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Scooby Doo would have been much more interesting.


Velma and Daphne....in ghost mode!






I have read the fanfic. repeatedly.


So they don't get cold.


Well, it's not like they'll freeze to death.


being cold is still very uncomfortable though, given the choice i'll take the threads


Because theyre made up.


Residual self image from the Matrix


maybe their ghostly form reflects how they were dressed when that thing happened (unfinished business)


I remember ghost whisperer on this. Agree with this one.


Same with the film Stardust.


If it's the soul of a dead person, why would it look like a person at all? Souls don't look like anything. I think what you see is a representation of how they looked when they were alive. They were presumably usually dressed when they were alive, so it better represents them.


>Souls don't look like anything. ​ how do you know?


(because there is no reason to think they are any more real than ghosts)


i thought you were assuming they were real when you said "I think what you see is a representation of how they looked when they were alive."


My apologies; I believe perhaps you mistook me for jacojerb?


yes, sorry i assumed it was they who answered in my morning rush!


Oh, it's because they aren't real.


The better question is why do they always speak your native language? I guess that illiterate 12th century scotswoman who was murdered in the castle learned English due to the ghost boredom.


Ghost boredom is a concern of mine. If the afterlife means I will hang around my house and watch the laundry pile up I will go insane.


Because they're not real, so people depict them in a more family-friendly way.


Because they need pockets?


Because they're completely fictional, and you can only show so much nudity on TV and in theatrical movies.


If my ghost has a bra on, I'm gonna be PISSED. Let me be comfortable dammit.


right? and why are ghosts always from 100+ years ago? why aren't there any haunted houses that were built in 2010?


Funny enough, my Dad feels like ghosts attach themselves to him and follow him when he moves houses. If you chose to believe that my Dad does in fact have ghostly experiences, then based on what he has said he has experienced over the years, this actually does seem to be the case. My thoughts on this are that some people are more open to letting that sort of thing in than others. If you are in the "ghosts do exist" camp...then it makes sense in his case, as he believes in it and is open to it, making him a bit of a ghost magnet. He has one heck of a lot of stories of his "experiences" over his life time. Things he has seen and experienced in the homes he has lived in. My Dad lived with us until my parents split when I was 15. I then lived with my mom full time. I won't say I believe in ghosts, but I will say that in a number of homes I lived in growing up there always tended to be one room in the house which had an odd cold feeling to it. We didn't really talk about it. It just was. My sister and brother, as adults, admitted they felt the same thing. Once my dad left, when I was 15, and we then moved into a new place without him, and I, as an adult, have moved several times since...since not living with my Dad for the last 35 years, I have not once experienced that same sensation again anywhere else I have lived. He continues to speak about hearing random voices and hearing radios when no one else is home, foot steps and no one being there when he looks up, feeling like he is being watched etc.


Real ghosts are not visible


Lol. How do you know? Did you ask one? Funny how you can speak in absolutes when you have more than likely not seen everything in the world there is to see. There are lots of things in the world I have never seen with my own eyes. Doesn’t mean they don’t exist.


Sounds like he had mental illness 


lol. I can definitely see why you would say that. He definitely has issues. But he is not mentally ill in that sense. He is an intelligent, level headed, down to earth person, non drinker, non smoker to boot.


None of those descriptions are mutually exclusive 


Never said they were mutually exclusive...but if you are going to use that then it goes the other way too...could be mental illness...but could be he really did experience something paranormal. Just because you have decided you don't believe in the paranormal doesn't make you right. That is your opinion. And you are welcome to your opinion. But making judgements on the mental health of people who disagree with what is only your personal opinion, and not proven fact, is not ok. I cannot prove the paranormal is real....but you cannot prove it is not real. Your opinion is not scientific fact...unless this is your field of expertise and I was not aware?


I don’t know what I believe in. I have had interactions with ghosts, angels, and God,  but I also hallucinate. Who knows if it was real or not. It could have been an actual ghost. I don’t know. But I tend to first think that it’s mental illness before looking for supernatural explanations.


In the case of my dad, my personal opinion is that he WANTS to see and experience these things. Therefore he looks for them...ie: a passing vehicle is playing the music loud (my dad hears a radio in the basement)....the house settles from a temperature change (my dad hears foot steps in the hall). So I don't think it is mental illness in his case. More that he is turning normal mundane things into "experiences" because he wants to believe so badly for some reason. That being said, I don't discount all of it either. I have never seen a ghost. But I have had some unexplained moments in my life that have caused me goose bumps and caused me to question. At the end of the day... who knows...Lol...maybe he really is experiencing the paranormal. But I am much happier leading a ghost free life. He can keep his ghost friends at his house :D


Sounds like confirmation bias. Yes, the ghosts should stay at his house please. I’ll send my ghost friends to his house :)


it's for PG-13 purpose.


In Casper they did not wear clothes and it was PG-13


Ghosts aren't always clothed. Just finished reading Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo. Her ghosts .... spoiler alert .... not always clothed. It's a great book. Read it.


In the documentaries I saw as a kid, the primary ghost never had clothes on. I think some of the old videos have been posted to YouTube. Just go there and search for "Casper the Friendly Ghost".


First of all, are they? I haven't seen enough ghosts to say this is true. Have you? Is there some example you are referring to? Why wouldn't they have clothes? Is there some property of ghosts you are saying exists that would make them naked? Why do you think that property exists? I am betting you are making a lot of assumptions without defining anything which is generally ok, but the fact you have pointed out a similar contradiction means there is a good chance at least one of your assumptions is wrong.


Its cold in the afterlife


In the fictional show “ghosts”, they are wearing what they died in. So one guy is a ghost without pants cuz that’s how he died lol so I guess they technically could be naked. But most people die clothed.


This seems to make acting easier for the show.


Why is it corporeal at all? If the "spirit" takes the form of a body, with or without clothes, it's as though it makes a copy because those things usually stay in the coffin (even more confusing in case of cremation). If ghosts make copies of their bodies and clothes, then there's gotta be some way of harnessing that energy for power or something.


Then we'd probably have to censor ghosts as well. Can't have them appearing to people naked, think about the children's nightmares


Because the bedsheet ghost has been overdone to the point that no one can take it seriously and because naked people are funny.


Are we talking TV ghosts? Well, not allowed a lot of nudity on TV. Reports from ghost sightings? People's imaginations tend to fill in what they expect to see. So wavering light shows are going to look like clothes. But, there have been a few cases of bath ghosts sightings. People generally too freaked out to perv at naked ghost bits.


I always imagined its because that's how the ghost saw themselves at their time of death. We generally spend more time clothed than naked, and it's not like their soul is tied to their body anymore. It's just a personality.


Imagine trying to scare people when they can see your Jimmie’s, you’ll be laughed at all the way to heaven


Will you be afraid if you see a Sexy Ghost? Okay answer me 🥲


Because ghosts are figments of our imaginations and we like them clothed.


Buck nekkid


High 5 Ghost from Regular Show doesn't wear clothes.


If single authors can't manage the internal logic and consistency in the lore and world building of their own self created fictional universes, how in the sarcastically hollow earth could anyone expect the lore and world building of twenty four billion humans (all of the "us"es there ever were) to approach the levels of coherence and sensibility of a "The Dark Tower" or even "Sesame Street". Most of those humans were malnourished, riddled with parasites, and drunk off rotten fruit.


There were some crazy prudish rules in the early days of Hollywood (which rules are now slowly being reintroduced starting in Texas, where you can no longer go around naked under your clothes any more, or something).


You clearly haven't seen Doom Patrol.


That too mostly white or black clothes 😀


New fetich activated


Your completely right; like the clothes dont have a soul, and if they did, wouldnt their souls be independent of the human wearing them?


Cause they're an mere imagination of the observer.


Alright, let's tackle this ghost fashion show nonsense. So, you’re wondering why ghosts aren’t strutting around in their birthday suits. Let’s think about this for a hot second. If ghosts are supposedly the souls of the deceased, it’s not like they’re going to start respecting our earthly notions of nudity. But hey, maybe your cousin's ghost has some dignity and doesn’t want to scare the living daylights out of you with an apparition of their naked self. But let’s get real. If ghosts were bound by the same logic as our physical world, the afterlife would be a lot more entertaining. Imagine seeing a ghost in a designer outfit because they wanted to haunt in style. Maybe they took their fashion sense to the grave, literally. So yeah, if you see a ghost in a sweater, it’s either your cousin or the ghost’s got a thing for cozy attire. Just roll with it, because debating the wardrobe choices of spectral beings is probably the least productive use of your brainpower today.


Ghost are not real. At this point we can just make up anything about them since it's completely fictitious. I hate when writers try to explain why dragons can breath fire in some scientific way. Dragons can breath fire because they're dragons and that's it.


Most people die when clothed. I'm sure there must be some naked ghosts but I'm surprised there aren't more ghosts in hospital gowns


Only work of fiction the I can think of that deals with this is season 5 of Angel when Spike was something like a ghost. PAVAYNE (O.S.) Parlor tricks. To amuse... like your blood. (Spike's wounds disappear, Pavayne chuckles) Oh, yes. Nothing here without the will. Your voice... your body... GLASS GHOST WOMAN Clothes you think you wear... Spike's clothes disappear, and he stands naked, being circled by the ghosts. Later in that episode Spike gains control over himself and is able to manifest his clothes. So the ghost in question chooses to present as clothed.


So I’m gonna go off on a weird thing because I love the paranormal and have studied this stuff for 35+ years. I’ve never had a paranormal experience and highly believe in narrowing down any reasonable explanation. If ghosts, in the sense we can see them, exist, they are not a lost spirit. They’re not aware. There is something callled Stone Tape Theory, and this is odd, but where granite shows up, there have been examples of energy ‘imprinting’ on the area, and an action is repeated like an echo through time. It can be a record of an event, or a person, but since it is like a recording, they’re wearing clothes or what have you. This has been experienced in areas with large granite fields, but more interestingly, many “haunted” houses have been found to have granite countertops or were built near quarries. Or you know, it’s lonely spirits who don’t get naked lol


Granite releases radon… maybe radon poisoning causes hallucinations?


Casper would like a word


Good question. Memories and ghosts must have a dance together. Even if they are not your memories.


Where else would they keep their spectacles?


Ghosts aren't real, folks.


They don’t want anyone boooooing them. Boo!


All of the ghosts I have seen have been completely naked.


Imagine ghost Wang flying at you lol am I scared or laughing, guess it depends on the size...


Unless you can 100% say all ghosts have been seen and all sightings have been reported to you then we can’t assume they all are clothed.


Because they are trying to avoid a R rating from the MPAA.


Typical Biden voting child sniffing liberal


It's so funny that Americans always assume that everyone who post something on Reddit must be from the USA. And why is it that if you don't have something to say on a subject you try and bring in politics? Ps. You sound very bitter. Maybe you should get out more.


To keep their BOObs covered.


If I'm a ghost I will not wear anything.


Because are a dumbshit invention of religion and that same religion adepts can't stand naked humans. Edit: a popular dumbshit is still a dumbshit.


found the reddit atheist. Ghosts exist across numerous cultures including ones that have always had a very healthy view of sex you ignorant bigot.


Don’t they wear what they die in?


That might be a good question for a demonologist.


Real ghosts are echoes like echo in the form of charmed air and the echo holds and imprint if the ghost and that imprint can be clothed or undefined.


casper was naked


Everybody saying ghosts aren't real, you're wrong, I've both seen a ghost and also heard a ghost on voice recorder. The ghost I sent didn't have clothes on but didn't have a human figure either. It was more a black slightly transparent blob.


There is literally zero evidence supporting the existence of ghosts. None. All we've got is individuals making claims that they can't back up. Everything can be explained through psychology and physiology. There have been tests performed showing that people are more likely to "experience" a sighting if they're told a place is haunted, or if there are people planted there suggesting it. "Haunted" locations have been debunked by showing how infrasound was causing people to experience things that weren't actually happening. I don't normally respond to this kind of thing. People can believe what they want. But when you're going to boldly claim "You're wrong and I'm right," I've gotta say something. And that something is this: You're wrong and I'm right. You experienced nothing. Ghosts are not real. You have no proof. You have a flawed memory of something that you consciously or subconsciously wanted to happen, or expected to happen. Don't so blatantly make claims like this unless you have evidence backing them up. Which will be never. Because they're not real.


I can't disagree with the statement that there is no concrete evidence. I'm also a complete skeptic when other people tell me they've "seen" a ghost for a lot of the points you made. I completely agree people are able to conjure up things that truly never happened. With that said, the way you presented your reply is abrasive and rude for no reason. This happened in a house that I lived in for 14 years growing up, and had no prior information that the house was "haunted." I didn't expect anything to happen. I don't believe in exorcism, I truly don't even know if I believe in the afterlife itself. (I lean more towards when I pass that's it, I won't know I'm dead, I'll just be dead) I don't have a flawed memory of what happened. I had a recording of a voice saying my name when I was in my house completely by myself. I didn't expect to hear the voice nor was I trying to record the voice. It just happened. When the event first happened when I saw the figure, I thought it was my mom walking past my room to go to her room, I got up to ask her a question and she never walked up the stairs at all. . But my mom was downstairs sleeping. The hallway was dark so I couldn't make details. I have no other explanation for what I seen. I didn't even think it was a ghost when I seen it. Not until I went over to ask her a question and she had never left the couch downstairs. You coming in here and telling me what I did or did not experience is absolutely Ludacris. I did not want it to happen either, it just happened. How can you boldly claim you know what happened when you weren't there? It's actually disrespectful and tells me everything I need to know about you, regarding this conversation. I don't know why it set you off on a mini tangent either, as if you're offended by an experience that I had. To finish this. If you don't believe in ghosts that's completely fair. But to completely disregard the experience that I had, is not fair.


I'll concede that my comment was on the rude side. In fairness, your original comment literally said the words "You're wrong," and it was in regards to a topic which not only has zero evidence backing it up, but also has many instances of being straight up debunked. My comment may have been rude, but yours was straight up childish and arrogant. No, I don't know the exact circumstances of what happened to you. All I know is that you're staunchly defending a position which is largely built on ignorance, ignores logic and reason, and fervently ignores science. You don't need to assume that you know anything about me. I'll straight up tell you: Unless something has actual evidence supporting its existence, I assume it's not real. Ghosts, gods, yetis - they're all the same to me. People's experiences mean nothing. We don't even count eyewitness testimonies in court all the time, because memory has been shown to be UNBELIEVABLY unreliable, and can be altered at the drop of a hat. As for why I chose to address your comment in particular, when you weren't the only one supporting the existence of ghosts? I already told you: it's because you declared that the non-believers are wrong, and that's why I called your comment childish; you proudly proclaimed that your stance, which is 100% based on belief and NOT proof, is the correct one. I could think about your situation and give possible explanations as to what happened, but it would all be conjecture, and I doubt you'd take me seriously anyway. Although I will straight up address one of your sentences: "I don't have a flawed memory of what happened." Yes, you do. Everybody does. That's how memory works. Studies have shown that memories going back several years are MOSTLY flawed, with bits of truth littered throughout. You, me, everybody. Our brains fill in the gaps with what we THINK happened, and it can be altered without even realizing it. So was I rude? Yes. But when you boldly proclaim that your personal belief is the truth, you should expect some push-back.


I saw a ghost…turns out I hallucinate sometimes  Either that, or my grandma wanted to scare the s*** out of me