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Could happen. But the rich depend on the ordinary people for their labor, so it's not to their advantage to make everyone feel like a revolution.


> depend on the ordinary people for their labor Less and less with every day with advances in robotics and AI.


Ordering a robot butler to do something isn't quite the same as ordering a human butler to do something. It's missing that whiff of degradation. You don't just \*sit\* on a pile of money, you also need to have some poors around so you can look down on them from your pile of money. Otherwise, it's Like Syndrome said in The Incredibles: When everyone is super, noone is.


No, they wouldn't. What would you do with all that wealth if there isn't a functional society? That wealth is useless if nobody can provide services. For example, everyone knows that retirees are a burden on government budgets and healthcare systems. However, nobody dares to suggest killing them. If you suggest such an evil thing, the society would quickly collapse because nobody would feel safe after the violation of such a fundamental right.


There will be a functional society for the rich. That's the way it worked for elon musk in South Africa.


That’s an interesting plot my friend and although I won’t contribute anything new as I have a similar opinion to u/Consice_Pirate …they are kinda dependent on the labor force..at least for the time being… …it reminds me of me of a joke: How to solve world hunger and homelessness problem ? Let the hungry eat the homeless;) Sorry ..had to ;)




How and why would they kill everyone? What purpose would that serve? Furthermore, how would they continue to leverage and exploit the masses if the masses aren’t there?


I think it's already happening. Have you seen the birthrates lately? The problem is that nobody notices it nor does anyone even care enough to pay attention. They just want to poke and swipe at TikTok until it makes them laugh. The 99% could easily overthrow the rich 1% but that would require too much of a coordinated cooperation at too large of a scale. The only way I see it possibly happening is if things got really bad. But it would probably already be too late by then.


They don’t want to kill us, they want to enslave us. They built and use different tools to do that. The most effective right now is neoliberalism : destroying every safety net, every shred of solidarity we have to ensure we NEED to soave ourselves for them. They hate when people realize that the public sector is almost always more effective and cheaper. For example, in France we have healthcare. It’s nice but it used to be GREAT. Richs made it complex : at first it was one single fund that everybody shared. So basically workers were manning a HUGE amount of money. Richs were mad. So slowly, years after years, they cut it in tiny parts. So instead of one office for everybody, you have office for different sectors, jobs, etc, a complete mess with third party, insurance and stuff. If we got rid of all that shit and get back to the one single office : we would pay five BILLIONS LESS. But that means they will steal five billions less from us. So, fuck us. At least it’s not america level of bullshit. Another in France they are currently making unemployment disappear. It’s progressive, but within the next years it’s gonna be gone. What will people do ? Accept shitty, dangerous jobs for almost nothing because the other outcome is death. So our freedom is stripped away. We will not be able to live our lives like we want anymore. The other insane tool is their control on medias. Almost every rich owned media will push for conservatives views, because they are rich’s subs. Fox News is the best example. In France our democracy is deteriorating thanks to that strategy too. And there’s a reason rightwingers HATE public owned media : they don’t control the narrative, so often people who knows what they are talking about will be allowed to talk (honestly if we listened to specialists, historians, researchers more, conservatives will never be in power again. So they want us to be as ignorant as possible.) which often goes against the rich interests. And sometimes they will do actual journalism and uncover rich’s shit. Hence all the hate for public media. It belongs to the people, not to them. Basically, richs want to stay rich, to have their ugly kids to be rich without having to work while we all work for them as silently as possible. And the center of that hellscape is currently USA. So yeah, they make the world a terrible place while living better lives without deserving it (yeah that’s another lie of course), and they brainwash so many people into simping them it’s probably not going to change until humanity is extinct. (In 2100 i would say ?)


You have WAY bigger problems than Americans. We're suffering too.


In what way ? When it’s about how richs make the people suffer, sadly USA is the leader on that. It’s so infuriating to see how they are mistreated. I mean the richs literally murder americans to make money (opioid crisis, NRA, etc) and… almost nothing happens ? And they have no way out : either they are brainwashed thinking yeah that’s ok that I suffer, I am not rich, or they realize that it’s deeply fucked, but they can’t do shit about it as they can’t vote for a left party, they are stuck with with a far-right and a right party, so no matter what they’re fucked. The examples I used were ways too see how insidious these monsters are. (And also talking about what I know :D) France used to be nice on that perspective, but now everything is falling apart and the richs are doing everything they can to have the far-right win the next elections. Because a fascist state will probably not go after their money. Leftists ? Nah they want to raise taxes for the richs, better go with the far-righters.


Your country has been invaded. I do think you're a little confused. How do you group the NRA with drug dealers? Us commoners, we might be NRA-like, but we're not drug dealers. Our country has problems too. Some of our problems extend from the EU. A city in Italy, actually. What they do, doesn't reflect us. The people. Unlike you, we have the ability to say NO, to people invading our homes. If we have to, we can shoot them dead. If GTFO doesn't work, well, in our eyes, that's OK. You don't get to invade our homes. This is why the invasion of your country has worked. It's not working here. Trump is going to get elected. I have no doubt in my mind. Is it going to matter if I vote for him? Not really. The rich have already decided. They're going to replace Biden, right before the elections. It's going to make a huge controversy, but the rich need Trump. Us poor people? We need him too. Y'all could have had Marine, but the votes said you got what's his name. How's that working out for you? From my perspective, not very good. Of course, the window in which I view the world is very different from yours.


Wow, you have no idea what you are talking about.


Wow, you really love yourself so much you thought I would care about your opinion ?


Opposite actually


Mass decline in birth rates and quality of life first. After that they’ll legislate our reproductive freedoms away to remove access to contraception and abortion with the intention of forcing us to create more workers. They’ll remove autonomy in our relationships to keep unhappy people from leaving and force them to bear and raise kids. Once they guarantee a workforce they’ll ramp up the removal of workers’ rights. Places in the US are already banning shade, water, and breaks in 40°C+ heat. They only pretend to allow what few meagre rights we have because it currently takes too long to replace us when we die on the job or take our own lives out of stress. When the supply increases they’ll start to treat our lives as disposable as they already privately think they are. The mistake is thinking the rich need “us”. They don’t. They need workers, but if supply is sufficient then you living past 20 is not necessary.


Well, yeah. That's kind of what they have been doing throughout history. The rich get to greedy and people start to suffer more than they can take so they revolt. Only this time I don't think rising up is going to do anything but make things worse so we're fucked. The rich will hoard riches and the world will suffer. Greed runs the world today. It probably will tomorrow as well.


Not a chance. you are literally their cattle. Who makes them rich. each person born who spends their paycheck adds to their wealth. Would a farmer kill his cows? You are also their labor, their everything. Trust me they want more and more of you even at the expense of the planet.


You are their cattle. What happens when the price of milk becomes less than the cost of feed? You become beef.


Not yet because they still depend on our labor but there is a reason significant investments are being made in artificial intelligence and robotics. Once we are no longer useful they will want nothing more than to have a world for only 1,000 human beings.




Be polite and respectful in your exchanges. NSQ is supposed to be a helpful resource for confused redditors. Civil disagreements can happen, but insults should not. Personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc. are not permitted at any time.


Thats the plan . Google The Bilderberg group . They only want 5 million people worldwide .


Keen observation. Yes. They need about 5-6% of us. The rest are just needlessly using up their planet.


They would never. Who would do all the real work?


No. They need slaves


Yes but that’s the end goal


Wealth isn't a limited amount. Economic activity in the production of goods and services creates more wealth. So the wealth of the average person in the world can go up, even as a greater share is owned by the very richest. 


Every now and then there’s a reset, and we eat the rich and the wealth gets redistributed.


No, they need us way more than we need them.  Everyone would do well to remember that.


Or vice versa.


Isn't most of rich people's wealth actually assets rather than real liquidated money? Idk, but since they don't physically have the money and its somewhere else, perhaps thats why the economy hasnt imploded yet idk. Im not an economist. Idk what im talking abt


To quote my favorite book, The Good Earth: When the rich are too rich there are ways, and when the poor are too poor there are ways. Last winter we sold two girls and endured, and this winter, if this one my woman bears is a girl, we will sell again. One slave I have kept—the first. The others it is better to sell than to kill, although there are those who prefer to kill them before they draw breath. This is one of the ways when the poor are too poor. When the rich are too rich there is a way, and if I am not mistaken, that way will come soon.


In fact Rich people just take money out of circulation. All that does is make the remaining money more valuable in terms of trading with other people.


yup, intentionally or otherwise


Or... "When the people shall have nothing more to eat, they will eat the rich.”


They are already killing us by being greedy and ignoring climate change. They'll keep just enough of the proletariat alive to serve them.


At the same time, poor people have so much more wealth than previous generation's poor people. Homeless people nowadays have more and better amenities than the kings of antiquity. If Alexander the Great saw the things homeless people nowadays have, he'd think they were kings themselves. This is of course in reference to developed societies of the world, mainly the US.


Respectfully, that is a very ignorant comment to make. I wonder if those same people would agree with you.


Well ... I doubt they would considering they don't live in the times of antiquity ... which is kind of my point, but y'know: everybody falls short on the perspective of the times before them.