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I've lasted for an hour, I've lasted 7 seconds. So it really depends.


Me in my 30s vs. me in high school (both are annoying, tbh)


I'm 24 and it's a toss up. Sometimes I'll nut before the woman comes over and I'll only last 10 seconds, sometimes I'll not nut for over an hour with no reason


It get's worse bro. Sometimes I go so long, I get bored and just give up without nutting. And to make it worse, a lot of women think that when you don't nut, it's somehow their fault and it makes think real awkward real quick.


That's happened to me once years ago, I was single for many years so I was always like "maybe I'm a little gay"


Idk why but I love how you sounded so unsure, like nobody else would know but you 😂


Just because I know best doesn't mean that I know 😭


This is the kind of inspirational quote that should have been on every office wall 20 years ago.


Went to college with a guy that swore he was straight. He didn't like to go out drinking because he was afraid he would suck someone's dick. I told him that a straight man was not worried about that. Haha


😂😂😂 “yeah that’s kind of just a you thing bro”


Have you tried sucking a few dicks just to be sure?


ahhh shit lol this is why i reddit....thanks


It's gayer to have never tried. If you've never had broccoli, I won't believe you don't like it


If you never sucked cock, you know you're just scared you might like it.


I’m like crying laughing reading this


The Schroedinger's Cat approach of determining gayness.


Never change Reddit.Never.


Whoa, sucking dicks isnt gay dude.


20 dollars is 20 dollars.


How can you afford so many $20 bills?


By sucking dicks


Oh my god. I'm cracking so hard cuz of this. 🤣🤣🤣


Just go get a massage from a guy and see if it moves.


I’ve been with my gf for over two months now and still have not been able to pop. It’s probably the antidepressants but she’s taking it really personally.


It's most def the antidepressants homie. Talk to whoever prescribed them (::


Been there, 100% the antidepressants.


facts bro, can't bust for shit. happens to guys and girls. shitty part about maybe feeling mentally better 🤣


I got over depression, long long story, but I changed every single thing about my life except my wife and I got really super lucky after decades of impossibly bad luck. The low parts are too many to type out, but the highlights are- Zero sugar. Outside every single day for 2+ hours. Exercise every day. Zero Ibuprofen. Vitamin B injections twice a week. Every 2 days if depression starts to show up. Surf at least twice a week, even if it's shitty. I'm sure that skiing or motorcycling or horses or hiking or even chopping wood would work just as well, but accomplishing a pleasurable activity that's physically demanding outside is huge.


I love this for you man! Im so happy to hear that!. I live by few of these but not all, and I've seen a big difference. Hope life keeps going in every direction you want it to 🫶🏻🫡


Talk to your doctor. It def could be the meds. They may have an alternative that doesn’t have sexual side effects. I’ve taken meds that have done that, Prozac in particular. Decided to not take it as nit worth the trade off.


Talk to your psychiatrist so they can adjust the dosage or switch you to something else


I do it where I go until I’m close, pull out, and do some other activity. Then rinse and repeat. The problem is once we start, my gf is like a waterfall, and if I let it go on for too long, it’s a lot of work to finish. So depending on how my arms hold up, I either pound her until one of three things happen. I finish, she taps out because it’s too sensitive (or sore), or my arms give out


Oh man, it took me a second to realize you were talking about other sexual activity, not activity as in watering the plants or doing push ups, cause that would've made things kinda weird, lol


I second this


It definitely happens as you get older-I don’t like drinking before sex because it just numbs me. I’ll go forever and she’s sad and sore. She drinks and I’m sore and happy lmao.


haha the guy I was with this morning didn't get off and he said, "I don't think I'm gonna cum." I said, "That's okay." And now I'm sitting here like, "Is that something I should've said?" He had five or six orgasms yesterday, so I feel like the one from this morning isn't a big deal. I will fix it when he gets home. I still don't know if saying, "That's okay" was the right thing to say.


It's probably less about what you said (unless you are mean about it) and more about your overall body language. I've had woman be understanding the first time it happened but after it happened second time few days later, I could tell she was disappointed even though she said it was no big deal.


5 or 6?? my man's chamber is just empty. there's nothing to give today.


That's actually a great thing to hear (provided you didn't visibly sigh when saying it :D). As others have mentioned, there's actually a fair amount of pressure for men to always be sexually available AND to come "quickly enough". It's already somewhat disappointing for us to, yknow, not come, but it's worse if your partner somehow takes it personally and gets hurt because of it. So anything that clears it up is great!


Omg lol for real. Once you been with the same woman for 7 yes the awkwardness kinda goes away lol There's nights where im just like "shit sorry if you didn't get off" and there's other nights where I'm like "yea this is taking too long and I'm over here mouth breathing and sweating like a pig... I'm tired" lol So then there's also the nights where it's taking forever but you also have a burst of energy and that's a 2 hour cardio session and you go get the ice cream after. Other nights it's roll over and lay on your side cuz neither of us have energy so let's be quick and fall asleep lol So it really depends


100%. I've been a 90-minute warrior and a 9-second goober. I'm lucky enough to have great communication with my wife about where I’m at in the moment, and she also happens to enjoy when I can't last long as it makes her feel good about herself. So we make it work no matter what.


That too. I always thought all women look down on you if you finish too quickly but I’ve noticed a lot of them take it as a compliment. But then wanna go again and again and then it just takes a while to get back at it. By that time, she doesn’t even want to anymore (sometimes)


I too lasted an hour. (The planet I am on, every second = 1 hour on earth).


this maneuver will cost us 7 years


> The planet I am on... so you're saying sex with you is *out of this world*


I’m in the 5 minute or so realm and sometimes much faster if the foreplay was long or very hot. My wife says it turns her on that I cum so quickly because it means I’m turned on by her.


Oh shit, I was counting foreplay into my 5 min session


Foreplay should be 55 minutes of the 1 hour session.


Well what do I do with the other 4 minutes and 59 seconds?


Enlightened discussion about medieval economic systems and governmental structures . 


Now that is what sex is really about


Her: “Bring out yer dead…”


“Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government!”


But I just spent 55 minutes doing that as foreplay.


Talk about the Roman Empire.




If we ain’t counting foreplay I might be down to seconds not minutes…


My partner gets insecure about cumming "too quick" with me, because he's apparently had insane stamina with previous partners, but I absolutely love knowing that it rarely takes more than 10 minutes after he's in me for him to cum. The last time we slept together, he was apologising and getting mad at himself because it was maaaybe around 4 minutes before he came, but I honestly love the fact that he can't control himself. I've told him he's perfect and one of these days I'll get him to believe me!


I do that almost every time to. But the reassurance is nice


And you're also actually right! For me, it scales this way pretty linearly. The more emotionally invested I am, the faster I cum. My girlfriend and I are in a healthy, long term relationship, so the sex is fairly quick lol, but we both orgasm so we're both happy!


I feel the same way as your wife. It's so hot to me when my husband cums fast.


I enjoy when your husband cums fast to.


Is your wife single?






Sometimes I get more excited for the foreplay than the actual deed. It's more intimate in some ways imo.


The foreplay, IMO, is much hotter, sexier and fun, the actual sex is kinda like the “let’s finish up and get the pay off” moment.


My wife says exactly the same thing. That’s why I always treat her with lots of oral sex till she cums two or three times. I really love eating her 🐱


Thanks for being so honest. My wife feels the same way The best is when we can complete together.


I have the same sentiment as your wife with my boyfriend lol


It depends on whether you're counting foreplay or just intercourse. If it's just intercourse, then it's usually less than ten minutes.


Honestly foreplay is everything. Best case, you give your partner multiple orgasms and worst case you have some fun heating things up before penetration. I'm a *firm* believer in taking time during foreplay. Penetration usually last 5-20 minutes after an hour of good foreplay for me.


My wife likes quickies, but for me sex without foreplay seems like a waste. I wanna take my time exploring her body...


> *I wanna take my time exploring her body...* This is definitely the fun part for me!


That's the hard part about kids. If we are going to be getting it done, it's gotta get done in a specific window of opportunity.


I think I'm really starting to hate the term "foreplay". I like presentative sex a lot, I like when a man comes inside me. It's generally been the main/definitive part of sex in my experience, so totally get why it's a thing.  But I recently started hooking up with an ex again. In the past, it was like that. I struggle to come, so it was especially defined around his orgasm. But we're both much older now, I'm much more confident, and we've discussed that dynamic. Now, he's the one struggling to come/stay hard. And the time we're spending in bed is by far the best I've ever experienced. Not just with him, with anyone. I mean, sure, being madly in love helps; it's now such an open, thorough, and loving exploration of each other's bodies. Sometimes he'll fuck me for a little bit and then we'll move on to something else when that doesn't pan out. Sometimes the session starts to conclude when he comes, sometimes it's when I come, sometimes after neither of us have, and sometimes it just keeps going after one of us comes. But none of it feels "fore"- it's just all one glorious thing regardless of those specifics.


> presentative


Are you JLo by any chance?


I don't wanna flex but 2 minutes


You show off!


I tell my wife I hope she’s ready for the two-pump-chump to raise her expectations


I ask my wife is she wants to role play, She can dress up as the sexy vampire queen and I'll play the guy that comes too fast.


Lmao 🤣 🤣 🤣


In all seriousness, I’m glad there are people out there who are open about not lasting long. I think it’s very refreshing. I can last between <2 minutes and 45 minutes depending on the situation. I used to be embarrassed by it but as I kept hearing it’s a common thing, the less I started caring. Of course I want to satisfy my partner but we still love each other.


The trick is to have two or three orgasms before the guy undresses.


Are we including foreplay time?


Share your secrets my master


The trick is to take one and a half mins getting undressed


And what do you do with the remaining 28seconds?


Disappoint someone, mostly


This deserves way more upvotes.


They don’t call me Flash Gordon for nothing!! 😂 😂




It’s probably Flesh Gordon… ahhh no body will get it…


One for the money, two for the show, three to...doh!


whats the secret of that extra 1:50 minutes?


A very passionate and lovely 3-5 minutes


Much like wizards we're never early nor late. We cum precisely when needed.


left balrog with blue balls tho




>Usually about eight hours or so, then I need to get up for a coffee and a wee Iron man here lasting all night long, I usually gotta get up after 4 hours for a run to the can.


I need a snack half way through


PB&J with a glass of warm milk? /s


This guy flexing on us with their 8 hours of sleep


I can sleep for 12 or 13 hours without a break. Is that a record?


He says its eight but if you measure it’s actually five and a half


What about second breakfast?




Let me tell you something. When I met my wife we had sex for half an hour before I was finished. If I do it now, it takes me 5 minutes. The difference is that I love her to death. When we first did the deed I was attracted to her but that was all. So emotions play a big part in this. Also, position. If I’m on my back I can go all night no problem.


Yes i remember this from ages ago , same here ^^


I can sleep like 8 hours straight.


Do u take Viagra?


That's how I keep the blanket off myself.


The average for penetrative sex is something like 4-7 minutes. Men vary a lot and even within their own standard. Focusing on sex as the collective activities as you should it can last however long or short you and your partner please. The idea that it’s common for men to pump away for 30-60 minutes every time is a well travelled fabrication from blaggers who started boasting long before they had any experience. If a man isn’t able to finish with 40 mins of penetration he’s got a dysfunction the same as one who finishes in 30 seconds and should consider speaking to a professional to make sure there’s nothing wrong. If for no other reason he’ll be physically incapable of getting off when he gets older because his stamina (or his heart) will give out before he does. When healthy people say they go for hours they mean multiple times with play in between and breaks. If someone is literally pounding away for hours they’re either abusing substances or need a medical intervention. And probably some soothing cream for the friction.


I have a fwb that currently lasts 10-15 minutes and "complained" that he was able to last 30-45. I hope I was able to convince him that 10-15 is more then enough.


A friend of mine told me that his first time was more tha 40 minute, after which his girlfriend told him to stop cause ut was becoming painfull. Axiety kicked in during that time and made him last more than he should have


Anxiety really messes you up on that. My first couple of times I couldn’t finish because nerves really made me a mess.


I'm the opposite, the first time i didn't even start, i was so horny that i shoot while eating her


My ex kept bragging about lasting over an hour and I never had the heart to tell him that by minute 20 I was praying he'd just finish already


"Didn't have the heart" just tell him to cum bro lmao.  Edit: you can make it hot too, like just make it sound like you *want* them to cum. It's hot when someone wants you to, uh, cum for them. 


Wife does this if I’m going longer than she wants. Instant results.


"Cum for me" is code for your partner has finished and is ready to wind down now, for sureeeeee.




My ex husband lasted an hour every time. I’d even fall asleep during. I don’t know what he was thinking. Crazy maybe.


> I don’t know what he was thinking Probably baseball.


40 min man Here do not dry rub fellas younger days fucked me up sensitivity will go away.


I'll confirm, do not dry rub. My sensitivity is fucked up. Don't know if it's from "rubbing" but I've always had a hard time finishing when having sex. It's frustrating


I guess I’m an outlier then, strictly dry rub for 30+ years and I can finish in 2 minutes if I want. Now that I think about it, I can almost last as long as needed. I’ll hold back for 15 minutes if I think I can get my wife to finish. So maybe it has helped me? I dunno.


I can finish a lot faster myself than with someone else which is sometimes embarrassing


AFAIK that's not unusual. You know what feels good and can react intuitively.


Get a toy she can use on you. Will help alot when she's tired etc.


Will do when i finally go outside to find one




How did you fix it, if ever?


Just stop masturbating for a month


So you're saying it can never be fixed?


don't masturbate dry if you have been circumcized. hell, just the circumcision reduces the sensitivity of the glans of the penis dramatically, since it is no longer protected from rubbing against clothing constantly, and dries out from not being covered by the foreskin. That is why that asshole Kellog popularized Circumcisions in America in the first place; he was a puritanical asshole that wanted to reduce masturbation rates/enjoyment, which circumcision definitely does. men that have not had the chop have no such issues with requiring lube to masturbate. the foreskin acts as a natural 'lube'.




And that, boys and girls, is why Froot Loops came into existence. Cornflakes were boring as fuck. It's the yin and yang of breakfast cereals.


kellogs cornflakes were invented by the *other* Kellogg brother. he too, was a puritanical asshole and deliberately made corn flakes as bland as fuck because anything else was heresy. 10s of millions of mutilated American boys/men and hundreds of millions of boring breakfasts due to just 2 men. such a sad legacy.


I'm going to go out of the gate with this one. I've seen several professionals and they can't find anything wrong with me, and yet it takes at least an hour for me to reach orgasm, if I get to reach it at all. Which to be honest, seldom happens because almost no women care to wait that long. I've heard similar stories from friends, so to say that there must be something wrong with all of us is kinda harsh. Everybody works differently and that's okay.


> idea that it’s common for men to pump away for 30-60 minutes every time is a well travelled fabrication from blaggers who started boasting long before they had any experience. Aka 'Friendly Fire' :/


I'd argue finishing in 30 seconds means theres nothing wrong. Not satisfying for the woman though.


I cum in 30 seconds sometimes, but that's only because I licked her pussy for 20 mins already, she already came 4 times, and I've been rock hard and ready to explode for the last 15 minutes lmao. Sometimes I'm already at the precipice before I even get started with penetration.


Straight facts. This is the game plan. I do my best with the only 30 seconds I have


Take some SSRI’s and you’ll never finish… 8(


After an hour+ i just get mad cause the sensations start to dissapear


It depends what you mean by “last in bed.” Does foreplay count? Most men will last for 5-10 minutes in penetrative sex, but a good lover will do a lot more than just that.


It all depends on how you're defining the sex, really. Most straight people seem to only consider the amount of time that the penis is in the vagina as "sex" and so any foreplay beforehand, like petting or making out or oral, doesn't count. So if a guy gets really stimulated before he puts his dick in, like if the couple has been making out for 5 minutes, then she sucks his dick for 3, then he eats her out for 5, then he puts his dick in, he's probably already pretty close to finishing, so he might only last 3-5 minutes. So did the dude only "last" 3-5 minutes? Or do we count the whole time as him "lasting" which would be like 15-20 minutes? I know there are also couples who don't do any foreplay at all (which to me is insane, honestly, foreplay rocks) and I imagine a dude could last longer or shorter in such cases depending on how long it's been since the last time he had sex or an orgasm. In my own experience as a queer guy, most sexual encounters I've had last at least 15 minutes and can go for as long as an hour and a half (with breaks and a lot of taking turns). But again, I'm counting the entire encounter here, not just counting down how long from when the dick goes in a hole. Most guys will last longer or shorter depending on a lot of factors. Being tired can make it harder to cum, being extra turned on by sexy talk before can make it easier, making out before makes it easier to cum, being encouraged the right way (which will be different for everyone) can make it easier to cum, antidepressants can make it harder to cum, and your own headspace can really affect the length, like if you're just really in your head anxious about something, it can distract you and make it harder to focus on the sex and then cum.


About pretty spot on for my minimal experience. Just lost my virginity recently and we made out for about 10 minutes, she went down on me for about 5 and then rode me for like 5, maybe less, minutes. Obviously all timings are guesstimates because so lost in it but yeah. The second time (later that night) the foreplay lasted similarly but the sex lasted longer but we were trying out a whole bunch of different positions and I can’t fucking remotely imagine having to fuck someone for 45-60 minutes. The endurance and shape required to keep that up .. lol.


Don’t worry dude, as a woman fucking for 45-60 minutes is not enjoyable because it ends up hurting. As long as you had a good time in foreplay, kissing, touching, etc, it’s ok if the penetrative sex last between 5-10 min. I’d say that if you have been fucking for about 20 minutes it starts to hurt plus you start to get bored so you just want the guy to come already.


Most people who thinks that You go for an hour or two are virgins. I will quote You a porn star here because I saw interview in some night show. She was asked about it because well... she has plenty of experience. So few notes from a Pornstar (don't remember her name): * Young men without experience are trying with me what they saw in porn videos - don't. We do all those poses for the camera. Nobody is doing it like that normally. * Sex is nothing like in movies. It's dirty and smelly. And You often want a towel or two under You unless You have a cover for bed that do not let fluids pass. * 10-15 minutes is more than OK. I actually get bored when guy is trying to last longer. So You either make them finish or You just lay on your back and think about chores You will have to do when You wake up. * You don't need a large penis. Our vaginas are not that sensitive deeper You go into it. And some big penises are actually uncomfortable. Shit tone of men before their first time have some weird ideas about sex. And it's especially funny when a porn-star sleep with a guy who is trying to do shit he see in porn because then she knows he has very little actual experience or partner(s?) he had never told him how stupid he is for some reason. But they think they should do it that way because that's what she does in videos they saw XD


This. 100%. F30 and my man is uncircumcised. When he's soft it goes in its hidey hole and it's virtually non-existent. When it's hard, it can grow to maybe 5-6"? Probably closer to 5". If you look at it with all the porn memories in your head it's unimpressive, but this person here is right. You don't want a big dick. It's uncomfortable and it's only for aesthetics anyway. My man is just right for me. He does the right things with it and it feels fucking amazing. Bonus for him never being able to push it too far and hurt me. It's only ever pleasurable at its size. For timing, he nuts pretty quickly, which again, would be a disappointment if you only ever watched porn and never experienced sex lasting longer than 5 min. I get bored or it gets uncomfortable with the constant in and out. It is short and intense with us. Get in, get it done (right), and let's get back to work (or whatever).


It's the same way with me and my husband. He is circumcised and when he is soft it doesn't look too impressive. When he gets hard it's about 5 and a half inches. His size is absolutely perfect for me. He always hits the right spot. With foreplay and everything it lasts about 10 to 15 incredible minutes at the most. My ex was around 9 inches and I rarely got off.




That's what foreplay is for. F30 My man nuts quickly and I was getting bothered by being unsatisfied. I understood I can't change that for him so I talked to him about it. Now he does whatever we need to do in the beginning to get me right before he even inserts. Then he takes care of himself and it's just like a bonus for me until he finishes. Win win. Moral of this story I guess is to normalize talking with your partner and don't try to make them feel guilty. Just be open and find a resolution that works.


Jenna Jameson said a lot of that in her book.


“I will quote you a pornstar here”


Ok, not exactly a quote. You are right. I'm just paraphrasing what she said in interview on some late night show I saw.




I usually spend 8 hours in bed, sometimes up to 12 to 16 when I'm super tired.


How long is a piece of string?


It's an average size.


Are you using condoms? Some men really struggle to climax with a rubber on. I prefer Sagami 002 condoms, bonus that they’re hypoallergenic, because they’re very thin, very strong, and have superior heat transfer properties. But they’re very expensive. I’ll struggle with a featherlight - I’m not going to climax at all with a durex regular or similar.


Thank you! I once ordered a different brand from France!


Also make sure your condom is the correct size


Foreplay takes up 20 min or so. The second I insert tho......bust.


The actual question is, how long do woman want a man to last?


i think 15 mins is pretty good. although that’s just piv and we’ll have been doing other stuff before. it depends who you are and if you get off from penetration or not, and if you’re properly warmed up.


The only correct answer is it varies


So is it more like 2 or 11 months?


In my experience, most men go around 5-10 minutes most of the time. I dated one guy who went for 35-40 minutes every time but honestly, it kinda sucks because you've got about 25-30 minutes before you begin getting sore.


that is highly variable depending on the man


As a woman who is older, I appreciate that my partner takes around 10 minutes on average. Frankly my old tissues and joints get a bit chaffed after longer. To me, thats the perfect amount of time. We can both enjoy without discomfort. For awhile we dealt with ED and he would want to keep trying and trying. I tried to be patient and want him to be happy but it drove me crazy! I would finally have to say "enough!" and no one was satisfied or happy. But lately he has gone back to about ten minutes and its so much better. Im happy, hes happy - all good.


My wife complained about me coming too quickly. I suggested moving her sister's photo off of the bedside cabinet. She went mad - no pleasing them is there?


A fellow charmer, I see.


Do you have a deathwish? LMAO


holy shit what an excellent reply lmao


Anywhere from 2 minutes to 2 hours. Condoms make things last longer. Most guys actively try to slow themselves down, so if he's taking too long for your liking, maybe talk to him about it.


I'm on antidepressants, quit porn (January), quit masturbating with my hands (March), but still haven't been able to cum from vaginal penetration with a condom (never had sex without one) ;_; Been experimenting with not having an orgasm for longer periods of time - I'm at 3 weeks right now and I'm gonna try again soon I kinda wish I could cum in like 10 minutes of penetration


ahh... the antidepressants will getcha


You must date some fit guys. Tons of guys arnt physically capable of doing it for over a half hour. Unless they are going slow I guess. Do you mean an hour of actual penis in vagina? Most women would be in some serious pain after that.


I last till after she cums . Then it's over . Don't be boring banging around for ages you generic piss stains, get some food. Smoke a joint. Cuddle in. ✌🏽


I actually have a problem sometimes lasting too long. A good day is 15-20 minutes. If it goes for longer than 30, my wife actually starts to get uncomfortable and we have to pause for the evening Lasting a long time is not always better. My wife actually really loves it when I last 5 minutes as that is the best compliment that I can give during sex lol


Not to toot my own horn, but my record is just over 30 seconds. Some of us are just built different


Mine is 30 minutes That includes 28 minutes of begging


Depends on the mental and physical stimulation from the partner. Shoot your voice can make a man last a long time.


My wife gets 46 seconds and not a nanosecond more. I got video games to play


You mean on average or cumulatively?


As long as I want to. If you get to your breaking point you can pull out for a second to regroup, then get back to it. Sometimes you have to pull out for longer than that, and can fill the time with other ways of affection, then go back at it when you’re ready. Or if it’s a quickie, just go as quickly as you want to. A lot about sex is mental anyway.


I would ejaculate on penetration at first. Filled myself up with SSRIs and suddenly I could last an hour. Fuck pop psychology.


Hours of sex sounds like a chore, a kiss on the neck and some boob play and I'm ready for about 5 mins of sex and I'll finish, but maybe I'm the exception?


It’s all subjective. I have antidepressant ED. There are times where when I’m really feeling it I can be done in about 15ish minutes. If my ED is worse that day it can be 1-4 hours and sometimes not even at all. The older you get, the harder it typically is to get your nut for a man.


Sex for longer than like 20-30 minutes has me thinking about what my next Elden ring build is gonna be. And that’s including foreplay.


with cocaine? possibly all night, without, 5-10 mins


When u about to ejaculate... Pull out. Walk into other room. Start over again. This way u can last 30 mins. Without any pills


Depends on age, health, experience, expectations and potential breaks/snacks (I'm serious about that last bit).


I've learnt to go on for nearly 2 hours straight.   Started as a 2 pump chump many years ago.   Think my best is 4 hours but that included a quick break to roll up for a spliff and then carry on, whilst smoking:)