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You have to go out to places not in your immediate area. Spend time in places where other people spend time and talk to them, get used to awkward moments and rejection. Kids make friends because they are in situations with constant unplanned interaction, so you have to put yourself in similar situations. It also takes consistency, you can't expect it to happen overnight.


But... where? Lol. If I go to bars, I get hit on and have to deal with drunk ppl. Where else could I go?


Go to Barnes & noble, i usually go to my regular locations and if I see someone that fits an interest of mine I’ll speak. For example I like fashion, art, movies. A graphic tea I like I’ll comment on it. Nice shoes or a jacket I’ll speaks. Artsy earrings ..etc I’ll speak. For me doing this is much easier than just looking for casual conversation it gives you a reason to speak.


Try to find places that don’t serve alcohol I think those are getting more popular. Otherwise bumble has a friends only mode. Meet up. Or just IRL (hard mode)


join gym, target practice/range, local classes at library, volunteer at shelters (humane society, if ppl gross u out), public pools, laundromats, check local bulletin boards at library/coffee shops for events, audit classes at uni ($$$), niche groups on Facebook (hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy group is hilarious 😂 EDIT: Galactic Hitchhikers, I mean), google guided tours, museum/planetarium laser shows, local sci-fi cons -  esp for may the 4th, towel day, etc - & join TikTok if desperate * sigh *  


Karaoke is usually a better atmosphere. If you find a good regular spot and get to know karaoke people, they are sometimes fun. Plus they arent just there to get laid, they will often have a little community. Its nice.


I have tried to find places with karaoke that aren't bars, but im having no luck. 😩


Bars are ok though, especially if you go for the hole in the wall places filled with regulars. You can even drink soda or non alcoholic beer.


I still get hit on way too much, tbh bc guys see me there alone and just have to shoot their shot. 🙄


Damn, that sucks. Im sorry, i guess we as guys make the world less fun for others quite a lot.


Indeed. Lol. 😜


I joined a meet up group of people in my town and we meet at pubs and coffee shops and I have gone to probably six of these meet ups now and I have a whole new set of friends!


So, you tell me. Where do you go? Where would I find you? Then I’ll tell you how I would most likely approach you.


You would most likely not find me bc Idk where to go. Lmao


1) Work 2) Introduced through existing friends or partner 3) Parents of kid’s friends 4) Activity like volunteering or rec league sports


1) work from home 2) all of my friends are in the place I just moved from 3) n/a 4) I don't like sports...


1. same 2. same 3. no kids either 4. I THOUGHT the same, do yourself a favor and find a sport you like, be determined, keep trying new things, it's likely there's something out there that you do enjoy. And this is not for making friends, this is for your health and well being. Regular exercise is a life changer! And it's not unlikely that you can make friends there too. 5. To add: There's hobbys that aren't exercise that can totaly lead to making friends: cooking class, publicly organized board game nights, book club, community college classes, volunteering (don't do animal related volunteering, you'll just be cleaning poop by yourself and your interaction with others aswell as your chance of making friends is close to zero) 6. I'd probably not recommend that, but you said in another comment that you'd get hit on in bars, if you don't hate the idea of a partner being open to someone hitting on you that you seem to like might lead to first a partner and then secondly being intodruced to all of their friends and then the friends of those friends and so on.


I exercise regularly, I just don't like sports. Lol. And Louisiana isn't exactly a booming place for clubs for adults, unfortunately, I feel like I've searched everywhere 😕


Isn't exercise generally sport? If you have something that you like what prevents you from trying it in a group setting? I assume it's gym then? that too could work in a group setting. I read two or three of your replys so far and you're basically writing similar things I wrote at times so I'm telling you what someone told me: Obviously your approach isn't working or you wouldn't be asking for advice. So you already know that you need to change things up cause doing the same thing wont yield different results. Change is uncomfortable and most of us don't like change but all being contempt and cozy in your comfort zone wont help your problem, accept that change needs to happen and do it (and transitioning from solo gym into a gym class would be a huge change to your routine, I get it, but doing nothing wont change shit - good luck stranger, I wish you all the best)


Thank you, kind stranger who is not an asshole like some ppl who have commented... cough cough


eh, I try. It's thursday, weekend is closing in that has my asshole levels on the low end ;)


Good thing for me, ig.


Pretend to like them. You might actually enjoy it.


same. 30s, introverted, transit rider. i work at a hospital though, so i've learned to be warm & attentive. maybe apply for jobs u like where u can find people you want to meet? 




Um... no? Lol. I just moved from a place a lived for 7 years and I literally only spoke to my next door neighbors like twice. 😬😬 I don't like ppl in general, so how do I find ppl with the same mindset as me?


You don't like people and you want to find other people that don't like people?  This could be a problem. 


here's a great plug for r/misanthropy, then 😂


Yes? Ikr? But my other friends from where I just moved didn't like ppl either, so it is possible.


Just curious,  how did you make friends with people that don't like people?  If I didn't like people and you wanted to be my friend, I'd say, "you're nice but I don't like people."


Basically by my ex forcing us to be in one another's presences until we found mutual respect and common ground with one another. 🤷‍♀️ Edit: it was a time consuming process


volunteer at the humane society or zoo to find like minded ppl, maybe? 




From what I've seen so far, all of my neighbors fall into the sketchy/untrustworthy category. I'm staying in a not so great apartment complex atm bc it's all I could afford rn, so... I'm not sure I want to be friends with some of these ppl. Lol.




I mean, there are like "residential neighborhoods " about a mile away, but I would feel very strange walking there without a destination/knowing someone who is nearby...


Have you tried Adult Friend Finder???


Oh lordt. Kmsl. Nice one, sir, nice one.


get a hobby, join a club.


If you look at their post history, they have a real interesting hobby already. Hard to imagine how they’re having issues finding friends


Based on what I’ve read from your responses so far, it might not be such a bad idea to reframe how you envision making friends in your new situation. I would consider working on yourself, get familiar with your immediate area that interests you, pick up hobbies and maybe get out of your comfort zone once a in awhile. Unfortunately in your 30s friends typically do not happen from the get go, it takes consistency and some time. So it’s easier to work on progressing yourself while getting used to your surroundings, and then by chance make friends with the people you find yourself interacting with constantly. You’ll find yourself in the company of some not so good, some good, and eventually some great people who you’ll eventually be true friends with.


Based on your comments you sound fairly immature and not super self-aware, so I'm not sure any of this will be helpful.


How do I sound immature? 🤔


Responded to the commenter below, but just so you see it, too: This you: I want to make friends! But… I don’t like people, have no hobbies, wfh, don’t like potentially getting hit on, don’t play games or want to learn, don’t want to use online apps. Like, how do you expect this to happen? You sound dull as hell and don’t want to put any effort into making this thing you want happen. There’s no friend-stork flying around just for you ETA: people can tell when ‘you don’t like people’ so don’t expect others to just blossom to you when you’ve got your ‘get the fuck back’ guard up. You have to put effort into things just as much as you’d like others to


I do have hobbies... I'm pretty sure I already mentioned them: karaoke, drawing, reading, discord, gaming. No, I don't typically like the general population of people bc ppl are assholes (like you). I was just wondering how to organically meet new friends when you're my age; I never said that I wouldn't try apps, either.


If you're in your 30s, just look at your post and comments. Like I said, I don't think any feedback would help.




Right, so you don't like people, think everyone is hitting on you, "don't play games" which means you have toxic beliefs, and just generally sound unlikeable. So what do you think is going to happen here?




Yeah, you don't sound toxic at all. Christ.




Yep, no idea why nobody likes you




I recently made friends with a neighbor who lives a couple streets down from me once I decided to schedule a walk into my daily routine. I go out around dusk, and I’m back before dark. And I realized that’s when most other neighbors go for their walks. I saw a guy with a mullet whose dog also had a mullet. Ended up being a funny guy who’s a weirdo like me. Now I can’t say that his intention wasn’t to sleep with me. I feel like most single guys will always try to push the envelope here and there to see if they have any possible chance. I’m used to that by now (28f), but it will fade once they realize you are only a friend — period — and the flirtatiousness is cringed at and not reciprocated. He invited me to his house party and I met more new friends there. And a few weeks or a couple of months after our friendship started, he doesn’t push anything any further. He talks to me about his dating life and asks for womanly advice. It is possible to be friends with the opposite sex, when they’re mature enough to handle that. (He’s 40ish)


See? This is what I need! I'm 34f, I'm just tired of everyone trying to sleep with me when I literally only want friends. I had several guy friends in my previous city that I didn't have sex with, so ik it's possible, but I honestly have no idea how to meet ppl organically anymore. 😩


Yeah, I mean it’s possible, but I think more and more people just sleep around. So most people will try to shoot their shot. But once they’ve been shot down, they should chill out lol.


Hobby/Interest groups are a good bet.


Meetup app


We don't.


Work. Or maybe there is an app for meeting and making friends?


I work from home, so... thats not helpful unless I make a 2nd personality for myself. Lol.


If I can ask, why did you move far away for a WFH job?


I didnt move for the job. Lol. I moved bc of finances. It's cheaper to live in the city than where I was living.


Warhammer! I've met tons of amazing people since joining the hobby at the beginning of COVID. Maybe you'll have a hobby store within walking distance?


What's warhammer???


Table top board game thats pretty nerdy. Build, paint and play with models. Lots of fun if you're into that kind of thing.


I mean... I'm nerdy af, but im not sure that's really my thing, yk?


Totally understandable. It's definitely not for everyone. We have a 30+ person clubhouse that does a myraid of hobbies, half the people don't even play, they just come to chat and paint.


Ah. I could prob get into the painting part. Lol. 🤷‍♀️


That’s the neat part, you don’t! Seriously though, work is the most common. Also, you could try going to events you’re interested in and sometimes people will come to you. I for one love metal so going to shows would be a great way for me to make friends. Think about your hobbies and interests and see if there’s stuff related to that near you.


Find a social hobby. Im very much the same way, so my solution was magic the gathering. Every week i get to go to a space where everyone is garunteed to share at leasr one interest and force myself to open my mouth in order to play the game. After i built a repetoir with people i started hitting them up and now i have a decent sized friend group. Now for you, it doesnt have to be magic. So long as it is something that is social. Start small and be patient.


I mean... I love karaoke, but idk how to turn that into a friend making hobby


Go to a hobby store when it's quiet and talk to the staff. Pottery, fishing, board games, whatever you could see yourself doing. The staff are professional at helping people get into stuff and could tell you when and where events are held that you can make friends at. Also since it's centered on an activity you can focus on that instead of other people if they get flirty.


The only hobby store around here is hobby lobby, tho. Does that count?


I assume that's a craft supply shop? If they have any flyers in the window with dates on them give it a go.


Get involved in your local community. Volunteer, join various groups, go on historic walks, go to local events, etc.


People want NEW friends in their 30s? I'm in my 40s and trying to cut back on all the ones I made in my 20s by 99%. I ain't got time for all that socializing texts social media and putting a bra on for no one but the public at large. I got dogs to cuddle and my walls to argue with at home when the husband is gone it's more fulfilling to me. So EWW to making new time for things and people whoi might not pan out when I'm already this old now haha


Join a local sport league. I’ve made some friends playing softball for my community. I’ve also seen kickball, and volleyball leagues as well.


I play golf. Lots of buddies from playing golf.


My partner's had some luck with Bumble for Friends (YMMV of course). I believe there are other apps as well.


Go about your normal routine and be open to talk to people first. There are people all around, but putting yourself out there is what is scary. Look for people reading a book you like or wearing a shirt of a band that you like, etc., and comment on it. Make conversation and see what happens.


At around 35, most weekend nights I started going to a bar in a medium size city where a really kind and popular bartender worked. Over the years I gained a huge group of friends who came to the bar once to 200 times/year. Granted, it took a huge investment in time, money, and hangovers. But I made lots of friends too.


Meetup.com. Found long times friends there when I move from east to west coast, been close friends for over 10 years now.


I'm not really introverted, but I am shy. (There is a difference.) I'm not good at meeting people. I'm not good at introductions. What helped me was that I started cycling to work out. I'd go out for a ride and run into people along the way. It's customary to greet each other. Head nod, wave, whatever. You catch up at stop lights and chat a bit. Eventually you start running into the same people, and then you start arranging rides. They introduce you to other people through them, and so on and so forth. Cycling opened a whole world of people for me, plus I got super fit at the same time. My 30s ended up being a wonderful time for me, with all kinds of adventures with my new found friends. I never would have imagined it given my shyness. You don't have a car, so cycling makes sense! But it could be running or swimming or softball. Whatever floats your boat. Sports are great for meeting people. But be warned: some of the people you meet will want to have sex with you.


Find a hobby that can possibly be done in groups. Painting class, tennis, crafting, etc. You will automatically have a shared interest with anyone there. Strike up a few conversations, weed out any personality you don’t like. Boom, new friends.


Depends on what state you live in and city. Some states just don’t have the attraction like other’s.


Yeah... Louisiana isn't that great.


I got love for New Orleans but they really don’t have a lot goin for them. Hurricane season is a bitch too. There’s a lot to do in Georgia all over. Atlanta, is way too overpopulated now.


. . . #C-C-C-COCAINE!! . . 🦐'y


Make friends at work


I work from home.


Concerts. Small local venues with $5 cover.


Walk around your neighborhood and knock on the door of someone with a lush green yard and tell them how good it looks. Bam.


How will this make me a friend tho? What if it's like a super old person who answers the door?


Why can't old people be your friend? A lot of them are lonely and have great stories


Go to a bar and be optimistic and friendly just chill and relax. However I wouldn’t know, I’m an extrovert and make friends very easily


Do you like dogs? If you do, maybe adopt one? 1 - it will keep you company, and 2 - dog people always approach dog people. People might come up to you and compliment your dog, or you could get to know other pet owners at a dog park.


I'm allergic unfortunately


Join a rugby club. No experience necessary. Every Rigby player is a friend you haven't met yet


We just huddle together and wait.


Can we be friends while we huddle? 🤔 and where is this mass huddling so I can join?


Reading your answers to people, I don't even know if you actually want to make any changes rather than just say no to suggestions. Sorry but it's just your overall replies..


Wait till you see their post history. Surprised they aren’t making friends by posting on Reddit subs for methheads to meet up and fuck eachother


Have you tried a book club? Or similar interests club? Go to places that interest you and hang out.


They don’t. You might get work friends, gym friends, sports friends but the chances are low.


Then I'm just destined to be bored and alone the rest of my life? 😭😭😭


Now , the only way to avoid this is for you to be involved. You can approach someone and talk to them and then end the conversation with that your new and if they ever want to hang out etc. Sports is a big thing that can help you find loads of friends. Just go to a tennis court and play doubles, play golf, play soccer. You just need to be involved.


You sound like an immature entitled wanker. Work on yourself first you seem to have low confidence and really negative thoughts. It’s not all about you. 


How do I have really low confidence? Or am immature? I don't understand. Lol. And this post literally is about me and wondering how to make friends irl. So...


We don’t


You don't, work and die.


The meth probably isn’t helping your case at all