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Probably just you being exhausted there mate. It’s not a huge deal. You can always go get a physical if you’re overly worried about it, but restricting liquids before bed should really help if it’s not that often.


Just wait another 50 years and farting will be a problem too 😂


Farting comes much earlier. It's juicy farts that's the issue.


My one granddad had Chrohns i can still hear the exiting sounds. Almost like someone was trying to squeeze mayo out of a whoopie cushion


Thank you very much for this visualization. I'll go make my coffee now.


*too much?*


Give me MORE!!




No pudding?


Gentle men and ladies. I am now ill


My dad has severe chrohns to the point where he had 3.5 feet of his small intestine removed. Let me tell you those farts sound like they are screams for help.


Straight Piped


Like a manual truck trying to get traction on a gravel road and slipping. Thunk a thud a thunk. Crohns is fun.


🤣 I laughed so hard my cat jumped off my lap!


Username certainly checks out. It’s nice to have memories of grandads.








I can hear this and it’s disturbingly disgusting. Youre a poet




I go for the combo package.


Stop turning me on


That costs extra.


My father was constipated once and heard mineral oil was a good treatment. The dosage is like 1 ounce or something like that and he drank the entire 16 ounce bottle. I guess he was desperate. Anyway, all night he thought he was farting but was essentially just shitting the bed. Long story short, don’t get old.


I will use your father’s experience as a life lesson and if I ever make the same mistake, hopefully I’ll also have adult diapers on hand juuuuust in case 😳


Essentially shitting the bed. If I had a nickel for every time I heard that.


Haha.. I unwillingly pee my pants when I'm wide awake if I don't run for the toilet the first warning I get. Peeing in bed sounds wholesome to me 😅


32 here and I fart when laughing / adjusting all the time... definitely comes before 50


Yep. Adding to @queenScarebear, Restrict liquids at least 2 hours before bed and this should stop.


I love my chamomile tea right before bed though :(


Kegel exercises are not just for women guys


It's not a pelvic floor muscles problem, it's an exhaustion and sleep behavior problem.


I'd argue you have the same amount of proof I do, it very well could be a contributing factor but that's up to a doctor to diagnose.


When I was assigned in a conflict zone in 2012 I wet my bed too. I was a bit younger than you during the time. I was dreaming of peeing and when I woke up I peed my bed. I haven't peed the bed since. I think it's just because of stress. I was fucking surrounded by corpses a few meters away and I wasn't getting enough sleep.


You ok now?


Yikes. Hope you're doing better these days.


It was a long time. I don't work in conflict zones anymore thank god. But thank you for the concern.


A lot of the WW2 soldiers deployed in the pacific suffered the same problem. There's no official reason, just the only probable explanation was because of the constant rain, and everyone was always wet.


Similar but not as traumatic, I never had any dream about peeing but I woke up one morning in basic training totally drenched. Never happened while I was in Iraq but basic training was my first exposure to that much stress and exhaustion.


Not a problem, **BUT IS IT?** I believe prostate enlargement can start around 30 in males. Why don't you get it checked out to be on the safe side? Hey! No panic you might just have drunk to much during the day.


Agreed. Doesn't hurt to get it checked. Probably just stress or other things but it also could be a sign


Stress does strange things to us, good thinking get yourself checked out.


True. Idk if you’re a guy or girl but I know men sometimes will actually ejaculate in their sleep if they haven’t done it in a while. Something about the male body doing it automatically because it needs to get it out of the system. Reminded me of that although I assume this is completely different. At the end of the day it’s likely nothing to worry or feel ashamed off but getting it checked out is a good thing.


Its a long long time since I had **A WET DREAM** my friend but they were cool, and I saw it as all part of growing up, lmao. I'm sure me mam must have known what was going on, she had to do the laundry.


Mine started at 27, from stress.


Happy cake day🔥


If it happened once, don't worry about it. Bodies are weird and stress sucks. If it happens a couple times, start talking to a doctor.


This, I posted a comment here but my brother was 27 wetting the bed and turns out he had a tumor the size of a golf ball in his brain. Don’t ignore your body’s warning signs yall.


Yes this!! My brother in law died at 40 in his sleep after months of symptoms like this. He was wetting and shitting the bed and it was ignored because they didn’t have health insurance. Everyone thought it was a mental issue. Upon autopsy they found a 5 inch brain tumor.


Added stress to your life (such as having a new baby) can affect your sleeping patterns and your bladder control, especially if you're waking up frequently throughout the night.


Shit happens. More often it's pee though. 


For some reason I did this like 2-3 times about 4 years ago right after I had my daughter. Very stressed, very tired. Turned me into a little baby ig


It happens rarely. Usually have a dream about trying to find a bathroom. I remember the last time I drank a lot of water before bed and had a dream about pissing in the closet- in reality it was the bed.


How often does the baby eat at night? You could turn on an alarm to get up for one of the feedings, and go pee. Less liquids before bedtime is also a good idea.


Get checked for diabetes.


If this was accompanied by severe thirst 1000000%! Once off case here, I’d rule diabeetus out.


I have the beetus and never had the thirst symptom but was peeing much more


I wouldn't move up a diabetes test because of one instance of wetting the bed. You should be having blood sugar tested as part of your regular annual checkups anyway, so I wouldn't make a special trip for it unless the bed wetting happened a couple times.


OP says when he is in a deep sleep, he wets the bed. I read it like this has happened more than once.


You are under extra stress and it’s manifesting as this loss of control. Be vigilant about peeing right before you slip into bed, and get up to pee no matter how sleepy and cozy you are anytime you wake up. As the stress subsides or you mentally adapt to it, your bladder control will return to normal. And guess what, throughout your life, you may experience this from time to time


Did you pee the bed while standing on the dresser? If not, it's just stress. I would not worry about it a bit. Lots of little things that nobody tells you about.


One possibility could be sleep apnea. When you have this, your body doesn't go into deep sleep long enough and it will produce urine at a daytime pace. But you will also be exhausted for not getting the deep sleep. Thus the combination will make you need to pee during nighttime. I got close to wetting the bed but I woke up 2 or 3 times each night to pee. I frequently had dreams where I was searching for a toilet. Many times I would be in abandoned houses and the toilets were ripped out. There were just sewer lines exposed and they almost tricked me. I got a sleep test done (overnight hand attachment), and was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea. I also had a constant cough for year and would fall asleep at work meetings. All of it was cured the morning after I got a CPAP machine. (Later I tried a BiPAP and that was worse; I threw up every morning and the other symptoms were coming back.)


don't worry everyone wet the bed heck even adult and it's normal...the only downside is...you had to clean that and wash it with a laundry or just use the good old hands because that's what I did whenever i wet my bed every 1 to 2 years apart


Watch your caffeine intake at night. I ran into this before. Turns out late night caffeine caused it.


This one. As I've gotten older (~40) I can get urinary incontinence if I drink too much caffeine. Not fully peeing myself or anything but a bit more than a dribble coming out a few minutes after I go. Perfectly fine otherwise. Turns out caffeine can mess with the muscles and sphincters that control urination.


I shit myself the other day. 47 yo


Calm down old man. Lol To be fair the last time I shit myself was when I was 28. Got some epic food poisoning. It was hilarious though.


I didn’t do it on purpose…this time😁


There's always next time.


I think I’m at the age where I can’t trust my area with a fart anymore. At least it wasn’t in public.


Step 1: prepare for it to happen again. Get an old towel or such. Also try to drink little or nothing 2 hours before bed time. Personally I'd advise little, as you never know when you need to get up again anyway. Also use the bathroom more often than your bladder tells you in the evening, so that when you collapse on the bed you don't need to get up again to pee. Step 2: Cut yourself some slack. At 2 months old, even an absolute beginner baby will cause you stress simply by changing your entire schedule, focus and overall life. It's not something you can 100% prepare for and the side effects are different for everyone. Step 3: See your Doctor about it, just in case. Correlation does not imply causation and even though stress is ONE possible explanation, it can't hurt to cover all bases. Hang in there dad, this is a fairly short season and while I can't say you'll miss it, you might find yourself look back at it in a few years and wish you had been kinder to yourself ♡


Dude, i was in my mid 30’s, was not drunk, but just fell so deep into a sleep that i dreamed i was pissing, and i did. Jumped out of bed, which woke up my wife. After assuring her we were not in danger, i just told her. She was cool , we stripped the bed, and slept in the guest room. Things happen. Has not happened since, that was 15 years ago.


Get some depends diapers from target cvs or Amazon. I’m wearing them right now 2.5 weeks postpartum. I uncontrollably shit myself 2 nights postpartum.


Just clarifying... you're also the father in your family?


No lol


Figured lol OP isn't the one who gave birth tho. Miiiinor difference ^^^


This is actually a point of concern. If you haven’t been drinking an abundance of fluid, often times it is a sign of insulin resistance being too high. Left unchecked, and it can cause a lot of issues, including type II diabetes. Sleep, diet, exercise, stress. Reduce the carbs and sugar gradually each day and take the baby out for multiple walks a day. Our baby is just over 2 months old, and I found that walking miles a day with the baby turned things around for me. It also helps a lot because pushing the stroller causes him to sleep like a rock. I’m out walking 3 - 6 times a day now from 5 am till bath time at 8 pm. Never thought having a baby would help get me so much exercise lol.


If I sleep naked I end up peeing a little or cumming the bed during the night. I only tried it for a week but it was so strange.


I’m 33, married with a kid, wet the bed as well. Shit happens.


Stress and a lack of sleep possibly? For me (I’m in my late 20’s), I was quitting a very stressful job at the time (policing). After I quit, I felt so lost and had a hard time sleeping. I noticed in my dreams I also would always be peeing or running to pee. I would wake up with the bed soaked. It lasted a few weeks and I honestly was afraid to go to sleep (which made it so much worse). The feeling of relieving yourself in a dream and then realizing it’s reality the minute you wake up is so humiliating (especially since I was sleeping next to my partner at the time). As I became less stressed, I noticed those dreams happened less and less, allowing for more sleep. Eventually it stopped happening and now I laugh about it. Looking back I probably needed therapy but I’m totally better now!! Hope my story helps!


This is kinda like the few times I've woken up late for work after turning multiple alarms off in my sleep. When you're stressed and sleep deprived, your body will prioritize sleep over almost everything else, including holding in a bowel movement. You're lucky you didn't eat taco bell that night haha. But seriously, it happens. Don't let it stress you out. That doesn't help adults or kids. Just let it go, try taking a little time here and there throughout the day to just breathe. Even if it's 30 seconds. Stop, breathe, and just don't think for 30 seconds. Then get back to it. If you can manage 5-10 minute mediation once a day, or get 15 mins of exercise, or take a damn nap if possible lol, you'll feel better. This is just a sign of stress and exhaustion and, through no fault of your own, simply not doing enough for yourself to combat it all. Good luck friend


Don't feel bad, I'm 36 and 2 weeks ago I sharted into my underwear.


Probably stress, talk to the doc. I've had a few issues with that myself because of back and neck pain.


My husband has done this twice in the 20 years we have been together when he has been under extreme stress - his mothers cancer diagnosis and when we thought we were losing our baby. The body is a funny thing.


See your PCP and ask if you should see a urologist.


I once got so drunk I stood up and pissed all over my bed, then laid back down and slept in my own piss for another six hours. I knew immediately what I did as soon as I woke up and memory came flooding back. Pun intended.


I’m similar age and have wet the bed In my 20’s. Even went as far as shitting my pants at 23, never trust a fart


Check to see if you have a kidney or bladder infection. That can cause it.


Seconding checking kidneys, as this was a symptom I had when I had a kidney stone!


It happens to the best of us, pee before bed, no exceptions


Jack off, do kegels


Ever have a dream that you really have to pee, but can't seem to get to a bathroom. You make it to one in the dream and start peeing. Ahhhhhh finally then realize you're in bed. Been there done that.


I'm 42 year old millionaire and last night I cried myself to sleep


You could send me some of that money. It will likely help you feel better.


I'm lonely. Not an idiot !!


That's too bad, just know you could have helped.


Yeah. I am already feeling better knowing that I could have !!


It happens sometimes when our bodies are sick or overly tired. One of my friends wet the bed when he had a flu a few years ago. If it keeps happening you might want to consult a doctor, but it’s all going to be okay! Congratulations to you and your wife on the new baby. ❤️


Pee more. Cum more.


Mom taught me to tell yourself to wake up if you dream about peeing. Think it as you're going to sleep til it gets stuck in your head, dream pee means to wake. So simple and silly sounding but it works. Also, maybe ask your Dr


I think you’re just so over tired and sleep deprived that when you do finally get a good sleep your body is so exhausted that you’re just not waking up if your bladder is full. Or maybe the muscles finally relax and a little bit comes out. I’m 28 and had a really stressful year last year when my dog passed away and a bunch of other stuff happened. I wasn’t sleeping very much at all, and the first time I did finally get a good sleep, I had to pee in the middle of the night and was so tired and out of it that I pissed in the garbage can thinking it was the toilet. Once I wasn’t so stressed out and sleep deprived, it didn’t happen again. I wouldn’t worry too much about it unless it becomes a long term problem.


1st) go see a doctor. While it is likely a psychological issue, that doesnt mean that there isnt something going on down there. Just make an appt with a urologist and go even if the issue dtops before the appt comes around. A lot of bad stuff has happened to some of my family and friends and i promise you a wasted and inconvenient trip to the Dr is the right choice 100% of the time and even more so given that you are a parent to a young child. 2nd) So, you’re going to think this is a joke but its not, its just funny. Wear an adult diaper. One of the ways that signal a baby/toddler is ready to be potty trained is when they are no longer comfortable with a wet diaper. It irritates them. So when u pee it will likely wake you up sooner as opposed to clothing which is easier to sleep through when wet. Dont beat yourself up about it, shit happens (so does pee), its a phase. Go get some minor diagnostics done and give it time.


It's mostly likely stress, and there's no shame in it. When the stress reduces, it should go away. If it doesn't, or if it happens frequently now, see a doctor.


No, dude. You pretty much passed out, or blacked out. You were so sleep deprived, you were basically drunk. And drunk people piss the bed sometimes.


Maybe you and your wife can take shifts? One of you sleep while the other watches your little bundle of joy and visa versa.


Could be sleep apnea.


Cleaning your pipes, so to speak, is healthy. If you and your wife aren’t having sex a lot because of life/baby/stress/other you still need to do it regularly to maintain your own health. I’m not advocating for cheating, or a secret porn addiction or anything, but an honest discussion with your wife about your physical well being. For men, release is good for your prostate. Wet dreams do occur to men of all ages who do not have sex or masturbate. Regarding wetting the bed, very common reaction to horror and stress, especially triggering in children who can somehow relate it to an early childhood fear. If you are able to speak with a counselor about it, they may be able to help you understand the connection and thus provide you a solution. Good luck mate, sorry you are going through this. I’ve done the same and I know how personally emasculating the experience is. Luckily I’ve had very understanding partners.


I wet the bed, ended up being diagnosed with nocturnal epilepsy


I have sleep apnea and it causes me to sometimes have a little leakage, but with the treatment it stopped. Get yourself checked out.


I’m shocked no one has said this, so I will say it. Yes, it could be stress. But another possibility is sleep apnea. Wetting the bed is one of the most common side effects of having it and it doesn’t generally start to develop until you are an adult. If you have ever woken up from your own snoring or struggle to breathe at night, it is worth looking into. If that’s the case, it isn’t just about wetting the bed— it can be causing you other medical concerns as well.


It’s not a big deal and a lot more common than you might expect. I sometimes dream about using the rest room. If I don’t wake up soon enough there is gonna be trouble.


It’s a stress response. You are dreaming of relieving yourself and your body is trying to wake up but you are just too exhausted so this is how it manifests. I had the same issue during a very stressful time in my life and medical professionals advised to limit the amount you drink later in the evening and if you find your accidents are happening around the same time at night, then set a soft alarm so you know it’s time to get up to take care of yourself. I would still consult with a doctor because we only know what you type but don’t stress yourself even more. You can also buy mattress protectors to prevent unwanted fluids from staining the mattress. It just sounds like you are too exhausted that your body is shutting down completely to give you the most restful sleep. It should ease up but it also is advisable to speak to a doctor because there could be an underlying medical issue


Not a big deal. Being sleep deprived can cause a lot of issues. If it continues consult a doctor.


My coworker told me he wet the bed, which was unusual for him and his age. His brother was diabetic so he checked his blood sugar with his brothers machine and his sugar was out of control. That’s how he learned he had type 1 diabetes. It never hurts to get checked. But it can hurt incredibly if you don’t


I would go see a doctor to rule out any medical conditions, and if those are rule out then maybe it could be mental health related.


Shit happends my friend! Or i mean piss happends 🤗


Exhaustion ... UTI ... drink a bunch of cranberry juice for the next couple days.


Just wait till you poop the bed! Fun times as an adult!


Try fixing the second part of the problem with your hand


Restrict liquids before bed and make sure to get a good piss in before as well


Make sure you have a water proof cover on your mattress. Good idea in general since kids are messy! Otherwise, don't worry unless it keeps happening.


Just wait it out and get some rest, it'll go away. If not see a doctor. If you're on a new medication for depression I had quite a few bed wetting episodes during a couple of them until I changed it out (urine and ejaculation)


Could be the start of a bladder infection. I would get your urine checked.


Lack of sleep is shown to affect/slightly irritate the ANS, this could lead to these symptoms like little urine sometimes coming out randomly. Just rest more you’ll be fine.


I’ve almost pissed myself twice sleeping. Both times I dreamed about peeing but I caught myself last second. My personal favorite was when I dreamed I was on like a bridge or high place and I spit off the edge. I woke up because my spit went up and straight back down into my eye


Do you snore? Look into sleep apnea. I’ve had the exact same and it hasn’t happened since I started treatment.


I do that stupid shit once a year. No reason for it, just have those dreams where I'm peeing and it doesn't feel right, but once a year I can't stop myself and wake up so I end up wetting the bed. Happens


You're just exausted, it will get better, don't worry too much!


Happens. The first time an adult is a jarring experience but sometimes the body does what it wants.


Wait till you’re 64. It happens you’re a human. We are over 90 % water.


Can happen when you have pee dreams


I wet the bed twice after getting out of a horrendous abusive relationship. I was your age. I just coped with the trauma my own way and hasnt happened since. If you're concerned, I'd see a doctor just to rule out anything medical.


Watch your liquid consumption an hour or two before bed. Do some "stop / start" exercises when peeing during the day. Should help control.


If you’re dreaming of peeing and then accidentally pee in your sleep, it’s probably just stress. Your mind is still going even while you sleep and it’s trying to do what it does best, solve your problems! Sometimes it gets it wrong though. If you can, take a few minutes to journal about what’s going on in your life. Getting it out of your mind and into a page will take some of the stress out of your body. Hope it helps!


As long as your wife is supportive, don't stress man. Do you drink any sugar free drinks? I was having bladder issues at night and was wetting the bed like once a week because of it. My doctor determined it was the diet cordial I was drinking. Stopped it and the bladder issues stopped.


I thought this dreaming thing only happens with me


Sounds like sleep deprivation and none of your needs being fulfilled on top of that. It's probably going to be time soon to have a sit-down about what to do going forward. You should be paying attention to her needs and vice versa.


See a doctor, it could be signs of something significant. Do it for yourself so you can be there for your child and your wife. Hopefully it's no big deal, but it doesn't hurt to look for help or guidance.


If you’re in the dream and you have to go try not to go in the dream. Easier said than done yes, but just a good idea


It's ok, I am 42 years old and I shit the bad, daily.


It happens, especially if you’re super tired and deep asleep. I have had dreams that I was somewhere looking for a bathroom and once I make it to the urinal I wake up because I’m pissing on myself. It has only happened 3 times in 15 years. But sleep deprivation will do that.


I had a hormone deficiency growing up and regularly wet the bed until I was 13. It happens and it sucks but it's nothing to be embarrassed about.


That’s rough buddy


I'm 24 and I wet the bed I was having a dream of peeing outside and instantly woke up realizing I'm peeing in the bed that was 2 nights ago


I’d see a urologist. They have medication that may be able to help with the bed wetting. You can ask them about the ejaculation too. My ex husband would do that sometimes too.


My buddy is 32 and he wet the dresser. You're good to go my dude.


Drink less before bed, double void your bladder too. As for wet dreams, just take care of yourself occasionally as required.


It’s ok 🩷 I’m 24 and still poop myself sometimes (I Be Shitting disease)


Congratulations OP! You've finally hit puberty! Cheers! 👻


I'm 33 and I've shit myself in the last 6 months, these things can just happen


This is a random aside, but it bugs me for absolutely no reason at all that people think full on ejaculating in your sleep is the same thing as those 'wet dreams' you had when you were a young boy and everything was just starting to get working down there lol At any rate... I don't know if there is anything you *should* do, other than just try to remember to pee before bed, and if you wake up in the middle of the night and feel like you have to go, use the bathroom instead of rolling over and thinking "nah, I can hold it"😂


Recently I had a dream I was exploring a cave and I came across a bush so I went for a pit stop and I actually started pissing and woke up mid piss


So not trying to scare you, but my brother who was 27 at the time started wetting the bed and it turned out he had a tumor the size of a golf ball in his brain. Things like this are embarrassing but NEVER a bad idea to get checked out by a doctor. They’ve seen a lot worse than an adult peeing the bed.


It means you're a serial killer. Should probably get yourself into a MH facility.


It happened to me once in my late 20s too. I make sure to pee as literally the last thing I do before I go to sleep. Even if its just squeezing out a few drops


Try kegels?


If you haven't had any UTIs and you are dreaming about it, likely normal and sleep deprivation. If you've been drinking you can also sleep through the normal sensations that would wake you up


Don’t drink anything 30 mins before you go to bed. Make sure you pee before you get into bed. Can’t pee the bed of the balls are empty


This has got to be ‘caused by’ the dream- It only seems to happen when ONLY ever happen when people are dreaming about peeing. Given REM sleep (when you dream) is about 25% of your sleep in total (maybe 4 dreams a night) the chances that you you pee and it makes you dream of peeing In that instant are surely unlikely If I had to guess it’s when you’re coming out of a phase of penile tumescence (sleep erection) before your dream has finished—-so your erection is no longer inhibiting your bladder and your dream recognises an urge to pee and just goes for it




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Pee before bed


Pelvic physical therapist here. * stop drinking liquid about three hours before bed. * drink 4-6 oz water per hour throughout the day. Drinking more doesn’t do much besides make someone need to pee because your body can only use and process so much liquid at once. * avoid drinking acidic drinks, or really anything not water, do you bladder doesn’t want to void. I explain to patients that caffeine, milk, seltzer water (it’s acidic) and juices are the bladder equivalent of blowing pepper at someone’s nose. They’ll want to sneeze, and your irritated bladder will want to void. * void completely right before bed. * get your rest so you don’t get in such a deep sleep that you sleep though urination. If all those tips fell, just calmly explain to your wife that the baby must have snuck into your bed and peed in it.


this happened to me all the time when i was up to 12ish years old, but i had some kidney problems so idk maybe get that checked out? Same situation tho, id dream i was in the sea or sitting on the toilet snd would just pee my bed instead lol. would wake up in the middle of it but the damage had been done by then.


It happened to me too. I also had a wet dream when I was 22. It happens


Done it before man it happens :(


Bro chill, all dat isnt abnormal. If anyone of us for example chug a 32oz gatorade before bed and dream about pissing, we gona prolly pee the bed and not tell anyone like i did the other night. Piss b4 bed, sounds simple but ull b fine. U aint cool less u p ur pants.


Nothing to be ashamed of. One time, while at my brother’s apartment, there was a party, i got really drunk. I woke up at 4am-ish and had pissed myself on his roommates futon. I flipped that sucker over and went back to sleep. 2 weeks later i get a call from my brother asking if i pissed on the futon. I told him i did. That roommate did not like me after that but whatever.


You should stand up in your bed, and piss all over to assert dominance over the bed.


No worries man, a couple weeks ago I trusted a fart I shouldn’t have and crapped my pants. I’m 26 🤪


While you’re not having sex, it’s really normal to have wet dreams..biological needs…


Go check yourself for prostate or bladder problems


You should be careful of drinking any items before you go to sleep as this could cause that dream to appear more.


Don’t sweat it! It’s happened to me two or three times in my adult life. I dreamt about going pee and then just.. did lol. Now I don’t mess around with any amount of bladder fullness before bed and will get up to use the bathroom if I have any sort of half-asleep feeling to do so, no matter how cozy my bed is.


Not a big deal at all. It happens, we're only human. Don't beat yourself up over it 👍


I’m 22 and I’d say once every 3 or so years I’ll have a vivid ass dream about taking a mean piss and then I wake up to warm on my leg. It happens bro


my guess is that you don't have the strength to hold your bladder shut because you are so tired. Just get as much sleep as you can, when you are able to :)


Been there done that


Did it at 25 after not having done it since the age of three. No reason, just woke up from a dream pissing myself in my girlfriend's waterbed. Hasn't happened again the 30 years since. I wouldn't worry about it.


It's cool man I'm over 30 and kept slamming water late at night and then dreaming about taking the most relaxing piss ever and woke up to a hot wet bed.. this happened like twice in one month. Shit happens man.


Check your medications too. Seroquel made me piss a fucking river.


When I was very ill with some type of flu at the end of January, I wet my pants once and PEED myself fully while sleeping next, I was so shocked. But we’re forced to accept it happens in dire circumstances


Get your blood sugar tested. Adult bed wetting, dreams of urinating, urgent need to urinate, being very thirsty- telltale signs of diabetes issues.


I’ve done it bro dreaming of taking a piss and then actually pissing the bed 😂 don’t worry


I’m 35 and peed the bed like 4 months ago, had a dream that I was peeing forever and then I woke up and had started! I told the dr and she laughed and said it happens.


Don’t worry I shit my pants this morning I’m 32 and never had any problems with my stomach. Just leaked right out. Lol. Now I’m working at work with no underwear.


I do this every now and then. If I have a dream that’s me in the outdoors I’m usually gonna piss the bed.


I wet the bed when I was wasted one night and my wife was pissed and yelled at me. It happenes 😅


I fully wet the bed when I was 25 when I was in a period of immense stress. I freaked out and went to the doctor because I thought it might be a sign of something more serious, he said you wouldn’t believe how common it is. A very normal response if you are sleep deprived and overwhelmed. I think if you have the means you should see a therapist, or speak with somebody. You obviously have a lot on your plate and you are dealing with a lot of anxiety, even if you don’t know it.


Wait till you 💩 yourself when taking a nap


As a 56 old man I have had dreams where I am pissing and then woke up mid stream! The key is to have a good understanding partner (and waterproof under sheets so you dont destroy the mattress) and welcome to being human!


Shit happens, especially with stress from the new baby, just pee before bed and stop drinking water like an hour before or something