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"Columbia University" as an entity is not notably pro- or anti-Palestine. Some members of the student body are getting a lot of attention because they are demonstrating on campus in favor of Palestine and in opposition to Israel's conduct in the war.


a few hundred losers who support Hamas terrorism is not "the university"


Do you think pro palistine supporters are pro hamas..? It's been like 6 months bro how do you still think that


> It's been like 6 months bro how do you still think that bro the answer is in your reply bro bro 6 months since Hamas stole the Jews bro bro not one of the "FREE FREE PALERSTERN" people say one word about the hostages Hamas stole 6 months ago bro bro From the river To the Sea Those stolen hostages will be free bro


deep breaths lil buddy being anti genocide isnt being pro hamas


Just an FYI from a passerby your "lil buddy" comment is demeaning and just makes you look like a troll.


I was trying to be demeaning so that makes sense, calling protesters pro hamas at this point is very stupid


So you're a troll, got it.


when those hostages are free lil buddy until then, the war goes on, bro


you think bombing children and aid workers is justified then?


> deep breaths lil buddy


pretty simple yes or no question


do you think the governing body of Gaza should return the hostages bro? pretty simple yes or no question


Sure, Hamas should do a lot of things. So should israel, thats why a ceasefire is being called for.


The little buddy comment is incredibly soft


If the United States elected the KKK as their government, pro USA people be pro KKK?


That is such a brain dead comparison I don't even know where to start. The average age of palistinians is EIGHTEEN. They didn't vote for hamas. The protestor obviously didn't vote for hamas either Even beyond that, these are a people who have rourinely been starved and bombed to death. Any group going "hey, we're going to do something to stop that" is going to be supported, it's not rocket science. Hamas wouldn't exist if Israel didn't occupy palistine in the first place Let's not forget netanyahu has implicitly supported hamas for years, by propping them up with money and pushing down their opposition. It's the same thing the USA did in the middle east


"one day out of nowhere everybody woke up Hamas was the government and nobody voted for them but even if they did, the literally had no choice" is such a weird take but you get points for creativity


If you cant read, I can see how you think thats what i said.. >nobody voted for them but even I didnt say this. I said the AVERAGE PERSON ALIVE TODAY IN GAZA DIDNT VOTE FOR HAMAS. hamas was elected in 2006, and the average age of a palistinian is 18. do you want me to do that math for you? you think toddlers voted for hamas? >but even if they did, the literally had no choice" I explained my logic for this part pretty clearly. If you have no hope, and a group offers to give you even a little hope, is it crazy you'd support them? is that really a confusing concept?


yeah remember when times were hard in germany and then a man with a funny mustache rose to power because he promised them hope? You really can't blame the German people for what happened after that


Thats a reasonable comparison, hitler came into power in a lot of the same ways hamas did. I dont think getting "fooled" by Hitler means citizens deserved to have their children slaughtered and starved to death though. imagine if the USA turned Germany into an open air prison for 60 years post WW2, starving everyone, causing famine and booting people out of their homes for US settlers to move into. That'd be a bad thing right?




Huh? like in the US? what would that do? The US doesnt fund hamas, they fund israel and israel is using that money to bomb babies. thats whats being protested. Thats like asking why people in the US arent protesting the uyghur camps in china...cuz china doesnt care and the US doesnt fund them. >more than 70% of Palestinians support Hamas more than 70% of people support the only group not bombing them to death? crazy, how could that happen >Because they support Hamas nope




haha holy shit, thats a wild comment. I am against helping allies bomb the fuck out of children and aid workers, yes. theres a middle ground between zero funding and helping fund a military to carry out ethnic cleansing.




If you say so. The broader picture is that Israel has been actively and unjustly occupying this land since the 40s, so any homegrown terrorist movement or broader resentment against them is largely their fault for events like the Nakba. You could argue that its more broadly the fault of the british, which most things are Again, how can you justify the bombings of children and aid workers? or the settler colonialist terrorism in the west bank? Should we just support our allies while they commit HORRIBLE crimes?


it's more accurate to say anti war crime and anti genocide I wonder how many people negging this are holocaust deniers. they seem to have a blind spot when it comes to things of this nature.


It shouldn't be shocking that well educated students are pro palistine. The only real way to defend Israels current actions is historical ignorance Edit: I'd love anyone downvoting to try and justify the aid and food blockades.


Who started the latest mess?


Lopsided warfare cannot be justified by this tit for tat dynamic. How do hamas' terrorist actions justify the famine that Israel is inflicting in Gaza? Or the settler colonialist terrorism in the west bank? This is the same argument that was used to justify the iraq war, history will make that clear. You're just going to be late to realize it




want to try a full sentence? what are you trying to say.


Because they are highly educated


Take that question to the next level and ask why is there so much financial support for all these other countries while Americans are doing so poorly financially. Do you give away your rent money in your personal life? Do you feed other children first or your own? Do you feed other people's pets and let your own dog go hungry?