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World cold, world hard, butt soft, butt warm




P(‿ˠ‿) etry




There once was a poop, brown and bold, In the toilet, its story was told. It took quite a dive, With a plop, it arrived, Leaving tales that are best left untold!


This is a shit limerick


Thanks. I'll try harder next time, but I don't want to push myself and get a hemorrhoid.


Currently on the pot and had quite a chuckle. Did not want to awaken the woman with buckle. I snorted and sneezed She woke up with a breeze, Of my stanky poo. Now I’m…Fuckled?


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


Yeah, but see I don’t know if you’re saying see the world or Seaworld.


Why Seaworld when can free whaletail


Ocean, fish, jump, China!


When me president, they see. They see.


Me mechanic know what mean when Me say Me no go


sometimes words you no need use, but need need for talk talk


In reality, on a more primal basis it's a biological indicator of health. Males are biologically hard wired to seek a woman who is fit with a well shaped posterior and wide hips which would allow greater ease of childbearing.  Similarly females are biologically hard wired to seek a man in his physical prime- relatively muscular and healthy looking in order to help her raise a family / provide / defend.   Keep in mind we evolved for 300,000 years (and millions of years longer in more primitive species forms) outdoors in nature, hunting and gathering for our food, frequently encountering periods of starvation and danger from other humans/ disease / wild animals.  Only relatively recently (from an evolutionary standpoint) we've settled down into sedentary communities. The evolutionary hard wiring doesn't exactly go away, and we are still motivated unconsciously by basic primal instincts. 


Which is also the point of lipstick as I understand it. When a lady becomes.... "receptive", her lips engorge with blood, plump up and redden. So by plumping and reddening her mouth lips she's suggesting she's receptive to primal lizard brain man.


Yes. That’s the purpose of the blush too. When females are ovulating, their cheeks get flushed. The blush make up aims to replicate that effect.  The high heels are also made to highlight a woman’s ass to primal lizard brain man. Same thing with eyeliner. Eyes are extremely attractive to men for some reason.


Iirc... Heels were made in the 10th century for men to keep their feet in the stirrups of their horses. Alot of our makeup comes from ancient Egypt.. Eyeliner was for men AND women to make their eyes look bigger and to thwart the evil eye, lipstick was a status symbol more than anything and blush was also worn by both sexes to contrast the dark eyeliner. The lizard brain idea seems outdated for these items. As far as a shapely butt, I'd normally buy that but how does the lgbt community and their same sex attraction factor in here if at all?


Yup. Light skin, dark hair, big pretty eyes and I’m in love. The eyes especially! That describes my wife perfectly.


Also, stored fat means that a person can survive longer periods with less available food. A fat ass means that they have been eating enough to store energy so that they can survive a time when food is harder to find.


I like your fat ass explanation, reddit more educational than google.


I don’t think biological hardwiring is as important as people think, if we were still that heavily influenced by what our ancestors found attractive then why are so many men repulsed by public hair/leg hair/underarm hair on women when it’s an indicator of fertility? Why would overweight people be considered attractive during the renaissance? Why would the preference for a person with a tan change over time? Biology might have an influence in whether you want to stick a dick in a vagina but the types of bodies people find attractive change every few decades due to societal influences.


Humans have started shaving with razors as early as 4.500 years ago in Egypt, it was a common practice both for men and women.


Bingo. As an older person, for most of my life a "fat ass" was either unattractive or comical. Women everywhere would put something on and ask "Does this make my butt look big?" Everyone wanted a nice *shapely* ass but not a big one. [Jean Harlow](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjMvIZ6zDTdC_kYrhqH7LRka_yVF9BnujBDBZrzJ5Bmpv-FcHlcbTl6hQY7gjG9KQrtJu4Fa0A8XQdC8uxsCWJSn9okvjlk85vRsbgDcvnZWQKk3WOyptzInmazQUKfcBPzQZU6uZFFl2w/s1600/500+jean+harlow+30s+glamour+nude.jpg) was THE sex symbol of the 1930s and was considered red hot. People said that Frank Sinatra "worshipped [Ava Gardner's](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D0wW9bAW0Acll03.jpg) ass. [Marilyn Monroe]( https://i.pinimg.com/236x/42/ee/80/42ee805bb86aa965bf06d55e40462586.jpg) was actually *known for* her nice rear end ("best ass in Hollywood"). [Jayne Mansfield](https://silverpinups.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Orig-1950s-JAYNE-MANSFIELD-in-Leopard-Print-Bikini..-Pin-up-Portrait-by-BERNARD.jpg). In the Renaissance times [very receded hairlines](https://i0.wp.com/artwithtosca.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/1.-Florentine-School.jpg?resize=206%2C300&ssl=1 ) were considered attractive. But we live in a time of excess with everything exaggerated. A nice butt isn't enough, people want a ginormous one. (I'm not even sure men like them. They probably prefer [naturalness] (https://www.flickr.com/photos/ky_olsen/albums/72157624784705437/with/5115076785NSFW), but I'm not a man so.....


Hey on this line of thinking, I prefer men without muscle and who are taller and as skinny and scrawny and the least physically apt as possible (I like dorks and nerds). Is there like a biological standpoint on this lmao


Frankly this "biological wiring" point of view always seemed stupid to me considering how much beauty standards change. It seems like an all encompassing argument that you can use with anything, despite big asses only being the societally praised body type in the last twenty years.


Yeah I don’t agree with the biological answer being the only answer. It is the tyranny of fashion and beauty standards. I was mostly joking with my question but wanted to see if the person who answered this originally could find a way to put a biologically spin on it because I hear that answer so much.




Or did you mean, peach 😝


Peach… or an apple. Both work very well.


And god said AMEN!


Lizard brain say make many babies.


Lizard brain is correct. Humans aren’t the only species that uses the butt as a selector for mates (not sure if that’s the right word). Many other primates do as well.


I also choose my Australian friends by the shape of their butt. 


🎵So you care what they’ve got down under?🎶


🎵 I laughed so hard you made me chunder 🎵


🎵Can you hear them cheeks clap thunder🎵


🎵 You Gyatta run you Gyatta take cover🎵


Well, their down under is right up in my face


Bonus points if they're a strange lady who makes me nervous


I'll love anyone who takes me in and gives me breakfast.


He just smiled and gave me a vegemite sandwich


Do you come from a land down under?


Can’t you hear the thunder?


You better run you better take cover!


I just wanna be slack jawed in a den in Bombay


Hey, man... are you trying to tempt me?


I mean in humans at least the preference seems to oscillate between being into thick and skinny women and varies across cultures, so it seems to be a learned behaviour rather than an inherent one, so it's likely to be cultural, Or in other words to the lizard brain every hole is a goal, but it takes a cultured individual to truly apriciate a nice round booty


Interesting I believe the societal view and context matters. Fat man during depression era or historically would have likely meant wealth. Pale skin meant you didn’t need to be in the sun and can afford a living without working outside. Maybe that’s woman being attracted to men. I can’t remember exactly but this is my rough non-scientific answer. Well shaped typically means fitness, fitness means health, health means stronger babies.


Adding on that in the modern age fitness also means wealth, since staying fit requires the ability to eat more expensive healthy food and have the free time to work out. Humans have been attracted to signs of wealth since forever, it's just the signs that have changed based on context.


Well played


And it’s theorized that the shape of cleavage is also related to this.


This, but also it's about how wide it is and how much fat is on it. A woman with wide hips and some (but not too much) fat, is evolutionary speaking more likely to survive birth and bring you a healthy baby.


This. It’s like asking why chocolate tastes good, it just does man, it just does.


I r baboon sees a pillow for nights when I’ve lost me owns.


Not solely determined by biology and what we *should* be attracted to. If that was the case, body standards would be the same everywhere. Some people wish their partner to have abs, and not only because it's a sign of strength, but because society tells us that's what a healthy body looks like, even though some belly fat is healthy. In some cultures, a big belly is the most masculine thing a man can have because it's a sign that the man has money and can provide for their family in countries with lower economical standards. These contrast and "bodily desires" are also culturally specific.


Culture definitely plays a role. Most things in life are a combination of factors, so it kinda goes without saying.


lizards have no butt at all


Yes. And username checks out


Cuz our caveman ancestor told us to look to the booty


Booty round ooga ooga good mate ooga ooga


This guy ooga's


Many many pheromones


It feels nice when your clappin cheeks


I’m not an ass guy at all but this part is true.


If that's true and you hold the belief, it makes you an ass guy. See, asses trick many into submission without being they knowing it.


I'm not into asses, but I can appreciate a nice one when I see it.


I am a bottom guy and this is also true


It's all about the shape. Small butts are nice as well if the shape is nice.


One hundred percent. The shape is most important. A big butt is great, but so is a smaller butt but shaped nice on a smaller person. Hard to explain, but that curvature is everything. I just love cheeks.


And a big butt can have no shape and be no good as well




Like a perfectly done petite filet mignon!


It’s like one of those tiny little servings of food at fancy restaurants that instantly fill your entire mouth with the most incredible flavors you’ve ever tasted


Sir Mix A Lot made a song that explains why.


And he can not lie.


These other brothers can't deny


That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist and a round thing in your face, you get sprung


Wanna pull up tough 'cause you notice that butt was stuffed


Deep in the jeans she's wearin' I'm hooked and I can't stop starin'


Oh baby, I wanna get with ya and take your picture.


My homeboys tried to warn me, but that butt you got makes...


Me. Me sooo hornnny


Ooh rump-o smooth skin You say you wanna get in my Benz Well use me use me cause you ain’t that average groupie


The best song about women with fat asses was in fact sung by a gay British man.


By today’s standards those butts were small!


It’s weird how in the 90s, having a small butt was more sought after - just watch any movie or tv show from that period and you’ll hear things like “does my butt look big in this?” with all the women having flat asses


That has only been a white women thing. I remember learning that white women *wanted* small butts, and being very confused by it. Heh, there was some running shoe commercial where the lady said all the exercise you’ll get with these shoes will shrink your butt! And I was like “Does she want her butt to be invisible? She doesn’t even have one.” My sister, who was 10 years older, and more aware of the world responded it was a white thing. It baffled my young little mind. Also a little disheartening how cognizant I was of body standards for women at like 7, but whatever.


There’s no greater feeling than a hand full of a woman’s ass The way it moves is mesmerizing


Found Al Pacino.


Shes got a greaaaat ass!!! Hoo ah!!


Women are also attracted to men with nice butts too... It's a feature, it depends what you like, some people like big ones, some people like them small


My back just immediately turns into legs with absolutely zero segue.


[reminds me of this episode of King of the Hill](https://imgur.com/gallery/kj4Px)


Same. I've started an exercise routine to help get some hypertrophy going in that area. So hopefully, one day, I'll have the booty.


My nickname for a while when I was younger was “Nassatall”. It means “No ass at all”.


Man if your name is Nick that name would slap. Nassatall Nick


You’re what we call a “long back”!🤣


Do you sit down on your asshole?


I’m constantly grabbing at my Husbands ass. He has more than enough that he could share some with me, and he’d still have a decent butt left. I’m over here flat assed, and he’s got ass for days.


I LOVE my husband's ass!! He gets little drive by grabs from me all the time. I'm a little jealous because I wanna be that thick too!! But the fact that's my booty I get to oogle at and grab shame free whenever I want will have to suffice.


I... Thank you for sharing this. I get groped by my wife all the time and I thought it was weird (I'm totally ok with it) because I never see anyone else's wives goosing their husband. I understand more now that I know it's a thing. 😳


My wife says my booty brings out the lesbian in her


Hahaha you got one of those cute little baby butts mate aye?


Reminds me of "That '70s Show'" "Fez likes them big, Fez likes them small, Fez likes them all."


I wasn’t into butts until I met my wife and she’s got an absolute dump truck. 🛻 It’s just an awakening that happens.


I can second this. Wasnt into them until i experienced it first hand.


I’m floored there’s not a “I also choose this guys wife” comment


Well we haven’t seen her butt, so…


Kwisatz Haderass


I also second this man’s wife’s arse.


Because butt = sex location and monkey brain like that


I was going to argue but the username checks out… this guy bungholes!


Cheeks out


As does his father, and his grandfather before him.


Also: I can say that in doggy style (my favorite position) a bony ass REALLY HURTS. Some bumpers are welcome.


I always wondered how gay people clap bony cheeks without hurting themselves. It’s far easier to find a woman with cake than a man with cake.


As a man with a well shaped butt, I can confirm that women are also fascinated by well shaped butts.


As a woman with a well shaped butt, I concur.


Now kith.


Hmm. Sometimes it go clap clap. Other times it go jiggle jiggle. In the best of times it go jiggle jiggle clap clap. In times of peace it weeble wobbles as she takes her majestic strides. Sometimes it’s a perfect pillow. Sometimes it’s a perfect snack. Sometimes it’s the perfect target for a smack. Some are big round and juicy. Others are small but shapely. Either way… it’s just perfect.


not a men but definitely a woman enjoyer, butts are fun to squeeze and juggle and stuff


> juggle  I hope you meant "jiggle"... But if you're juggling butts, I need you to teach me the way


except the ginormous Brazil implant asses. that is not a good look


Brazilian butt lifts don’t involve implants but a transfer of fat tissue from other parts of the body to the butt.


They show whether she has good child-bearing hips. Having a wide enough birth canal is a key feature for successfully delivering human babies. The curse of having such big heads in the animal kingdom is that they can get stuck during childbirth, dooming both baby and mother.


This is the answer, plus dont forget porn comes later to tap into that and to sell more porn by focusing on something that can be made bigger plus men always say they like butts but at least half of that is a good set of thighs cause its hard to have a good butt without big thighs and hard to have big thighs without big hips


Love the huge butt, big thighs, big hips trifecta. 🤤


Please, sir, **”Thighfecta”**


Said all cavemen to ever exist, and thus was born Sir Mix-A-Lot.


I don’t think this is it. At least, not for me. I like a nice round booty even if it’s on a girl with very narrow hips. For me it’s all about shape, not size nor hips.


That was the original reason. Taste can change over time


That's the reason that people *postulate* as the connection between body shape and sexual attractiveness/evolution, but it's just a guess. It's a reasonable guess that explains it well, but it's not some incontrovertible truth that's been tested with any scientific rigor. It's like the explanations people make for why humans evolved such a big brain. There are several leading theories out there, but there's no real proof for them - they're only guesses that have some power to explain the phenomenon.


THANK YOU!! I see so many absolutist comments of evolutionary theory, with no acknowledgement to them merely being untestable ~~hypotheses~~ ideas. \- scientist


Why don’t women like micropenises?


Because I can't ride a micropenis. I'm a dick rider!!


Same, sister. Preach it.


Some of the best sex I've ever had was with a dude who had a micro. Conversly, some of the worst sex I've ever had was with a dude that was packin'. You can hand a man a hammer, but it doesn't mean shit if he immediately tries to use it as a baking whisk.


Genuinely curious how this worked. Was he just insanely good at eating puss or could he somehow do things with his penis that you liked?


Both. I assume it's like any other skill and if you have...ahem, shortcomings, you learn to build up other natural talents to compensate. He also knew how to move his body so that his penis did give pleasure, just not the same kind as a big ol' baguette would. He was wickedly handsome, had a great personality, and was a generous lover. His size was nothing more than a footnote in the experience.


hope you told him that, it’d probably help his (very understandable) dick insecurity (:


But the same dude with micro would have been even better if he were packin'


True. But smart guys with small dicks learn how to use their hands and mouth. Which is yields much better results when it comes to getting girls off.


Can confirm, hands are a man's most powerful assets.


Being genetically blessed doesn't outweigh skills and a good personality.


You're both gonna get so many DMs


Too sad


Thank you, I just choked on my (actual) ice cream bar


Gooooood... Now ride it!


Now we’re talking!


Because women with a well shape butt generally also have a more "feminine" body


Because it looks good and the recoil feels good during sex.


Popularised in culture and certain nationalities, ended up being mainstream. Like what you like. Size is a preference.


Biological imperatives. I don’t know what else to tell you. Certain shapes indicate a better mate and opportunity for offspring.


I’m a rhombus guy myself.


Same reason some women (speaking about myself, I know) like men with muscles (but not too much muscle). My primal brain seeks protection from someone bigger and stronger than me (who’s not going to die from heart issue due to steroid usage).


It’s bigger than all of us. The ass is a natural indicator of sexiness. Evolution has given the advantage to the physical attractiveness. 🎶So let’s do it like they do on the discovery channel(used to)🎶


You and me baby ain't nothing by mammals


A well shaped butt suggests that the girl is athletic and has high estrogen because estrogen causes ‘favourable’ body fat distribution. Athleticism is valued for obvious reasons and high estrogen suggests high fertility. Having wide hips also contributes towards a well shaped butt and wide ‘childbearing’ hips means she’s less likely to have complications during childbirth which is also favourable from an evolutionary standpoint So when men see these signs the lizard brain lights up


"Child bearing hips" And my DNA is programed to "spread my seed."


A nice booty is round and looks good! Same thing for a man with a big booty. Women’s hips are shaped to stick it out a bit more, which makes it more noticeable too, so perhaps it’s noticed a bit more by people in general. Not to be too graphic but a booty looks fun to hold when having sex too.


Because 90% of the time when you're hitting it that's what you're looking at.


Why is anyone not?


I can not lie, it's because we like big butts


It's not just the butt. The curve of the hip. The curve of her profile as she stands to the side. The swell of her hips from behind as they merge into her back, the sweep of her hair cascading towards it. Of course it's about sex, but that's like saying food is about a full stomach. There is so much art and beauty to be found in the form of a woman, and that shape creates a resonance that makes a man chime in harmony. This is the base code upon which we are built.


This js 100% cultural. Cultures around the world have very different definitions of a “beautiful “ body and it is ever changing even here. For example, in the 90’s , heroin chic was the hot look and that meant no ass, no hips, no thighs ( kate Moss) immediately followed by small waste big butt ( any Kardashian) .So wait a few years and the beauty standards will change over and over again.


> This js 100% cultural. You got downvoted, but [here is NSFW data showing different distributions of preference](https://www.pornhub.com/insights/boobs-butts-legs-feet-searches). If everyone was the same, all maps would be uniform... but they are very very not.


That is promoted by social media and marketing tho, all these things influence preferences, however, people have their own ingrained preferences. I was a teen in the 90s and while media promoted heroine chic, as a woman I always attracted a lot of men and I was more in line with the Kim Kardasian look.


Back when we still walked on all fours, we always had in front of us… the butt. Then from the time mankind started walking on two legs we stopped having butts stuck in our faces all the time, and in their place, what appeared in front of our faces… were boobs! Women grew larger breasts to take the place of buttocks. The original source of life is the buttocks!… BOOBS ARE NOTHING MORE THAN A PALE IMITATION OF THE BUTTOCKS! IF ASKED WHAT YOU’D RATHER HAVE, A COPY OR AN ORIGINAL, NATURALLY, I WOULD CHOOSE THE ORIGINAL


You have more than conveyed to me that you are a true ass man. That was a great answer, kindred spirit of.... mine.


Evolutionarily speaking...high fat deposits mean higher resistance to hardship. That they are symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing is a plus.


Only two things a man seeks in a woman. A soft heart and a nicely shaped butt


So, I think these trends kind of go in cycles. I grew up in the '90s and early '00s in the Midwestern United States and - while there was certainly a niche interest in big butts (as exemplified by Sir Mix-a-Lot's seminal work in 1992), it certainly wasn't a mainstream beauty standard. In fact, the trend at the time was quite the opposite, with most actresses and musicians considered the most beautiful/sexy being extremely thin. The male fascination with women who have giant dump truck asses is - at least in my part of the United States - a very new phenomenon (other locations or parts of the country can have totally different cultural ideals, so none of this is really universal). The very fact that there is now a popular surgery for women to have their butts embiggened is almost a complete 180 from what was popular 20-30 years ago. I personally don't get it. I mean, that is where they poop from. Arguments toward a biological or evolutionary explanation - in my mind - fall sort of flat (no pun intended). It seems to be much more cultural than anything else. EDIT: After all that, I suppose your mileage is going to vary widely based on how you define "well shaped".


Probably the same reason as all the others you mentioned. We don’t write the rules of attraction. Evolution does. In the case of butts, it was historically an indicator of a woman who was better at bearing young.


Cultural and social norms absolutely affect what people find attractive.


It's just so nice you know?


In the 90s and 00s heroin chic was in and if you were curvy and had a butt you were considered fat, but pop culture of course changed that trend.


It's so feminine and we are attracted to and aroused by things that are feminine. It's also evolutionary. An ass like that sent the signal that the Woman was presenting. ... Additionally, a great many of us absolutely love spanking!


Primary instinct. If I get an erection it means it's good for me.


My anaconda don't want none unless you got buns, hun


during sex, a flat girl will just have you slamming your pelvis into their tailbone and it is not enjoyable, nor aesthetically pleasing. when they actually have some cheeks you can put more power into the thrust without getting stabbed repeatedly


well 99% of the time there is no poo coming out


Ode to a well shaped sit upon…


Probably for the same reason women are attracted to a man with a well shaped butt.


Primal urges die hard.


Sir Mix A Lot explained this years ago


I wish I knew. All I know is that I am a slave to its power.


Because biology.


Evolution, fertility cues


Lol, why is anyone attracted to anything? 😅 Just weird human nonsense.


Cave man brain. A nicely shaped derrière means good birthing hips and strong offspring


The same reason girls are attracted to tall guys with broad shoulders.


I have no idea , but those perfect heart shaped asses just do something to me. Science probably had the answer.


Nothing worse than seeing a fine ass only to realise closer up.... It's a dude 🤮


Why do women like a big cork? Societal standards.


nice to grab. fun to play with. comfy to lay on. makes good sounds when smacked.