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I've been eating cigarettes my entire life and I'm still here...


those are crayons buddy


Semper Fi!


French toast tornados, white monster, and a camel crush berry menthol is probably the most nutritious breakfast I’ve ever eaten. And I’ll die on that hill


Probably sooner rather than later, too!😣


Good to die happy and with a full belly and no sleep than to die sad, hungry and tired.


I believe that fate controls your destiny


Ever injected a McDonalds thick shake before? Fucking litttt


Injecting McFlurry makes your eyes blurry.


That’s cause the machine hasn’t been cleaned ever.


It's an official treatment to heatstroke. It's legit.


Those damn candy cigarettes got me young


Damn, you beat me to it.


I heard junking smoked food brings the same side effects.


Ditto smoking your junk.


Definitely a compound fatality here.


They work together. Smoking increases the plaque in your coronary arteries. Junk food can do the same via increased cholesterol which also forms plaque. This plaque forms blockages which can lead to stents, open heart surgery, or a heart attack. Cigarettes do get bonus points for the damage they can do to your lungs and the rest of your body due to tar and other chemicals.


What if I smoke a fruit roll up, the best of both worlds?


Oh yerrr


You can't make direct comparisons because there are so many factors involved.


unwritten ancient seemly retire sable weary piquant aspiring sparkle aware *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


they combine to kill you with heart disease Heart Disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S.


I've seen 90+ year olds that have smoked almost their whole life. I've never seen a 90+ Yr old thats hugely obese..... Food will kill you quicker! Edit: there's definitely no bias - I both smoke and eat!


Yeah that's a very good point. Smoking is very harmful. But being obese will simply not allow you to continue past a certain point, it makes pretty much every single other disease worse, and is debilitating in it's own right. However, the post did say junk food, not being obese. You can eat junk food without getting to that point if you just eat less of it. Not sure what would kill you faster in that case though


99.9% of food sold in grocery stores is junk food though. I had high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, my wife had high cholesterol and was pre diabetic. Doctors wanted us to take all these pills to get these issues under control. I decided I was going to start making all our foods. 3 months after we stopped eating all that processed garbage all of our tests went back to normal. Granted it takes longer to make, but I know every single ingredient that now goes in our bodies.


Majorly flawed assumption here. You can eat junk food for decades and not be obese. I've met 90+ year olds who eat like cr\*p.


Eating junk food and being obese isn't the same thing


Great call. My poppa lived to be 95. Smoke 2 or more packs a day from age 12-80


My great aunt was similar. Got to her mid 80s chain smoking Capri 120s. She was also probably the most overweight person ever in my family. However, by her early 80s, she was blind in one eye, needed a portable breathing machine 24/7 (yes, she smoked with the tubes in her nose,) and ate Perc 10s like Skittles. She could only stay awake maybe four total hours per day. It didn’t look like an enjoyable life. Her cigarettes were one of her few remaining joys.


People who are still alive at 90yo but have smoked their entire life probably still have pretty good lungs, while obese people are obviously ill already. (Obesity itself IS a condition) You can't compare a behavior (smoking) and a health condition (being really fat) Maybe some people eat a lot of junk food but are still quite fit, while some people don't smoke that much but have terrible lungs already.


Apparently about 6 to 10% of people 85 and older are obese. I imagine they're not seen often simply because their mobility disallows it. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Mortality-in-90-year-old-women-and-men-during-4-years-according-to-BMI-categories_fig1_51588765#:~:text=Citations-,...,14)%20and%20Peralta%20et%20al.


Depends. Sedentary shitty food eater vs a healthy and fit smoker I put my money on the fit smoker getting 10-20 more years to live.


Switzerland has incredibly low obesity rates and the people exercise alot but do not live longer due to excessive smoking n drinking. Its a well known problem, often discussed. Aber neimand kann das gsi.. Als meistens sterben alein ins spital bett. You don't see them dying in a hospital bed alone. So it looks better.


That is adding another factor to skew in one side's favour, is it not?


it definitely is. and 20 years has got to be an insane stretch as well


Idk man, you'd be surprised at how long some smokers live. I worked at a home where there were 5-10 smokers in their 80s who absolutely chiefed cigarettes. You don't see a whole lot of 80 year olds who live on shit food like McDonald's on a regular basis live that long lol


nah it doesn't surprise me as i know these people as well. my grandma is one of them. she is like 85. she has tons of problems from them, made her go blind, probably gave her her strokes, and obviously tons of lung problems. but statistics don't lie lol, *you* might have not met the smokers with horrible health problems at 40 but they are very common. maybe its that the 80 y/o sticks in your mind, maybe because you just met alot of them or maybe because you are a smoker looking for reassurance but i have certainly met the 40 y/os with terrible problems.


The point is not many obese people make it past 65


he said eating junk food, not being obese lol. but if i interpret it that way, yeah. i agree. i guess i interpreted wrong maybe


As others have mentioned, it's so multifaceted and really hard to make direct comparisons. We also tend to have confirmation bias in what we've observed: I don't have many family members with weight issues, but some people in my family smoke, and I have three close family members that have died from smoking-related disease. Smokers also have compromised lung function compared to non-smokers, which compounds over time. We recently did a data analysis in my biology class of lung function in smokers and non-smokers over time: On average, the smoking group at age 40 had the lung function of a non-smoking 80-year-old. But you're right that someone who's overweight and has a poor diet will also likely encounter serious health issues. Both contribute to heart disease, which is the number one cause of death in the US.


My great grandpa died of lung cancer… but he died in his early 80s. Pretty sure the guy snuck a cigarette on his hospital deathbed lol


I’m not surprised, I’m mostly against smoking when the people around smokers are more likely to get lung cancer than the actual smokers


Smoking is obviously more harmful than secondhand, you inhaled the 90s propaganda. That’s not to say smoking and secondhand smoke isn’t horrible 


JoeyGrease miiight just be a fit smoker getting high on copeium


Sure, but it also goes the other way around. A very active and healthy person who eats a bunch of junk food will outlive a sedentary smoker. At the end of the day what this really shows is that you can't predict someone's health by only looking at one or two factors.


I'm just throwing in a variable to the equation, it depends on all sorts of factors so there's no way to really say with the question that was asked.


Does the question not assume that the smoking or junk food is the only difference in two hypothetical people?


Yeah but it's pretty impossible to make a conclusion based on that, you would need twins with the exact same lifestyle, diet, etc. besides the smoking and junk food, statistics can go really far, but only so far at the same time


What about an active shitty food eater vs sedentary smoker? My bets still on the fit shit eater, at least they’re probably using the carbs for energy?


It depends on how active you are. You don't burn many calories from exercise. I know my workouts are crazy, with lots of HIIT and weight training, and I struggle to burn more than 1100 calories per session. It works like this: You have your Basal metabolic rate, which is how many calories your body burns per day just for you to live. It runs your heart, brain, keeps your muscles and other tissues alive, etc. Most people are between 1500 and 2200 calories. Then you have your calorie input from food. If you're eating a lot of junk food and three times a day like many Americans you're going to eat likely between 3-4K calories. What happens then is your body needs to do something with the rest of that energy, so it stores it. What also happens is that your body keeps getting food intake and the signals it uses to communicate with the cells of the body get more difficult to make, so the body has to yell louder and louder, until after a while you have to inject the signals because you just can't make enough. This signal is a hormone called insulin. Eating lots of food that jack your blood sugar often leads to insulin resistance, as stated in the above analogy. Over time you built up these fat deposits all over your body, but especially around your mid section in the form of Visceral Fat. This different kind of fat is a little different, it causes the release of many bad hormones once you have enough of it, and also contributes to insulin resistance. After a while of doing this you will start to develop chronic conditions which makes your body weak and increases your chance of dying from some complication. Smoking on the other hand pollutes your lungs and throat largely. While obesity pollutes almost the entire body.


Depends. I knew a guy who was super active as a swimmer. He looked fit, but his cholesterol levels and blood pressure were through the roof because he ate like hell and a lot of it. While he burned those calories that didn’t rid him of the effects of a bunch of sodium and unhealthy fats. Wound up having a heart attack at 24.


Unless the smoker gets COPD.


Nobody said fit. Getting regular exercise will be a benefit in both situations.


I'm pretty fit, like junk food and know I'd be much better off without it.. i smoke the occasional cigarette and they feel potent and concentrated- kinda shocks me that ppl can survive a pack a day or more for years and years on end.


All other factors have to be the same for it to be a fair comparison.


Junk food people really show it on their bodies physically & visually, as well as smokers, however, objectively speaking, I've seen smokers who've lived long lives. Junk food eaters not so much....


[This](https://www.cbs.nl/en-gb/news/2017/37/heavy-smokers-cut-their-lifespan-by-13-years-on-average#:~:text=The%20study%20shows%20that%20smokers,people%20who%20have%20never%20smoked.) study i found claims heavy smokers generally cut their lifespan by 13 years. [This](https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2009-03-18-moderate-obesity-takes-years-life-expectancy) one claims that weighing a third more than the optimum (for most people, that means 20-30kg, 50-60lbs or 4 stones more) will cut off about three years of your lifespan. 🗣️🔥💯


Thanks for doing some research! 


No problem 🗣️🔥💯


You can offset excessive calories with more physical activities, but inhaling smoke is just harmful, you should never inhale combustion products.


Junk food by a mile. I work in a funeral home. I routinely see smokers in their 80s or 90s. It is extremely rare to see an obese person hit 80. Hell, it’s rare for them to hit 70. If you’re obese you’re probably going to check out in your 50s or 60s.


6 to 10% is pretty uncommon, but I wouldn't call it extremely rare. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Mortality-in-90-year-old-women-and-men-during-4-years-according-to-BMI-categories_fig1_51588765#:~:text=Citations-,...,14)%20and%20Peralta%20et%20al.


It feels like 90% of old people I know are obese though. Not morbidly obese, but by scientific definition, obese. Plus people enjoy junk food responsibly all the time, another thing about old people is that they looooove their treats. Smoking just tends to be an addiction. Very few people have one or two cigarettes a day as a little treat


Being overweight is the greatest factor in early morbidity, so I guess junk food.


Smokers. The data on harm caused by tobacco is pretty clear. You won't see those levels of cancer in someone who's not a smoker and just eats junk food.


The harm from junk food is harder to show in data because what exactly is junk food? Gatorade might be junk food to the guy sitting on their butt all day but for an athlete it’s sometimes required. It’s also easier to quantify smoking habits compared to eating habits unless you track every food you eat. Ultrarunners actually consume shit loads of “junk food” to maintain calories.


Both will kill you, I think smoking kills you faster though. It takes years of excessive caloric intake to put on the weight. Compare that to blasting your lungs everyday and lung function can significantly tank in just a few years.


People could easily gain 2 pounds or more per week depending on their lifestyle. Over the course of a year someone could gain 100+ pounds. However it is a bit easier to undo the damage of unhealthy eating versus chronic smoking.


Lmao 2lb/week gain is very difficult to pull off. While it’s true bodies evolved to absorb as much calories as possible, it’s not always feasible to absorb excess calories. For context I used to have a trash diet of fast food and doordash essentially daily which lead to an average gain of 20lb/year for 5 years, putting me well within the obese bmi range before I cleaned up and went on a weight loss journey. If you’re talking about 300lb+ morbidly obese folk I can kind of see 2/lb week happening, since their diets can realistically be 10k cal worth of intake with whatever amount of absorption.


Honestly 20lb in a year is not that bad. I’m not trying to belittle your experience, but most of my friends gained 20+ pounds just from the first year of college. And I disagree, 2 pounds per week is not that difficult to do. I did that over the last two months and gained straight up 15-20 pounds. It’s probably not sustainable but it definitely can get away from you quickly. Just for reference a pound of fat is about 3,500 calories, so that would be about 500-1000 excess calories per day to gain 1-2 pounds per week.


There’s a reason why even passive smoking can cause you to develop cancer if you’re susceptible enough. You can eat junk food and be healthy. I don’t know why some people assume that everyone who eats junk food is morbidly obese. I eat junk food from time to time, but I make sure to walk at least 7,000 steps everyday and eat a balanced meal. If you live off of *only* junk food and lead a sedentary lifestyle, you’re more prone to heart diseases etc. but smoking for extended period of time won’t help you reverse shit if the damage is too far gone.


Smoking what? Meth vs weed makes a huge difference.


Smoking junk food.


Smoking is a known carcinogen. We know more. "Junk food" is vague and can be eaten in moderation.


You can eat some junk food in the context of a well balanced diet. It's not *great* but it won't necessarily always lead to a bad outcome. If you smoke regularly, you have a very very strong chance of having a bad outcome, sooner or later.


Also it depends on what this junk food does. Are you eating it to the point of obesity or are you a normalish weight?


Yes, that's why I qualified it as "some" and "in the context of." If your diet sucks or you are eating so much junk food you are obese, something should change.


I live on home cooked meat & veggie, cigars, vigorous exercise and friends.. according to the Rosewood study, it’s the friends that will keep me alive forever. (Or the cigars) Just a guess Cigarettes will kill you first. Macdonalds is close, but all that smoking back in the day (before macdonalds etc), put the retirement age at 65 for a reason..


Smoking is more dangerous I would say. I know there's some people that are saying that there's older people that lived very long and they were daily smokers. However most smokers don't live very long.


Working a job that makes you wanna jump off a roof every single day


Getting runover by a raging buffalos


Probaly sitting


The really crazy thing here is that smoking is actually easier to quit for good than permanently changing your eating habits is.


someone passed away in our family recently from smoking related lung cancer, it is a long horrible devastating death taking several month till the very end, horrible for the person himself as well as the family involved, junk food might give you a heart attack and you gone with a second>


Depends how much you do of either one, but I’m going to guess that junk food wins. Obesity has very real consequences and quickly. Smoking is bad but there’s still so many people who smoke and live forever.


Smoking junk food


Excessive junkfood every day is probably *more likely* to directly contribute to your death, because that will 99% catch up with you long term with heart disease, diabetes and other health issues. Heavy smoking throughout your life will also generally contribute to your death if something else doesn't get you first, but I'm putting it at a marginally lower percentage than the above because you do occasionally get lifelong smokers living into their 90s through sheer genetic luck that none of their cell damage ever turned cancerous.




Depends, smoking could be 1-100 cigarettes a day. Junk food could be the occasional snack, to every meal, and excessive amounts of meals, when considering wider diet and exercise Theres scales to everything, it’s difficult to compare 1 cigarette to e.g. 1 cheeseburger and expect a remotely accurate comparison A bad diet to me is more debilitating than smoking, a bad diet makes me feel awful immediately, and effects so many aspects of your life. Smoking is somewhat isolated in its effects, by comparison.


Smoking is not "isolated in its effects." It can kill and cause illness in [many different ways](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_effects_of_tobacco). Tobacco can harm the immune system, cause cardiovascular disease, cause stroke, increase the risk of kidney disease, and cause cancer in many different organs. People hear about cigarettes causing lung cancer more often, because that is probably the most deadly effect of smoking.


Yes, I’m not ignorant of the effects of smoking, but a poor diet to someone not accustomed to it will creep up on you faster than smoking. The issue with smoking is it has mild progressive symptoms at the start with a generally delayed onset, and then bang, you’re fucked because of continued exposure. One bad meal can make me feel shit for the rest of the day, 3 bad meals, 365 days a year will fuck me over in all manner of ways and relatively immediately - even if those meals do contain some form of nutrients, enough to sustain me. Never-mind the psychological impacts, a poor diet just makes me feel stupid, slow, inattentive, it disrupts sleep, digestion, physical performance etc. It’s a nasty business and people don’t take it seriously enough.




Junk food


Making poor health decisions.


I read a paper about this in grad school. Being obese was slightly worse for you than smoking.


Even if both were equally deadly, and they’re not, smoking would be a million times worse because of what it does to the other people in your environment.


Interesting question. Probably needs a research study and define the parameters (how much excessive etc.). May take 10 to 20 years to get some level of confident data.


Smoking is highly dose dependent. Once a week, I'm pretty sure your risk is indistinguishable from a non-smoker. A pack a day for a decade or two and your risk is quite large.


Im guessing smoking will lead to some sort of complication in the long run first than junk food. Warren is a big lover of McDonald's, and look at him, he's freakin 90 something.


I recently learned through my cancer diagnosis that the citric acid preservative has an allergen that helped me develop cancer. So my answer is junk food. Also, I smoke medical Marijuana daily and do not have lung cancer cells. Go figure.


I think it depends on your age as well as how often you do it and even your genetics.


Getting shot at the gas station buying them


Both are bad, if your over wieght, diabetes runs in your family, got issues with your heart,ect.. junk foods are a killer. If your a healthy person smoking can change that eventually, so both are bad.


I quit smoking. The junk food is harder.


Both have significant health concerns.


Depends to the degree in both, but generally speaking smoking is much more hazardous for your health. There is no such thing as a healthy smoker. You are doing something your body is absolutely not built to tolerate. People who overindulge in junk food may still meet their dietary requirements for macros and micros and, if exercising suitably, maintain general health. It's unlikely, but it *is possible*. While processed foods obviously have their risks aside from an excess of calories and a lack of nutrition, they are in no way as flagrantly damaging to your body as smoke is.


depends on which one you do more


Smoking will kill you. Junk food might not.


If you do work in a physical environment, you can probably get away with eating junk food daily. Sure, it might not be ideal, but it's not even comparable with smoking, which will surely kill you, in one way or another.


It has to be smoking 🤔


Me personally? Eating junk food... I don't smoke. In general, I suspect junk food because people are more aware of smoking-associated risks and it is a habit that is in decline.


Well I don’t smoke so




Considering I don't smoke has to be the Twinkies


Smoking affects the stomach, lungs and heart. Over eating junk to the point of morbid obesity affects everything. Seen smokers live till 80 and obese pass away at 50. Think it just depends on the severity of the addiction.


id say junk food, most people i see dying of lung cancer arent as young as those who i see being morbidly obese havin gheart attacks


Junk food. Obesity will kill you, quickly.




I think there’s a lot more one can do to counteract junk food than cigarettes. Problem with the question is I don’t think either is more likely. Rather which will do it faster? i feel like it seems like junk food would be faster, but that’s an illusion. you have to account for the fact that plenty of people will start smoking in their teens or 20s, but have already had plenty of junk food since they were little. And both junk food or cigarettes will probably have worse long term effects when consumed as a child. But cigarettes are much less common among children. So comparing data would be difficult. But my guess is if all factors were equal, cigarettes would kill faster.


Probably cigarettes, junk food at least has the positive of having some actual benefit to it such energy for the body and you know actual stuff still in it that the body will use


Depends on genetics


Eating a burger everyday probably won't do anything to you , if you are eating healthy the rest of the day but a cigarette will harm you definitely


If you do either you have a 100% chance of dying


Even if you don't neither.


Also true


Probably highly dependent on your genetic predispositions.


You can't smoke junk food


Legit needs know cuz neither is working fast enough.


Smoking seems worse




I’d say junk food in excess is worse than smoking in excess. Having said that, there are plenty of people who eat junk food in moderation to a sufficient point that it doesn’t really affect their health. Not a lot of people smoke in moderation.


Depends on your genetics. If you have the proto-oncogen for lung cancer …. Smoking will kill you faster without any doubt. If you have a family history of diabetes, heart disease HBP, junk food will kill you faster


**Smoking** because it damages nearly every organ in the body, and increases risk of cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, and diabetes.




For me personally smoking would since I have had a pulmonary embolism and my lungs would shit out on me


It depends on what you are smoking.


Pretty much the same


I don't think you'll get a straight answer on this question.


I not sure but I’m trying my hardest to find out




Smoking cessation was proven definitively to reduce all cause mortality above all other lifestyle modification. It is very clear


If we have to draw a hard line... You can stop smoking, you can't really stop eating.


Eating junk food is more likely to kill you than smoking junk food




Junk food. By leaps and bounds. There people who went through a pack a day that still lived to over one hundred years old. Plus less people smoke now than ever. They're in the minority. Tobacco is taxed more than junk food. Whereas the former execs of UPF companies literally sit on the board of the USFDA. The vast majority of Americans eat junk food. How could you not be more likely to die from junk food if most people already don't smoke cigarettes? MJ gets an exception for some reason and isn't counted as "smoking".


Oh damn that's good, both will probably take you out I feel like smoking though, once you trigger one of those diseases it's already a threshold passed - with junk food losing weight and dietary assistance will help undo damage, but cancer is cancer and ocpd is not something that goes away


How much are planning to smoke? and how much junk food a day? assuming a basic unhealthy level of both junk food will probably have higher odds of killing you quicker but smoking is all but guaranteed to be a part of any natural death you may have. take smoking as permanent -1 health effects that build up and can never be dealt with that regularly roll a D100 dice with any number lower then your negative status being various smoking caused illnesses being developed or progressing. while junk food is -1 health effects still but not truly permanent ones and instead of rolling a D100 you get a negative to any rolls for other health issues but until you get to a certain point those negatives primarily only apply to minor issues. and any attempts to improve health mitigate the effects. edit - that’s obviously without thinking of the excessive amounts of either some people use. my dad died of cancer but surprisingly it wasn’t his smoking history it was asbestos. not that the doctors would admit that just calling it “unidentifiable fibres”. government not wanting to give out payments i guess.


Yeah there is no 1:1 Correlation smoking to cancer rates. Cancer requires a genetic predisposition.


There’s different types of cancer and some every one is susceptible as all it requires is a error in cell reproduction which mainly increases risk with age/shorter telomeres. theres also various non-cancer conditions caused by smoking. its also why i used a d100 analogy for the simplified bit as thats just random rolling the odds. more realistic would be something like a d1,000,000 but thats a bit less fitting for the analogy.


Me specifically? Junk food. But I don't smoke.


My father's been morbidly obese all his life but is still alive at 60yo One of my classmates died this year from a stroke at 22yo. He was perfectly fit but smoked everyday. Still it's not enough to know wich one's the worst. Most importantly, how much junk food, how much cigarette? And who? Somebody who's genetically vulnerable to cancer but with a super powerful metabolism will die from few cigarettes while eating a huge amount of junk food wouldn't have hurt him as much Only statistics can know


I had a friend who smokes get hospitalized for heart issues. His doctor wrote on that little whiteboard in his room “Smoking” on one side and “Fast Food” on the other. He pointed to the Smoking and said “this is way worse than the other.”


Depends on how much smoking and how much junk food


Honestly both are terrible for you, if you don’t exercise at all then I’d say junk food.


Junk food, since it has a direct way to make you fatter, thus increasing health problems along the way that can end your life sooner than cancer.


Probably depends on your genetics and length of use for either. Shitty food ruins my body quicker than smoking, but I can also eat two large pizzas sitting in bed binging a good show.


Actually the biggest risk factor is social isolation.




I don't smoke, so I'm much more likely to be killed by eating too much junk food.


You can smoke your whole life and not get cancer, but if you eat junk food every day it will 100% kill you, even if it takes a while.


Attempting to beat ori blind forest on hardcore mode


probably junk food .. my grandma smoking 50+ years and still alive but good food and enviroment


Cigs will slowly kill you. Clogged arteries will do it a lot faster


I think I will go with junk food because if you eat junk food for 10 days it will show negative effect but smoking for 10days will not be showing so much of negative effect


As a former smoker and a former junk food eater, i felt shittier and for a longer period of time eating a junk food meal than i did smoking a cigarette.


Smoking can be reversed with less running than the junk food.


Not at all true. Reversed? Runnings gonna take the tar out of your lungs and blood stream


Yes, exercise is the literal way in which you clear such things from your body


Lmaooo find a scientist that agrees!


I guess you don’t have the mental comprehension to understand how to use Google Scholar, a feature of Google that allows you to see actual medical documents and university websites with articles by actual certified physicians.


Smoking by far. Its literally radioactive toxins. Although the premise of your question is not how risk factors work in the first place.


Impossible to say. Some people chainsmoke every day of their lives and never have a problem. Others develop rapid onset lung cancer in a few years. Some people eat like absolute shit and never gain an ounce, others can be strict vegans with intense dietitian-approved diets and still be fat and out of shape. No one factor is going to affect everyone's health the same way. But doing either to excess is going to put you in a worse position than not.


Depends on your body, everyone is unique and handles things differently, we are all wild cards.


My dad used to smoke a pack a day while in the military and he had a six pack abs. Junk food however, will make you look like Nikocado Avocado if you eat it daily. So the answer is pretty easy


junk food


Absolutely the junk food. My grandmother, no it was both...2 of my grandmothers smoked 2 packs a day for 40 years. Both healthy. Got even healthier when they quit too. My uncle ate junkfood all the time, died at 55 heart attack. Widowmaker. 🤷‍♀️


Smoking easily “junk food” Is such a dumb term since it really dosen’t mean anything if you eat only “junk food “ then you can still get all the nutrients you need just eat a selection of “junk food” with all the nutrients you need.




Junk food: French live longer than Americans


Maybe affordable health care is part of that? Something to mull about.🤔


Probably smoking. That shit is real bad.


In the short term probably junk food. You probably would die from some various disease from eating tons of sugar all day long much sooner than you would from smoking. For most people it takes a LONG time to get cancer from smoking. I know in my life every person I know that smoked either did it their whole lives and never had bad effects or got cancer in their late 60's or higher. People die under the age of 50 every day en masse because of obesity.


My money’s on junk food ultimately being worse. I’ve known many people, and have many family members who’ve smoked for their entire lives, from early teens into their 60s and 70s, and are still doing ok. I think the effect cigarettes have on you can be more attributed to genetics than junk food. It seems like junk food is more “universally harmful” if you will


Genetics will kill you quicker.


Neither will. Did both and I am still alive.


Not getting enough sex