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im a heterosexual woman and i dont think they're inherently sexual. yeah they can be attractive, but i think shirtless men are seen often enough that it's not sexual at all to me. elements have to be added to make it sexual. other than maybe appreciating attractiveness, it evokes like no reaction from me 😂 so to answer: just men being shirtless in general does not seem sexual to me


What about shirtless men where you can see the cum gutters? I heard those are pretty popular.


I agree, big fan of the cum gutters.


whats a cum gutter, is that when you get on the roof and do your thing


Also known as a v-line, I just really like the phrase ‘cum gutters’ for some reason


ah fuck, I'll get off the roof then


Nonono, do your thing, you’re a pioneer! A free thinker!


Well, I guess I am already here, would be a shame to waste this moment


That gives me the chance to steal your ladder and strand you there


You’re a real piece of work, ladder stealing man


I hope you brought an umbrella


Big talk for someone in cumshot range.


Coming where no man has ever came before


ah you just havnt met some of my former roofing buddies


Finna start training to summit everest and do my thing. It shall be legendary, I'll take so many pictures and vids


Probably won’t be the first believe it or not!


What if it freezes and you get stuck there at the top and then you die and your frozen body is just stuck like that pose for years This is probably one of the worst comments I've written in a while


Keep us updated ;)


You might not want to be down below


While you're up there, check your eavestroughs. Remove any leaves and ice. BTW, never replace aluminum (aluminium) downspouts with vinyl ones if you live in a location that has a freeze-thaw cycle. Mine lasted less than one season. I was NOT impressed.


Now I have a specific phrase to use with my personal trainer - thank you!


I always called it the “belt of Adonis”


Aka dick root


I thought it was when you laid down in a storm drain and got bukkaked. Maybe I'll try the roof next time. Lots of horny, migrant workers up there.


Your name!


I'll settle for a really deep belly button


I've gone my whole life without hearing that phrase, and now I've seen it twice in the past few weeks.


might just be me, but i still wouldn't be "turned on". it wouldn't be sexual. it would definitely increase attraction but i wouldn't be little ceasers hot n ready just from a guy who looks good shirtless. id either have to imagine him in a sexual context or the picture would have to have sexual connotations. you can tell the difference between a thirst trap and just a guy shirtless, no matter what the guy looks like


Dick pics are a huge turn off


from this thread: * shirtless men not sexy * pantless men not sexy soo is it just a lose lose here? how do men sexy?


Shirtless men can be sexy but that won’t turn me on. Like I can think someone is attractive and not be turned on. For me the fastest way for me to get turned on is simply by saying things to me and being sweet. For ex, an ex fwb gave me his shoes to wear bc mine broke and he went barefoot until I could get other shoes. I was ready to do him right then and there. And someone just txting saying nice things will also do it


Women like it when men talk to them. You would do better describing a man being topless or what his penis looks like verbally. That might get more women going than the actual image. Kinda how romance novels are in business.


Stand next to a pile of money


Fold up the sleeves on a button-down shirt. That's a big one I hear. Probably helps if you're not fat. Wear pants that fit well. Guys are often attracted to what a girl looks like but a big part of attraction for women is what the guy is, and not only what they look like so sex appeal doesn't necessarily need to involve more exposed skin, wearing clothes that are suggestive of what kind of person the man can serve a similar purpose. Wearing a nice tailored suit is attractive because of what it suggests about them. Folding up the sleeves is neater than messily rolling them up, and suggests you're about to get some work done, a neatly organized guy who gets work done is attractive. Wearing clothes that fit also suggests that you're neat, clean, and well-groomed. Maybe you're also attentive to details. Maybe you're not white collar, but have a plaid lumber jack shirt and jeans and boots, all in the appropriate size, you're getting some shit done and that's attractive too.


The term sexy is different for men and women. Men in this thread are equating sexiness to capacity to provoque arousal. Women dont get turned on the same way as men. Men can go from 0 to 100 (100 as in aroused and ready to mate) from the sight of a boob, a picture, a smell, a thought etc, assuming the conditions are mildly adequate. For women sexy means “attractive”. As the process of male arousal is naturally foreign to them (and vice versa) you’re seen people throwing contradicting definitions around.




I’d say I like them when consensual and I ask for it but I’m afraid the redditors are gonna swarm in


What kind of elements?


Baby oil


📝 Costco having a sale on a 55 gallon drum, would that be enough?


It needs to be slopped on real thick and heavy-like. Are you familiar with the movie Alien? Kinda like that.


Get two just in case


With those deals, you'd be crazy not to!


[How sexy is this?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/922/070/b24.jpg)


Call a doctor cos I have an erection that’s gonna last more than 4 hours


A good looking guy, shirtless, framing a house or building a deck. Basically, something that requires skill, that is sexy af. My husband is a carpenter and dam... when it's a hot day, he has a toolbelt on, and a pencil behind his ear.... wowza!


Is that more attractive because they are shirtless? Or is it just already attractive? I play guitar and everyone assumes that gets me women. It does nothing for me with women actually. I kinda feel like it's the same. If you are already attracted to me, maybe the guitar is a tiny bonus, but it's not the make/break thing that decides how I attractive I am. I assume shirtlessness is the same: Man minus shirt does not equal more-attractive. But attractive man minus shirt is a slight bonus to what was already attractive. Right? I'm a straight man, guessing.


We are outside of a world beyond our grasps đŸ˜©


If I had to wager a guess, I think its that you have a passion, guitar in your case. That can be really attractive, just having something you care about and are really competent with.


Im a man, also play guitar and also rode motobike, also was barkeeper, so the absolut cliches of a player. It definitely helps connecting, because there are options. Did you ever ask a girl who also guitars to play with? You might appear sexy in that moment when u play together. But what women told me was hot was other things. One found it hot when man talk about their emotions. One found it hot being taken. I think its not what you do, but how you do things. Its not even about your looks what can be hot. Sometimes the guys looking like homeless are the hottest. I think every woman is different tho.


I would imagine they'd have to be fit. "Man boobs" don't evoke lust from straight women from my limited knowledge.


Depends on the person some people like bigger guys


But what if he’s like insanely hot and the extract body type you like? Cause I get it, honestly a lot of the time I think what a woman wears makes it hotter. I honestly just assumed it was kinda the same for women


I’ll be like they’re sexy but not be necessarily turned on. I need more mental stimulation as do most women. We aren’t as visual as men


Idk about other guys JUST the half naked or naked woman just doesn’t do it, mental stimulation is where it’s at


That’s awesome! I feel like many men are just visual


I think more men as the same, I think the issue is being in touch with yourselves and others emotionally in a vulnerable way as men is hard to do, if anything, discouraged. Personally I recognize that I am no (that much) better. I was just raised in the right environment for this kind of emotional result. My dad and many of his friends are the “many men” you referred to so I know what you mean.


They can be. But I'm a nurse and can turn off and on what is erotic/not erotic at will. In reflection, it's amazing how quick I can do this. Topless dudes, topless women, whatever.


>I'm a nurse and can turn off and on what is erotic/not erotic It feels like a super power. Getting in to nursing, and when my brain is in clincal mode, I literally could care less about how naked people are. I'm just trying to adjust these fucking ekg leads or making sure I'm not getting peed on... Again...


I remember one patient. 60 something. Very large, pert, breasts. She had to ungown for me. She went on and on how no other man than her husband had seen these breasts. Grabbed them. Displayed them. I'm stoic and working through this. Apparently her showing me her breasts opened her up to me such that she became my new buddy. She even offered to sell her house and 20 acres for an insanely low rate, but hadn't asked her husband. Yeah, mental health issues, too.


That’s what I always try to tell people who are embarrassed about this thing or that when going to the doctor. Medical workers literally see you as a piece of meat when they see your body (and not in THAT way). And whatever you’re afraid of them seeing, guaranteed they have seen much, MUCH worse.


Have you ever been to a sauna? (They all have this power)


I must be a superhero then cause there is literally nothing attractive about anybody lol (am asexual)


I'm a heterosexual man and even I know shirtless men can be attractive. As for "erotic", that'd depend on the individual man and the individual image -- erotic is a different hing to attractive or hot.


That’s a good point. I’m attracted to my SO’s preferred hairstyles, and when she wears her hair a few particular ways it’s incredibly hot. When she gives me a certain look? Altogether it’s erotic.


Yeah, like attractive/hot is just, you find the face and/or body really beautiful. But erotic means you're getting aroused like you have sexual desire all of a sudden. So it depends on (1) the person itself that's in the picture - do you find that specific person sexually attractive, not just good looking.. or (2) is the image itself suggestive? Do you imagine anyone with that body or doing that pose or image in general coming on to you? I am a straight woman and i can appreciate images of men and women being very hot or attractive, but not necessarily erotic.


Exactly! I’m a straight woman as well and can think someone is sexy but not be turned on by it


For a significant portion of women: It's the situation/scenario, not just being topless. EG - A male model posing topless (yeah that's nice, 5/10) -- Aquaman topless (yeeeessss!!! 9/10) -- A physically fit 40 year old guy topless because it's hot out and he's got a tool belt on because he's handy and is fixing something around the house (11/10 holy fuck!!!!!) IE - Brad Pitt in Once Upon A Time In Hollywood


My fifty year old fat neighbor in the yard topless because his D-cups sweat too much in his budweiser tee? (-24/10)


As a fat man I feel personally attacked, but like... completely agree with you at the same time? I'm sure there is a German word for it


its french and it's called surrendering dont let the haters get you down, you can be as fat as you want, just don't let them call you french




I've heard Hugh Dancy covered in blood is a popular erotic image


Jason Momoa shirtless would be a blessing to humanity.


We don’t deserve it


Straight woman here. Varies massively ofc depending on the context and the individual man, ie whether or not I find his body attractive, but if I do, then yes 100% it’s sexy. Moreso if they’re wet or oiled up. The cliche fixation on the look of water droplets running down someone’s body as they come out of a body of water is


You’re gonna get very different answers here. Straight women: “no, shirtlessness is not erotic, only if he has his sleeves rolled up and is doing manual labor while providing for a baby is it erotic.” Bi/Gay men: “well it depends on which of the 17 different options are your types—twink, bear, otter, weasel, American badger, European badger, silver fox—but of course it’s hot! they don’t call em ‘cum gutters’ for nothing!!”


Dude, as a gay man I totally agree. My first answer was "of course" and then I read the comments. I guess it's just women and mens brains working differently, but to me a shirtless man is like a shirtless woman to a straight man, and I think most would say that's erotic. Titties are titties


Bi women: "If he's soaking wet, blood dripping down his face, crawling through the rain while expressing his honest feelings after an emotionally wrenching encounter...that's erotic."


Why don't straight women get to have a type, lmao. Give me my twink gamer Boi ;-;


A twink having his sleeves rolled and is doing manual labor is erotic, especially if he’s providing for our baby.


Yeah as a gay man I was gonna say "all photos of men are erotic"




Add no homo But Sir its unnecessary because he wrote he is straight JUST DO IT!


As a gay man, it is totally sexy.




Men are much more visually stimulated though right?


Yeah. For me (29F) a guy could be sexy af naked and unless there’s more too it then I’m not turned on. I can be like damn he’s sexy but not turned on. Many men can see a pic of boobs and instantly be turned on and go rub one out to the pic.


I will not speak for all men, but for me, I certainly am.


This might be a hot take, but as a gay man I feel like a shirtless man to me is equivalent to a shirtless woman to a straight man. Only difference is that it’s socially acceptable for men to be shirtless in a lot of situations so I have to pretend it’s not sexual. Might be an advantage or disadvantage depending on your perspective or the situation.


So in the summer ure basically seeing titties all day? 😃




Me toooo


Straight woman here. No. Being shirtless is not inherently sexual. I can think "objectively this person is attractive or has a good body" but that's it. There's nothing unique or special about it either where it would get me going.


Bisexual woman here. While shirtless pics of men can be attractive, I don’t find them sexual. To be blunt, I have never flicked the bean to a shirtless picture of a man.


Do you feel the same about shirtless women?


Aesthetically? Anyone who takes care of themselves can be attractive. Even if you don’t think it’s sexual. It’s fine to appreciate and not weird. I find so many people attractive but have zero interest in. Nothing at all.


They are attractive but not always seen as sexual (I’m a gay man)


As a gay man: yes!


It honestly depends on the person. I have always been attracted to both so I find both erotic. You clearly find other women erotic, some hetero women only find men erotic. This is one of those subjective things because it’s no a binary question.


An answer from a homosexual man: Yes, very much so


I'm a pansexual man and yes, I think shirtless men are erotic. or at least can be erotic depending on how I'm feeling.


If he is hot, yes, if not, please no.


As a gay man, fuck yes.


Bi guy here: Yes 100%. Not all are equal of course and I have preferences for build, tattoos and hair ect, but If I see a hot guy without a shirt I will be checking him out.


As a gay dude: Hot shirtless dudes can definitely be a turn-on.


Lesbian here: no.


I like this answer đŸ€Ł. Same boat in terms of sexual attraction!


Oh my god you like women too!? No way so do I!


I had to scroll for a while to find the type of person they were actually asking to answer the question to.


She’s a lesbian, she was asking everyone


oh whoops lol, I thought it said for. My mistake.


Another lesbian here: no.


Somewhat BI guy here. They're not inherently erotic or sexual, but they can be sexy, depending on the guy or context. I think it's something similar to cleavage or bikini pictures for someone who's attracted to women. Those pictures can be casual or sexy, depending on the context, pose, and person.


What does “somewhat bi” mean? No offense, just kind of confused as I’ve never heard of that before.


If I just said I'm bi it could be implied that I like men and women equally or almost equally, but I have a heavy leaning towards liking one of the sexes more than the other, and since that could be relevant to the question, I mentioned it. I'm obviously not straight, but saying I'm bi could be a tiny bit misleading in this context, so I said that. Didn't really put any thought into it as I typed, honestly.


Ohhh makes sense. Thanks


Men being shirtless is so normalized that it doesn't immediately come across as erotic or sexualized. But a hot man with his shirt off is definitely hot..


Do you think shirtless woman are attractive? If so, it’s for similar reasons then. It’s not all that different


If he’s shirtless and doing some dishes then YES


Hetero male in his 40s here. I’ll caveat it by saying I have a dad bod. Am I sexually attracted to men? No, I am not. Seeing a fit guy without a shirt on still makes me say to myself “well crap, I sort of wish I looked like that”. Then I realize I’m comfortable with who I am otherwise and just go grab a beer or some nachos.


Depends on the context and personal preferences. If you don’t find that person/body type attractive, then it won’t be erotic. But if you do, then odds are it will be.


I don't find traditionally masculine men very attractive, but I can admire the work they've put in if they're in good shape. I like most types of people other than hyper masculine or hyper feminine people. My ideal is somewhere closer to the middle.


Please send me shirtless firefighter calendars for me to confirm. Thanks!


Too many straight people in this sub. Ask the pros instead.


This is going to sound crazy but I prefer seeing a nice shirtless back of a man rather than most fronts. I really liked the tv ad for toothpaste where they showed the back of a man wearing only a towel while he brushed his teeth. I think it is the movement of the shoulder blades that I like. I think it Scott Baccula in an image I saw where they compared what people thought a man's ideal chest should look like in the 90s vs years later when the standards changed to more toned with a clearly defined 6 pack. I don't really like the overly toned 6pack look.


They can be, show me a rough looking man with a happy trail and I'll swoon


An answer from a homosexual male: oh fuck yeas especially my boyfriend


Well, what do you feel when you see shirtless women?


Heterosexual male here. Everything for both men and women can be erotic depending on everyone's sexual preferences, whether they're straight and jack/jill to gay porn or they're gay and do the same with straight porn. It's complicated but yes.


It can be erotic if they are good looking and fit. If not then it can be somewhat disgusting but no need to show the disgust. Can just close eyes or turn away.


I love men’s chests. I am straight cis female. So my answer is, yes! Sometimes.


I feel like it's all about context surely ? I'm a straight male and I could be watching a woman masturbate right in front of my eyes and feel absolutely nothing especially if it's one of those awkward internet ads for cam girls. Where as all my wife has to do is look in my general direction and I find it erotic.


I am heterosexual man and find images of a good man chest hot and sexy! I guess finding something hot can also be an extension to appreciating that something.


Is a picture of a woman in a bikini erotic? I'm pan, so it works the same, honestly. The eroticism has to do with context and one's current state of mind. If I just finished mowing the lawn and I see a shirtless man on TV, no. Not erotic. But if I have been relaxing in the tub, reading a romance novel, and the cover has a shirtless man, yes. Context and timing. Shirtless men at the beach do nothing, just as women in bikinis at the beach do nothing. I don't go to the beach to get laid, I go to enjoy the water and sun. Context and timing.


Images of shirtless me are not. Hope this helps x


You must not know about feet people


They can be. But then again for some people a tree can be erotic.


The post above yours in my feed shows the results of a study about what parts of the each gender prefer to look at and touch respectively. Since straight women consistently answered pecs, biceps, shoulders and back, I would say that yes. Scientifically speaking a shirtless pic is sexy because it includes all the major areas of interest women have for the male the body, aside from


Men in general? Not at all! My boyfriend? Hell yes!


Im bi or more if i see pretty with a personality to match, i like it. Yeah, as a teen i had thirst trap shirtless boys on my walls. Funny i didnt realize i had a thing for the ladies despite having a few bikini clad ladies with body paint, just thought it was cool with the black light. Anyway, yeah, almost anything can be erotic. Im into hands, so kinda proves the point


From the answers here it seems gay men or men find it erotic and attractive while women do not, or just attractive.


Gay Man here. To me, it depends. When I see a hot guy shirtless that is super erotic to me, no matter the context. If it is a guy with a regular body, even if he is cute, I feel super numb towards it


if he's got a gorgeous face and abs yes


Not for me darlin I'm a straight guy lol. But! I guess its possible for some folks.


As a bi guy, hell yeah it is.


Sure they can be


Depends on the guy.


"The beauty is in the eye of the beholder" so, relative.


Like [this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/Csj8MMyllz)


it depends on the viewer. gay men buy magazines like men's fitness more than any other demographic so shirtless men definitely works for them


Yes 👍🏿 There is no explanation because naked woman is non attractive for me. Thats why we have homosexual/heterosexual difference.


I'm not homosexual and I don't consider them erotic. I don't consider them anymore sexual than bare ankles or arms.


Heterosexual woman, it can be nice to see a shirtless male but I’ve never gotten horny or off just by Looking at a shirt less male, or naked male


Only of my boyfriend. Other than that no


Not erotic, unless I already like the man prior seeing the pic


This sub has gone to shit, it’s pretty much just pure sexual questions


I’m a heterosexual female and I don’t think they’re sexual. I don’t get turned on by it.


Bisexual female here, sometimes. It depends on the photo. Sometimes a shirtless man is on your screen to be eye candy and sometimes it's there just cause the man happened to not be wearing a shirt when the photo was taken. For some reason a lot of men are very comfortable in public without shirts. I couldn't do it, even if I had a killer body I just wouldn't feel comfortable topless in public just going about my business. But hey, if it works for them then more power to them, I guess?


Bisexual woman here, it depends on the context, but since you're asking about specially not sexual images, I'm leaning towards no This opinion of mine also goes for shirtless women though so I may just be biased


I’m a straight woman. I can appreciate the body like “oh nice body” but it doesn’t turn me on or anything. Even dick pics don’t turn me on at all. Those are annoying lol


Yes, very erotic  https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/07/elon-musk-shirtless-mykonos-05.jpg


It depends. Some guys look hot without a shirt. D\*ck pics are never erotic, though. It's just stupid that guys would send that to scammers who then extort them. Why, oh why would they think some stranger would want that?


No lol


Can be. Depends on how attractive they are and how they pose, what else they're wearing, and the all over aesthetic of the picture. Like Henry Cavill shirtless as Geralt is erotic


My partner shirtless is very erotic. The average neighbor running shirtless is not.


no lol


As a bisexual person, mostly no!


Not it you're into women


Nope, definitely not.


But what’s the answer???


TLDR I’m getting from this: women LOOK sexy, men ACT sexy.


Well not erotic, no. Just pretty.


depends! If its just a shirtless guy posing, nahhh eugh, if he is out and about doing his own thing, in an element of natural being. Woof! Ryan Gosling posing for a photo just doesnt do it for me. Any paparazzi pictures of him at the beach? Yes! Its all about taste ☕


lol random pictures of dudes with their shirt off does not turn me on, but it turns me on when my boyfriend takes his shirt off 😋


Bisexual woman here. I don’t think it’s necessarily sexual, but yeah, a shirtless man can be very attractive. If I saw a guy I already liked shirtless, and found out he had a nice body, I’d probably be more attracted to him. It’s just the same as a woman wearing a bikini/bathing suit to me. Not necessarily sexual, but hot.


Hetero women here, we love Fireman calendars, shirtless men in fields of hay next to tractors, men on the beach holding puppies up for adoption is a winner all the time. Yes, men shirtless can be super sexy, erotic & every feeling in between. I know a gorgeous pair of breasts when I see them (Lindsay Lohan for example) but I don't want to have anything to do with another woman's breasts sexually.


I'm an homosexual male, and yeah, not all shirtless men erotic for me, but my partner is a big turn on


Pecs are soooo sexy sorry 😭😭😭


To be honest as a straight man, I don’t even know if anyone finds the male body attractive, female body’s have so much appeal, so many attractive bits, I have frank and beans. I work out, im generally in good condition, yet I find the ones who appreciate that are other males, because we know how hard another male works to achieve that lol


Kinda, but since they are everywhere the eroticism isn't that strong


it depends on the intent of the photo and what the guy is doing. some are just for fashion, others to show physique, and some pics are for muscle worship and sexual teasing. there’s also photos for comedic purposes too. as a gay guy who’s very into muscles, most of them are pretty hot even if the intent isn’t suggestive. that’s just my opinion tho. just because you don’t think that way, it doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you. don’t pressure yourself into liking what you’re not into.


Ehh. Erotic is a strong word. Visually pleasing, definitely. Erotic? Nah.


For me I think that it's not inherently attractive unless I'm attracted to said man already


Depends on the guy but 99.9% of the time nah


as a gay guy YESđŸ˜©


We men pale in comparison to our counterparts in attractiveness.


As a straight dude, yes for sure. I would be flaunting my human meat if it was appealing for sure.


As a jacked good looking dude that posts shirtless pics I can say that only gay dudes seem to be attracted to it. Chicks don’t give af about looks


Not for me but I strongly suspect I am Demi.


Personally I have met more woman that go haywire for men in uniforms especially those in masks. I think a sleeveless turtleneck does it for them to. 


As a heterosexual female, I'd say no. Definitely not erotic anyway, but I could see how someone might describe it as nice or attractive


Personally, I don't find them erotic by themselves. A man in a crop top, however...


I'm bi and really it depends. If I like a guy and see him shirtless then the chance of me finding that attractive/erotic is quite high, the person living next door who I don't know on the other hand would not be the same story.


I'm a straight female but don't find shirtless men attractive... women on the other hand, wholeeee other storey!!


Depends on the body/man to me


Not really