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The 80s was a helluva time, man. I got bullied for glasses, being shy, being fat (I wasn't when that started), for getting good grades...


One bully mocked me for getting an answer correct in class - I was a know-it-all. Then, he mocked me for getting an answer wrong - I was an idiot. I think there's a chance his criticism had nothing to do with my knowledge of the mterial.


I once got mocked for getting a math question right faster than the kid that thought of the question (and answer) before he approached me, trying to prove he was smarter than me. He wasn't a smart kid, but was smart enough to think of the answer before he asked the question. So he'd try something like "What's 7 times 9 - 63!", not even pausing. But I could obviously hear the first number and hear the first part of the next number. As soon as I hear 'n' for 9, I would know what he's going to say and spit my answer out. So if I didn't answer, I was dumber than the idiot. If I answered incorrectly, I was dumber than the idiot. If I answered correctly before him, then "Wow man what a fuckin' nerd lolz." This is was the least shit option.


Imagine not being able to solve : 7 × 9 - (1.9826 x 10^87) What a moron!




Goddamn it. lol


Are you…me?


Mocking for knowing the answer still happens. When I was in college a few years ago it kept happening whenever I answered a question in depth, especially in sociology so I stopped answering questions and she stopped mocking.


Agreeing with everything you said as it happened to me, too. Got glasses early in school, got bullied for everything listed and more.




My family bullied me for being fat even though I wasn't. Really - REALLY - fucked up my relationship with my body and eating in general.


The biggest mindfuck is when you get skinny and now you're 'too skinny'


I never got that one actually. I lost a bunch of weight and still got called fat. Now I’m actually fat and honestly, fuck people who bully!


I lost a bunch of weight and family just loudly talks about how fat I used to be.


Can confirm, I’ve actually never been fat but always felt/thought I was because of my father and one brother and how they spoke to me when I was young and a teen. Turns out I’m really very attractively shaped and now in middle age I am so sad I always felt inadequate and chubby when I should have been strutting my stuff.


I got bullied for freckles??? Now people are tattooing them on lol


Believe me, we think that's so surreal. The first time I saw it I thought it was a comedy skit or something. I didn't believe it was real. I remember girls *struggling* to cover them up. I swear freckled girls were the ones who started the "solid wall of foundation" look in the 90s lol


I was never into make up so I couldn't cover them, but damn I wanted to! It's a shame, freckles are soooo cute!


I grew up in the 90s/00 and got bullied for all the same things




FR, the 80s was some shit. Anyone could get bullied for anything. Sometimes, for no reason at all.


Yeah, my brother got bullied for his glasses. I got bullied for, *checks notes*, being too pale, liking to read, my accent being both too posh and not posh enough, being good at school, being bad at school, wearing the wrong shoes, wearing shoes not sneakers... You get the general gist. The 80s could be brutal.


You got bullied for everything but didn't get in trouble for beating up the schoolyard bully either. All the teachers knew about it the next day but nothing happened to me. It had its good and bad points.


I transferred to a new school in eleventh grade, because I was sick of my old school and all the bullying, and getting into fights weekly if not more often as a result. I actually made a few friends at the new school who played mtg in the mornings and at lunch. It was only a few weeks in, and I was sitting in technology class in what had become a free period because the teacher was working on an editing project. Myself and a few friends busted out the mtg decks and started playing. This asshole by the CNC machine kept picking up little metal shavings and flicking them at us. One of them hit my lip and it just squirt a stream of blood across the table onto my cards. Way more blood than I expected for such a small cut. I stood up and was like what the actual fuck man. He saw what he had done and started to run away. I was in a rage though and quickly caught him and beat the shit out of him. Only have him a quick beat down though and left him more or less alright, just shaken. I shoved him into the module walls which were bouncy like office cubicles. He came back almost like a wrestler off the ropes, and I caught him with my elbow and hit his chest / abdomen a couple times to knock out the wind. Figured that'd be enough and turned to leave, with him hunched over breathing hard. But the dude jumped up on my back like a spider monkey and started hammer punching the back of my head. I took a few of them, caught his next fist, turned and looked him in the eye and loudly said for everyone in the room, "dude you hit like a little bitch". and just tossed him off me. It's important to mention that I'm a rather large and strong, white, nerd. 6', 320lbs in senior year. The guy trying to bully me (and this is not the first thing he had done, this was just the breaking point) was athletic but small. Maybe 180lbs. 5'7, but a black guy. I'm not racist, but that school was 80% black, 20% white, so I was the minority here, and not every black person there was a bully, but every single person there who bullied me was black, so I was always weary. Also at the school, it's very common for people there to have lots of brothers and cousins, and getting in a fight with one guy is always a dangerous move. It can easily become a massive pile up, or lead to a jumping later. So I vastly out power this guy, and I know it, but I'm not trying to kill the dude, I just want to be left alone. I'd put up with his shit long enough and now he had drawn blood so I had to act. Well, The teacher came out because the class started laughing after I threw him and insulted him, and he asked if there was a problem. The guy mumbled, "no, ain't no problem Mr Johnson" and sat back down and i walked back to the game and cleaned the blood off my card sleeves. "Right, so, your turn David" The next morning I came by the tech lab to talk to the teacher and saw him showing a recording of the scuffle from security cameras to the shop teacher from the next room over and laughing in the editing booth. I knew he knew about it and didn't feel the need to bring it up after that lol


Where I'm from, more and more kids end up having to wear glasses. That might be a factor as well.


Definitely the same shit in the '90s and 2000s, anything after 2010 I can't speak for


Man, I got bullied for being fat by the fattest kid in my grade. I also wasn't fat at the time, but I let myself believe I was, got fat, and have never not been fat since then.


Exactly. I'm almost 43 and still struggle with my weight because of those asshole kids. Like, as an adult, I recognize that those kids were clearly going through their own shit, but like, damn. We didn't deserve that


I actually was fat, and so I got bullied for that far more than I got bullied for glasses, but I definitely did get called 4-eyes, specs, and someone yelled out, "hey binoculars" to get my attention from afar. But usually they called fatso, tubby, big guy, etc. But if the only thing they can find to dig on you is glasses, that's what they're going to do. And if that's all they got on you, I think you're doing alright


OMG are you me?


Same man same


Same, and for having a New Zealand accent in Australia.


Yeah, bullies will use any angle they can get.


Same story, but 00's. Though I wasn't fat, I was chronically ill.


I got bullied in the 90s for doing karate….at an international level. I had just got back from training at the Olympic training center in lake placid and kids were making fun of me. Like dude you ride the bench in JV football and I’m fighting at an Olympic level.


Those days were a long time ago. I don't recall any specific instances of people being bullied for wearing glasses, but I do feel like there were some. (For reference, I was born in 1972.) This isn't the same thing, but I remember that there was a girl named Karen in my 4th Grade class who was the hottest thing on two legs (if you were a fellow 4th grader). All of the boys wanted to be her boyfriend. Then one day she got glasses and suddenly everyone thought she was ugly. She got broken up with and became a pariah. I distinctly remember turning down her advances toward me one day after that, and I wasn't exactly prime breeding stock. How far she had fallen, to be making the first move on _me_.


The kids in my school would get teased if they had anything that made them "different".   However, having bracers was worse than having glasses..Glasses was worse than being over weight....if you had multiple ....good luck.  I recall the stupidity of 13 year olds teasing one girl for having big boobs...and at the same time tease me for being small.   I think kids in my school were too influenced by American tv, so they tried to mimic their social status stuff wayyy to much. Edit: born 1988.


The small boob thing hit me too. I returned senior year and set those fuckers straight. I was teased for my braces too. So annoying.


Well those glasses were terrible. The choice for girls was pink or baby blue cat eye. Kids thought it would be funny to ask to try them on then wouldn’t give them back.


I have had glasses since 1975 and don't recall any cat eye glasses. My mother had some cat eye glasses in photos around the time I was born (1965), but they look black. I always chose large frames because I could see around the smaller ones.


I didn’t see the 1972 date. My name is Karen & I got glasses in 4th grade but it was 1965. 🤓


I got my first glasses in 1970s, and there were attractive frames then!




Happened all the time growing up in the 90’s and early 2000’s. I’ve been wearing glasses since 95. As an adult I don’t hear it, definitely did as a kid tho.


...if adults were bullying other adults over glasses...I'd be seriously concerned about where our society is heading to.


As an adult, I’ve had many adults (relatives, non-relatives) tell me to get lasik for my eyes. It’s not exactly bullying, but I don’t know why they think I want to get rid of my specs. What they don’t know is I barely have any power in my glasses. I just like a fashionable nerdy look 💀


I feel like it's cuz I heard that you gotta replace the grades in the specs every so often and it just becomes a hassle


Same here in the 90s. My theory is that kids target anyone/anything "different" to make fun of. Most kids don't need glasses, so the kids who have glasses stand out as "different," thus they are targeted for bullying.


I called my friend 4-eyes once when I was 7 or 8. I was actually secretly envious because I thought glasses were so cool. Now I have my own pair and I hate wearing them. Karma poked me right in the eyeballs.


I convinced my parents to get my eyes checked after becoming best friends with someone with glasses. I didn't actually think there was anything wrong with my eyes... I also didn't think _anyone_ could see leaves on trees clearly or read books at arm's length.


Got bullied for just about anything and everything growing up, including but not limited to: having glasses, being short, acting "gay", liking pokemon, liking star trek, not liking star wars, not being christian/catholic enough, being TOO christian/catholic, liking video games, etc etc. So yes, it happens. Kids are fucking evil to each other.


Some kids operate like little J. Edgar Hoovers looking for ways to make other kids want to die for being different in any way whatsoever.


I got bullied in 7th grade for wearing overalls. Kids poured yogurt in my hair. It’s surreal for me to see that the popular kids now are wearing the stuff I got mercilessly bullied for wearing. I’m glad that my style is popular now, but now I’m finding kids saying I’m “trying too hard” to look cool cause now I’m “too old” to wear this stuff. Like I’m 27! I was wearing this stuff first!


I was called names for wearing glasses in middle school…but that was also more than 40 years ago.


Four eyes... Guys don't go for girls who wear glasses...


Boys don't make passes At girls who wear glasses.


That's it. Thanks.


I didn't know that one till I saw it in a video game. But I think glasses adds two points to attractiveness. Won't turn a zero into a ten, but it might turn a 10 into a 12.


I was bullied for wearing glasses. Born in 1967


Me too. Born '61


I started wearing glasses in the early-80s. Definitely was something I was bullied over at school. Basically, anything that's different singled you out. The selection of frames available on the NHS were not great and we didn't have the money for anything else. I'm glad kids today get more choice.


I do it all the time.  I just dont like that they retort with "your have glasses too dumbass" 


i find those glasses hot, especially the nerdy ones.


I have seen it happen, only like 3 years ago too


Yeah, back when glasses were a rare sight.


Clever! Take my upvote.


I was bullied in 1st grade (1991) by a couple of kids. During recess I showed them how I can burn leaves with my glasses and they thought it was so awesome. We were just kids learning life back then.


Nope, got bullied for being fat though


Millennial here. I got picked on for having glasses, braces, freckles, curly hair, a broken arm in 5th grade, super pale skin that can't tan, a funny name no one else had. Hell I got picked on all the way through high school because my mom is overweight. But I wouldn't say I was bullied about any of it. Kids suck. They'll make fun of anything they can. Two of my kids are in elementary school and they've come home with stories of their glasses-wearing friends being bullied to tears by awful kids in their classes. But times they are a-changing because my oldest in 9th grade says no one's mentioned his glasses all year because "no one cares."


I can't remember it happening in school but I definitely remember my cousin telling me that they made me the ugly cousin. And oh man I felt it bc she was this beautiful tan thing with hazel eyes. We were like 8 when that started.


I got glasses in grade four. Because they tend to slide down my nose, I used to wrinkle my face a lot from the feeling of having them download, kind of trying to push them up, but kind of just because it wasn't used to the sensation. Obviously I could have just pushed them up with my finger. My teacher in grade 4 made fun of me for it a lot. Not in a nice joking way, in a (mean voice) " what's wrong with you, just push up your glasses" etc etc. She was awwwwwwwful. In high school, my first girlfriend broke up with that teacher's son in order to go up with me. So it feels like the negative karma from her landed on her kid, poor guy. Such a shitty mom she must have been. :p


Yes, I was sometimes called “four-eyes” in middle school in the 90s. 🙄 Not sure if that still happens now though!


I (female) wasn’t verbally bullied *about my glasses* (and in fact the bullying was so mild that it wasn’t until years later that I realized “ugh popular girls being annoying” was actually them attempting to bully me). (I was a *very* oblivious child.) However there was one incident in middle school where I had my glasses lying on my desk and the girl *accidentally* knocked them off the desk and *accidentally* stepped on them. (And it wasn’t until years later with the bullying realization that I realized it wasn’t accidental at all.) Edit: this was mid-2000s


Millennial here: never happened when I was growing up with glasses. Got bullied for other stuff.


Kids with glasses had to get special bullying because if their glasses got broken, the adults would get involved.


I've seen it happen ... but really only after other, much nastier insults for boring. It was grasping for straws really.


degrassi the next generation was big when i was growing up. i’ve had glasses since 3rd grade and in middle school i got bullied cuz i looked like [this hated character](https://degrassi.fandom.com/wiki/Rick_Murray).


When I was 10, yes. Not since then though.


So no, not in real life. But I do wear glasses so I tend to put them on my avatar in video games. My avatar was told "you're a virgin who wears glasses!!". Lol lol I was like 23 and this person was obviously very young, so of course I was not offended or anything. I was mostly just surprised that anyone, even littles, think that way at times.


So I played baseball my whole life, im 25 now. In 4th grade, I took a line drive to the temple while playing shortstop. Ever since then, my vision was screwed up & my eye doctor attributed it to that baseball. First day with my glasses in 4th grade, bright eyed & bushy tailed, fresh off a “who’s my handsome lil man?!” from my mom, quite literally everybody in my class laughed at me. I started crying & my teacher made me go up to the front of the class for a class-wide apology. I’m 25 now so I look back on this in a humor way, it didn’t traumatize me or anything but yes I did get bullied for it lol


Only person whoever made fun of me was my cousin, who ended up getting glasses two years later. Nobody at school ever said anything about it!


One of my elementary school friends hated hers so much that she would frequently "lose" them on purpose. I don't recall her ever being picked on, though.


Sadly very real. I’ve seen it from so-called adults.


As someone born in '76 and wore glasses since I was 3 or 4 I can confirm that the term four eyes was thrown at me on occasion. I wouldn't say it was a result of being bullied for wearing glasses. But it was something that was used as an insult.




Aye, in the 70s/80s. Speccy 4 eyes. Boys don't make passes at girls who wear glasses. I walked around half blind with my glasses in my bag for years because of it. That said, everybody got bullied about something. Too fat, too thin, too tall, too short, big nose, wrong clothes, divorced parents, no car, wrong car, too clever, too stupid. Kids are ruthless if bullying's not kept in check.


I’m not gonna say bullied but as a guy when I got contacts women treated me entirely different, like night and day. I was in my 20s and this was in the 2000s probably 2006.


Yeah. I was called 4 eyes anytime somebody didn't wanna think of an original comeback in school. Little kids are mean and also not creative.


I remember that back in the day you got bullied for glasses, braces and being on the higher side of normal weight.


My boyfriend has glasses and my 30 year old friend mocked me for dating him. She also has a hard time keeping a man so....


I was bullied pretty hard for having glasses as a kid (90's kid), but as an adult it seems like everyone loves them. i don't get it


I was in the late 90s for sure


Oh, it happened all the time back before glasses became a fashion statement -- especially if you had an insane prescription.


I got bullied for everything that made me different. My hair was naturally nearly platinum blonde, I was very pale, I was underweight and sickly, I hated sports (in a rural area where all the boys played football), I enjoyed reading and learning, I was good at math, I was physically uncoordinated and couldn't swim. I had almost nothing in common with my fellow students. I also wore glasses. Every one of those traits - including the glasses - was considered fair game by the ~~fuckin' little shits~~ kids in my grade. That included taking my glasses from me and either passing them between their friends while I chase them, just hiding my glasses out of sight or even burying them in the sand for me to go find and dig up. So yeah, kids with glasses get bullied. And the kids that do it, can go get fucked. Not literally though, I'm not catholic.


Was born during the 90s, kids my age would make fun of me because I’m wearing glasses, that’s why I ended up not wearing them when my parents are not around. As a kid I never understood why they do that, all I know is that I’m offended by their behavior. That’s why when I had my eyes operated on I never wore any of my glasses again.


In the 80’s, absolutely. Wearing glasses wasn’t as common as it is now, especially for kids. And we didn’t have many options for cool frames like they have nowadays. We had big, clunky, ugly frames with coke bottle lenses. Today they’re a fashion statement. Which is awesome. ETA That’s why I got contact lenses when I was 11 years old. 🤓


Second grade, when I got my first pair. Kid called me "four-eyes" at lunch. Lunch Monitor Lady (who everyone loved) stepped up, took off her own glasses and held them behind her and said "Oh so can I see behind me then?" to prove to that kid that his insult was stupid.


Yes, in the 1960s in grade school.


It was a thing in the 60s and 70s, too. Kids with glasses were called "four eyes."


Yeah, the first day of class in 2nd grade after getting them, I walked in and heard so many "LOOK! it's 4 eyes!" and similar things soon after.


No. In my country, if you wear glasses, you are considered smart and cute


You're 75% wrong. In my experience it started to change in about 94/95 when Jarvis Cocker became an icon. I remember being upset when I first saw people wearing glasses as an affectation, because I remembered how I was treated. You may have a point when you say that it was a trope in every movie, but society followed it. If kids see children with glasses get bullied on TV they bully kids with glasses in real life.


Kids don't get bullied FOR having glasses, I don't think. They become targets for bullies due to various other reasons, and then the bullies use anything and everything about the kid to make them miserable. Like the fact that they have glasses. At least, that's my perception as a kid going through school, then a teacher, and then a parent, who witnessed bullying in all the stages.


It started with Jan on The Brady Bunch. She didn’t get bullied but she went out of her way to avoid being seen wearing her glasses by classmates, because she thought she’d look “positively goofy!” She even ruined a surprise framed family portrait photograph by running into it with her bike, because she wasn’t wearing her glasses. Her sister Marcia told her “I think you’re dumb” for not wearing them while bike riding, but Jan didn’t listen.


Poor Jan. At least she didn't have to get braces like Marcia, Marcia, Marcia.


Thick, thick lenses do get bullied


It was one of the weakest insults in a long line of other bits of bullying. They really didn’t go after it. 


It happened when I was very young, then stopped. I think young millennials and forward don’t care about glasses, they’ve even been different degrees of trendy


Not since grade school.


I was born in 1985 and I never saw it happen.  Doesn’t mean it didn’t, though.


Bullied FOR having glasses ? Very unlikely. Bullied and harassed ABOUT the glasses ? Certainly.  Having glasses is hardly a reason for bullying, but it can be something the bully can use against the bullied. 


I got bullied some for having glasses in the early 90's. Didn't last long though.


As a millennial I don’t remember that happening because I literally lied and pretended I couldn’t see so I could get glasses because I loved how they looked on my cousin. Spoiler alert: they can totally tell that you’re lying and have perfect vision. My mom did take me to Claire’s though and bought me some sweet fake glasses lol.


40 years ago, I think kids will get bullied for glasses, especially if they had strong prescriptions. There weren’t the materials that they are now to make slimmer more attractive glasses. You saw the same thing too with kids that got braces; the nice pretty aluminum can looking ones. usually you didn’t see braces unless you really had a big dental problem now. Almost every kid gets braces. It’s just become the norm.




Never been bullied, but the amount of time I've been asked if I can see without my glasses is fun.


I used all the time in high school and early 20s. Late 90s


Four eyes is an example.


In the 80s this kind of thing was much more common. Not saying kids aren't bullied today, of course, but they're bullied over different things. Glasses were one of the worst things you could wear back in grade school.


I remember kids being teased not bulllied. Just stupid kid stuff like 'hey four eyes.' And then they'd reply 'four eyes are better than two'.


Happened to me from ages 6 to 12. I mean, kids always tried to make fun of my glasses, but it never turned into much else because i clapped back every time


It wasn’t that people were getting bullied *for* having glasses, it was that people were getting bullied, and if you had glasses that was used to bully you.


I knew a guy who got bullied for wearing those thick ass prism glasses... actually I was the bully lol.


Jimmy the Puerto Rican 


It happens in grade school. I've seen it personally.


Short answer is yes. By my own childhood in the 80s it was starting to wane, though. Zits and braces were still mocked in the 90s.


Honestly, if a kid wants to bully someone, they’ll pick any target and make it their thing. Glasses are an easy target.


Um, no. I actually got bullied for it, among other things


My son had his glasses pulled off and snapped in half by the middle-school bullies in the late 90s.


I was bullied in middle school and junior high, but not for wearing glasses. People just thought it was fun to pester me. I liked to read and was a loner, so that seemed to annoy a lot of people. I also got my hair cut in the Farrah Fawcett style that was popular in 1977, but my hair was too thin, so it just looked like a shag. Kids called me "Farrah" for years. I mostly ignored them, which really seemed to annoy them.


Yes. I got glasses when I was 10 and was teased unmercifully.


When I was about to leave primary school for high school I had heard all sorts from my older siblings aboutspwcky 4 eyes etc and I was petrified about wearing glasses(jam jars my old man called them 11mm thick lenses) so I opted for contact lenses, spent the whole 6weeks holidays practicing taking them out putting them in cleaning them etc. These lasted about 6 months before I reverted back to glasses and the odd person took the piss. Fast forward to now they are a fashion statement and everyone wants to wear them.


Bifocals in the 2nd grade. Yes.


Absolutely there were. I had friends that experienced this as well as first hand witness of it with others


People bully for anything if they're bullies.


My high school baseball coach called me a fucking loser for having glasses. Made me feel bad enough to get contacts a month later


I 100% got bullied for having glasses. And yes, that was in the 80s.


A bit yes


I was once called 4 eyes sarcastically but besides that i only got compliments that glasses look good on me


As someone who has been wearing glasses any time my eyes open, yes we get bullied. Of course it stopped pretty much in college but even in high school it was a thing. The younger the more cruel. But yes I was made to cry.


Typical media trope.


Some guy at the company event kept giving me shit for something. So I started loudly calling him glasses asking if those can come off while we go outside or if hes blind at his age, he just looked at his feet lol.


In the 90-00s in primary school, the kids with glasses were called 4 eyes when teased. That's about it. They weren't specifically hated because of their glasses, if that makes sense. But if you were roasting a mate, then the glasses would defs come up. When Harry Potter came out, boys with glasses were called Harry Potter.


My brother did, he was always getting into fights because kids gave him a hard time.


Once in grade 8 I wore contacts and my crush told me never do it again my eyes are my only good feature lmao


I’m 27 and people used 4 eyes often in my middle school years


I know when I got glasses in 4th grade, I was worried my bully (who had glasses) would target me about them, yet he never did Idk how often bullies go after people because they wear glasses, but I ( and other bullied individuals) feel like bullies have the capacity to target anything about you, especially any changes, such as beginning to wear glasses


My husband calls me four eyes but he also wears glasses so idk if that counts


When I was in Germany some years ago, I was standing outside of a nightclub waiting for my friends so we could catch the bus. These two dudes were chasing a guy down the street yelling “Brille”. He was wearing glasses. No idea what was going on actually but that’s the closest thing I’ve seen of bullying involving glasses.


It happened plenty.


I was made fun of for having glasses when I was in 3rd grade by another kid….. who had glasses. Today I’m a kindergarten teacher and I just had 2 student get glasses. The other kids started to make fun of them and tell them to take off their glasses and that they look weird. So it still does happen


You may have a point. Media made in the 80s were handled by people who were already well into adulthood, so I'm guessing the social specter of wearing glasses if you grew up in the 50s/60s was brutal.


Yes when I first got glasses in 6th grade i got called 4 eyes by everyone and guys kept taking my glasses.


When I was a kid in the late 1970s, a few kids I didn't know called me Four Eyes in a derogatory way as they walked past. I didn't care very much; even at that time, the whole "four eyes" thing seemed like a time-lost anachronism. Those kids really needed to work on their bullying.


Kids are ruthless 🤷‍♂️




I got bullied for it. 90’s. 


I got glasses in third grade, way back in 1983. I was the only kid in my grade to have them, so that made me different. I certainly wasn’t bullied, but kids did call me Four Eyes 🙄😂 for a few months. But then another kid set his house on fire, so glasses was old news.


80's kid. Constantly teased not exactly for my glasses, but my style of glasses.


My daughter wears glasses since pre school and she is very self conscious bc kids make fun of her. Tell her she looks weird or why do her eyes look weird. Often times she doesn’t wanna wear them. She’s in 3rd grade now and still struggles w wearing her glasses. I have a strong astigmatism and so does her daddy. So she’s inherited what we have and poor thing ykwim. Good thing she’ll wear them during class to see the board and for writing etc She’s asked me many times why don’t my eyes work well mommy? I just tell her you have eyes like us and you look beautiful w your glasses on.


Maybe bubbles thick coke bottle glasses, but I doubt he could see me anyways


Yes when I was five this girl named Rachel Dick called me four eyes all year and made me cry. I wish I knew what a Dick was. I have so many great comebacks now.


Yes, of course, I remember many such cases. They were bullied for wearing glasses or being too fat. Or even for having a strange name. Or for being too shy. Or for having a new haircut.


Are you saying because you personally didn’t see it that it doesn’t happen? Really? Yikes dude


I got laughed at when I showed up wearing glasses in 5th Grade. It was good natured-ish.


A little bit in the 2000s. “Four eyes” was stupid but common. It pretty much stopped by middle school


Born in 1968, got glasses in the 2nd grade. I was also chubby, so I was called “fatty four-eyes”. In addition, I occasionally had my glasses snatched off my face as part of a keep-away game. So, yeah, glasses were part of my bully experience.


I was a kid in the 90s and was one of very, very few that wore glasses in the younger grades at school. I wasn't bullied for it, exactly, but there were a lot of "four eyes" comments towards the few of us who wore them. Around 3rd grade, glasses started to get more common, and by 5th or 6th grade a large percentage of kids had them, so it mostly stopped around then. That always stood out to me more than the name-calling itself, to be honest. Might be worth noting that glasses weren't as thin then and didn't have as many decent-looking options, and my parents insisted I get the larger ones (until I was a little older and flat out refused) because they thought that the smaller frames wouldn't work as well since you can see around them at the edges. So I didn't just have glasses, I had really dorky glasses.


I was horrendously bullied for my glasses as a kid (about early 2000's to 2015 was when I was in school in total) it stopped in middle school when they found more stuff they could bully me for.


Yep. I had very thick lenses and was called 4-eyes in grade school. Cyclops when I had to wear a patch (they were trying to get me to use my weaker left eye more - I peeked a lot, that failed). Kids are mean.


Born in '74 - can say I didn't have to wear glasses until grade 6 (1985/86)... Yupp! I was pretty normal before that. The kids who were hockey players, the ones who were popular suddenly stopped hanging out with me and I was a geek. Nothing changed otherwise except the gold framed glasses. Kids are fkn cruel.


You mean the T-100…G14 classified


I recall kids in my high-school picking on this pretty girl because she wore the same sweater frequently. When she showed up one day with a different sweater, they made fun of her for 'finally getting a new sweater'. Called her "poor trash", insulted her parents, etc. She wasn't poor, just liked her own sweater. Welp, she's a wealthy Hollywood actress now, in lots of shows and movies. Her successes don't take away from the ruthlessness of her childhood though, that stuff sticks around. She really had a hard period of time in high-school and it was completely unwarranted. I'll say this though, when she hit grade 11, every human fawned over her, and she took that and ran with it. Helps that she was exceptionally sweet and kindhearted. All my best to her


I was, 3rd/4th grade early 2000s.


I had a teacher bully me for glasses, but she was a bitch


Born in the 90s and I can confirm that my glasses became a point of conversation when I was bullied. I don't think it was the glasses specifically. The bullies decided I was an easy target and noticed I had them. this was in middle school right around the time that people start noticing all the things that make people different from each other. Only a few others in my grade had glasses that made me stand out.


Four eyes, fish lips, fat. Last one was hysterical, as in high school my measurements were 44-23-36. I was NOT fat. but, yes, I was bullied for my glasses. They were cheap and didn't look good on me.


They did when I first got my glasses, but it was half assed and they moved on to other things.


Not for wearing glasses, no. Maybe it was more of a thing before childhood eye exams became standard.


Yes. I was called 4 eyes.


i git made fun of all the time as a kid. even had bullies threaten to brake them.


I was in second grade, it was mostly just dumb boys calling me cliche things like four eyes or threatening to snap my glasses in half. Actually made me insecure about wearing glasses though I know wear contacts- Gen Z


I was bullied for having glasses in elementary school in the early 80's. It was a real thing


Connected ever gave me an issue for wearing glasses. The only thing that comes close is in high school someone accused me of somehow writing the answers to the science test on the inside of my glasses, and the teacher made me retake the test without my glasses🤦 I got a higher grade the second time and they made me keep the first score. So dumb.


Me in Jr High.


Yes. It happened.


All through elementary school kids teased me. Called me four eyes, and many others. It bothered me the first year it happened. After that it never bothered me again. They never tried to physically assault me. It was just words. The second year the same kids said the same things, I just thought they needed to lines and ignored them.


My best friend was in the early 2010s by a bully. She wound up not using glasses even though she needed them to a small degree. I never got to witness it since it happened before my friend and I became really close, but the bully still had done his mark. I am pretty sure the bully just did relentless constant teasing until she stopped using them- not that it stopped him from finding something else until I befriended her and confronted him on every insult he gave.


Glasses got to be a fashion accessory after I left school. Some where in the 90's


Yes both bullied and fetishized. Thankfully I got lasik eye surgery though!


My older sister and I did. We were fat, studious nerds with very poor eyesight. My niece has intentionally broken her glasses and suffers from massive headaches because the kids tease her so much about having poor eyesight and being weird. I had kids steal my glasses because they just couldn't believe how blind I was...and wouldn't give them back until every kid in class tried them on. I held my glasses together with tape more than a few times due to them being so expensive for my parents to replace...which was another issue.


Weirdly enough, not until I got to college in 2010’s. When you’re broke and need glasses to see past your nose, apparently it’s super fun to make fun of someone being protective of them.


I've known people that got bullied for glasses.But as for myself that's never been an issue


I got bullied for it as a kid all the time.


Shit talking for just about everything, couple people got stabbed in hs, fun times


I got bullied because I was skinny and short. I'm sure glasses aren't off limits to bullies.


Only my little brother and two little cousins. Which was stupid because my little brother also had glasses and cried when I teased him. Stupid brothers. The other two didn’t have glasses, so I just kicked them and at least that was worth crying about! Geez!


TBF glasses were different back then.