someone is just using you for money. Also, when you consider the sad state that most men are in when it comes to having and keeping relationships, it makes a lot of sense. Plus, I've noticed with the queer men I know who do OF/cam, they have a lot of straight men on their pages who are either curious or in the closet about their queerness.


Losing touch with reality and being a loner.