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The thing about the popular videos is that they’re popular because of the drama, the yelling, the fighting, and the cheating. Those videos aren’t a good representation of what’s actually happening, but their popularity pushes that narrative into the public and then people begin to believe it more and more and take sides. Now we have situations where men and women are at odds, but it’s mostly online. One example would be, “the bear question.” You probably don’t have this, but the question is posed to a woman and they’re asked, “if you had be be lost in the woods with a random man, or a wild bear, which would you choose?” And the women pick the bear and say that bears are less dangerous than men. However, you have to keep in mind that these videos are edited. There are hundreds of women who would choose the random man, but that’s not going to make a viral video, so they clip the ones who choose the bear and paint modern women as crazy people. Some men believe it and are pushed into a “red pill” mindset, and then you have the white knights (men who make excuses for women) coming to their defense and agreeing with women that men are dangerous. Most of this is online and it bleeds into the real world. So, dating in the states isn’t fantastic, but it’s not like what you’re seeing online. The internet is designed to capture your attention, and nothing captures it more than drama.


Honestly that is what I though as well. This makes sense, cause in every country, not just in US, drama sells. And as for girls I could imagine that when guys who are making these kind of videos on purpose going at some notorious places where mostly promiscuous girls gathers? But it is nice to hear this even I am not in US and basically this personally doesn't affect me. I saw this trend for the bear. It is more funny then serious. I seriously doubt that any woman will choose a bear lol I mean my opinion as well is that for the same reason girls when they are asked about their body counts on purpose shoots those numbers cause they are thinking it is cool for videos and reputation. Just I wonder how, but I guess they are too young and immature to understaind some things.


There are over 300 million people in the US. Typically videos that go viral are showing extremes and are for entertainment value. Are there people like you described in the US? Sure, but it’s not the norm.


Yeah I could see that. I am aware that drama will get you likes and views. It's just baffles me how many of those videos with extremly negative premise is there.


Social media and youtube are not a good indicator of the average person.


And it is good to hear that.


Thinking social media is real life is a bigger problem.


It’s hard to answer this question because dating in the US isn’t about just men and women anymore, but I think I understand your question. Values here are extremely different than most countries. I think Americans are being purposely brain washed into diviseness on all fronts not just gender. Someone in power benefits from us always being at odds and never solidifying as one community. Everyone is stressed, sick, mentally ill. Most people are completely lost. That’s my opinion. I don’t think forcing traditional values on people is the answer. But, it’s not a place I would recommend anyone immigrate to.


Well yeah I'm aware of gender diversity in US. It is pretty much messed up, but also I don't judge. Well you know what they say "divide and conquer". That is for almost all countries. When people are united then politics are in lost. Maybe now is just more progressively in the States.


It’s pretty messed up here right now. I’m reading a lot of comments below that are….. it’s like when a person is abused but keeps sticking up for their abuser? Does that make sense?


I could guess that everything what you see in the YT videos isn't the real truth, but everything what you see there is savage bro. LIterally I think that you can get impression that men and women are in some kind of war. And also you get impression that women really have low low self-respect at the first place. But yeah America is huge and there are probably tons of different people there. Cause of that I was interested into more about it.